Shackles of Honor (63 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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That evening, Cassidy rose and ventured into her own chamber, knowing that all would’ve been attended to. Mason would have seen to it at once. Her things would be in order, lovingly investigated
and no doubt washed and dried by Katie’s capable and friendly hands. She opened her wardrobe, chose a simple dress of amber
and though her skin began to prickle with dreaded anticipation of finding something crawling on her limbs, she donned the dress, dressed her hair simply
and descended the stairs to the dining hall.

“Cassidy!” Lady Carlisle exclaimed, looking up when Cassidy entered. “Are you certain you feel like coming down?”

“Yes, milady,” Cassidy assured her. “My limbs fairly ache from so long in bed.”

“My limbs fairly ache from so long without bed,” Mason mumbled, looking up to her, a frown across his brow. “How have you slept in that horrid, tiny bed this long without unendurable discomfort? I couldn’t catch an hour of respite there.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” Cassidy apologized, though an unexpected thrill traveled through her body at her mind’s vision of Mason lying in her bed.

“It is I who am sorry, for expecting you to endure such unacceptable discomfort. We’ll have a new bed moved in for you. Though it seems rather pointless since you’ll be sharing mine soon enough. And mine is large enough and most comfortable, don’t you agree?”

Cassidy was uncertain how to answer. She looked to Lady Carlisle for encouragement but found only a look of agreement with her son. “Your sleeping quarters are most comfortable, sir. But then, so are mine. You forget that I’m somewhat smaller than you
and my…chamber furniture has been far more than satisfactory.”

Syndle entered just then, addressing Mason, “Is everything as it should be, milord?”

“You may inform cook that dinner is perfect, as usual, Syndle. Would you have her prepare a plate for Miss Shea
he has joined us after all.”

“Yes, sir,” Syndle said with a curtsy. Again Cassidy perceived a sense of disapproval in the young woman’s eyes as she looked upon her before turning to fulfill Mason’s request. Had all the incidents of terror sent Cassidy’s mind into a state of perpetual paranoia? Cassidy knew all the young serving girls in the manor fancied Mason. What normal woman would not? It was only Syndle that made Cassidy feel uncomfortable. Cassidy could only assume, as she always did, that Syndle’s
infatuation was more deeply seat
ed than that of the other women in the manor. Yet Cassidy had always rather assumed Syndle held some sort of deeper affection for Havroneck, for it was often that she saw them in each other’s company.

“I must away to Haggarty for a day or more, Mother,” Mason announced unexpectedly.


” Cassidy began, for her anxiety was immediate.

“But, darling, do you think it wise with such mischief about where Cassidy is concerned?” Lady Shea interrupted, completing Cassidy’s own thoughts. “Can you not send someone in your place?”

“I’ll not take time to rest, Mother. I assure you of that. But I…I must go. I’ve given very specific instructions on the guarding of Miss Shea, and Mathias will be ever her companion. Will he not, Miss Shea?” He addressed her in a manner of warning. He knew she had, in the past, intentionally gone off without informing anyone and without taking Mathias with her. It was his way of conveying to her that she should not attempt to do so again.

“It would be an imbecile that would do otherwise…considering recent events, sir,” Cassidy agreed humbly.

“Indeed,” he mumbled.

“Mason,” Lady Carlisle pleaded, “I don’t feel safe with you leaving like this. I cannot believe you would put business before Cassidy’s safety.”

“I would not. It’s Cassidy’s safety that I put first before my own, Mother. There is…someone in Haggarty…”
nd as Cassidy looked to him, disapproving suspicion in her eyes, he added, “
man with whom I must speak. He has been doing some investigation for me into these incidents of late
and I must make contact with him at once.”

“A man?” Devonna asked. “In Haggarty? How could he be investigating the happenings at Carlisle Manor in Haggarty?”

“I don’t know. It was a suspicion that he and I both had. I need to know what he has found out before I can proceed with my own actions.”

Syndle returned at that moment with a plate, which she set before Cassidy.

“Thank you, Syndle,” Cassidy said.

“Your servant, miss,” Syndle said with a curtsy and a lingering glance at Mason.

“When will you leave, Mason?” Devonna asked.

“On the morrow. Early, so that I may return with the utmost expedience,” he answered.

Cassidy’s appetite, which had been less than strong, virtually diminished now. However, knowing her body needed nourishment, she ate as much as she could possibly force down her throat. In silence she listened to Mason and his mother discuss her well-being as if she were not present.

When she had eaten all she could and sat quietly with her hands folded and trembling in her lap, Lady Carlisle said, “You look so weary,
ove. Perhaps you should have let Doctor Pratt leave some tonic for you to ensure you would rest well tonight.”

“I…I’m simply tired, milady. You m
ust think me very weak
indeed…but I

” Cassidy began.

“Never, never would I think you weak, darling. Not with what you have endured as of late with a house full of people you have known for such a short time as your allies. You are an angel, darling. A strong one.”

“Well, I thank you for your encouragement, but I am tired
and I do think I’ll retire once more. I’m certain I’ll feel far more myself in the morning. If you both will excuse me,” Cassidy said, rising from her chair before Mason could move to assist her.

“I’ll accompany you,” Mason said, rising to his feet and depositing his napkin on the table beside his plate.

“It’s not necessary, sir. I

” Cassidy began.

“It is,” he interrupted firmly.

“Good night once more, my dove,” Lady Carlisle said, gesturing that Cassidy should embrace her before leaving. Cassidy did so, reveling in the loving warmth of the woman’s embrace.

“Good night, milady,” Cassidy said. When she felt Mason’s hand at her elbow, she turned to make her way upstairs with him.

“Mathias, come!” he shouted as they exited the dining hall. Immediately Cassidy could hear the comforting sound of the large padded feet approaching from her left. In moments, the dog was at her side—at her side, not Mason’s.

“I-I do owe you yet another apology,” he began as they began ascending the stairs. “My behavior at Ashmore Heather last evening was unforgivable!”

Last evening
, Cassidy thought. Could it really be only twenty-four hours since Cassidy had worn the infamous red dress and succeeded in capturing Mason’s attention wholly, completely
and uncontrollably? Less than twenty-four hours since the horror of finding her room alive with spiders?

“You owe me nothing,” Cassidy told him. “I, on the other hand, owe you everything. Had you not acted as you did, both at the Ashmores

ball and as you did afterward when I was so devastated, I…” She could not finish and let her words simply cease.

“I would not leave you if it were not imperative to solving this problem,” he said finally.

“I know that. You are the most honorable man I have ever in my life encountered. I know you must have good reason.”

“You’ll sleep in my chamber again this night,” he stated as they reached the top of the stairs.

“Alone?” Cassidy asked. Her fear and anxieties were mounting
and she remembered the comforting feel of his arms about her as she had finally found peace in sleep the night before.

“No,” he replied. She looked to him quickly. “Mathias will stay with you.”

“Thank you,” was all she could say. He led her to his chamber, Mathias ever at her side, and opened the door for her, entering in after her.

“Katie has laid out your things. You’ll be fine, Cassidy,” he said, but when she turned to look at him
there was an expression of uncertainty in his frown.

“I am sorry I’ve brought with me such upheaval of every conceivable manner to your life,” she said.

“Do not make to martyr yourself, Bliss. There is a growing realization in me that there has been something…something amiss for some time at Carlisle Manor. As I look back, it seems…you’ve only caused it to heighten, for some reason unknown to me. And it’s unfair to you. I cannot believe I brought you to my home under such duress to find only more of the same. In my pompous anger and desperation to win…my mind has not been as aware of things as it should’ve been.”

Turning from him, for she could not look at him and say what she must, she said quietly, “I wish you would not go.”

“You wish I would not go when, Bliss? Do you mean on the morrow when I ride to Haggarty? Or…do you mean now? Tonight?” he asked, his voice exuding the low, provocative intonation that was always Cassidy’s undoing. She said nothing, only continued to keep her back to him while she tried to cool the heated blush that rose instantly to her cheeks. “Did you enjoy spending last night in my arms?” His hands were at her shoulders as he eased her back against his powerful form. His breath was warm in her hair as he said, “Does it still seem so intolerable to you to spend every night there? Are you still as loath to have me as your lover as you were when first you saw me?”

Instantly Cassidy’s mouth began to water for want of his kiss. Why was he torturing her so? Why did he choose this night, when her mind and body were tired and insecure
to tease in such a heartless manner? Then, lest she lose her strength to resist confessing her love for him, her obsession for him, she walked forward, pulling herself from his grasp.

“You refuse to answer me then?” he asked rather gruffly. She could force no answer from her throat
and she feared if she tried
it would be only confession. At once she was in his arms as he reached out, turning her to face him, and pulled her to him tightly. “Your voice may silence itself to me, Bliss, but your kiss ever tells the truth of it.”

His mouth took her own, warm and moist with the spice of passion. Instantly Cassidy surrendered to him, to the taste of pure enchantment. Her hands went to his face, cupping each side of his strong jaw, reveling in the rapturous knowledge that the muscle and bone of it worked so demandingly, so diligently, so skillfully to ensure that the kiss he rendered was no less than wholly thorough.

When she dropped her hands to his shoulders, unable to quench her thirst for his kiss, his hands then held her face, holding her a breath away from him for a moment, his thumb caressing the mole just at the corner of her mouth as he breathlessly whispered, “Promise me that when I return from Haggarty…promise me that you’ll speak the words to me that your kiss now conveys. Promise me that the words will pass…between us, Cassidy.”

Cassidy could not draw a good breath as she battled painfully within herself. He was asking for her confession of love. He was asking her to promise to reveal her heart to him fully when he returned. And though she feared to entertain the thought because of the possibility of being wrong and having her heart broken finally and forever, she knew he meant to do the same to her.

“Yes,” her voice breathed. “I…I promise.”

There was a smile on his lips briefly before he renewed their impassioned interchange. It was manifest that his thirst for her was as unquenchable as hers for him. His kiss became almost brutal for long moments. Cassidy gasped as one of his fingers clutched tightly at the shoulder of her dress a moment before slipping beneath the fabric and pushing the garment from her shoulder. His kiss lingered on the exposed curve of her shoulder before returning with frenzy to her mouth for one last
deeply exhaustive kiss.

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