SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)
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And then it wasn’t enough anymore as she was reaching her hands between them, frantically working the opening of his jeans. He lifted his weight off her to give her better access. His head dipped to watch as she yanked his jeans down and pulled him out.

“Hurry, honey,” she whispered.

As soon as his loose fitting jeans dropped to his knees, he dropped down, his weight coming between her thighs and he thrust his hips, driving into her as her legs wrapped around him, urging him on.

And then he rolled to his back until she was on top straddling him. His warm big hands clasped her hips, and he began to move her up and down.

“Ride me, Sky.”

She put her hands on his rock solid chest and leaning forward, began to undulate on him, rocking her hips slowly against him, rubbing against him over and over.

“Oh, God, that feels good,” she whispered brokenly.

He grinned, his hands squeezing tighter, and he ground her against him. “Let me see you come. I want to see you come, pretty girl.”

She threw her head back and rocked against him again and again until a sheen of sweat broke across her skin. As she got close she dipped her head down and took in his sexy half closed eyes that were locked on her jiggling breasts. And then his hands broke their tight hold on her hips to glide up her waist and close over her breasts as he thrust up into her.

She collapsed on top of him with a groan as her orgasm broke over her.

His arms wrapped around her, and a moment later he was rolling them, putting her back on bottom, and taking control back.

She could feel him still rock hard within her.

He brushed the hair back from her face.

“I want to take you hard, baby. You gonna let me?”

“Yes. I want you to.”

He went up on his knees, his hands clutching her hips as he began thrusting hard, pounding into her in a frenzy of need. His breathing ragged, his body a mass of raging need as his control broke. He hammered into her, and she’d never seen anything so erotic, except maybe a few minutes later when he crashed over the edge in a wave of ecstasy. He slammed home, and his chest heaved as he floated down. All the strength and energy drained right out of him, and he lowered down on top of her. And it was beautiful.

Her arms went around him, holding him close, her fingers threading in his hair, her lips trailing soft kisses up his neck to his ear. She felt him smile, where his cheek was pressed to hers.

“I love that,” he murmured.


“No, you touching me like that.” And then he chuckled into her neck. “The sex too.”

She continued touching him softly, stroking his back and neck.

“I can’t move.” His voice was muffled against her.

“I don’t want you to.”


To prove her point, she wrapped her legs around him, moaning lightly when the tenderness in her thighs made itself known.

“You’re gonna be sore tomorrow.” Was that pride in his voice she heard?

“Yes.” She couldn’t help the smile on her face.



“I want you to think about me being between your legs, deep in your pussy, every time you feel that tenderness.” He arched into her to underline his words, and she moaned again.

His mouth moved to her neck, and he began sucking.

“What are you doing?” she squealed.

He released her with a pop, and then lifted up to grin down at her. “Marking you, baby.”

“Did you give me a hickey?”

He grinned, his eyes dropping to her neck. “Maybe.”

“What are we, sixteen?”

His thumb reached up and brushed over the mark. “It’s kind of turning me on.”

Since he had yet to pull out of her, she could tell.

He dipped his head, and his eyes skated down her body. “Maybe I’ll put some more in other places.”

“You’d better be teasing.”

He waggled his brows without answering.




Shades pulled out slowly, moved to his back and pulled Skylar to cuddle against his chest. He stroked his fingers absently through her hair. Now that they’d both gotten off, thoughts crowded his mind again. Life never seemed to give them a break or cut them any slack, it was like the fates were plotting against them. Fuck that. They’d make their own fate. He wasn’t letting anything get between them again.

“I’m scared, Shades,” she whispered. Obviously reality was crowding her head also.

“Of the DKs?” he murmured against the top of her head into her silky hair.

She nodded against his chest.

“I’ll take care of it, honey. You don’t worry about it. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”

“I messed up big time.”

“No you didn’t.” He grinned. “Except maybe your choice in men.”

She lifted her head to look at him.

His eyes studied hers. “You try so hard to better yourself, and you are, Sky. You deserve better, you deserve that good life.

“But then, babe, gotta say, you seem to have one fatal flaw.” He shook his head. “You always seem to choose the worst men for you. Men that can do nothing but bring you down.”

“Not always. Not you.”


“Maybe after you pushed me away, maybe I didn’t think I deserved good, deserved what I wanted. You get pushed away enough, you stop expecting anything good. All my life I’ve been passed from home to home. Do you know what that makes a child feel like inside? Unwanted. Unloved. Why should I expect that pattern to change? It’s been engrained in me my whole life. Don’t get attached. Don’t let yourself care, because the moment you do, whatever it is you care about will be ripped from you. That’s just life. That’s just my life.”

He took her face in his hands. “Not anymore, Skylar. Not anymore.”

Her arms tightened around his gut.

He kissed her forehead, then murmured with a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, “You’re not off the hook for this, though.”

“I’m not?”

“I’m gonna think up some ways you can pay me back for all the trouble you’re causing, woman,” he teased.

“Payback, huh?”

“Um hmm. And you can start with this.” He slid his hands in her hair and pushed her head slowly down towards his crotch.

She lifted up and looked at him with a smile. “Oh, for starters, huh?”

“Yup. I’ll come up with some other stuff while you’re down there getting busy.”

She slid lower. And then she got busy.




Shades looked down at Skylar.

His fingers threaded through her hair as she worked him. She looked so beautiful, her mouth worshipping him, taking him. He thought back to the events of the day, the DKs showing up at the gate. He knew she wanted to run. It was always her first response, her mode of operation. She got scared or nervous and bam—she took off. But not this time. This time he wouldn’t give her a chance to get skittish. This time he’d make sure she didn’t run.

His eyes slid closed as she worked her magic, and he relaxed back, letting go of all the problems weighing down on both of them, and he rode the high, stroke after stroke, until his jaw clenched, he growled and exploded into ecstasy.

When he slid back to earth, and she slid up to lay on his chest, his arms wrapped around her, rough palms stroking her satin skin, he murmured in her ear, “It’s all gonna be all right, Sky.”

“You don’t know that,” came her soft response.

One hand slid into her silken hair, fisting gently at the back of her head. His arms tightened. “Baby, you gotta have some faith in me.”

“I’m scared I’m going to lose you,” she murmured into his chest.

He pulled her head back to search her eyes. “No one and nothing is going to get in our way or pull us apart again. Do you understand me?”

She nodded.

“I love you, Sky.”

“I love you, too, Shades. I always have.”

He pulled her mouth down to his, his tongue delving inside for a long tender kiss. Then he pulled her close, her head tucking under his chin.

“Sleep, my baby. I’ve got you.”

And she did, at least she tried, for a few minutes.

“Shades, you awake?” she whispered.


“You awake?”

“I am now.”

She propped up on one elbow and looked down at him, running her fingers absently across his abs and over his chest. “Can I ask you something?”

He cocked one eye open to look at her, questioningly.

“Do you bring women here?”

A smile pulled at his mouth. “Nope.”

“I’m the first?”

“You’re the first.”

She smiled.

“I see you like that.”

“I do like that.”

“Go to sleep,” he ordered, his eyes already closed.

A moment later, “Hey, honey?”

“Yeah, babe.”

“Where’s the bathroom?”

“Gotta pee?”

“Uh, yeah.”

He grinned, his eyes still closed. “Sucks for you, then, babe, ‘cause it’s downstairs, behind the kitchen.”


He chuckled.









Skylar lie awake in Shades big king size bed. The window was open and she could hear the early morning sounds coming through it. A bird call echoing across the water. The quiet trolling motor of an early rising fisherman setting out at dawn.

She sat up and looked out the wall of windows that faced the lake. In the early morning mist, with just the pale gray light of dawn before sunrise, she could see the small boat moving slowly across the glass-like stillness of the water, broken only by the small trail of ripples left in the boat’s wake.

She felt a strong arm lock around her waist as Shades pulled her back down to her back. He was on his stomach, facing away from her, the sheet riding low on his ass. His head turned on the pillow, and he cracked one eye to look at her.

“Goin’ somewhere?”

She smiled, twisting in the bed to her side facing him and ran her palm lightly over the smooth bronze skin of his back, her eyes moving over him, following the track of her hand.

“Just looking at the water,” she replied lazily and watched his eyes slide closed again.

“It still there?” he asked, his sleepy voice muffled by the pillow, and she saw a small smile pull at the corner of his mouth.

She grinned. “Yeah, it’s still there.”

“Funny how that works.”

Her fingers trailed up his spine to his neck and over to his ear to toy with the curls there.

“My baby want to play?” he asked in a deep, growly voice, his eyes still closed.

“Maybe.” She leaned down to press a line of kisses down his temple, his cheekbone, his jaw, his neck.

“Mmm. Feels good,” he murmured with a moan. “Keep goin’.”

She kept going, trailing soft brushes of her mouth across his shoulder to between his shoulder blades and then her mouth began a descent down his spine, one slow soft kiss at a time. She didn’t miss a vertebrae.

“You get low enough I’m gonna roll over,” he warned.

She rose up and smiled down at him, her hand running over his ass, pushing the sheet down with it. “Sounds like a workable plan.”

Her palm stroked over his firm buttocks, her eyes taking it in. He had the best looking ass she’d ever seen.

“You likin’ what you see, pretty girl?”

“You have a beautiful backside.”

He rolled over with a grin. “And how do you like the flip side?”

She grinned back, her hand stroking over him. “Impressive.”

“Damn straight,” he insisted, his brows raised and his teeth flashing.

Her mouth came down on his nipple, and she drew hard on it. His hand fisted in her hair, and his dick bobbed in reaction. “Babe.”

She trailed a line of kisses down his abs, pausing to dip in his bellybutton with her tongue and then lower, following the sexy trail of hair down, down. She kissed his erection from root to tip. She pushed his hands down on the bed, and he fisted them in the sheets.

“You gonna tease and torment me, babe?”

She grinned up at him. “Maybe I’ll give you a hickey?” she teased with a wink.

“Ouch.” He grinned.

“Payback’s a bitch, honey.”

“Baby, have mercy.”

Her mouth moved to his inner thigh and she clamped down, sucking hard.

“Ummm,” he groaned. Then he sat up, grabbed her legs, yanked her around on top of him and clamped his mouth on her inner thigh, giving her one right back.

“Hey, no fair. You already gave me one.”

“Then you better find a better use for that mouth of yours,” he warned with a brow raised and a smile.

So she did.




Several hours later, the midmorning sun had risen in the sky, its heat having burned off any lingering morning mist.

Skylar could feel the warmth of the sun coming in through the window, heating her skin. It was such a delicious feeling, she didn’t want to open her eyes. Apparently, neither did Shades, as he hadn’t moved an inch from where he’d collapsed after their last bout of amazing morning sex.

She smiled, recalling it.

The distant rumble of a set of motorcycle pipes broke through her quiet meditations. She tilted her head up, the crown of her head burying into the pillow as she looked out the window behind the bed. She paused and listened.

Yep. A motorcycle. Coming this way.

“Fuck. Not again,” she heard Shades growl into the pillow. He was flat on his stomach again, his face in the pillow, facing away from her.

She laughed. “You realize the only place this doesn’t happen is at my place.”

“Yeah, babe, cause they don’t know where you live yet. Give it time. It’ll happen.”

“Oh, no, it won’t. I’m never telling them where I live. Besides, the entrance is gated.”

“Did that stop me?”

“No. I guess not. Damn.”

The motorcycle sound got closer, and she went up on an elbow, twisting to peer out the window to the drive below and the gravel road beyond.

“Just one bike,” she announced.

“Yeah, babe. I know. That was obvious by the sound of only one set of pipes.”


“I’m guessing it’s Ghost.”

“Yep,” she confirmed as the bike pulled right up to the cabin, and she got a good look at the rider. When Shades just continued to lay there, she asked, “Does he do this often?”

“No, not really. Not this early.”

“Does that mean there’s trouble?”

He rolled over and looked at her, chuckling. “Yeah, and I’m lookin’ at it. You’re the only trouble around here, baby.”

She wacked him with her pillow.

He grabbed it out of her hands, threw it on the floor, hooked his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her down for a kiss. One kiss turned into two, then three, until she finally pushed against his chest and rose up to look down at him.

“Go greet your guest.”

“You gonna wait for me naked in my bed till I run him off and come back up here?”

“Yeah, that worked out so well the last time.”

He laughed as he swung out of bed and pulled his jeans on.

“One of these days, babe.” He leaned down and kissed her. “That’s what I want. To come home and find you naked in my bed waiting for me.” He kissed her again, then pulled back an inch to look down into her eyes. His crinkled at the corners with his smile. “Fucking heaven, all laid out and waiting for me.”

“Baby,” she murmured softly, touched by his words.

His hands cupped her face and pulled her up to her knees, facing him. He gave her another long kiss, her naked body pulled flush against his jean clad one. When he broke the kiss, he reached down with one hand, and his palm cracked against her ass as he grinned, “Better get dressed, pretty girl.”

“Oww,” she whined with a grin.

The back door opened, and Ghost’s voice could be heard.

“Who wants coffee?”

“Me!” Skylar shouted back down.

“Then get your sweet butt down here and make us some, Sugar.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes.

“I got it, babe,” Shades said, kissing her again and then bounding down the stairs.

How did that man have so much energy this morning, especially after all the sex they had last night, and then again this morning?

And then she smiled. Maybe that’s what gave him all that energy.




When Skylar came downstairs, Shades was in the kitchen making coffee. She wandered up behind him and gave him a kiss on the neck. “Need any help.”

“No, I got this. It’ll be ready in a minute. Why don’t you go keep our visitor company?” He nodded toward the deck.

Skylar turned to follow his eyes and spotted Ghost out on the deck, leaning his elbows on the railing, taking in the lake and smoking a cigarette. She wandered outside.

Ghost turned his head to look over his shoulder when he heard the sound of the sliding glass door opening and closing.

“Hey, Hotrod,” he greeted her.

“Hotrod?” She frowned questioningly. “Why Hotrod?”

Ghost grinned. “Saw you do that little burnout in that cute little sports car of yours the other day when you pulled away from the clubhouse. Spinnin’ tires and throwin’ gravel, girl.”

“Right.” Skylar grinned as she came to stand next to him, her eyes taking in the lake.

“Mind if I smoke?” he asked, turning the hand that held his cigarette palm up, showing it to her.

“No. Go right ahead.” She leaned on her elbows, like he was.

He took a drag, blew the smoke up, and then looked at her. “You doing okay today?”

“I’m fine.”

“You weren’t yesterday. You were a borderline basket case.”

“Yes, I suppose I was.” She looked out at the lake, and then met his eyes again. “Every time I think everything is going along fine, life always finds a way to knock me back down.”

“Well, darlin’ you know what I always say? When life gives you lemons—squeeze them in people’s eyes.”

He made her laugh. “Are you

“Try not to be.”

She grinned. Then her face sobered. “You don’t have anything to say? I mean, about yesterday and well, everything.”

He grinned and shook his head. “Oh, darlin’, I have a lot to say, but I’ll keep my mouth shut because I’ve learned that anything that starts with the phrase, ‘don’t take this the wrong way’ has a zero percent success rate.”

She tried to hold back a grin. “I appreciate that.”

“I will say this, though. You mean something to him. I don’t know the story of whatever went on between you years ago. He won’t talk about it. But I do know he’s happy you’re givin’ him another chance.”

“Thanks for telling me that.”

Then Ghost leaned closer, bumping shoulders with her and teased, “So, when he did you last night, I hope he showed you just how really,
grateful he was.”

She blushed, and he turned back to the lake, taking another hit off his smoke.

“I should be the one that’s grateful. I’ve caused him so much trouble. I never meant to bring my problems to him. He was so angry yesterday.”

Ghost turned to look at her. “Maybe Shades isn’t the most subtle guy, maybe he can be a little demanding…

“A little?” She laughed.

“And maybe he doesn’t have my awesome sense of humor…” he paused to smile at her, but then he got serious, his eyes capturing hers. “But if your life’s in danger…he’s your guy.”

Skylar thought about his words as Ghost went back to quietly smoking and studying the lake. Her life
in danger, and there was no one she trusted to protect her more than Shades.
My guy
. That’s what she wanted, she realized, more than anything.


“Yeah, darlin’?” He turned back to her.

“What do you know about Ashley?”

He let out a huff. “Ashley, what a waste of boobs.”

Skylar couldn’t hold back the giggle this time. “That so?”

He looked over at her. “Just sayin’, she’s not just crazy, she’s bat-shit crazy. She’s beyond bat-shit crazy, something’s not right in that girl’s head.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, if she were a guy, I’d be wondering if there wasn’t someone locked in her basement.
kind of crazy.”

“Eeww.” Skylar made a face.


“So why do you guys let her come around?”

“She’s got a rockin’ body. It’s not any more complicated than that, darlin’. Guys take a taste and throw her back. Eventually, that’ll get old, and we’ll run her ass off.”

“God, that sounds cold.”

He shrugged. “Way of the world.”

She huffed out a laugh. “No, it’s

He grinned. “Correction. Way of the MC world.”

“That’s pretty jaded. Don’t you ever think about these girls’ feelings?”



“They know what they’re signin’ up for comin’ around the club. Nobody’s forcing ‘em. They come of their own free will. They party. They have some fun with a brother. No harm in that.”

“How did you manage to get this far in life without some woman driving a stake through your head?”

He grinned big. “Never said they haven’t tried.”

Shades walked out with three mugs of coffee and set them on the glass table. They all sat down.

“You’re out early,” Shades said to Ghost over the rim of his mug. “Know this ain’t no social call, so spill.”

“Butcher sent me out. Wants you to come in and talk to him.”

BOOK: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)
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