SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)
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“You ready?” Shades asked Skylar when she returned from the restroom. She looked around. Most of the guys were already outside, mounting up on their bikes.


Shades held her jacket out and she turned, slipping her arms in. He took her hand and led her out to his bike. Skylar strapped on her helmet as Shades threw his leg over the bike and lifted it off its kickstand, firing it up. He looked back at her, and she climbed on the back.

The line of bikes pulled away from the curb one by one and headed out of the Quarter, across the city and finally taking the old Pontchartrain Drive Bridge across Lake Pontchartrain. They got half way across and were stopped as the drawbridge began to raise for an approaching sailboat to pass under the low bridge.

As the drawbridge slowly raised, the boys shut off their bikes and dismounted, going to the side to watch. A full moon was reflected on the water. The running lights of the sailboat glowed, and the lights from the bridge lit the water below. A couple of the guys waved down to the captain, shouting hellos. The captain waved back as he motored his way to the bridge, his sails furled. With the bikes shut down, the only sounds were the quiet motor of the sailboat and the clanking of the bridge raising.




Raising the bridge was a slow process, and Undertaker lit a cigarette while they waited. Skylar, Shades and Ghost stood not far away. Blood moved in next to Undertaker. He bent, leaning his palms on the rail, watching the sailboat, and then he turned his head toward Undertaker.

“So, what do you make of this guy?”

Undertaker blew out a stream of smoke. “Too soon to tell.”

“What makes him worthy of her?”

“You takin’ an interest?”


“Well, let me tell you,” he nodded toward Shades, “
a hell of a lot more sure about her than just a ‘maybe’.”

“Hell, Undertaker, I just met her.
just met her.”

“You’re a good man, Blood, but—”

“And you just met

“That cut on his back tells me a hell of a lot.”

“Yeah, okay, I’ll give him that, but she’s you’re daughter. You need to be sure about him.” Blood’s eyes bore into him.

“Don’t need you tellin’ me what I need to do, Blood.”

“Right.” Blood looked off over the water.

“There is something you can do for me, and it might work in your interest.”

“What’s that?” His head swiveled back.

“He wants to take her back to Alabama.”

Blood straightened. “What the fuck? You lettin’ him?”

“I can’t force her to stay here.”

“Oh, hell yeah, you can.”

Undertaker smiled. “Right. But our relationship’s on shaky enough ground right now. I push her too far, I’ll lose her completely.”

Blood shook his head and looked away. “She’s your daughter, she does what she’s told.”

“Relax, Blood.”

“So, what’s this ‘chore’ you got for me?” He crossed his arms, leaning back against the rail.

“I want to send a couple boys back with them. Escort ‘em.”

“Escort ‘em? What the fuck for?”

“They’ve got some trouble with the DKs. I’d feel better with more men on her.”

Blood frowned. “DKs? What kind of trouble?”

“They’re looking for her. Think she stole from them. Stabbed one of them to death.”

Blood’s arms came unfolded. “What the hell? You serious?”

He shrugged. “It’s one hell of a story.”

Blood looked over in Skylar’s direction, and a half grin pulled on his mouth. “Maybe she’s more like her ol’ man than I thought.”

Undertaker chuckled. “Yeah, if she did it, but she says she didn’t.”

“You don’t see her for all these years, then as soon as she gets herself neck deep in shit with the DKs she shows up here. And this is all just a coincidence?”

“She didn’t just show up here. I sent for her.”

Blood looked back at Undertaker with a frown. “Sent for her?”

“It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in when we get back.”

Blood folded his arms again and stared back toward Skylar and Shades. “Seems like there’s a lot of shit you need to fill me in on. Like why the hell I shouldn’t run his ass off.”

Undertaker slapped him on the shoulder. “Relax. You take that trip back with them, you may have a shot yourself.”

Blood gave Undertaker a deadly look. “Don’t think for a minute I won’t take it.”

Undertaker grinned and blew out another stream of smoke. “One thing I’ve learned about you, Blood, I never doubt you.”

“What kind of game are you playing this time?”

Undertaker shrugged. “No game. He falls down on the job, I’d like to see her with you.”

“Old man, what are you trying to do?”

“Keep you motivated.”

Blood looked over at Skylar, his eyes running over her body. He lit up a cigarette and blew a pissed off stream of smoke into the air. “You
know how to keep a man motivated.”

Undertaker chuckled.




When they got back to the clubhouse, Undertaker informed them that he had rooms made ready for them upstairs. He had one of the girls show them to the rooms.

She led them upstairs and down the hall to the last two rooms on the right.

“The sheets are clean,” the girl said, and then walked away.

“Great,” Ghost commented and walked into the first room.

Shades and Skylar took the next. Walking in, Skylar took in the double bed. There were a couple nightstands on either side of the bed and a chair in the corner. Shades tossed their bag on the chair. A highboy dresser on the other side of the room held an ancient television.

There was a tiny bathroom through a door and Skylar headed into it as Shades collapsed back on the bed.

Once inside the bathroom, Skylar looked at herself in the mirror. She slipped her jacket off and her hand brushed down the feather boa she still had wrapped around her neck. Blood’s words from earlier came back to her.
I could think of some uses for that boa.

She looked toward the bathroom door, thinking of Shades, and a sly smile pulled at her mouth.




Shades lay back on the bed, the remote aimed at the television as he flipped through the channels. Nothing but crap on. Infomercials about everything from acne cleanser to kitchen mops. The door to the bathroom opened, and his head swiveled to see Skylar step out. And then he did a double take. Holy shit.

She was standing there in nothing but that feather boa hanging from her neck and covering the front of her breasts. The side curves of each breast were in view as were the curves of her hips. His eyes slid down the center of her, down her cleavage, to her smooth flat belly, to her pretty little bellybutton, to the juncture of her thighs where she held one end of the boa, hiding it from his view.

He clicked the TV off and tossed the remote, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up.

“Come here, pretty girl,” he growled.

She gave him a flirty smile, and then twirled the other end of the boa.

He grinned. “My baby wants to play. You gonna give me a little show?”

“Maybe.” She shimmied the boa around her neck as she approached him. “
a little overdressed.”

He didn’t hesitate in standing up and stripping for her. First the vest was tossed to the floor, then the shirt went up and over his head. Then he was unbuckling his belt.

He watched her eyes trail down his body as she slowly twirled the end of that feather boa. He grinned and dropped his pants, kicking them out of the way.

“Keep goin’,” he encouraged, nodding to the boa. “Show a little more.”

And she did, playing a little peek-a-boo show with him, pulling the boa to the side to give him a flash of nipple before covering it back up. And then, as if she’d realized she’d pushed him far enough, she pulled both ends of the boa to the outside of her breasts and his eyes skated down as her body was completely revealed to him.

She stepped forward and took the end of the boa and tickled it over his skin, sliding it slowly from his chin, down his chest, his belly and finally to his dick that was standing at attention, practically reaching out for her. She circled it, teasing him.

He stood it for about two seconds before his hands landed on her waist and he lifted her, twisting to toss her on the bed. Then he came down on top of her.

She gasped at his sudden aggressiveness, and he grinned down at her.

“My turn. Hold real still now.” He pulled the end of the boa from her grip and began to torment her with it, tickling it over her cleavage, and then the underside of her breasts, and then her nipples with a ‘barely there’ touch.

She shivered.

His mouth dipped down to brush his lips in a trail following the feathers, pausing to suck on her nipples. Then his hand trailed the feathers down her belly, tickling her bellybutton. He grinned down at her as she squirmed, and he couldn’t resist brushing her parted mouth with a soft kiss.

He lifted his head and watched her eyes as his hand dragged the feathers between her legs. “Open for me, sweetheart.”

She did as he bid, and he pushed his knee between her legs, holding them open as he drew the length between her folds. She moaned.

“You like that, pretty girl?”

“Yes,” she gasped, her voice stuttering as he teased and tormented her with a whisper-soft touch.

He bent and pressed a kiss to her trembling belly, and then he threw his leg over her and sat up, straddling her thighs. Slowly, his hands pulled the boa, watching it gradually slide from around her neck, the feathers slithering over her soft skin. When it pulled free, he tossed it to the floor, growling, “Enough playing.”

Then he came down on top of her, his hot body pressing against her soft-as-silk skin. He kissed her, his mouth delving deep, tongue sweeping inside to rub against hers over and over as his mouth ate at hers.

When finally he broke off to suck some air in, his breathing sawing in and out, he grinned down at her. “I love that mouth of yours.”

She tried to lift her head to reach his mouth again with hers but he pulled back, just out of her reach. She looked up at him questioningly, and his eyes dropped to her lips as he brought his hand up and ran his thumb across her mouth, the pad brushing lightly over the softness.

And then he gave her a sly grin. “Got a better use for that pretty mouth.”

Her pretty little arched brows drew together as he lifted off her to slide his arm under the small of her back. His strong biceps locked around her as he hauled her up to the headboard in one powerful move.

She gasped at his quick forceful movement.

He straddled her chest, and her eyes dropped to his erection, before looking up at him with a smile. He grinned down at her as he took her head in his hands and plunged into her soft mouth that opened for him, eagerly taking him in.

It never got old, the feel of the sweet heat of her mouth surrounding him. He sucked in a breath and felt her hands on his ass pulling him closer, deeper as she moaned.

His hips began moving, taking up the age-old rhythm, thrusting in and out as she clutched at him. It didn’t take long before he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He pulled out and slid down her body, his knees spreading her legs. Locking his arms around her thighs, he yanked her down, her back sliding across the sheet. When he had her where he wanted her, his arms hooked under her knees and pushed her legs back, pinning her open as he plunged into her in one powerful thrust.

She cried out as he drove into her over and over, pounding for all he was worth. His chest grew slick with sweat from his exertions, his muscles flexing with his every surge. Looking down into her face flushed with desire as she writhed beneath him, he growled, “Who do you belong to, Sky? Whose baby are you?”

“Yours, Shades. Only yours.”

He slammed into her again. “Mine. Remember it. Don’t ever forget it.”

She reached up and pulled his head down to hers, locking her lips to his. He let her have the hungry kiss, but had to break off after only a moment to bury his head in her shoulder. He shuddered as an overpowering orgasm tore through him.

When his breathing returned to normal, he lifted off her and felt her arms tighten around him as if she didn’t want to lose his weight. Brushing the hair back from her face, he kissed her.

“Sorry, I know that was all for me.”

“You needed it. I want to be what you need.”

“You are, baby. You are.”

BOOK: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)
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