Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (38 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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“Eff, it’s Tirza again.  Please call, ok?  I promise no funny stuff, nothing mushy.  I promise!  Bye.”

Jesus H. Christ what in the Nine Hells was going on!

And the last was from Tirza as well…

“…It’s Tirza again, going to be tardy, but I don’t care.  Just call...”

…and then there was nothing for the last forty minutes or so.  Tirza had called all three times from school, using different payphones each time, because the originating numbers were different as well.

I killed the uplink and looked over at Katie.  “Wow,” was all I could manage.

She frowned prettily, and tilted her head slightly to the right.  “What is it, Effy?  What happened?”

“It was Tirza.”  I said it somewhat slower than normal as I was still trying to absorb the impact of her calling me after so much bad blood had been spilt between us.

  Her tone alone was enough to establish her surprise, if not some degree of outrage.  I mean, Katie, didn’t really hold a grudge against Tirza.  At least, not on a personal level, but she still had no cause to like her either, especially after she had dumped me like a turd in a pond.  Her loyalty was to me, being family and all, so her incredulity was justified.

“Yeah, she called me three times actually.”  I was still only half in the conversation and half trying to figure out what on earth Tirza could want with me - “alone
, in private” for that matter.

“Three times!?! 
Holy shit, Eff, what the fuck for?  Is she trying to get to your dick or something?”

I shook my head back and forth, answering my cousin in the negative,
but it was more of an involuntary movement.  I was too wrapped up in thought.  “I have no idea… she just said she wanted to talk, alone and away from others,” I replied absently.

“Alone, you mean
, in private?”  Katie stood of a sudden, rounding on me with her hands on her hips.

I glanced up, seeing her with my all of my attention for the first time. 
Ah shit, she gonna be possessive now,
I thought, resigned, but what the hell else should I have expected.  I was her man, even though she had agreed to share me with Ramona.  It didn’t change the fact she would automatically feel a sense of propriety with me when it came to others outside our twisted threesome.

“She gave her word she wouldn’t try any funny business.  Typically, when she says there’s going to be no hanky-panky, she means it,” I offered, not sure it would be enough to mollify the girl.

“Yeah right, and what if you use your newfound ‘powers’ on her, huh?  Even by accident, you could make her go crazy for your cock in seconds,” she pointed out without skipping a beat, her brows knitted even closer together than they had been few moments ago.

“Oh shit, I hadn’t thought of that!”

“Not every girl has the ability to resist like me, Estefan.  Any normal girl could become overwhelmed by your smell in a few heart beats and then what?  I’m gonna have to share you with another person?  Fuck that shit!”  She came closer and edged her way between my knees; her hands upon them, making me look in her eyes.  “I love you so much, Effy.  Remember that, ok?”

“Of course, Katie, you have my word on that,” I responded in kind, placing my hands atop hers.  “I will never forget that.”

She smiled, genuinely and so full with admiration, I almost forgot it was Katie Lorraine before me and not some other girl.  The old Katie never would have been this open with anyone - that included me.

, now what?” she asked the subject closed and behind us.

“Well, it was more than just Tirza that called,” I supplied with a deep, overwrought breath.  “My mom, Ramona, and Jacob called as well.”

“God damn, you got blown up this morning!”

“Yeah, I know, huh?” I added, resigned to the fact I’d be busy replying to all of them.  Katie and I had
spent too much time feeling each other up.  If I had been capable of fucking, we probably would’ve still been going at one another and then what?  I would’ve had fifteen messages.  “Jacob said he was going to hang out with some of his low-life pals today to see if he could get any info on Lisa’s disappearance,” I began, detailing the content of the messages.  “Oh and he said he was ready and waiting for you to jump in his arms.”

Katie rolled her eyes.  Then she reached out gently to stroke my junk through the thick cotton shorts I was wearing.  “I’m taken,” she cooed with an over-done lick of her lips.

My penis spasmed at once and, for the first time in quite a while, it didn’t yodel with pain.  Not wanting to risk it though, I placed Katie’s adventurous hand within mine and brought it up to my mouth and kissed the back of it.  She grinned from ear to ear.

I took a deep breath and went on.  “Ramona said that her mother was giving her grief all night and this morning too.  She said she was at home, waiting for me to get out of school.  She doesn’t know I got sick earlier.  She doesn’t know I’m here.  I need to call her and give her the 411.”

Katie Nodded sagely.

“And lastly, my mom said that all the kids, except Lucia will be walking home.  They should be here by 2 o’clock or so, and that’s it,” I proclaimed.  She stood still between my legs, so I leaned forward and hugged her around the waist, making her angle into me.

She hugged me back, about the head, which I had turned to the said, my ear firmly up against the top of her flat tummy.  Her fingers played about my shaved head.  “We should probably invite Ramona over for brunch and tell her all about our foray into wild sex last night…”  She trailed off into thought.  I knew she was thinking about the relentless pace of our time as one.  It had been

I looked up at her and watched as her large nipples hardened under her tank top, realizing she wasn’t wearing a bra when the thought of food hit me.  Suddenly, I was aware I was hungry, especially after having thrown up a few hours ago.  I kept on staring at her luscious nips as I replied
, “Yeah, we should.  She’s probably chomping at the bit in anticipation and… well, she’s probably nervous up the ass too.  Wouldn’t you think?”

Katie glanced down at me and caught me ogling over her erect nipples and gave my ear a playful tug, so that I was forced to look at her.  “Call her, Eff.  Let’s see if our demented little plan can survive the fact that you’ve fucked someone else other than her.”

I couldn’t tell if she was fully serious or only half way, but I decided to play it safe and take it earnestly.  I gave her bottom a hug and a squeeze, and then I kissed her abdomen and let her extricate herself from me.  I picked up my cell, which I had tell fall next to me on the bed.  I directed the device to call to my girlfriend, waiting for the tones to chime in my ear.  Inwardly, I hoped she was still as level-headed and mature as she had been the day prior.

She picked up on the second tone. 
“Effy!  It’s a little late for nutrition, what did you do?  Sneak out of class to call me?” 
She sounded excited and nervous at the same time.  Her voice was higher pitched than usual.  She spoke faster than she normally would as well.

In spite of myself, I smiled, my eyes finding Katie who was sitting at the foot of the bed, giving me a bit of space.  She looked just as nervous as Ramona sounded.  “Naw girl, I ended up not going to school today.  I got sick.”

A short pause, then,
“Really?  I mean what happened?  Are you ok?  Is Katie helping you out?”

Yeah she was nervous alright…

“I’m ok now, but this morning I was feeling terrible.  I would have thrown up all over the place if Katie hadn’t been there to help me.  She even cleaned up after me when I was finished, which I know was not an easy thing to do,” I answered succinctly, knowing this wasn’t the topic of conversation that interested us.

Another silence followed, a bit longer than the last one.

“Did you guys…?”
  She couldn’t finish, almost as though her throat had constricted preventing her from continuing.

There was no real need to mince words.  “Yes, we did, during the night, late after everyone had been asleep for quite a while.”

“I see.”
  Her voice was small, but steady.

Well, now comes the moment of truth.  Either she’ll get passed this or Katie and I are about to have a HUGE problem on our hands.

“How was it, Eff?”
  She began, and then cleared her throat abruptly. 
“I mean, I know Katie was good.  I can tell things like that about girls.  What I meant to say was how do you feel?”

“About her?” I asked
, wanting specifics so neither of us would get confused.

“About her, about me, about us… about all of this, I want to know where you stand,”
was her immediate retort.

“I love her, Mona, with all of my heart.”

I heard her gasp quietly as if she had covered her mouth at the last second.

“And,” I forged on, wanting to make sure the entirety of the situation was explained to her properly and clearly, “I love you just as much as I always have.  Nothing has changed, other than my heart feels like it is overflowing today.”

Stilted and clipped, she spoke as though she was holding her breath:
“And about us..?”

“Like I said, nothing has changed; I still want to be with you and… I want to be with Katie as well.”  I could hear her breath finally.  “I would like for us to attempt what you offered yesterday, a sharing of one another, if you are still up to it.”

For the third time, she didn’t respond at once.

Ah shit, hear it comes!

“I’m not as confident as I was before, and maybe some of that emotion is grounded in the fact that I wasn’t there with you guys when you… made your union official.  Maybe I need to be with you again, you know, to make sure my stake is still valued and recognized, but if Katie is still game and you are willing, then I am willing to give it a shot.”
  She actually sounded normal again.

“Let me ask her, ok?”


I took the cell from my ear and cupped it in my palm, gazing over at Katie, who was looking back as if awaiting some sort of IED
² to explode any second.  “Ramona says she’s down for our threesome, if you still are,” I implored.

Katie shrugged her shoulders.  “I will do whatever it takes to be with you, Estefan, even if I have to share.  I don’t care.”

Now, it was my turn to grin like a fool.  “Katie’s is in and so am I,” I informed her unable to stop smiling.

“Cool, then I’m going to come over, so you guys can tell me everything that happened.  Maybe that will bolster my confidence with this crazy shit we are about to undertake.”
  The determined Ramona had replaced the unsure one.

“Ok, cool, we were going to ask you to come over and have a late breakfast with us anyhow,” I added, more cheerful than I could have ever imagined feeling in the past.

“Perfect, I will see you in like twenty minutes!”

Before I could answer, Ramona cut the connection and was gone.

Twenty minutes my ass, that girl was going to be here in like seven!  When Ramona wanted something - I mean truly wanted something - she could turn into the most driven person I had ever met.


{ ¹“Chicano Power”: a slogan of The Chicano Movement of the 1960s, also called the
Chicano Civil Rights Movement
, also known as
El Movimiento;
an extension of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement, which began in the 1940s with the stated goal of achieving
Mexican American


{ ²“IED”: acronym, “improvised explosive device”; a homemade
constructed and deployed in
a non-
. }





~ Chapter
27 ~

(Summer – 2018)




I had just put the smart device back onto my nightstand and glanced back at Katie with what had to be the goofiest expression on my face when I realized something was wrong.  Everything I’d had been thinking about vanished in seconds
.  Her eyes were filled with tears.  She began to stand, but got no farther than hunched over.  She was bent at the waist, clutching her midsection.  Her other hand was clamped over her mouth.  So fierce was her grip, the blood had drained from both her finger tips and her cheeks.  She took a few staggering steps from the bed when I understood what was happening.

Katie was going to be sick!  She was going to throw up all over the carpeted floor!

She took a few more wavering strides before I bodily picked her up and rushed her to the bathroom.  I didn’t bother trying to get her to the toilet or the sink.  I just shoved aside the opaque, glass doors, tore down our drying towels and let her vomit into the bathtub.  I held her upright, correctly positioned, so she wouldn’t make a mess all over the tiled floor.

By the third or fourth retch, she paused long enough, so I could get her loose-fitting shirt off.  I didn’t want her to foul any of her clothing and I only barely made it.  I had just finished pulling it over her head when another powerful heave came and
, once more, she bent over the tub.  She splashed it with the last contents of her stomach.  I lowered her to her knees and helped her brace her hands, so she could hold herself upright.  I bolted over to the light switch, turning on the lights and the high powered ceiling fan simultaneously. 
We were going to need it. 
A few seconds later, I was back at her side with a glass of water in hand and a damp wash cloth.

Katie continued to lean over the edge of the tub for a minute or two.  When it seemed her bout of nausea had passed.  She glanced in my direction, her eyes still watery and blood shot.  She took the cup of water and began to swish the clear liquid in her mouth.  She did that for a few moments, then gargled for a few more and spit mightily into the bathtub.

“Oh god, that was horrible!” she announced with a gasp of air, her voice raw and strained to my ears.

“It snuck up on you didn’t it?” I inquired, knowing, first hand, what she
’d just experienced.

“Fuck yeah, and fast!” she exhaled, took another gulp of water and repeated what she
’d done before, only she took a much smaller sip.  This she swallowed.  “I was fine one minute,” she went on, “and then I felt dizzy.  Before I could stop it, my insides turned upside down and everything just came up.

“That was the most fucking gross
est shit I have ever felt in such a short amount of time.”  She looked at me askance, form the corner of her eye.  “Is that what it felt like this morning?”

I nodded, “Almost to the letter.”

“Fuck that shit, Estefan, that was fucking fucked up.”

I laughed.  Katie always found a way to say the f-word at least three times a sentence when something completely went against her nature.  Bomb-puking seemed to be one such thing.

“You ok, though?” I queried.  I was still smiling at her colorful way of describing the obvious.  “Do you want anything?”

“No.”  She put one hand on her right knee and used it as leverage to stand upright.  “I’m just gonna brush my teeth, because the taste in my mouth is going to make me wanna up-chuck again.  I don’t think my stomach and throat could take any more abuse.”

I was watching her when she teetered coming erect and rushed to her.  I held her by the elbow for support and walked her to the sink, so she could brush her teeth.

“I guess
, when the shit hits the fan, we make a pretty good team,” she commented as she reached for her toothbrush, next to mine in the holder.  She actually missed it.

I frowned and stared at her for a few more moments, looking into her eyes.  I was tryin
g to see if they were dilated, indicating she was sicker than she was letting on, but they appeared normal.  They were watery, but otherwise, they looked fine.  I plucked her toothbrush from it place and opened the drawer where I kept the toothpaste and quickly spread some across the top of the bristles, and then gave it to her.

“Thanks, ‘cuz,” she said as she grasped the handle and made to brush her teeth, then stopped short.  “I’m glad we were both here when each of us got sick, it’s kinda cute… gross, but cute.”  Then she began to clean her mouth in earnest.

“You ok, Kat?”  I had to ask, because wanted to start cleaning up her mess, the smell was starting to get to me, and there was no way in fucking hell did I wish to throw up for a second time this morning.  That would be…
Fucking fucked up!

She merely nodded, her hand supporting her weight as she held onto the countertop.

“Ok, but if you feel woozy or nauseous or anything out of the ordinary, you make sure you sit down, and don’t try to do anything, ok?  I will be right over here.”  I pointed at the bathtub.

She grimaced at once.  “Tho, Effy, thon’t cween that!  I’ll thoo thwat,” she said around all the crap in her mouth.

I just waved her off, walked over to the tub and turned on the shower, looking back at her over my shoulder.  “If you can do it for me, then I can do it for you.  Besides you said it yourself, we’re a team right?  A good one at that, so just take care of your dragon mouth and I’ll take care of this shit.”

She smiled and flipped me off simultaneously.  She turned back to the sink to spit.  “Fucker!” she accused once her mouth was clear of suds.

“That’s cousin-fucker to you, beyotch,” I corrected without thinking, directing the showerhead about the bathtub, making sure I didn’t miss a single drop of Katie’s puke.

By the sink, Katie laughed out loud.  Her beautiful, rich laugh came from somewhere deep in her throat,
originating from the very wellspring of her soul.





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