Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (41 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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Ramona let out a gasp of exasperation and spun on a heel.  She walked to the end of the bed, her hands crossed forcibly
across her body, but she stayed silent.

When I look back on it - though she was absolutely opposed to anyone other than Katie wanting me in a sexual fashion
– somewhere, hidden, she was curious.  She wanted to know more about this “change” in me.  I think she wanted to see what would happen, even if it raised the possibility Sandy would be unable to stop the urges Katie had said would pour through her, unabated, unopposed.  I think, even way back then, Ramona had a clue of what was really happening.  If I did, in fact, make her friend crazy for a good pounding, it would confirm what her instincts had already told her.  Mutation hadn’t been the root cause of Ramona’s intuition.  She’d been born with it.  Mutation eventually turned her into the most powerful Empathist any of us have ever seen.  She was most likely on the verge of unearthing the truth of what was occurring, the sickness, and the changes.  It was too bizarre for the rest of us grasp.  We were baffled.  I don’t think Ramona was – not at all.

“Okaaaay,” I drawled and stepped back from the bed and into a more central location, away from the girls.  I wanted to make sure there was sufficient distance between them and me – just in case…

“So, the times I did this earlier, it started with me searching out some sort of scent and I… I don’t know, I guess I kind of fell into it.  I began breaking apart its component parts and, according to Katie… that’s when the ‘power’ or ‘smell’ or whatever came out and she…”  I stopped to glance at her and she was shaking her head in resignation at the memory.  “Well, she was acting very, very strange to put it mildly.”

“I was acting like a bitch in heat, is what he is trying to say,” added Katie.

“Fucking gross,” muttered Leda under her breath, but we all heard it.

Ramona’s laser wielding eyes bored into the side of Leda’s head, but the other girl was entirely unaware.

“So, Sandy - .”

The girl’s expression was frozen in place
, the bravado she’d shown earlier seemed to crack and waft out of her like an errant smoke.

“ – if you would open your blouse a bit more, or maybe take if off if you don’t mind, so I might be able to smell your perfume or something, ok?”

“Oh fuck,” mumbled Ramona.

e all watched Sandy, somewhat robotically, remove the garment she wore over her pink tube top and let it fall to the floor.

I couldn’t help myself, watching her drop the cotton shirt to the ground, seeing the white skin at the inner portion of her
arms, the delicate splay of her fingers as the blouse left them – all of it, captivated me where I stood.  I know I have said on many occasions, during the course of telling this tale, I’m not the best person in the world.  I have numerous faults.  I have many flaws and this had always been one of them.  I am typically helpless against the onslaught of the female form, in whatever guise it may show itself to me.  I am simply mesmerized by women.  I always have been, and I always will be.  There is no evading what has been engrained in me since birth.

The second I was turned on by the graceful gesture
, my senses expanded automatically.  The fragrance she was wearing hit me like a ton of bricks.  I closed my eyes to revel in it.  It was some sort of body mist, because it wasn’t heavy or overpowering, like so many perfumes they had sold back then.  I could smell the Aloe Barbadensis Leaf extract offset by a calm sort of Chamomile that washed over me at once.  This was followed by an overall garden type of scent.  It smelled mildly of grapes and peaches and honey.  It was a lovely mix of fruity sweetness, combined with the natural musk of her.  That thin sheen of her in basic olfactory form, seeping from her pores over the course of the day.  I inhaled deeply and then opened my eyes to look at her.

She had already come half the distance between us, her hands reaching for me, her face somewhere between rapture and
pure lust.  She was still coming forward.

I drank her in once again and her pace increased just as Katie came forth and blocked the larger girl from moving any closer to me
.  Katie’s shoulder bowled into Sandy just below her breasts.  I could see Sandy’s erect nipples through her pink tube top.  I couldn’t stop.  I reached forth with a combination of my mind and my nose.  I delved through the weft and weave of the garment barely covering the upper portion of her body and into the taunt flesh of her nipple.  It reeked of the detergent her mother had used to clean the cotton top and of something else.  I smiled.  This was the
I had come to know all too well when I had laid girls upon their backs, so I could make love to them – expectation.  Sandy was ready.

“Oh god, I need to…,” she said, a plea that edged toward begging.  She tried to bodily move Katie out of the way.

I held my breath then, a tiny bit of control sneaking back into my consciousness.  I knew if inhaled her one more time, even my cousin might lose it.  We were one more sniff away from seeing Katie do a quick about face, from seeing her throw me to the floor and have her way with me.

Instead, I chanced a quick look back in Ramona’s direction, seeing her hold her ground by the bed.  She watched the entire episode with eyes as wide as saucers, both hands absently pulling upon her breasts, kneading them as she often did when she wanted to bring herself to her peak.

She’s doing pretty well
, I had just thought to myself when I saw a dark brown blur out of the corner of my eye.  I was just turning to see what it was when something slammed into me with bone-jarring force and knocked me to the ground, lifting my feet cleanly in the air.  An instant later, I felt arms and legs, hands and feet all over me, clutching, rubbing, squeezing, grasping, pinching, and clawing at me from what seemed like every direction imaginable.  I felt nails digging into my skin, lips and teeth kissing, sucking, nibbling and biting.  I could only think a wild banshee had attacked me, licked me, nibbled at me and was now shoving its’ tongue down my throat.

That was the first positive impression I received in those moments.  Whatever it was atop me was, at least, human.  Its tongue felt very much like many others I had toyed with over the years.  I had only a moments’ time for that to register
, when it spoke.  I was dumbfounded into complete inaction.

“Please take me,” came the voice, eerily familiar, deep, husky for a female, but one I could easily recognize.  “I want you.  I don’t care who
’s here.  I don’t care who’s watching, just fuck me!  Fuck me!!!” demanded Leda in her usual, no-holds-barred manner.  Only now, she was forcibly asking me to do something sexual to her.  I could never have dreamed of her saying what she was saying to me right then.

She stopped long enough
, so her eyes met mine.  I swear, her pupils were dilated almost to the very edge of her irises.  I had never seen anything like it.  Whatever I had sent out, whatever smell or scent or pheromone, it had affected in her in the exact same fashion as the best synthetic drugs on the market today would have.

She didn’t wait long though.  She lowered her head, her mouth over mine, talking into me.  Her harsh, horny breath filled me, making me respond out of sheer animal instinct.  “Effy, do it, please.  Do it.  I am sorry for every bad thing I ever did or said about you.  Please, forget all of that.  Let me make it up to you.  Let me.  Yes, let me.  I’ll let you have me any way you want, every way you want.  I don’t care just fuck me!”  She continued on, but I hardly heard her.

I couldn’t fight it, my dick began to swell in my shorts and my arms began to encircle her of their own volition as I began to push my knees in between her legs, so she could straddle me.  Almost at once, I felt the boney hardness of her public bone smash against the shaft of my cock.  Instantaneously, I was harder than rock.  I was just about to put my hands on her ass and crush her into me even harder, suddenly…

…She was no longer there.







~ Chapter 30 ~

(Summer – 2018)




I la
y there, stunned for a split second.  I saw Ramona’s face hovering over mine, a mask of anger one moment, and then, one of puzzlement the next.

“Jesus Christ, Steve, were you really gonna fuck my friend right in front of me?!?” she yelled.

There was more disbelief in her tone than true anger.  Even then, she was teetering.  She hadn’t quite gone over the edge into rage, because there was something else precluding her from blowing her lid.  I glanced around quickly to get my bearings.  Katie no longer had held back Sandy.  Ramona had Leda by the wrist, her grip vice-like, making the smaller girls’ skin whiten from the harsh compression caused by her palm.  Ramona must have yanked her off me - that was the only way I could imagine how the teenage girl was pulled from me so swiftly.

I peered over at Leda, who was still only partially aware of Ramona.  She was looking back at me as though I was some sort of fix she couldn’t have.  Her face was contorted with internal anguish and longing.  Her eyes remained unchanged.

“Fucken shit!” went on Ramona.  “Katie, do you have something that Leda can wear so her boobs aren’t flapping in the wind?”

That stunned me for a second.  I let me eyes drop a tiny fraction and was shocked to see that somehow - in the midst of our tussle - Leda had managed to take
off her bra.  Her perky breasts jutted out before her, her dark brown areoles had contracted to the point where they were no more than an inch across.  Her nipples were so hard they appeared about to burst.  The entire upper portion of her body was flushed bright pink, from her neck to the top of her abdomen.

Ramona’s statement seemed to shake her free of the all-consuming desire to screw.   Leda glanced down at herself and then back at me
.  She had just realized what she had done and said.  Her eyes bulged, threatening to pop right before me.  The pink flush turned red and swept up to the top of her face like a tsunami.

“Oh god, no!” she screamed
, humiliated, got up and ran into the bathroom without another word or a glance backward.

None of us moved for nearly a quarter of a minute.

“Son of a bitch!” breathed Sandy, gulping air in quick shallow gasps.

Katie didn’t skip a beat.  “I told you this shit is dangerous, didn’t I?”  She had produced a plain white t-shirt from one of the drawers she was using, scooped Leda’s bra and stormed off toward the bathroom.

From within, we could all hear Leda crying like a baby.

“Yeah, but…,” was all Sandy was capable of saying.

“We understand, Sandy, you didn’t know how strong Estefan’s new… whatever the fuck you wanna call it… was,” commented my girlfriend, rubbing her hands together.  Her rough treatment of Leda must’ve stung the pads of her hands.

Hell ya, she’d been rough
… she had sure pulled Leda away like she was no more than a ragdoll…!

“How do you do it, Eff?” asked Sandy, still too
mesmerized by the whole situation.  Her focus was elsewhere and not on what her friend was going through at the moment.

“It starts with smell,” I began trance-like,
rehashing what I’d already said.  I was still trying to get my head around the idea that it had been Leda that had rushed me.  It was her, who had kissed me so violently, with so much passion and shameless lechery.  It was hard for me to see a girl with her grumpy temperament, her harsh way of dealing with people, in that sort of light.  She was shut-off and cold.   I hadn’t been lying when I had mentioned earlier that morning.  Yet, she had just shown me the complete opposite.  She was a wild cat when she was horny!  I simply couldn’t believe it.

Sandy must’ve been waiting for me to continue, because she prompted of a sudden, scattering my thoughts, “And then what?”

A shook my thoughts from my mind, like so many gnats clouding my head on a hot summer night.  “And it goes from there.  I smell something.  I break it down.  I smell its component parts and then I guess some sort of corresponding smell comes from me that… well, that turns your practical, normal, level-headed female into a nymphomaniac.”

“You can say that again,” agreed Ramona.  She slipped out of her heels and padded toward me.  Her toes gripped the carpet as she came forth, her arms before her.

I wasted little time and walked into her embrace.  She hugged me tightly for a few seconds, then pulled her head back a bit, so she could look up into my eyes – even without heels she was only a couple of inches shorter than me.  “You ok?” she asked with such timidity I immediately put her motives in question.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I replied in kind, choosing to ignore my misgivings.  I bent down to kiss her on the lips with a series of soft pecks that trailed from one corner of her mouth to the other.

She accepted them readily, even patiently, as she waited for me to finish, before she spoke once more.  “I think I am more shocked than anything else, Effy.  That was really an unbelievable display of male sexuality.  I have never smelt anything as wonderful as the odor coming from you.  I wanted to have sex with you as well, but I was able to think it through.  I remembered it was some sort of experiment, although just barely, like at the last minute.  I think that’s why I didn’t run across the room the way the others did…

“Or maybe, because I’ve been with you so many times already, my body knew what to expect on some basic level.  Maybe that kept me sane enough,” she added with a lopsided smile.  Her eyes were guarded and not entirely their own – she was masking other, more personal thoughts.

I stared at her for a heartbeat or two.  “It bothered you that it was Leda, huh?”

“Yeah, babe, it did,” she breathed after a time.

“Wanna tell me why?”

“Because if Leda begins to like you, it’ll prove what I’m already beginning to dread.  Soon, I think, there will many other girls and am I going to have to share you with all of them.”  At least
, the honesty had returned to her face, though her statement confused me a bit.

“What are you talking about?”

She sighed, then extended on her toes and gave me a quick chaste kiss on the lips.  “You think I don’t know what this is?”

He shook my head in the negative.

“This is something neither of us can get away from,” she explained with a twinge of hurt that she tried to hide behind her eyes.

“Get away from what?” I ventured, feeling a sliver of annoyance beginning to creep into my tone.

“What you are, Eff, don’t you feel it?”

, a confused shake of my head followed.

Her gaze was earnest, impassioned.  “Why do you think girls love you so much, so deeply?  They either want to be
with you forever or they hate you.  It’s always been there inside you… this ability to say the right thing or be the right person at the right time.  All those girls that talked about you when I was first asking about the kind of guy you were, they all said the same thing, or something close to it – you had ‘powers’.  Remember?  Even back then, it was palatable enough to comment on with a degree of certainty.  They couldn’t describe it or put a specific name to it, but it was there and they all felt it.

“Now, if it’s been magnified, it’s also been made stronger by whatever this sickness was you had this morning.  And that is what’s happened, it means it will
to be more than just Katie and me.  You watch, Effy, it will be become this inescapable thing that we cannot get rid of or hide from.  It will always be there, because it is the way you are made.”  She fell silent, her brow like a thunderhead.

I contemplated what she said for a minute or so, but didn’t dare let go of her.  I wanted to prove to her, she wasn’t alone in this.  “And now
, you’re afraid Leda will want to be with me, because of what happened.”

“Oh Eff, all four of us want you, in one way or another.  Sandy told me downstairs before all of this shit happened, and now… well, Leda might be crying now, but she’s never going to get over being curious.  I know her too well.  She’s got a taste of you.  It’s gonna make her question her own intentions, because she lost it with someone other than her stupid
-ass boyfriend.  She’s going to want to know why the two of you responded so quickly to one another.  It was the same thing Katie told me about your…,” this she whispered,”
little adventure last night

She said it felt as though your bodies were acting without thought, like they already knew how to respond, what to do.  She said it was all instinct and it was the best fuck of her life.
”  She spoke normally now.  “Leda is going to want some of that.  There is no doubt in my mind.”  She surprised me by giving me a hug and rested her head on my chest.

“How do you know this?” I asked still somewhat

Her eyes were a matching set of oil-drills, plunging straight f
or understanding.  She wanted me focused when she said: “Because, Estefan, I got sick too, this morning, before I called you the first time.  I thought it was nerves about you and Katie being together at first.  As time went on, I began to realize it was something much, much more, especially after everything you and Katie have learned and been able to explain, since we’ve been here.  Like you, I am no longer the same person I was yesterday.  I see things now, things I’ve been ignoring all day, things I can no longer deny.  Leda’s little performance proved it to me.  I see what you are and I know I will be sharing you with a lot of girls, because you are who you are and there’s no stopping it.  You are too strong.”

I let in all sink in, trying my damnedest to be as open minded as I could possibly be.  I willed myself to agree with what she had said, or at least I tried.  Except the part about being with females other than her and Katie, of that, I wanted no part.  My cupboard was full as far as I was concerned.  I wanted no one else.  I didn’t…

…although Leda
felt pretty fucking incredible, never more than when the firmness of her pubic bone had rubbed hard against my…

…But seriously, I was good.  I didn’t need a gaggle of babes hanging off my belt.

Or so I thought.

“So what does that make me, some kind of freak?” I asked in an attempt to distract myself.
A little self-deprecation, now and again, didn’t hurt, right?

“If that’s the case, then so am I and so is Katie and Leda as well,” replied Ramona with a soft laugh, letting her hands fall to my ass.

I glanced over at where I’d last seen Sandy and found her gone.  In fact, we were entirely alone in the Loft. 
Everyone had probably gone to the bathroom with Leda;
I rationalized just before another question flashed before me.

“How would the three of you be freaks as well?”

“Us four, you mean,” clarified my girlfriend.  She giggled out of the blue.  “You are the one with the super-attraction techniques.  Katie with something to do with heat, because that’s the impression I get when I see her.  Leda’s had something to do with her powerful will.  And me, well it seems I have the ability to know all of this without having to be told.  It as simple as that – four friends, four freaks.”

I chewed on this for no more than a blink of an eye when it hit me.  “Are you saying we’re all Mutos?”

That fantastic smile of hers returned in a flash and I knew I was correct.

Son of a mother
, fucking bitch!  Mutos – are you fucking kidding me!?!  What the shit are we going to do now!?!  There was a war being waged against Mutos as we speak!  How are we going to survive?  How are we going to keep hidden, to keep from being turned in for the Discovery Cash? Somebody will find out and turn us in for sure!

That was when my phone vibrated, then rang inside my front right pocket.  I pulled it forth and felt my heart sink to the very bottom of my nut sack as my eyes fell upon the Caller ID
splash screen – it was Tirza.  School had let out and she was calling me from her cell.

How could this day get any fucking worse?!?

I had no choice, either way, I was doomed.  I broke from Ramona, who was instantly glaring at me, and I knew, whether it was her just professed, newfound ‘power’ or not.  She knew exactly who it was.

I turned, swiped the answer icon and spoke: “Hey Tirza, what’s up?”

My timing couldn’t have been any worse.  As I turned from Ramona, the three other girls finally emerged from the bathroom just as I said my greeting.  It was impossible for me not catch Katie stiffen at the sound of my words, not to see Sandy and Leda share a disgruntled glance out of the corner of my eye.

“Estefan, oh my god, I am soooo sorry, but I need your help. 
Can we meet somewhere later on tonight?  I really need to talk to you.”

Things were spiraling way out of control now.  There was no sign of it ending any time soon.

Actually, it never did end…




“Tirza, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I spoke into the cell, feeling my heart rate increase dramatically at that point.

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