Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (48 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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She slowed her gait as she always did when I was looking at her feet, more out of instinct than anything else.  She knew
, I loved feet.  She knew, I was in love with hers, so she always made sure I had a good view.  As always, my dick twitched and began to come awake. 
She was such a considerate young woman, huh?

I tore my gaze from her feet and smiled a tired smile at her.  I looked into those blue-gray eyes of hers, glad she was here.  She returned my smile.  She came right up to me and hugged me from the side, standing on her tiptoes to kiss my ear.  My arm snaked around her waist, and then lower, onto her hip, I felt no panties.  She was indeed naked underneath the big shirt she was wearing.

Katie was smiling at us over the towel she was using to dry her face, tossing it at me so I could do likewise.

Five minutes later we were all out of the bathroom, standing at the foot of my bed with only one lamp on for
light.  We faced one another unsure of what to do, although each of us had an idea of what the others wanted.  We just didn’t know the means to get us there.

“This is a little funny,” I commented after a few more awkward seconds.  My gaze was shooting from one girl to the next.

Ramona chuckled.

“Mona?” called Katie, and my girlfriend turned her head to look over at her.  “Remember you said we should do whatever it took to make Estefan cheer up?”

“Y-yes,” stammered Ramona.  Her eyes narrowed.

I began to smile, though I had no clue what my cousin was going to say next.

“You still down?”

My girlfriend began to tilt her chin toward the other girl as she considered the question.  “Maybe…”

“You ever kiss a girl?”

My eyes widened.  Now I knew exactly where she was going with this line of questioning.

“Just a few pecks here and there,” replied Ramona, which made my brow rise and my eyes bulge. 
I had not known that!  Who the fuck had she kissed?  Sandy?  Leda?  Someone I didn’t know?

“Effy,” purred Katie.

“Huh!” I screeched, nearly startled out of my skin.

“Why don’t you go sit on the bed,” urged my cousin.

I didn’t argue and stepped to the bottom edge of my bed and sat down like a good little boy.

Katie stepped up to Ramona, craning her neck because my girlfriend was a good six inches taller than
her.  I was surprised to see them walk into one another as if they had been kissing for years.  Ramona’s arms surrounded Katie shoulders.  Katie’s own wrapping around the taller girl’s waist as she flattened her palms along Ramona’s back.  They each pushed a knee gently in between the other’s legs, their crotches tantalizingly close to the others’ thigh.  My girlfriend hunched and my cousin reached.  Katie came to the tips of her toes, so slow it was absolutely graceful.

When their lips touched, it was at a snail’s pace.  They were so tentative and deliberate, I was mesmerized at once.  It wasn’t a kiss per se, but something sensual and
unabashed, and yet it took so long to commence.  I was certain only two girls could touch lips in the manner.  It was beautiful and it was erotic.  My penis was already straining against the waistband of my shorts, the head of it threatening to push forth.

They began to taste one another with lengthy, feather light flecks of their tongues, sucking one another’s lips.  Tasting, tasting, tasting one another, each time in a different place, each time experiencing the other for the first time.  Lips.  Mouth.  Tongue.  Teeth.  Gums.  Cheeks.  So leisurely, it was agonizing to watch.  I wanted them to go at it, to make out hard and fast, let their hands roam and lead to other things.  The girls did none of that.  They explored each other with such lingering tenderness it was almost as though they were trying their best to make the moment perfect, as if they knew this would be the first of many such sessions.  They wanted to make certain the foundation of their newfound relationship was a solid one, built with deliberation.  There could be nothing hasty about it.

The urge was so strong.  I unconsciously pulled down the front portion of my shorts, exposing my cock and began to stroke it with similar lassitude.  I easily matched the pace of the girls as they continued, embracing one another more intently as their kiss deepened and, ever so calmly, the pace of it increased.  I could see Ramona’s tongue parting Katie’s thin, pink lips and my cousin sucking the adept muscle.  Occasionally, she would run her teeth down its entire length as she took it in completely, and then pull away.

Katie’s hands dropped
, of a sudden, filling with huge portions of Ramona’s bubble-butt and squeezed hard.  My girlfriend broke away from their kiss.  She tilted her head toward the ceiling with a gasp, giving Katie her neck.  Upon which, my cousin descended and gave her long, sloppy, suckling kisses about its entire length.

“Oh fuck, Effy, your cousin is like magic,” gushed Ramona in her throaty bedroom voice.

“I know,” I responded, still rubbing the length of my dick, which was already bristling with a bead of jizz.

Katie mouthed a chortle around Ramona’s neck.  Her kisses fell from my girlfriend’s neck to one clavicle, and then the other before my cousin began to suck and bite the area just above her cleavage.

Ramona squealed with pleasure and grabbed Katie on either side of her skull just behind her ears and savagely kissed her, crushing my cousin to her.  Katie went limp, surrendering herself completely to Ramona.  Her arms dangled behind her as my girlfriend bent her backward, crazy with lust.

Suddenly, they both came apart, stepping away about three feet, panting as thought they had both run a mile.  They peered through the dim light at one another with covetous eyes.  Their chests were heaving with exertion, their nipples hard beneath their bedclothes.  Both of them were poised upon the balls of their feet as if at any moment they were going to charge.

I stopped pulling on my cock, watching them both with the intensity of a lion stalking his prey - poised, stiff with anticipation, waiting for the right moment.

“I think this is definitely going to work out,” breathed my girlfriend, her eyes festooned upon Katie.

Katie – sexy, petite Katie - spoke like a succubus straight out of fable, “You bet it is.”

“Another time?”

My cousin expelled a huge breath.  “Absolutely.”

“This is about him, not us,” rationalized Ramona, straightening herself.

“It doesn’t
to be,” I clarified before I could stop my mouth from moving.

Both of my wondrous girls laughed aloud at that.  Their overwhelming desire had cooled, not entirely, just enough, so
they were more themselves and not insane bitches in heat.  Then their collective gaze fell upon me and I knew I was toast.

“May I?” asked Katie using her polite tone.

“Of course,” replied my girlfriend, gesturing with her hand that Katie should continue whatever it was she had in mind.

My cousin walked up to me, her eyes darting to my cock, which was still poking out of my shorts as rigid as a flagpole.

Then, she went still.

I stared back at her, frowning.

Her sight hadn’t moved a single millimeter from my dick.  Her eyes widened, in fact.  “Jesus, Estefan, did your cock grow?”



It was Ramona and I simultaneously.

Katie lunged forward, her hands grasping the shaft of my penis.  My orbs followed her hands as they encircled my junk and I was shocked to see that she was correct in her assessment of my manhood.

Now, I’m one of those readers that bemoan every time I read a sexual confessional, especially one written by a man, who has to describe the precise length of his cock in inches or centimeters or whatever.  Therefore, I will not bore you with dimensions, but let me say that my penis did appear longer.  Not any wider, mind you, I had always had a somewhat fat dick, but now the length of it was more directly proportional with its width.  It was quite a shock to gaze down to see something that I had seen a million times only to find it a completely different sight.  It was as unnerving as it was large.

Ramona came around Katie, her eyes fastened onto the uncanny cock between my legs, her mouth open.  “Holy fucking shit, Eff, that thing is like an inch and a half longer!”

Sorry about the linear reference, but hey, that’s what she said.

“Look at it,” exclaimed my cousin.  “Will it even fit?”

My girlfriend shook her head from side to side in consideration.  “Barely… I think it would barely fit…”  She fell silent and fell to her knees beside Katie, inspecting it from a closer vantage.

“It’s a beautiful cock, Estefan,” cooed my cousin, running the middle of her palm along the whole length of it, from head to base and back up again.  She cupped it then, and stroked it a few times with a rhythmic twisting motion.

It craned my neck.  My head fell back as I shifted my weight onto my arms.  An intense wave of
delight sparked through the entire breadth of my body, and I quivered behind closed eyes.

to,” was all I heard.

I felt Katie’s hand pull back the skin of my member, making even more blood rush to the tip of it, the helmet feeling like it was about to explode.  Next, I felt something warm and moist surround my cock and I knew instantly that one of them had taken me in her mouth.  My head came back up.  I opened my eyes and saw my girlfriend’s head descending further and further toward my thighs as she took as much of me as she could.  She stopped when I touched the back of her throat, her uvula parting the tiny opening of my urethra.  I was in heaven.  It felt so good.  Then, she stunned me.  She pushed my enlarged dick passed it and nearly swallowed the entire thing, and did her little trick that almost makes me bust my nut every time she does it.

She hummed.

Tiny vibrations tickled around my shaft and I crammed my eye shut, trying with all the will I possessed by hold off my orgasm.

She continued for a few more seconds, and then came back up.  She made loud sucking sounds as she did so, slurping up all the salvia she had deposited upon my penis until I was nearly clean of it.  She looked up at me, her eyes watering from the effort.  Her face was flushed, and her mouth still slightly open as she tongued the corners of her lips.

“Yummy,” she purred.

We both looked back into my lap as Katie suddenly throated my like she had the other night – a swift, confident movement that shoved my cock into the back of her throat and beyond.

I could not believe how lucky I had found myself, not only did I have one girl that could deep throat – I had
Holy sword-swallowing, Batman!

Katie bobbed up and down on my cock, her thin pink lips stretched as far as they could go.  Her hair streamed down either side of her face.  But, I got no more than a flash of it, Ramona suddenly obscured my view by planting a lascivious kiss on my lips.  I closed my eyes and accepted them, more than willing to let them use my body.  I was being intimately mouthed by two girls at the same time.  The very thought of it, driving me to the brink as I began to thrust my hips into Katie’s face, matching her tempo.  My cousin brought her hand up and gripped by shaft.  She used both her hands and mouth the massage my engorged meat, keeping the pace like the expect cock-sucker she
already was by then.

I could feel my balls beginning to tighten.  The muscles deep within the lower portions of my body began to strain.  I knew I was building up to blowing my load and I would have, I think if there had been more time.  It wouldn’t have been much more time, just a quarter of a minute or so.  I would’ve cum hard and fast into my cousins’ mouth, while my girlfriend and I made out like we were insane.

As fate would have it, there hadn’t been more time.  When I heard the first
, then a scrape against something wooden, I was startled from the brink of pure pleasure.  I opened my eyes, following the sound, turning to the right ever so slightly.  Enough, I sundered the kiss with Ramona.

She frowned above me.  I could see it out of the corner of my vision, but the whole of my attention was focused on the source of the sounds.  It was most likely the utter shock. 
It was the sheer audacity of my expression as it changed from one of lust and libidinousness that made Ramona check herself and follow my gaze.

Katie must have felt the sexual tension drain from me, noticed the sudden decrease in blood flowing through the thick, roping veins of my dick, because she stopped as well.  She took her herself from me, and peered up at our face
s.  Confounded, her hand was still wrapped around my penis, drenched with her spit, she was almost about to speak.  Then, she too, noticed my astonishment.  Slowly, she began to swivel her head the way we were looking.

I recognized her at once, having seen her make her way through my window on many occasions.  Since she wasn
’t nearly as tall as Ramona, she had to do an awkward pirouette in order to enter the Loft.  So, when I first set eyes upon her, I saw her back first - a small, diminutive.  Hers was a figure, so distinctive, I was one thousand percent certain of who it was in instant I laid eyes upon it.

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