Shadows in Me (2 page)

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Authors: Culine Ramsden

BOOK: Shadows in Me
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Chapter 2



It’s been just over three year since the day I nearly lost the love of my life.  Thinking back, seeing the fear and helplessness in her eyes.  Her body beaten and broken.  How could a man do that to such an amazing beautiful woman? 

When that gunshot went off and they both fell to the ground at the same time, I was terrified; I didn’t know who was shot first?  Did Brent get him before he took Caitlin’s life? 

The first year after was hard for Caitlin, her nightmares were bad and I mean really, really bad.  For six months she woke up almost every night screaming, crying.  Heather eventually asked me to move in, she couldn’t calm Caitlin.  I tried to get her to come and live with me but she was a stubborn girl, and insisted that she wouldn’t be forced to rearrange her life because of Hunter.  She was not going to let him rule her life…even in death. 

So I moved in.  I loved this girl, she was my world and I would not lose her again.  

Watching Caitlin say goodbye to Brent that day on the beach, was the hardest thing I ever had to do.  Deep down in my heart I knew she had feelings for him, even if she wasn’t ready or willing to admit it.  I sure as hell knew he had feelings for her.  He told me as much when he came looking for her.  But he had walked away from her in the end without a fight.

Caitlin’s friend Sam, had been in contact with him since he’d left.  From what I understood he was somewhere in Africa.  I’d been there, it wasn’t easy, but after losing my platoon for the second time, I just couldn’t do it again. 

Tomorrow was the 4
of July, and we were spending it with Jo and Henry.  Henry still hadn’t forgiven me for what had happened to Caitlin.  I had promised him that I would protect her, and then we nearly lost her. 

When we saw them for Christmas last year I had asked Henry’s permission to marry her, but he wasn’t impressed.  He told me to wait till she turned twenty-one   before I even thought about it.  Well that day was finally in sight.  

Jo helped me arrange a surprise party for Caitlin, at their home.  Their house wasn’t big, but it had the perfect setting, the dark blue mountains in the background and the beach and wide open sea in front.  Jo had arranged for caterers to come and set up and I got a DJ to do the music for us. 

I intended to make it a night to remember, I could finally ask Caitlin to be my wife.  Henry had said I needed to wait, and wait I did. 

Heather and Cole were flying in just before the party.  Over the past few years I had come to love Heather, just as much as Caitlin does, she’s been a really good friend to Caitlin and she knows just how to handle her.  She’s got Cole wrapped around her little finger too, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he popped the question before I did.

I needed to try get out of fetching Heather and Cole from the airport. I still had so much to do before the party.   Heather had been tasked with taking Caitlin shopping after they had been picked up from the airport, poor Cole had no choice in the matter.  I’m going to need to make it up to him.  Jo and I needed at least three hours to get everything set up. 

We had decided to have the food set up on the wooden deck overlooking the beach, a dancefloor built into the sand with hundreds of lanterns all over the beach, and a big bonfire on the right hand side.  Henry has arranged with one of his contacts to come and do a big fireworks display.  They would be set up a little further down the beach. 

Caitlin walked into the room, dressed in a purple dress that hung to her feel and her hair tied up.  She was absolutely radiant, how could I be so lucky?  Being nearly double her age, it’s hard for her parents to accept me, but I know we’re destined to be together, she’s the other part of my soul.

“Vincent, are you ready to go?  They’ll be landing soon.”  She props her hands on her hips, clearly irritated.

I tried my hardest not to laugh at the look on her face when she saw I was still in my jocks. 

“You’re still not dressed!  Come one, you can’t be serious; I woke you up over an hour ago.  We’re going to be late!”  She started walking towards me. 

“Gorgeous, you’re going to have to go without me, I feel dreadful, I can’t move.”   I prop myself up against the pillows, pretending to be in pain. 

She walked towards the bed, leaning over to place her hand on my head.  Her eyes squint and her mouth pulls into a pout.  She knows I am faking. 

“Mmmh you don’t look sick, don’t have a temperature, so what’s wrong with you?”  She kept her hand on my head while looking into my eyes. 

I took her hand in mine, brought it to my mouth and placed a soft kiss on top of it. 

“I must have eaten something, my guts are killing me.”  I’m not too sure if she believed me, she placed her hand over mine, turned my hand over and kissed my palm.  She brought my hand down to her lap and looked me in the eyes again. 

“Ok, I’ll get my mom to bring you something to make you feel better, I need to run. Heather will kill me if I’m late.  She’s planned for us to go shopping, but poor Cole will be stuck with us.  He’s not going to be happy with you.”  She got up to leave, but I grip her by the wrist and pull her onto my lap, I was just about to kiss her when she pushed against my chest. 

“Don’t you dare kiss me, I don’t want to get sick, it my birthday tomorrow!”

As if I wouldn’t remember her birthday.  I pretended to look disappointed by her rejection.

She walked out of the room and called for her mom.  I listen to her giving her mother instructions to look after me and make sure I’m in good health by the time she returned home.  Not long after, I heard her car pull off, followed by a knock on the door. It could only be Jo. 

“Just a minute.”  I jumped out of bed and pulled my sweats on, didn’t fancy being in my underwear with my future mother-in-law in the room.  I walked to the door just as the second knock came.  I opened to find Jo carrying a breakfast tray.  “Good morning.”  She says cheerily.  “You know she doesn’t believe for one second that you’re sick!”  Jo gave me a lopsided smile. 

“Yeah, I’m not going to win an Oscar for that performance.”  I took the tray from her and placed it on the table next to the door. 

“You better get yourself ready; we have lots to do before she gets back.  Let’s hope Heather manages to keep her busy for most of the day.  I’ve arranged for the caterers to come around at two this afternoon, but you need to get the dancefloor up before then.  I’ve asked Henry to help.”  She turned and started walking away. 

“Yes, Ma’am!”  I said, closing the door.  I gulped my food down, and was dressed and downstairs in ten minutes. 

I really should have arranged for Cole to meet me at home to help with the set up, but Caitlin would have suspected something if I did.  At least Henry and I got on well enough.  Jo was amazing, she managed to turn the place into a wonderland.  I could just imagine how amazing it would look when the sun went down over the ocean and the lanterns go on.  Everything needed to be perfect for my girl, this night needed to be the night to replace all the bad memories she’s had surrounding her birthday.  It’s time for us to move on as one. 

I was sitting at the kitchen table having a beer with Henry when she walked in, it was almost dark.  Jo had closed the side of the house off that lead to the party area, and made sure that Caitlin’s windows were closed so she couldn’t see the beach.  As far as Caitlin knew her parents was having a little get together with their friends to celebrate the 4
of July. 

“You’re looking much better.” She placed a casual kiss on my cheek. She was always careful not to get to physical with me when her dad was around.  He wasn’t the type of man that liked anyone touching or kissing his daughter, and I respected that. 

“Yeah, you’re mom fixed me right up.”  I took her hand in my hand, without thinking I ran my thumb over her ring finger, by the end of the night you will be promised to me.  Caitlin squinted her eyes and looked from my eyes to our hands.  I quickly stopped and lifted her hand to my mouth and placed a kiss on it.  She didn’t make a comment but I could see the question in her eyes.

Heather gave me a look, that said “
You idiot” 

I could see Henry just shaking his head at me, He knew he had to help me out of this one. 

“Caitlin darling,  I think you girls need to go get ready,  we want to go down to the beach, Uncle Patrick has arranged a little get together for the 4
of July celebrations.”     

“Ok, Dad”, Caitlin kissed me and then walked upstairs with Heather. 

“You nearly blew it there son.  If you want it to be surprise you need to work better at it.”  Henry took the last sip of his beer, stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Cole and myself sitting staring at him. 

“Looks like the old man’s just given you his blessing. Shit, I thought I was going to need to take you to the emergency room tonight after you popped the question.”  Cole grabbed a beer out of the fridge. 

“Whatever, dipshit.  What took you guys so long? I expected you home over an hour ago”. 

“Well you know these girls by now, shopping with them is hell.  I don’t think there’s one shop left at the mall that we didn’t go into.  After the freaking 20
store I had to find a place to sit while they carried on.  Three hours later I went looking for them; neither of them answered their phones.  I don’t know why they carry phones if they can never find them in those godforsaken big bags they carry around.”  Two sips later and Cole had finished his drink. 

“Rather you than me. Well we’d better get ready. It’ll take the girls about an hour, in the meantime we need to get the lanterns lit on the beach.”  I quickly ran upstairs to shower and then made my way down to the beach to make sure everything was ready.   

I was about to go find Caitlin, when the doors to the patio opened and she walked out.  The look on her face was priceless.   She was dressed in a white dress that came down to her knees, with golden strappy sandals.  Her hair was loose over her shoulders and the light breeze blew through it.  She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on and after tonight, she’d be all mine.  

Heather was the mastermind behind the outfits, she had made sure I bought white linen pants with a white button up shirt and she helped Caitlin with hers as well.

I walked towards Caitlin holding my hand out to her; she moved forward into my arms, her body fitting mine so perfectly.  She put her arms around my neck and pushed her little body up into mine and kissed me.  I could never get enough of the love I have for this woman, the smell of her hair and feel of her skin next to mine.  God, I become a soppy fool when she’s near. 

The night was an enormous success; everyone important to Caitlin was there.  We danced, we laughed, and we had fun.  I knew that for those few hours she had forgotten the hell she had been through the past few years. 

I could see her and Heather chatting about something most of the night. She must have suspected what I had planned.  There was no way Heather would’ve kept it to herself.  It was almost time.  I arranged with Cole and Heather to do the set up for me by the waterfront, away from the crowd of people.  Henry had finally come up to me and given me his approval.  All I needed was a “YES” from my love.  

Caitlin was standing with her back against me, leaning into me, I had my arm wrapped around her, and the cool breeze caused chills in her body.  We stood for a few minutes looking at the fireworks display; I was trying to work up the courage to do it.  What if she said “NO?”      I scooped her into my arms and started walking towards the ocean. 

“OMG, Vincent if you walk me into the ocean again, I’m going to make sure my father kills you!” She shrieked. Her arms went tight around my neck, clinging to me for dear life. 

“You think I’m scared of him … no ma’ma.”  I stopped at the spot Cole had set up, I bent down and kissed her neck, running my tongue all the way up and then kissing her.  I slowly lowered her to her feet, letting her stand in front of me.  Over her shoulder I could see Jo, Henry and Heather watching us.  Hell…no pressure!! 

I let go of her hand and reached for the ring in my pocket.  When I pulled out the ring, there was a sharp intake of her breath, I looked up and she was staring at me, I could see the tears well up in her eyes.  The world stood still around us. Nothing but Caitlin and I existed in that moment.  I bent down on one knee, holding her hand in mine. 

“Whenever I think about our time together and the love we share, I realise more and more I want to spend forever and always with you.  Caitlin will you marry me?”  I looked into her big blue eyes waiting for her to say something, but nothing came out.  My heart stopped, this was what I was afraid of, that she was not ready, I knew I was almost double her age but I also knew we were meant to be, I knew that I could make her happy. 

“Caitlin, are you ok?”, I squeezed her hand a little to try bring her back to the moment, the next thing she stepped forward wrapping her arms around my neck. 


“Oh thank God, you had me worried there for a second.”  I placed my hands on her hips and moved her back so that I could stand.  I lifted her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger.  Then we kissed, I could hear the cheering in the distance, but all that mattered to me in that moment was the two of us and the future we would build together. 

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