She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale (11 page)

BOOK: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale
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Miego’s next stop was Yami’s mom’s building. Just like Yaz’s he didn't know which apartment, but he would knock on every single door if he had to.
Fuck it.
He was motivated now. It only took him fifteen minutes to reach her building, and when he arrived, he parked and got out. As he approached the front door of her building, Miego passed an older woman coming out, so he stopped her and asked if she knew Yami.

“Excuse me, ma'am. Do you know Yamiah? She’s about this tall and has a daughter.”

The woman eyed him for a minute and then simply responded no, before turning to walk off. He knew she was lying, but couldn’t do anything about it. He pushed through the door and then checked the mailboxes, not really knowing why. He didn't know her last name, and if it was her mom’s crib, then hers wouldn’t be on it anyway.

Not knowing what else to do, he began jogging up the stairs but stopped at the second floor when he heard a child laughing. He followed the voice down the hall, praying that he would be lucky enough for it to be Yami and her daughter. Sure enough, when he looked up, he was staring right at her. Her back was to him, so she didn't see him, but her daughter did. She smiled and pointed right at him.

“Mommy, there’s your friend,” Ray said through a giggle, causing Yami to turn around.

Miego didn't like the look she gave him, but he moved toward her anyway. Yami’s daughter was on a tiny pink tricycle, so she peddled right to him, damn near colliding with his legs.

Miego kneeled down in front of her. “What’s your name, shorty?” he asked.

Ray looked back over her shoulder at her mother as if asking for approval to tell him. When she nodded, Ray turned to him and smiled.

“Ray, what's your name?”

He admired her little face. She had the same divot in her chin like her mother as she grinned at him.

“Miego. You’re very pretty, Ray.” Miego pinched her cheek and gently yanked her ponytail that brushed across her shoulder.

“Thank you.”

“Ray, go inside for a minute so that I can talk to Miego. I’ll be there in a sec.”

“But I want to ride, Mommy.”

Ray’s tiny voice made Miego speak up. “You can ride. We’ll talk over here. That way she can see you.”

Yami narrowed her eyes at him because he disagreed with the instructions that she had just given her daughter.


Ray used her feet to change the direction of her bike and was now heading in the opposite direction while Yami walked toward Miego. He leaned against the wall watching her while she stood in front of him with her arms folded.

“So, what came up?” Miego asked.

He would occasionally glance at Ray, which made him smile, but it dropped the second his eyes were on Yami again.

“I just need a minute. Things are complicated.”

He looked right into her eyes and surveyed her body, noticing light bruising on her neck. He bit into his bottom lip for a second to keep from saying anything about it before he spoke.

“Why are you still fucking with him? He did that to you?” Miego nodded toward her neck and Yami looked back at her daughter.

“It doesn't matter, but that doesn't have anything to do with it. I just need a minute.”

“The fuck you mean it don't matter?” Miego glanced at Ray when he realized that he’d raised his voice, and then lowered it before he continued. “It don't matter to you that you’re with a nigga who will do shit like that to you? What else did he do to you?”

“Nothing, in fact, he told me to leave. He told me to be with you if I wanted to because I would be back. He said you’re no different than he is.”

Miego laughed sarcastically. “You told him about us or he told you about us?” It didn't really matter to Miego one way or the other, but he wanted to know if Black was watching her, and Yami’s answer would tell him that. If Black was watching her, then he was watching them both, and Miego needed to know that.

“No, he saw us the other night in your car, but that's not important. What's important is that I’m not about to leave one situation just to end up with someone just like him.”

“I’m not like that nigga. You don't know shit about me because your ass is too scary to take the time to find out. He’s a bitch. That shit right there.” He pointed to her neck. “That proves it. I would never do any fuck shit like that, but if you wanna stay with him then fine. Do you, shorty, and not that it matters, but you just said leave one situation to end up with someone just like him. If I'm not mistaken, you told me that you weren't with him. I guess shits getting real right now, huh? But it's cool, though. Do what you need to.”

Miego was pissed about the fact that she was still with Black and had lied to him about it. To make matters worse, she was willing to stay with him when he was the type of nigga who would put his hands on her. That was some shit he could do without, so he turned to leave. He had made up his mind that he was done, and began taking the stairs two at a time to get away from her. He could hear her footsteps right behind him. At this point, she didn't matter to him, so he kept going


Yami’s voice was desperate, but when he turned to look at her, she didn't say anything else. She didn't know what to say, so she stood there just staring at him. She didn't want him to leave, but she didn't know what to say to get him to stay.

“What, Yamiah? The fuck you stop me for if you not gon’ say shit?” Miego was still fuming and her standing there staring at him and not saying anything wasn't helping.

After a few more minutes of her just looking at him combined with an awkward silence, he turned to leave again.

“Miego, please.”

Again, he stopped, but, this time, he closed the space between them. “Please what, Yami? You either trust me or you don't, and you either with me or you’re with him, but you can't have both.” He looked down at her and she looked everywhere but at him, so he reached for her chin and forced her to look at him.

The look in her eyes gave him his answer, so he kissed her, damn near suffocating her because the kiss was so deep. When he let her breathe again, he looked down at her with an expression that she couldn't decipher.

“Come take a ride with me.”

“I can't. I have—”

“She can come too. I want you to stay with me tonight, but I have a few things to take care of first. Just come with me and you can chill at my man’s crib until I get back, but I want you to stay with me tonight.”

She frowned. “I don’t know your friend, and that would be strange being at his place without you, so just come back and get me when you’re done.”

Miego laughed. “Nah, he’s cool, he won't mind. If you had acted right earlier today you would have had your own damn place to chill at, but you fucked that up, so just come with me now. If I leave without you, I might not see your little ass again for another week.”

Yami looked at him, confused about what he meant by her own place before she responded. “I don't think that’s a good idea. Ray is his daughter and I don't think it's fair to have—”

“Yami, fuck him. She’s your daughter too, right?”

She nodded.

“Then let me worry about him. I’ll fix that shit for you, but you have to give me a minute, and you have to trust me. Now go get your stuff so we can go, or don't, and I’ll buy what you need. Either way, you’re going with me.”

Yami tried to contain her smile, but it was hopeless. She walked back up the stairs to do as he asked and just prayed that he would honor his promise and keep her safe.

Chapter Nine

ake yourself at home. There’s plenty of shit in the fridge, and you can watch TV in there.” Train pointed to what was considered his entertainment room.

Yami looked around, feeling out of place as she stood next to Miego, who was holding her daughter. Ray was on the verge of falling asleep due to a long day and the thirty-minute drive to Train’s house, so Miego had insisted on getting her out the car and carrying her up to Train’s apartment.

Ray currently had her thumb in her mouth and her head on his shoulder. The only child he had ever really been around was his brother’s son, who was only eight months old, so dealing with Ray had him out of his comfort zone. She asked him a million questions on the drive over until just before they got there and she started drifting. Now he was holding her in his arms while she had her tiny arm wrapped around his neck, clinging comfortably to his body.

“Umm, thank you.” Yami displayed an awkward smile.

“We can take off in a minute. I’ll let you get her settled. I’ll be out here,” Train said and then left the three of them standing in the hallway. Miego stepped into Train’s entertainment room followed by Yami, who looked around to survey her surroundings.

“You want me to lay her down or what? This shit is new to me. I’m sure she can chill in one of his guest rooms.” Miego looked down at his shoulder, into Ray’s face. Her eyes were now closed and she looked so cute to him that he couldn't help but smile.

Yami looked around and pointed to the love seat. “You can just put her there. She doesn't know where we are, and I don't want her to wake up afraid.”

Miego did as instructed, but had to pry Ray’s body from his. She whined a little in her sleep but snuggled up on the sofa when he laid her down. After she was situated, he sat down next to where Ray was lying and grabbed Yami’s hand, pulling her into his lap.

“I shouldn't be long. You good here until I get back?” His hand automatically moved under her shirt, like he always wanted to touch her body.

“I don't really have a choice, do I? I don't have a car, and I don't know where I am, so I can't leave.”

“Damn, shorty, don’t say it like that. Sounds like I kidnaped your little ass.” He grinned and lifted her shirt so quick she couldn't stop him, and proceeded to examine her body. “You trying to set me up on some kidnapping charges. You got a wire on, Yami?”

Yami snatched her shirt back down and rolled her eyes. “You have a problem with personal space, don't you?”

“Man, chill with that. I was just playing with your little ass.” Miego leaned back and peered at her. “Check it, though, we’ll talk when I get back. I’ll get us a room for tonight, and before you say shit, I’m not gon’ try to have sex with you, unless that’s what you want. We can just chill.”

Yami wondered why she wasn't at his place now. She wanted to ask when he mentioned taking her to a friend’s house but didn't know how, so she just kept it to herself. Her first thought was that he lived with someone. If that was the case, then she wasn't about to get stuck in the middle of that.

“Why didn't we go to your place? Do you live with someone, and is that why you were looking for an apartment?”

Miego looked at Yami with a grin, but she didn't see any reason for him to be smiling when she was serious.

“Yeah, I live with someone, and yeah, that’s why I wanted you to go look for an apartment with me. But your little ass bailed on me, so that’s why I brought you here.”

Yami looked back at him like he had just lost his mind. “You are insane. Why would you bring me here with my daughter if you live with your girl? Well maybe she’s not your girl, or I don't really know what your situation is, but I’m not about to be your side hustle. I can't believe you...”

“Man, chill for a minute and let me explain,” Miego said in a way that let her know he meant business. “Damn, you are already assuming shit. The person I live with is my mother, and before you get on that why is a grown man living with his mother, it's temporary and a long story, but we can talk about it later.” He lifted his arm to check the time. “Right now, I have to head out with my man to this meeting. Just chill, and we'll talk when I get back. Can you do that for me, please?”

She wanted to object, but knew it was pointless so she nodded and tried to stand, but he held onto her.

“Damn, you’re mean as hell. I can see now, I’m gon’ have to check that shit.” He grabbed her chin and kissed her.

Yami resisted at first, but eventually kissed him back. She couldn't help it. His lips were so soft and welcoming.

“That’s better.” Miego grinned and lifted her small frame from his lap so he could stand. “Call me if you need anything, and I’ll hit you back when I can.”

“Is she good, you want a blanket or anything?” Miego looked over at Ray, who was sleeping peacefully.

“No, I have one in her bag.”

“I’ight then, I’ll be back.”

Miego left the room and joined Train. The two of them were out the door, and after Train locked up, they headed to Train’s ride.

“Yo, she worth it?” Miego looked across at Train as he whipped it on the highway, heading to meet his guy.

“Worth what?”

“The bullshit that's about to pop off because you’re claiming her.”

“No guarantees, but I feel like she is.”

“I’ight then,” was all Train said.

That was all the confirmation needed. He was down with Miego no matter what, and if being with Black's girl was about to start a war, then Train was going to be right by his side fighting it with him.



Miego stood in the room across from Train’s new plug, Joseph. He had to be in his late fifties but didn't really look his age. He actually didn't appear to be much older than his mid-forties because of his fit status and features, but most of that could be attributed to his attire. Dressed casually in a pair of jeans, Timbs, and a button up shirt that hung freely, instead of being tucked in, he had the appearance of an older man who was trying to remain relevant. The style didn't necessarily fit him, which made him look awkward.

Joseph wore dreads that were salt and pepper, due to his age and hung down to the center of his back. They were neatly kept and in a ponytail. His eyes were on Miego since Train had just introduced the two men. What Miego recognized to be Joseph’s hitters, were standing a few feet behind him as if to make it clear that Joseph was protected.

Miego eyed them and chuckled to himself. He saw it as a bitch move. If you couldn't protect yourself first, then you weren't really a man. Having hitters in place should be for backup, not a first resort. Either way, he didn’t care. He didn’t have to like Joseph to do business with him. He just needed shit to go smooth so he could make a lot of money in a short amount of time.

“You’re here because he trusts you. I trust him and he trusts you.” Joseph finally spoke up and addressed Miego, who gave Train a side eye before he focused on Joseph.

“And?” Miego said.

“And, just remember that he trusts you and I don't. If I see a problem, then I’ll handle it.” Joseph offered, which was basically his way of threatening Miego.

Miego chuckled and stared Joseph right in the eyes. He only broke eye contact for a brief moment to smirk and eye, Joseph’s hitters before he spoke. “I guess we have that in common, then.” He didn’t scare easy, and Joseph damn sure didn't do shit to him. Miego wanted
to be clear.

“I’ight, well, looks like we’re good then. This is my partner. We're in this shit together, so it's our money and your product.”

Train took over, sensing that neither Miego nor Joseph was fond of each other. He didn't care either way, all he wanted was to make the deal. They would only see each other once a month to deliver money and pick up product, so their feelings one way or another weren't really a factor.

Joseph focused his attention on Train. “The price I'm giving you is because you’re promising a certain amount of sales. You are responsible for that regardless of what your people do. I don't give a fuck if it sells or not, but I expect to see you once a month for a new order. If you don't come to me, I will come to you. This is a contract.”

“We got it covered,” Train said and glanced at Miego.

Miego didn't know how comfortable he was promising something that was going to make them reliant on the abilities of someone else, but it was too late. He was there, so that meant he agreed to the terms.

Joseph extended a hand to Train, which he accepted and shook, and then one to Miego. Out of respect for Train, Miego shook his hand. They made arrangements for their first delivery and then left.

Once they were in Train’s truck again, Miego spoke up. The whole situation just felt off to him, and he needed to feel Train out to make sure he was still good with it.

“You sure ’bout this shit?”

Train looked at him for a minute. He knew that Miego wasn't feeling Joseph or the deal, but he knew it would work. It was easy, fast, money, so he wasn't really worried about the deal, but Train knew Miego well enough to sense it that he wasn't convinced.

“Sure about that nigga? Nah, but the deal is good and it's what we need to for a quick come up. It's as simple as that. I'm sure about you, and I know we can do this. We buy from him, sell to my people, and collect money. That’s it. We’re not on the streets. We don't have to fuck around with product, all we do is collect money. That’s it.”

“Sounds easy as fuck, but if they don't sell that shit, then we don't get the money. One month is quick as hell for the amount of product they have to get rid of, Train.” Miego and Train had both been hustling, one way or another, since they were shorties, so they both knew how the game went. It was possible, but there were always factors that could affect that.

“Don't stress. I did my research. I know how much they can move and how fast. At this point, all we need to do is collect money. We got this shit.”

“Your ass better hope so. Otherwise, our next move will include taking out that arrogant muthafucker,” Miego said in reference to Joseph.

Train chuckled. “Aye, it’s whatever. If it comes to that, then it is what it is, but for now, we run this shit like I know we can.” He lifted his hand to Miego and the two men dapped each other. The plan was set in motion, and all they could do now was wait and see how it played out.

“So, what's the move with shorty?” Train asked, referencing the fact that Miego had Yami with him.

That told him a lot and confirmed that Miego didn't really give a fuck about Black’s feelings on the matter. Not that he expected him to because Miego and Train were a lot alike when it came to stuff like that. They made shit happen and dealt with whatever consequence arose from it. Apparently, Miego was feeling shorty, so whatever happened after that was just formalities.

“The fuck if I know. I’m trying to feel her out and see. She’s scared of that nigga, though, so she keeps running. I told her fuck him and I got her, but he has her all worried and shit. I get that they share a daughter and everything, and I won't get in the way of that, but if lil mama is rocking with me, he better stay in his fucking lane or he’ll be dealt with.”

The look Miego wore when he looked at Train was explanation enough. He knew exactly what that meant.

“Yo, it's whatever with me. I know you just got home and shit, but you still got family, so we’ll ride if necessary.” Train held up his hand that displayed his gang set, using his fingers to form their sign.

Miego returned the gesture and that was that. For now, he wasn't really concerned.

“Yo, let’s make a run real quick.” Miego glanced at Train, who was already in his head because he knew exactly where they were going.

The fact that Black had put his hands on Yami again had Miego heated, and he was trying to let it go, but it was fucking with him. Any man that put his hands on a female, no matter what the situation, was a bitch and he needed to step to Black and address it.

He and Train rode around for a while and checked out every spot that they knew to look for Black, but he was nowhere to be found. It annoyed Miego, but he figured that the two would meet up soon enough. Either way, he’d be ready. For now, he was going to make sure Black was clear about the fact that Yami was no longer his concern, which meant that outside of Ray, he needed to keep his distance. That was not up of negotiation, and if Black had an issue with that, then Miego had an issue with Black.

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