She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale (9 page)

BOOK: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale
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Yami lowered Ray to the floor and she took off down the hall to Yaz’s room. When Yami was sure she was out of sight, she walked into the kitchen, lifted her body onto the counter, and waited for her sister to speak her mind.

“I don't know why you looking at me like that,” Yaz said when she realized Yami was watching her.

“Because I know you got something to say, so say it.”

“I don't have shit to say. You’re grown. You were grown when I told you not to fuck with Black because I knew he was bad news, and you grown now, so do what you want, Yami. My opinion don’t mean shit.”

“Fine, then.” Yami sat there waiting, knowing that Yaz couldn't let it go.

“Why are you playing with fire, Yami? Not only are you fucking with someone else, but do you have any idea who you’re messing with? Miego is basically Black, just on the opposing team. I didn't even realize who it was until Mal called me, telling me she saw you up in Babies ’R Us, all cozy and shopping with Miego. You know she has a big ass mouth. How long you think it will be before Black finds out?”

“You know him?” Yami asked, ignoring the part about Mal, and focusing on the fact that her sister acted like she knew Miego. She didn't know him, so she was curious how Yaz did.



“I don't know him personally, but I know of him. Shit, Yami, did you have to pick one of Black’s rivals. Word on the street is he's just as damn crazy as Black.”

“What difference does it make who it is, Yaz? Nobody’s a good choice, right? Whether they’re too scared to go up against him or crazy enough to try, it's a problem. But I’d rather take my chances with someone who won't bow down to him.”

“Yami, really? That nigga got you gassed up. He can't protect you. Do you really think Black is gon’ be like ‘okay, cool, you can fuck with her, bruh’? Hell no. Think about Ray, Yami.”

“I am thinking about Ray. Black is her father and that won't change. I’m not his anything, so if I want to move on, I can.”

Yaz laughed at her sister for being so naïve. She was starting a war and didn't even care.

“Like I said. You’re grown. Do you, Yami. I can't tell you how to live your life and I’m not going to try.”

Yaz turned to finish the chicken she was frying and Yami felt bad. She knew that Yaz was just trying to protect her. She jumped down off the counter and slid her arm around her sister’s waist, pressing the side of her face onto her back.

“I love you, Yaz, please don't be mad. You know I hate that.”

Yaz let out a sigh. “I’m not mad, Yami, I’m worried. You really need to think about what you’re doing and if it's worth it.”

“I’ll be fine. I promise.” Yami truly believed Miego when he said he had her.

Yaz turned to face her sister and forced a smile. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“I do.”

Later that night, Yami lay on the pullout sofa with Ray’s little body wrapped around hers. Her daughter was her world. She just hated that Black had to be the one to bless her with that world. She pushed Ray’s wild hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead just as her phone went off. She smiled when she realized it was Miego. It was late, just after midnight, so she was also a little annoyed, thinking that he couldn't have possibly spent that much time with his nephew, but she pushed it to the back of her mind and answered.


“Did I wake you, shorty?”

“Nope,” she answered dryly, not really meaning to, but she couldn't help it.

“What’s up then?”

“Did you have fun?”

He chuckled. “Depends on what you mean by fun.”

“I don't know, babies are fun,” she said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Miego let his head fall back on the headrest and closed his eyes after picking up on her attitude. “Is there something you wanna ask me, shorty? ’Cause you seem like you got a fucking attitude about something.”

“Nah, not at all, but I’m about to go to sleep, so I guess we can talk tomorrow if you're not busy.”

Yami was trying her best to reel it in, but failing miserably. She was jealous and didn't even have a reason to be. One, because he wasn't her man, and two because she had no evidence that he had done anything other than what he told her he would, and that was to see his nephew and then go home.

Miego looked up at her sister’s building, wondering what floor and apartment she was in. He was trying to decide if he wanted to tell her that he was outside. After chillin’ with his brother, Jai, and his nephew, he didn't feel like going home, so he went by Train’s apartment and burned a few with him.

There were plenty of females there, ready and willing, who were damn near begging for his attention. For some reason, he let it ride and didn’t fuck with any of them. Yami was that reason, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Right now, he was high and horny, and as much as he wanted to be around her, he thought it wasn't the best idea.

“Your shorty sleep?”
Fuck it.
He gave up. He had to see her, he would just have to figure out how to keep his hormones in check when she was around him.

“Yeah, why?”

“Come downstairs. I wanna see you.” He hung up, not giving her a chance to argue with him or come up with a million reasons why she shouldn’t because he knew that was exactly what she would have done.

With his hand on his gun, which was in his lap, he closed his eyes with his head back and waited. About ten minutes later, he heard a light tap on the passenger side window, which made him tighten his grip on his gun until he realized it was Yami. He reached for the glove compartment, opened it and put the gun inside before he unlocked the doors to let her in.

She slid her small frame into his leather seat and frowned at him. She was dressed in a pair of sweats that clung to her body and stopped at her calves, with an off the shoulder sweatshirt. The word PINK was printed across it and down her leg, which he knew were Victoria’s Secret because of his sister, so he immediately started to imagine what she had on under them. He noted the fact that he didn't see any bra straps, which meant that she probably didn't have one on unless it was strapless. Just thinking about that had him semi-erect.

“Why are you sitting outside my sister’s building?”

He looked at her as his tongue glided across his bottom lip, eyes low and red because he hadn't come down off his high yet, and smiled. “Because I wanted to see you. I been thinking about your little ass since I left you earlier.”

“I bet,” Yami mumbled, which made him laugh a little.

He knew she probably thought that he had been with another female. Miego pressed the power button to let the back of his seat down, and when he had it where he wanted, he turned to face her.

“Come over here.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I’m not about to have sex with you in this car.”

“Did I say shit about sex? I just asked your moody ass to come over here. I want you close, and if I wanted to be up in you right now I could, you know it and I know. I know your panties are soaked just from being this close to me, so get your little ass over here.”

Yami looked at him and shook her head. He was so damn rude, she just couldn't believe him sometimes. But it turned her on, she couldn't deny that. She just didn't want him to think he could control her.

“Yami, stop fucking playing and come over here.” His eyes were still closed, so he wasn't even looking at her.

She exhaled and then climbed over the center console until she was on top of him, straddling his waist. When he felt her body on top of his, he opened his eye just enough to see her, and a smirk spread across his face. “Damn, your ass had to make that shit a fucking movement, shorty.”

“Shut up.” She grinned and punched him in the chest, but her little hand didn't faze him in the least.

“Now you wanna tell me why you had a damn attitude when I called you?”

Because I felt like you were with some hoe when you said you were going home
. “I didn't.”

“Yes the fuck you did. If you wanna know where I was, ask. I’m not gon’ lie to you. I don't have a reason to.”

“Where were you?”

Miego placed his large hands under her sweatshirt and Yami held her breath just a little as they glided across her stomach, to her sides, and then up her back. He smiled when he didn't feel a bra, but he let his hands move back down her body until they were on her stomach again. When he was done, without notice, he lifted her sweatshirt to look at her stomach, but she grabbed it and yanked it back to its original position.

“The fuck, shorty? Let me see.”

“Answer my question,” she demanded.

“I was with my boy, Train, smoking. I know you can smell that shit on me, and I’m high as fuck right now, so you know I’m not lying.” Miego lifted her sweatshirt again, just enough to see her stomach, but not enough to expose her breasts, even though he wanted to.

“Damn, your stomach is flat as fuck. You sure that’s your daughter? Nothing about your body looks like you had a kid, shorty.” Miego was focused on her stomach while one hand held her shirt up and the other glided across her skin. The situation was awkward, but Yami was melting under his touch.

“Yes, dumbass, why would I lie about that?”

“Shit, your ass think I lie about everything, so why can't I think you would lie about something?” he said, looking serious as hell.

When he finally let go of her shirt for good, his hands rested on her stomach. “I really wanna fuck you, and before you say something about filters or me being rude, don't. I'm just being honest. I know you feel my shit is hard as fuck pressed against your ass, so I’m just stating a fact, not being rude.”

“Well, I’m not going to.”

“Maybe not right now, but you will.”

“What makes you so sure?”

Miego chuckled and reached between her legs, massaging her center through her sweatpants while the other hand moved up her stomach and groped her breast.

Yami wanted to stop him, but she was trapped by how good it felt for him to touch her. She closed her eyes, released a soft moan that she was fighting to hold onto, and got lost in the way he was making her body feel.

“You like the way it feels when I touch you, shorty, that’s how I know.”

Miego removed his hands and placed both of them on her back, pulling her body down toward him until she was pressed against his chest. His hooded eyes stared at her for a minute before he let his tongue glide across her lips and then actually kissed her. When he let her up for air, he wore a grin while he let the back of his hand slide down her cheek.

“I’m about to head home, and you need to go change your damn panties if you’re even wearing any. Got my jeans soaked and shit,” he teased, which embarrassed her a little. Yami knew she was wet, but prayed that he was just talking like he always was.

“You are such an asshole.”

“Nah, I keep telling you, I’m just real. Shit, you got my dick on brick status, so I know your shit is leaking. Don't front, we’re grown, shorty. But seriously, I’m high as hell, and if you stay here any longer, I’m gon’ fuck you. I’m trying to respect your boundaries, so I’m about to take my ass home and handle this.” His hand moved under her and he grabbed himself. “Since you got me ’bout to bust a damn nut.”

Miego lifted his seat to an upright position with Yami still in his lap. They were close now, so he kissed her again before he let her climb back into the passenger seat of his car.

“I’ll call you when I get home, and I’m seeing you tomorrow. I want you to help me find an apartment. We’re not gon’ be out here in a car like a bunch of fucking teenagers,” Miego said with a grin.

“I have class.”

“’I’ight, that’s cool, just hit me when you’re done.”

“Okay. I can do that.”

“And don't play me out like you did last time. The second you walk out your last class, you better be dialing my damn number. Fuck that, what's your schedule? I don't trust you.”

Yami laughed. “I’ll call you, I promise.”

“Fuck around if you want to. I’ll be at that damn school, showing my ass.”

“Oh my God, I can't with you. Bye.”

Miego watched as she got out and made her way back into her sister’s building. Once he felt she was safe, he pulled off with her heavy on his mind. He needed to make her officially his and soon.

Chapter Seven

o what's the deal with you and Yami?” Yanna’s eyes searched her brothers face briefly before she focused on her Psychology book again. The two were sitting in their mother’s living room, Miego watching TV while his sister studied for a test she had in a few hours.

“What you mean, ‘what’s up with us’?” He glanced at his sister who was looking right back at him.

“I mean, are y'all kicking it or what? Because I know your hardheaded ass doesn't care what anybody thinks, so it's not like you care who her daughter’s father is.”

Miego laughed at his sister. She was forever in his business, but he loved her for that. It was her way of looking out. She couldn’t protect him in the streets, but she was always on the lookout to make sure he knew what he was dealing with.

“We're just chillin’. Nothing major right now.”

“Just be careful. I like Yami, we’re cool and everything, but I love you. You’re my brother, so that trumps everything.”

“I’m always careful, Yanna. The fuck you mean?” Miego swatted at his sister’s book, causing it to close. When it did, she punched him in the arm.

“Chill, damn. You see me trying to study, punk.”

“Nah, what I see is you all up in my business.”

“You're so damn rude.” Yanna opened her book again and Miego smiled. Her saying that he was rude reminded him about Yami.

“Yo, you need me to drive you later?” He was mentally trying to work through his day, but he had yet to talk to Yami, and she never did tell him what time she would be finished with her classes.

“If you’re busy, Renz can take me. I need a damn car.” Yanna was looking down at her book, so she didn't realize Miego was watching as her face scrunched up into a frown.

Miego knew that his sister and Terenz were pretty tight. She wasn't exactly dating him, but they were pretty solid. He seemed like a decent guy, college athlete, smart, and he treated his sister with respect, as far as he could tell. But, Miego still didn’t want her to be dependent on a man who wasn't family. If it was him or Tron, he was okay with it, but anybody else was a no-go.

“I’m working on it, Yanna,” Miego said.

He had been thinking about it, and honestly, after his first pay off with Train, he planned to hook her up. Nothing flashy, just something that was hers and paid for. He didn't want his sister to have to depend on anyone for anything, not even him if he could help it.

His confession made her quickly look up at him. “I don't mean from you, Miego.”

“I know that, but I got you and I always will. I’m proud of you and you deserve it. I’ll make it happen, just give me a minute. I’m working on a few things right now.”

Yanna smiled before she leaned over and kissed her brother on the cheek and then got comfortable again. “I love you. You’re still rude as hell, but I love you anyway.”

“Shut the hell up and study for that damn test.” Miego chuckled and focused on the TV again while Yanna went back to studying.

Bored with what he was watching on TV, Miego decided to take a shower and get dressed. He didn't know what time Yami was going to call, but it was already after lunch and he didn't want to keep her waiting. He had called and set up a few appointments to view some places, but he wanted Yami to be there with him. His goal was to put the place in her name if she would let him. Crazy right? He didn't care. For some reason he trusted her, and that was rare for him. Plus, he planned to do everything possible to stay under the radar.

His original thought was to put it in his sister’s name, but he didn't even want it to be connected to family. Yami was the next best thing. Besides, he could tell she needed an out from her current situation. Her sister had her own place and she was still staying with her mom, with a kid. He could tell from Yami mentioning how her mother loved making her life complicated that she wouldn't hate the idea of being on her own. Especially if someone else was footing the bill. As far as he was concerned, if she played her cards right, she wouldn't have to worry about a damn thing but finishing school and being a mother to her daughter. He would make sure he had everything else covered for her.

After he made to his room and got his clothes out for the day, he grabbed his ringing phone and realized it was Train.

“What up, yo? You moving?” Train asked as soon as he heard Miego’s voice.

“About to be, what’s good?”

“I have us set up to meet with some people tonight at eight. You good for that?”

“Yeah, I’m good. I have a few things to handle right now, but I’ll make sure I’m free. Meet you at your spot?”

“Yeah, you can do that and then we can head out together. I’ll fill you in on everything when you get here. Just hit me up when you’re heading my way.”

“I’ight, bet.”

Miego tossed his phone on the bed and grabbed his things to head to the bathroom. Their tiny apartment only had one that he shared with his mother, sister, and occasionally his brother when he wasn't at Jai’s crib. Another reason he was anxious to figure shit out. No privacy, and no grown ass capable man should be living under their mother’s roof. Regardless of his circumstances, it constantly messed with his head that he was still there, even though it had only been a little over a month since he had been released from jail.

Ginette wasn't going to like the idea of him moving out. She felt like she could somehow control the moves he made if he were close, but Miego was going to be Miego regardless. He just didn't argue the point with her because he hated to see his mother stressed.

Once he had the bathroom filled with steam, signaling that the water was good, hot, and ready for him, he shed his clothes and stepped in. His thoughts about the phone call he’d just had with Train flowed through his head. This was the first of their big deals, which was about to put him one step closer to getting out for good. He just hoped that things ran smoothly and worked out as planned. The amount of product they were about to move was dangerous, but in his mind, the benefits outweighed the risk, so he was rolling with it.

After he was dressed and smelling good, he sat on the edge of his bed going through his phone. He had several messages from jump offs who wanted his time, but he ignored them. At this point, he was focused on Yami. It didn't mean he wouldn't hit one of them up if the need hit, but for now, he wasn't seeking them out or entertaining their advances. He didn't mess with social media too tough, but his sister had set up accounts for him on his phone, so he occasionally scrolled through them.

Instagram was filled with females he didn't know who were constantly making comments about him, even though he only had four pictures. Two of them were with Kia, but they didn't care. The went in on how she didn't deserve a man like him. They also weren't shy about what they would do if they had him, and how Kia was lacking in the looks department. Some of the females that hit him up were bad as hell. He just didn't fuck with too many people, so he didn't pay them any attention.

Right in the middle of checking a message from a shorty he actually considered responding to, Yami called and he laughed. It was like perfect timing, as if she sensed he was about to be up to no good.

“Damn, shorty, you must have read my mind. I was just sitting here thinking you needed to call me soon because I need to see you.”

Yami blushed. “I’m walking into my last class right now, so you can be here in an hour and I’ll meet you in front of the student union.”

“I’ight, bet. I can do that, but you can skip that shit if you want, and I’ll come now.”

She laughed. “I can't do that. It's one hour, I think you’ll survive.”

“Shit, you never know. I’m already going through withdrawals.” Yami could hear the playfulness in his voice, and it did something to her. She missed him too, but school was a priority that she wasn't about to change for any man. Not even Miego.

“Bye, one hour,” she said firmly and then hung up.

Miego laughed at the fact that she hung up so he couldn’t respond. That was one of his moves, so he sent her a text.

You owe me for hanging up on me, shorty. We’ll discuss what you owe when I see you.

Not even a minute later, she responded.

Good luck trying to get me to pay up.

Miego stood and slid his phone into his pocket before he headed back to check on his sister.

“Yo, I have to pick Yami up in an hour. What time is your class?”

“Three, I already texted Renz and he’s coming to pick me up.” Yanna didn't bother looking up at him.

“I’ight, well hit me up if you need me to get you later. You know I got you.”

“Man, please, didn’t you just say you about to pick Yami up? I don't plan on seeing you anytime soon.”

“See, there you go with that bullshit. We’re just chillin’ and you know me better than that. Family first, Yanna. Don't play me like some punk.

“I’m not, but I’m good. For real. Do your thing, but I promise you if she gets you caught up, I'm getting in her shit.”

Miego chuckled then left her to get his keys and wallet. He planned to run by the store and then head to meet her, but then he fell back for a minute. He wanted to make sure he didn't show up late, but he also didn't want to get played by showing up too early, so he stretched out on his bed and chilled a little longer.



“What are you doing here?” Yami looked at Black, who was leaning against his car, and then toward the street that led to the entrance of the student union building.

She prayed that Miego didn't show up while Black was there because she had a feeling that he would have no issues whatsoever fronting him, and that was a problem she didn't need. Black was cocky, but so was Miego. They were similar in a lot of ways, but Miego had a calm spirit under his arrogance. She could feel it. Black was, well he was just Black.

“The fuck you mean what am I doing here? I can come see my girl, right?
nd don't your ass need a ride home from school?” Yami surveyed his expression, trying to read his mood. He didn't really seem mad, but he wasn't smiling either.

“I’m not your girl, Black, and I haven't been in a long time,” Yami said, again letting her eyes search for Miego’s car.

“You looking for somebody?” Black looked right at her and then in the direction he had seen her eyes move. “’Cause I know Yaz is at work, so who you waiting on, Yami?”

“None of your business,” she snapped, not really knowing why. Thinking about Miego gave her a confidence that she hadn't had in a while.

Black chuckled before he removed his solid frame from his car and snatched her by the elbow. “Let’s go.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Yami pulled away and instantly regretted it when she noticed the look on Black's face.

He reached for his face and rubbed his chin before he, looked down at her and spoke calmly. “Get your ass in this muthafucking car before I embarrass you out here. You know I will, so try me if you want, Yami. Get in the gotdamn car.” He didn't say another word, he just walked around to the driver’s side, got in, and waited.

Yami looked around, praying that Miego would show up. She had gotten out of class fifteen minutes early, so she knew it would likely be a few more minutes before he got there, but only if he was early. She thought about stalling, but Black was serious, so with no other options, she relented and got in his car. He pulled away from the curb, driving like a maniac, so she knew it was about to go down.

When they reached his apartment, she sat there silently, not wanting to get out of his car. He hadn't said a word or even looked at her the entire drive, but he did make a point of talking to one of his many females, making sure to tell her that he had to handle something and then would be there to see her. It pissed Yami off, but she was stuck and couldn't do anything but sit there.

“Get out the car, Yami. The fuck you sitting there for?”

Again, she did as she was told. A few of Black’s guys were outside drinking, so he tossed her his keys and told her to go upstairs. She hesitated but did it. Once she was inside his apartment, she looked around, not really knowing what else to do with herself. It was laid and clean, which meant that some female had been there because he didn't clean.

Black liked nice stuff and had the money to buy it, but he put no effort into keeping it up, so he made sure he always had someone around to do it for him. There was a time when he would spend money on her, but that had ended. He spared no expense for Ray. Honestly, the money he gave Yami for their daughter covered them both because Ray was only two and didn't need much, but he made a point of always saying it was for Ray.

Yami pulled her phone out of her pocket and realized she had several missed calls from Miego and an equal amount of texts, which made her heart race. He was looking for her and she knew he was going to be pissed. She shot him a quick text, simply saying, ‘something came up.’ Of course, he called instead of replying, but she shut her phone off, not wanting Black to walk in on her talking to Miego.

“So you call yourself moving on, huh?” Black slamming his front door, startled her and she backed up just a little.

His presence was intimidating, six feet even, two hundred pounds of muscle. One of his arms was damn near the size of one of her legs because of her small frame. Black was sexy to Yami. Hell, she used to be in love with him and couldn't keep her hands off him. But right now, the sight of him, the scowl on his face, and the hatred in his eyes had her wanting to run away from him and not to him.

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