She Fell in love with a Thug: Deuce & Italy (2 page)

BOOK: She Fell in love with a Thug: Deuce & Italy
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I stood by the door
s and watched my Rolex as it said 3:35. Ol girl was starting to piss me off, and I didn't know why. She was just a little rat, but damn if I didn't want to prove to Jay that I was that nigga. I stepped back and watched as little momma walked out the school. I grabbed her up by her book bag and pulled her in my space.

“What took you so long
?” I asked her.

She pulled
away and I pulled her back and placed my hands back on her hips with my dick on her ass. Shit felt unbelievable.

want a slice,” I told her as I walked her over to my car. I loved to see hoes eyes light up when my doors opened. She had this look like she was impressed. I sucked my teeth, got in the whip and pulled off. I took her to the Slice down the street from her school. I ordered a pizza, some drinks, and sat back just looking at her.

yo’ name? You always ride with strangers?” I asked her as I sipped on my pop. She again said nothing and just looked into her cup. She played with her straw every so often and took a few sips here and there.

“Give me some
,” I teased and reached for her cup. She held it up and I reached over the table and placed my lips on hers. Her lips tasted like bubble gum and Faygo orange pop.

Mmhh, that shit good,” I said and scooted on her side of the booth. I took her hair out of the ponytail holder and ran my hands down her thick jet black hair.

What's yo’ name?” I asked again; this time with a little bass in my voice.

, but everyone calls me Ven!”

“Do I look like
everybody?” I questioned her and placed my lips back on hers. She scooted back in her seat and pulled away.

“What up
Deuce?” Someone said from behind me. I looked up to see that nigga Lamont  standing over me like I owed him some shit. He was pissing me off. The way his eyes went from me to Venice, the way he looked at her, was enough to make me feel like he wanted what belonged to me.

“What up
,” I said while running my hands through her hair. He licked his lips, and I jumped up from my seat ready to pound this nigga. “Fuck you looking at nigga?”

He g
ave me the once over and slipped me a ten dollar bill.

Naw nigga, I’m chilling.” I told him. I sat back down and put my arm around Venice’s neck. I looked up, and boy was still looking. Lifting my shirt, I let that nigga know I was ready to pull and he backed back while still looking at me like he was gon’ do something.





        My heart was racing a mile a minute
as I sat next to this boy. I didn’t even know his name and he already kissed me and had my nipples hard. I looked at him wanting him to do it again, but afraid where it would lead.

When I saw that he had a gun on his hip, I was a little worried and at the same time turned on. I slipped on the other side of the booth and just watched him for a second. He poked his lip out and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Come here
,” he ordered and I pulled further away. He finally grabbed my arm and pulled me over to him.

“Give me kiss
,” he said. He didn’t wait for me to respond and took my lip into his mouth. I could feel places on my body tingle that I had never felt. I was so grateful when the waitress sat the pizza before us. He sat back in is seat and looked at the food, and then me.

He fixed us both a plate. I looked at the food, and the aroma had my stomach roaring, but I was shaking with the thought of eating in front of him. I had never really been this close to a boy outside of school, and was worried what he would think.

“What up nigga
?” another voice said from behind us. Suddenly a slice of pizza was snatched off of the pan and a tall brown skinned guy sat beside me and began to eat.

is my nigga T- bone, T- bone this, Ven!”  T-bone nodded at me, and then grabbed another slice of pizza. Both of them ate like they were starving, and began talking amongst themselves like I was no longer in the room.

I stood up
and Deuce pulled me back down!

you going?” he asked with a concerned look in his eyes. It was so sexy to me. I had no clue why his forcefulness was turning me on.

It’s 5:00, and my mom will trip if I’m not home in 20 minutes.”

He sucked his teeth
, and stood up. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and tossed a fifty-dollar bill on the table.

, she can’t see me with you!”  I said and slid out the booth. He pulled me back and kissed my neck.

“Give me
yo’ phone!” Once again, he belted out another order.

I ain't got one,” I told him and picked up my book bag.  He rolled his eyes like I had lied to him.

“Man whatever
, give me a fuckin’ pen.”

handed him the pen from my purse and he wrote his number on a napkin.

Are you gon’ to call me when you get home?” he asked as he tightly held onto my arm.

Yes,” I answered him. I pulled my arm away and rushed to catch the Southfield bus back to Detroit.

I ran outside just in time
to make my bus. I felt guilty that I had lied to him. My mom didn't care if I came home or not. The truth was, I was ashamed that I stayed in the hood. He was draped in diamonds and he wore name brand clothes that I had never even heard of. Why would he want to be bothered with the child of a base head?

It took an hour and a half to get from where I attended school to my side of time. As I sat alone in my room, I stared at the napkin with his number on it wanting to call him, but our house phone had been cut off. My mom had started using crack again and every dollar she got went to her habit; leaving me, my brother, and my sister to fend for ourselves.               


It had been two rough weeks, and I had almost forgotten about Deuce until I was standing at the bus stop and saw his car drive past me. I turned my back with hopes that he wouldn’t see me. He kept driving, and I felt a sense of relief until I heard the sound of gunshots, followed by cars crashing.

I looked up in
disbelief when I saw Deuce’s car wrapped around the pole.  I stood in shock not knowing what to do. I wanted to run to him, but I didn't even know him like that. The sound of sirens broke my trance, and I ran over to the car thinking about the gun that I remembered Deuce carrying that day.

The sight was
breathtaking. Glass had shattered all over him, and he wasn’t moving. His gun rested in his hand, and I went for it. He slapped at my hand and looked at me like I was crazy.

Please, I have to. The police are coming!” I warned as I took the gun and slipped it inside my book bag. He smirked right before he passed out.

Once the police came over
, they pushed everyone back. I slipped through the people so that no one would ask me any questions. My book bag felt as if it was hundred pounds heavier with that gun in it. It was like I could feel it pulling my body down as I made my way home. Soon as I got into the house and into my room, I tossed the bag on the other side of my bedroom.

!” my mom called out and walked into my bedroom. Her sudden appearance caused me to jump. She stood before me all dressed up like she was going somewhere, but she still couldn’t stop scratching

, what's wrong with you?”
I wanted to ask as I watched her scratching all over her body.

Nothing,” I said and looked away from the bag.

“The man cut the phone back on, but you gone have to find 30 dollars for food
. I sold the food stamps to pay the phone bill.”

I sucked my teeth knowing the bill was only thirty dollars
, and she got over six hundred dollars in food stamps. I just nodded my head yes and laid back on my bed. I kept seeing Deuce over and over again in that car. Blood covered his face and every second I thought about it, my heart raced. 

That following week at school, was a blank. I hid the gun at home under my bed, but that was all that I could think of. I walked through the halls waiting for the day to end. Finally Friday was here, and I had heard nothing about Deuce. Everyone had acted as if the accident never happened, but I couldn’t.

Yo’ T- bone!”I called out to his boy from the pizza place as I walked towards the bus stop. He turned to look at me and gave me a cocky grin.

What up mama,” he said as he ran two fingers down my face. I pulled back and rolled my eyes.

Um, I was wondering if you had Deuce’s address?”

“What's in it for me
?” he asked, and undressed me with his eyes.

“Nothing is in it for you
. I have his stuff that I need to give back. I’ll tell him that you were thinking about touching me and you know he gon’ body you!” Returning his cocky grin, I crossed my arms over my chest, and sucked my teeth.

, nobody wants yo’ ugly high yellow ass!” he said and snatched my pen from my hand. “You got paper?”

, we’re at school!”

I went into my book bag and handed him my
notebook. He frowned at the first sight of the doodles I had drawn all over:
Ven Loves Deuce.

He wrote
Deuce’s address down, gave me one last glance and stormed off like a girl.

I hopped on the bus
and headed towards the burbs. I kept looking at the address knowing that this was a mistake to be taking this ride. Of course, the bus stopped a mile outside of his neighborhood, so I had to walk the rest of the way. The houses were huge and seemed endless. Finally, I made my way to his house.

I was sweaty and was ready to turn away
, but I had come too far. I put a little lip-gloss on and brushed my hair back with my hand before ringing the bell. I could hear voices inside before the door flung open.

?” Deuce frowned. His leg was in a blue sling and his arm was bandaged up. “How you get up here? No guards were at the gates?”

I looked behind
me, and shook my head no. It was clear to see that he didn’t want to be bothered, so I turned to leave, but he pulled me back.

come in. You’re letting the air out!”  he ordered. He grabbed his crutches and walked back into the house.

I stepped inside, but was
clueless what my next move should be. I just stood by the door watching as he walked over to a huge sectional sofa in an even bigger sitting area. He plopped down and put his leg up on the ottoman and turned the TV back up.

, come sit down!” he groaned. I walked over and sat beside him. With his good hand, he draped it around my neck.

“You hurt much
?” I asked trying to make small talk.

Naw, I just like limping,” he said and down bent down to grab his soda from the table. He handed it to me.











, I was not supposed to be feeling this way. Soon as I saw that girl at the door, I got geeked as fuck. I shook it off. I couldn’t have a chick seeing me at a weak point. Nevertheless, her sitting up under me with my face buried in her hair, felt good as fuck.

here mama,” I said as I turned to face her. I slipped my tongue in her mouth. I hated kissing girls, but Venice tasted like strawberry bubblegum. I stood up and grabbed my crutches and then walked towards the kitchen. “Come here.”

I handed
her some chips and pop out the pantry before I started hopping up the stairs.

, why I got to keep telling you to come on?” I shouted once I made it upstairs to my room. I fell onto my bed just as she came in behind me and closed the door. I sat up in bed and pulled her to me. She sat beside me and kept staring at my leg.“I’m good.”

I removed the brace and stripped down to my basketball shorts.

“Man, these meds got me feeling heavy as hell! Why don't you take a nap with me?” I asked with this sneaky thought in my head.

She looked at her watch and took off her shoes and jeans. My dick was thumping
as I looked at her in her panties and t-shirt.

“Where are
your parents?” She asked, looking nervous as hell.

My moms and sister out of town and my pops locked up. I’m on my own till Sunday.” I told her and slipped my finger into her panties. She sighed like she was stressed.

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