She Fell in love with a Thug: Deuce & Italy (6 page)

BOOK: She Fell in love with a Thug: Deuce & Italy
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“My mom’s
gon’ be bitching, but fuck it, come on.” He led me to the house and we walked in the door. I saw three men standing in the living room.. The men were all as tall as basketball players and so sexy.

ight away one stood out. He had that same rich, dark skin like Deuce, those light eyes, and hard look on his face. I knew that had to be his father.

Yo’, Nephew come here,” the man said, catching me off guard. I knew that the other one was his uncle from one of the other times I had been here. Deuce looked at me, smiled, and pulled me over

Yo’ Unk,” Deuce said smiling from ear to ear.

“Who this
?” the man said. His eyes were pretty as well. I guess all the men in Deuce’s family had those eyes.

“This is Italy?
” Deuce said causing me to give him a fucked up look.
Who the fuck was Italy? And why would he say I was her?
I thought to myself

That’s not my name!” I finally spoke. I was so angry. I just wanted to leave. Why would he embarrass me like that?

His uncle that was still sitting down sat up
, and waved me over.

,” I said shyly.

Little momma, what's yo’ name?” he asked in a quiet tone.

,” I said proud of my name.

“Like in Italy
?” the man asked.

Yeah like in
It…” I stopped talking finally getting the joke.

“IT this is my uncle Dinero,
my Uncle Lee, and over there that’s my pop’s.” Deuce’s father was tall and super sexy. Were it not for the eyes, the build and a few facial features, I would never guess they were kin. Sacario was high yellow with longer curly hair the complete opposite of Deuce. I couldn’t stop looking at all of the men.

Yo’ baby girl, where you clothes?” Sacario, his father said with base in his voice. I finally remembered why I was there.

sighed and dropped his head. My body shook like I was still cold.

“Pops ma
’ here?” Deuce asked holding my hand so that I could relax.

“Nope and you know
yo’ little friend better be gone before she gets home. She still in a rage.”

Alight pops,” Deuce replied. He turned to walk away when his father grabbed his shoulder.

Nigga that’s not what I wanted.” His father spoke to Deuce with such authority that I wished that I had my father in my life. They smiled at each other, and I saw a different side to Deuce.

Be careful driving that truck out here,” Deuce’s father warned.

Alight pop’s,”Deuce said and walked over to me, and then pulled me up the stairs.

“Bye Italy
,” they all said in unison then they began to laugh and joke amongst each other as Deuce and I climbed the stairs.

When we got in his room
, I was still a bit on edge. Deuce’s whole demeanor had changed. His face went from warm to stern. That made me even more nervous.

Man, chill. My pops cool”

He walked out the room and came back a couple
minutes later with alcohol and a bandages. He sat on the bed and pulled me down with him.

“Let me see
yo’ foot,” he ordered as he looked the cut over before he cleaned my wound. Deuce placed my leg on his bed and stood up. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of Joe boxers and a tank top. He handed them to me and laid on the floor and began to do sit ups. I knew he was upset, because I noticed that was his tale. I didn’t know if I should say anything or just change my clothes and go to bed.

, you gone tell me what happened?” Deuce asked as he watched me slip into the clothes. I then I laid in the bed.

I’m really sleepy, is that cool?” I answered avoiding his question.

, I guess it got to be.” He stood up and dropped his basketball shorts only to have another pair underneath.

No boxers.” I asked looking at how long Deuces legs were. That was so sexy to me.

Naw, bae my dick too big,” he said with confidence. “You want to see.” he joked and climbed into the bed next to me.













Chapter 5


I looked at Venice; she was sexy to me. I knew she was a hood rat from the projects, but I didn't care. She was sexy as fuck. Her light skin and the braces turned me on. I had told my nigga Jay that I was gone hit it and leave her alone, but I couldn’t. I mean I could hit it, but I didn't want to, at least not like that. We even had a bet running that she was a virgin. At this point, I didn't give a fuck anymore.

Yo’ mom coming home soon?” Ven asked.

I just heard the gate, she should be here now. Bout to go check on her, so she won’t check on me.”

You want something to eat, drink?”

I’m good!” she said as she played in her hair.

“I’ll bring you something
anyway,” I told her, kissed her lips and and pulled away as she took my bottom lip in her mouth making my dick jump.

“Come on
naw ma” I said looking at her ready to put in work

I pulled away from her and walked out the room and down stairs. My mom was sitting her bags by the stairs

Deuce, who’s bleeding?”

“My bad ma
’, I cut myself. I’ll clean it.” I quickly lied

, I will get it! Are you ok? Where is your sister?” My mom asked a million questions.

Yeah, I’m good. Lyssa asleep. Ma’ what you buy me? I kissed my mother’s face and she handed me four bags. I smiled and hit my momma on her ass, playfully.

“Aye o
, what I tell you ‘bout touching my shit!” my pops yelled out.

Man, if you wasn’t my momma.”

“Then you would be broke
wit no style.” My mother and I joked. I loved how my family had been vibeing off each other.

I walked in the kitchen
, grabbed two bottles of fruit juice, chips, and candy from the pantry.

, I brought some food home if you hungry!”

“What you buy me

She handed me a large pizza
and I ran up the stairs hoping that she would fight with my pops or something and not fuck with me. I tossed everything in the corner of the room except the food that I tossed on the bed. I handed IT a juice and went into the bathroom coming back with a blunt.

“You smoke?”

“Only that one time with you!” she said sitting up in the bed.

“Good you can smoke with me again.
” I put the blunt behind my ear and opened my juice. I watched her act like she didn't want to eat.

, you better eat that shit,” I told her as I pulled a slice from the box. I held  it to her mouth and when she went to bite it, I sucked her tongue into my mouth.

Um, you taste good as fuck.”

I handed her the pizza
. We ate, drank, and smoked. I was feeling lifted as hell.

Yo’ ma’, I’m sleepy. You take the bed, I’m sleep on the floor.”

I snatched one of the pillows and a blanket from the bed and cut the light off. I
laid on the floor and looked to the ceiling.. My dick was hard as fuck, and I wanted nothing more than to climb in bed behind her and fuck the life out of her.

Deuce, can I call you Sacario?”

I couldn’t help but laugh

, just not around no hoes. I don't need anyone to know my real name.”

, can you hold me like you did last time?” I knew as hard as my dick was it was a bad idea, but I got off the floor and laid behind her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

“Are you rich?”
she asked catching me off guard.

, what kind of question is that?”

Well it’s better than asking is yo’ watch fake.”

took my watch off and put it on her wrist. It was the Rolex my mom bought me when I turned thirteen. She said it was the only way men would take me seriously.

“You called me
yo’ girl, did you mean it?”

“You ask a lot of questions, but yeah
, you mine. If I hear you kicking it with another nigga it’s gon’ be yo ass.”

I kissed her neck and held her tight

“Man now since we
’re playing 21 questions, what the fuck happened tonight?” I asked still feeling her body shake like she was cold.

“I just wanted to see you
,” she lied.

“That’s another
thang, you lie to me we over.”

Um well you know I go to Southfield, but I stay in Detroit not too far from where you picked me up. Well my mom has a drug problem and tonight I think she was gone let her dealer have sex with me.” One of her tears hit my arm and I turned her around

What you mean? She was gone let him rape you?”

“I know it
seems like I’m being a baby and my sister say it’s not that bad, but I never done it, and I want my first time to be special. That’s dumb I know, but I just want to feel loved. I have never felt loved. My mom always talking bout how I need to meet a boss nigga and trick for some cash and my sister call me light bright. She tells me no man gon’ want me.” I ran my hands through her hair and kissed her lips.

want you ma’, I promise you I do.”

It’s not the same thing I want someone to love me.” 

I looked in her eyes
, and I don't know what came over me, but I pulled her body so close that I could feel the heat from her pussy.

“I do love you, I just told you,
that you were mine.”  I slid my hands down the boxers I gave her and rubbed her ass.  She turned over her ass no longer sitting on my dick. She clenched down on my bottom lip. I started to rub her flat stomach and slid my hands back down her shorts.

Um, ma’ you wet.” I slid my finger over her clit and kissed her neck. I felt her body shake.

Baby, you scared of me?” I asked taking two fingers and circling her clit.

Sssss ah,” she moaned and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Is it gone hurt?”

“I’m gon’ make you feel good ma’. Let me show you that you belong to me.” I reached into my night stand and pulled out a condom. I slipped my shorts off and slid the condom on. “Take that shit off bae. Let me kiss yo’ body.”

It’s gon’ hurt,” she cried again.

“Take it off for
me bae.”

I pulled the boxers down and ran my fingers over her clit. Her body
rose up to me, and I slid my dick on the lips of her pussy. I lifted her body and took off the shirt she had on. I slipped her nipple in my mouth and slowly pushed my way inside her.

Ouch ou, ou, stop, ou, stop, please.”

I kissed her lips to relax her
, but her tears still fell. I pulled out, sat up in bed, and pulled her on my lap.

“I’m sorry Sacario
, I tried.”

“You good baby
.” I slid the condom off and tossed it in the trash. I ran my hands through her hair as she laid on my chest. My phone began to ring. I looked over to the side of me and grabbed it.

……..Yo’, what up Candi? I’m sleep I’m gone hit you back…Naw ma’, I can’t. I’m a hit you back,” I said and ended the call. I could see the look in Italy’s eyes as she pulled away.

“You jealous
?” I asked knowing the answer.

gon’ sleep with her if I don't sleep with you?”

, ma’, you do sleep with me. Why you want to sleep with me every night? I’ll come get you.”

Really every night? You’ll come let me sleep with you?”

“If I need to
,” I said to her as I kissed her lips and laid her back down.

“I want to
. It just hurts when you do it Sacario.”

, baby you don't have to, if you don’t want to.” I told her. I took her hand and guided it to my hard on. “Come here, feel it.”

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