She-Rox: A Rock & Roll Novel

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Authors: Kelly McGettigan

Tags: #rock music, #bands, #romance, #friendship

BOOK: She-Rox: A Rock & Roll Novel
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© 2013 Kelly Petersen


This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, places, incidents and dialogue are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without prior written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief passages embodied in critical reviews and articles.


ISBN: 978-0-615-898667



Published by Petersen Publishing, 2880 Chippewa Way, Provo Utah  84604


Cover artist Eric Racine Petersen

Cover Copyright Kelly Petersen

Typesetting by Heather Justesen


Cast of Characters

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chaper 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22




Dedicated in Loving Memory 


Eric Racine Webber Petersen


Truly A Musicians' Musician



The author would like to thank Rick Walton for his unyielding guidance and grim honesty to this music nerd, who recklessly dares herself to lay word to page. This work would otherwise have never seen the light of day. And, to Dr. Robert and Bernice Petersen, whose love and support in my life has not gone unappreciated or unnoticed—I love you both.



Esther “Eddie” Evangelina Von Drake - Guitar/Keys/Vocals

Tara June Hildebrandt - Eddie’s best friend/Sister to Kai

Kai Hildebrandt - Tara June’s brother/Med student at Stanford

Gretchen Thor - Guitar/Lead Vocals of The Katz/Ginger’s sister

Ginger Thor - Drummer of The Katz/Gretchen’s sister

Raven L’Amour - Bassist for The Katz

Slade McAllister - British Rock God

Vince Perini - Manager of The Katz

Todd Rivers - Music mogul/Producer

Giavanetta Constantini - International Opera Star/Eddie’s aunt

Daphne Holt - Band stylist

Ben Von Drake - Eddie’s brother/Student at Dartmouth


She stares deep into the forbidden

Holding tight to her darkness written . . .

She rocks.



September 2006, Hollywood, CA

“So, what’s yer stage name?” the girl drawled, while standing in line at the open auditions. Her dyed pink hair and short-shorts reeked of desperation, but the real kicker was her Alabama accent.

“Eddie Von Drake.”

“That’s kinda cool. How’d ya come up with that one?”

“I didn’t . . . my parents were kind enough to do it for me.”

Eddie turned her attention to open the latest copy of
Mass Magazine.
If you’re looking for a band or studio gig, it was a staple: milk, toilet paper, and CMM.

Todd Rivers was on the cover. Music producer, Grammy winner – he’d been nominated three times, but this year his work on Slade McAllister’s
Voodoo Love Slave
had nailed it for him. Slade McAllister was British, undeniably heterosexual, and everybody wanted a piece of him. He loved his music much the way he loved his women: hard, fast and a little out of control.

Eddie flipped back to the classifieds and saw the ad:



Demo pack nec. Rehrse 3 nites/wk

Mngmt w/ Astral Agency

Under 25 and SERIOUS ONLY

Call Gretchen (213) 555-6679


She had learned quickly how to interpret these. “I need a CD and photo. Headshots are preferred to guarantee you’re not a card-carrying member of the Mutt Society. If you are truly serious, you will be willing to do anything, and I do mean
, to ink a deal with a major label. If you can fulfill all of these requirements, then maybe I might let you waste my evening auditioning.”

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