She's Only Seventeen: A Novel of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll (5 page)

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She had used me.

It would be the last time she would.


July 1984

“He will get over it, Kat,” I told her

“No, he’s pretty angry this time.”

I sighed, “Look, Kat, Tom is… he has always been… a bit rash. I mean you have to see it from his point of view.”

She shrugged, “okay, so maybe sleeping with Gary
a bad idea. But James, I felt something with him, something I have never felt before with anyone else.”

“Like love?” I asked

She giggled, “Love is a stupid word.”

“That’s because you’ve never been in love, Kat.”

She sat down on my bed, “I thought I loved Drew, but I realize now he’s just a fucking loser.”

“Drew’s not a loser Kat. He was almost ten years older than you; he took advantage of you, sorta like Gary. Kat, find a guy your own age?”

She laughed, “Like you?”

I smiled, “You know I don’t want to be in a relationship.”

She inched closer to me, “what if it was just a
relationship,” she asked under her breath.

“I think that could work,” I responded, smiling at her and coming closer so she was inches away.

“Don’t tell Thomas,” she said sternly

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I responded, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her down to me.

What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him right?



Late August 1984

It had been months since Shane had approached me with the idea of touring with
again. I had toyed with the idea in my mind, back and forth, until I decided it would be worth a shot. After all, the numbers hadn’t been what they had been since they were together last time.

I called a meeting with
Arctic Circle

“So I have decided to try to get in touch with
to see about you both doing another tour together.” I began.

I saw Drew’s eyes roll. “Is there a problem?” I asked

“Why do you want us to tour with them? They’re so young and boring,” he complained

Shane answered for me, “Dude, she’s Pete Crowne’s daughter, you saw what happened before, and don’t you want that again? Shits been dead since we got off last year!”

The other guys nodded in agreement. Drew had been defeated in this argument.

“I am going to contact Kat about the proposed tour, just to get a feel on where she and
stand with this,” I explained.

The guys seemed satisfied with the agreement as I prepared on what I would say when I contacted her.



September 1984

Neptune was stuck. We wanted to get back out on tour but did not have the means to do so. Sure we were sort of fine on our own, people loved us, but everything was just so expensive that Thomas and I decided it would be best to find someone to go on tour with once again as we had with
Arctic Circle
. That tour had been such a hit that the guys and I really wanted to do another world tour with someone as soon as possible. The fans had mixed feelings about me, some loved me because I was my father’s daughter, but other’s hated and despised me because of the media calling me a whore for seducing Gary.

Instead of feeling angry and upset over Gary, I found new energy with casual sex with James. We kept it a secret from everyone else and fortunately it stayed that way.

I began to feel as if we should give up hope when I received a call from
Arctic Circle’s
manager, Roy. He agreed that we should meet and did not hesitate to set up a time and place a couple weeks later.

I met him at a hotel within walking distance of my residence. He brought me up to his room to speak. As we spoke, he told me that “
a tour with Neptune would be beneficial to Arctic Circle, but first I needed to help him if he was going to help me
”. I didn’t fully understand what he meant until I felt his eyes surveying my body like a championed racer would his prized horse. I hen realized that I needed to make sacrifices for the band even if it met giving myself sexually to this man, I was repulsed by the thought of it. He was around Gary’s age, but nowhere near as good looking or charismatic.

“You’re turning into a beautiful young woman, Kathryn Crowne. I’d love to have you,” he explained

I asked him what I could do for him, growing bolder because of the confidence boosts he was feeding me. I shyly reached over and touched his leg.

The fact that I was practically still underage didn’t seem to nerve him at all. I was illegal, forbidden, and therefore desirable. I would try my best to please this man with my girlish charms. His body shook a bit when I inched closer to the prize. Undoing his belt, I heard him intake a breath. He looked almost taken back by my actions. I reached into his pants to pull out a decent, but fairly small member. I didn’t show any disappointment because he was rock solid. I timidly rubbed him. He started to shiver a bit and told me sternly that he wanted me.

I gave him a throaty giggle, “How do you want me?” I asked

He surprised me when he stated that he wished to make love to me. I had to smile wide at that one. I had expected him to want me to give him oral or some sort of quickie, but making love? Now that was poetic. I took off all of my clothes for him, piece by piece as he watched intently. He reached out his hands to me, pulling me on top of him so that I was riding astride him. His cock was poking hard towards my core as he pushed me down onto it. He felt much larger inside of me than he had looked on the outside. I tried to put on my best poker face as I started to move on him. He was clearly enjoying himself. Seeing him feel so much pleasure, I could feel myself start to let the first waves of passion consume me.

I wasn’t attracted to Roy and this wasn’t exactly welcoming, but I wouldn’t let that take away from my newly found love of orgasms. I rocked my body with his, his hands gripping my back, my waist, and then suddenly he announced that he was going to come. He pushed me to the side, I gave him a coy smile as he gasped and clutched himself. I knew I had won myself a world tour right then and there. He began to regain his breathe and his composure. He stated that he now knew why Drew was so enamored of me. I sighed and ignored the comment. He then told me that we would most definitely be a candidate to go on tour with Arctic Circle; he just needed to run it by Shane again. He then asked me if I would lie next to him for the rest of the night, which I replied that I would. As I lay in this strange man’s arms, I couldn’t help but wonder what Drew would think of me if we ever finally met up again. I drifted off to sleep with that thought. When Roy awoke me in the early hours of the morning, I let him enter me once more. He assured me that he would tell no one of this and advised me to do the same. I wouldn’t tell a soul, it would ruin us both.


October 1984

“I did something really bad,” Kat said to me casually as we lay in my bed.

“Hmm?” I asked, looking down at her.

“I had sex with Roy.”

“Who’s Roy?” I started angrily.

“Shhhh,” she hushed me. “
Arctic Circle’s
manager, Roy.”

“What? Why would you do that?”

“Because… I just got the call… he’s offering us to tour with them again…” she said softly.

“You did it for a tour?”


“Don’t tell Thomas… he will kill you,” I warned

“I think he will be pretty happy about a tour though,” she murmured as she began taking her shirt off.

My eyes went to her breasts. Although I was a bit irked she had slept with Roy, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from having fun with her. I tried not to feel jealous when it came to Kat. It was just casual sex and although I loved her as a friend, I couldn’t see it going anywhere else.

“You know he will be,” I responded while grabbing at her.

She smiled uncaring; I hoped he wouldn’t ever find out.


November 1984

When Kat told me that we would be touring with
Arctic Circle
again I was ecstatic. Not only were they one of the biggest bands around, they actually wanted
to joining them yet again.

Kat finally turned eighteen in November to which we combined a celebration with the announcement of the tour. She seemed to spend more time with myself, James and Ian now than she used to. The whole world knew about her and Gary since it had hit the tabloids. It hurt Gary’s career but Kat’s skyrocketed. She had been staying with me throughout the whole ordeal. Everyone wanted to know what Pete’s daughter was going to do next. She didn’t look like a little girl anymore. Her hips had broadened out, keeping her waist tiny, and her breast had grown. She had let her hair grow long so that it almost reached her bottom. Despite all of her changes into “womanhood” she still had her girlish caramel eyes which could make a saint sin.

We drank probably more than we should have, and Kat, guilty as any of us, had to be halfway carried upstairs to her bedroom at four in the morning. She threw her arms around me and kissed me hard. I was so surprised that I could hardly respond quick enough to kiss her back. Before I knew it she was on the floor passed out again. I don’t know what I would have done had I been given the chance to react.



November 1984

The day arrived when we went to meet up with
Arctic Circle
to begin, what I was calling, and the opportunity of our lives. I said “goodbye” to Gary with a halfhearted hug. We got to the hotel around noon, which was close to where Shane lived. That night Shane surprised us all by showing up at our hotel. He hadn’t changed a bit except for some lines around his face which just gave his already handsome face a flare. At twenty eight, he was in his prime. He greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the forehead which made me blush with delight. Shane had always had a way of making me feel like I was the only girl in the world. Shane also greeted Thomas, James and Ian warmly, but kept his eyes on me. Finally when we had a chance to speak he gushed over how breathtakingly beautiful I had become. Shane could have had me that night. He could have taken me easily with no fight what so ever, I would have let him, but I reminded myself that I was a woman now and women can control themselves. Shane left with the promise to return in the morning to bring us to his house to see everyone else in the group. I was nervous to see Drew especially and I believe Shane saw that in my face because he reassured me by telling me not to worry. But worry was what I did, all night long.


November 1984

I felt like an idiot. She was beautiful as I had remembered, yes, but something about her, a glow of some sort made her stand out more. What had I done? Just stared. They would be coming over to my place tomorrow. We had three days before we began touring and a lot of catching up. I figured a party was in order. I know it sounded stupid, but I was excited to see her. I hoped everyone else would be also.



November 1984

Thomas was grumpier than ever as we packed out bags and waited for Shane. I probably should have worn something more appropriate for the occasion but I chose my thigh high black boot with a lace up skirt and reveling top. I had fixed my hair the night before so that it was in waves just above my waist. I was a gorgeous display and ready to face my past with a smile.

The first person I saw as we walked in was Alex in the kitchen getting some water.

“Kat!” I heard him shout. Of course he put down the cup he was holding and ran over and gave me a hug, lifting me completely off the ground.

Hearing the commotion, Brian and Nick came into the kitchen also; Drew followed but fell back a bit and leaned on the door frame like a cowboy. I could only laugh and smile. We all went to relax in the sitting room where Shane proceeded to tell me about the photo shoot for the tour.

“Wait, what?” I exclaimed.

To my surprise it would be featuring me in a very short skirt which had the
Arctic Circle
symbol on it and a tiny thong underneath. Although I was upset that Shane had not told me this beforehand, I was excited about the opportunity to model, even if it was a half nude photo shoot with my ex involved. After explaining this to me and the rest of Neptune who were all not too happy about the idea of their lead singer whoring about the boys of
Arctic Circle
, we decided to have dinner and get to bed. Shane announced it would be a long day and to get some sleep. I didn’t sleep much of course, I never did anymore.


The Next Day

I had never had makeup artist’s work on me before. The whole experience was exhilarating to say the least. Finally I was ready to come out wearing my obscenely short skirt. With my hand covering my breasts I was directed towards Brian for the first shoot. I soon found confidence in my weakened position and grew bolder with every shot. With Nick I was to lie across his body holding his bass in a way that it would be covering my nakedness. For Alex I was to ride astride him with my ass up in the air, while he took his drum sticks and pretended to drum me. Drew came next, I was to sit on his lap with his guitar neck between my breasts and his hands were to cover me. Oh Drew was still so beautiful and so youthful. His smile could brighten a room, but not my heart and so I continued being cold towards him. Shane came last, it only seemed right that the person I was most comfortable with would make this the most awkward for me. I was told to sit between his legs and hold his guitar in a way which it would cover my breasts. I rocked my body closer to his crotch as directed and could feel Shane grow hard behind me. He wasn’t the only one who had of course, just the only one I chose to remember.

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