Shift - 02 (46 page)

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Authors: M. R. Merrick

BOOK: Shift - 02
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“I need a phone,” I said.

Marcus reached into his pocket and handed me a small black flip phone. I gripped the dashboard as he weaved in and out of traffic, rushing through yellow lights. At this rate, we were going to be arrested before we had a chance to save anyone.

We tore through downtown with Marcus taking a hard right onto 4th Street, giving us a straight shot to the freeway. Rayna called the phone number out to me and the cell phone beeped as I pressed each button. I had to redial twice before I got it right, the sweat and trembling of my hands getting in the way. The phone rang and I told it to hurry, as if that could help. When the fourth rang came, I cursed into the phone, praying for someone to pick up.

“Hello?” A woman answered.

“I need to speak with Chief, right away.”

“Chase? It’s Karissa, how have you been?” I could hear the smile in her voice.

“I don’t have time for this. I need Chief,” I demanded.

“What’s the matter?”

“Just put him on the damn phone!” I yelled.

“Whoa! Relax, I'll have to find him.”

The phone echoed loud in my ear as she set it down. I heard her talking to other people in the background and I silently urged her to hurry.

Marcus pulled the Jeep off the main street and hit the off ramp at an incredible speed. The Jeep left the ground briefly and as it hit the road again. I dropped the phone and it snapped shut.


I picked it up and dialed again. The phone rang busy.

“What is it?” Rayna asked.

I dialed again. Still busy.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped the dash and I felt the phone might shatter in my grip. I dialed again. The line was silent for a long moment. I looked down at the screen and it still showed

“Come on,” I demanded.

Relief washed over me as the phone rang. Static crackled from the other end as it got picked up, and I was relieved to hear Chief's voice.

"Hello?" He sounded confused.

“Chief!” I said.

“Chase, I didn’t think I’d hear from–”

“Just listen. I need you to get everyone together. The Shadowpack is under attack by Riley, the Brothers, and a whole bunch of purebloods.”

“I knew it wouldn’t be long before he made an example out of someone.”

“Well, it’s happening right now so I’m calling in this so-called alliance.”

“It doesn’t work that like, Chase. The wolves are sworn enemies and as much as I’d like to remedy that, we can’t help them.”

“You were just in my house this morning to make sure if you went to war with them, I’d still fight with you. I said yes, even though one of my closest friends belongs to that pack, and now you’re telling

“You need to understand–”

“Look, I swore an oath to you and you did the same to me, so I don’t give a shit what you think I should understand. We’re on our way to the Shadowpack’s camp, so pack up your pride and get your ass there. If you don’t, and I survive, this alliance is off and I’m coming for the Hollowlights next. That’s a promise.”

I flipped the phone shut and stared down at it.

“Chase?” Rayna asked.

I didn't answer. My pulse throbbed in my neck and my veins were on fire.

“Chase?” Rayna repeated.

I threw the phone against the window and it shattered into two pieces, cracking the glass.

“They’re not coming…” Rayna’s voice was empty and hollow.

“It doesn’t look that way,” I said. “Dammit!” I slammed my fist into the dashboard.

“We will be okay, Chase Williams,” Tiki said.

“Stop with the Williams already! Chase is fine,” I yelled. Uncomfortable silence filled the car and I closed my eyes, taking a long, deep breath. “Tiki, I’m sorry. It’s just…”

“I know. There is no need to apologize.”

The Jeep jerked off the highway and moved onto a gravel covered side lane. Dust clouded the road and the sound of rocks hitting the vehicle rang through the cab until the camp came into sight.

Smoke rolled in thick waves from the top of the forest. We were a mile away and the smell of fire already burned my nostrils. Marcus was focused on the road ahead, the look of a warrior in his eyes, but I knew he was right; we didn't have enough people.

“Marcus I…”

“What is it?” he asked.

“The Hollowlights aren’t coming. I’ll understand if you turn around.”

Marcus was silent, his eyes not moving off the road.

“I don’t want to be responsible for any one of you getting hurt,” I said. “Just drop me off at the edge of the forest.”

“No. We’ll go together.”

“I don’t–”

“You were right. It doesn’t matter what we’re up against. Willy’s in trouble and he’s part of this family. I said I’d stand behind you and I will. No matter what.”

“Me too,” said Rayna.

“You know I will be there,” Tiki added.

I nodded and tried for a smile. The engine roared, spewing gravel behind us as Marcus floored it for the final stretch. He dipped off of the road and into a ditch. We bounced around inside as the Jeep shook from left to right and I gripped the handle to steady myself.

“Where are you going?” I yelled over the engine. The shocks squeaked and struggled, absorbing as much as they could.

“Trust me.” Marcus’ voice was empty. His dark skin was motionless but I could see the anger in his eyes. He was a soldier jumping headfirst into battle. He didn’t care that we were outnumbered now, or that the werecats weren’t coming; he was ready.

The Jeep screamed down the path and the sun vanished beneath clouds of dark smoke. Shadows littered the ground and the forest grew up on either side of us. The SUV burst through a layer of bushes and into an opening on the other side. The grass was painted red and waves of heat washed over us from patches of hot flames.

Rows of cabins lined the far side of the field, all of them ablaze in thick, black smoke. Human and wolf bodies lay everywhere. Ash floated around us as the bodies of demons burst up into flames, and wolves jumped out of the forest, growls filling the air as they fought an army.

There were Cyclops everywhere, and they beat down waves of attacking wolves with thick wooden clubs. The hunters that worked under Riley had unleashed their elements. They pushed the wolves back with magic and let silver weapons slice through them. It sent them into an epileptic-like seizure, forcing their bodies back to their human form, covered in wounds they couldn’t heal.

Half-demons that had agreed to bow to Riley fought against the shifters. Some of them were vampires who’d come out as the sun faded. Others were witches, casting spells and forcing their enemies to crumple. Gladiator demons worked through the crowds, snapping wolves’ necks and tossing their bodies to the side before they could turn to ash.

Riley and the brothers stood on the top of a high cliff, overlooking the battle and commanding their army, but there was a strange man that stood with them. Long black hair flowed down his back that looked vibrant against his dark, tanned skin.

The Jeep didn’t slow as it entered the clearing and Marcus put both hands on the wheel. “Hold on,” he said, and the engine screamed.

The SUV jerked forward and drove straight for a pair of Cyclops. I gripped the dash and prepared for the impact. My body jerked against the seat belt as we crashed into them, and the front of the jeep folded from the force. The Jeep rocked back and forth as it plowed overtop of their bodies. Marcus shifted it into park, unclipped his belt, and we all jumped out.

I hit the ground and pulled my sword from its sheath. Marcus and I moved around the vehicle and brought our blades down on the demons he'd run over. The Cyclops screamed as the blade bit through their skin. Bright orange ash lit up their bodies as our swords sunk into the earth beneath them.

Rayna’s magic exploded around us and the ground shook. Dirt exploded as rocks shot into the air and plowed through an onslaught of charging Underworlders. Bodies flew back as the rocks hammered against them and Rayna went to work. Her whip cut through the air and the silver claws tore out the throats of the fallen demons, forcing them into piles of smoking ash that the wind swirled around us.

My spine tingled as Tiki bellowed through a fanged mouth. His claws came out and for the first time, he fully unleashed his demon. His eyes went black and razor bones pushed themselves out of his body. White bones covered his forearms, shins, and fists, making each of his limbs a deadly blade. His body grew larger, his skin stretching as new muscles formed. He wasn’t as large as the Cyclops or Gladiator demons, but he was a force to be reckoned with. He roared as a trio of Cyclops charged, and his body vanished. The Cyclops stopped, looking around confused, and Tiki reappeared on the air behind them, tearing them to bits with a demon’s speed.

As they burst into flame, he turned to the next group, ripping apart a small gang of half-breed vampires, sending them into the air in an explosion of red and orange. Blood burst as his claws tore off a witch’s head and he stalked the ground as a different creature.

Rai dove into the clearing, scooping up groups of demons and tearing them apart, letting their remains rain down over the forest.

Marcus’ sword cut through the air as he battled a group of hunters. His element came to life through the blade and as he sliced the air, a ray of power blew them back. He thrust his magic into the next horde and their skin paled as he stole the air from their lungs. He walked over them as they collapsed, moving to fight alongside a small pack of wolves.

Brock and Lena worked together, slashing wolves in half with silver blades.
They channeled their elements through their weapons and cast waves of flames and bursts of wind over their opponents.

I ran towards them, summoning water. It tore through me and power shone from my hands as it built between them. A large wave of water tore over the ground, growing higher with each inch that it moved. By the time it reached Brock and Lena, there was a massive tidal wave that crashed over them. They hit the earth and the water drenched the ground, receding until it vanished into the dirt.

They both choked, gagging as they cleared their lungs. Brock jumped to his feet, opened the zippo and flicked the lighter beneath his sword. The silver blade lit up in a burst of fire and he unleashed a stream of it. The green flames crackled on the air as they came towards me and I took control of his element. I sent the green flames flying back towards him like a flame thrower and the magic blew him back into the woods.

Lena ran towards me, her daggers pulled back and ready to strike. I gripped my sword and prepared for her to attack, but the sharp silver claw of Rayna’s whip snapped around her neck and pulled her down. Lena’s eyes lit up in surprise as her body jerked back and hit the ground. Rayna didn’t bother with dragging her. She ran towards her and came down through her chest with her blade. Lena cried out and Rayna twisted the dagger. She slammed her foot against Lena’s throat, shattering her esophagus and leaving her choking through whimpers of pain.

Lena coughed and struggled to her feet, but Rayna was ready, slicing her dagger across her face. Lena screamed. Her hands came up to feel the wound and anger filled her eyes. Her flawless skin was marred and blood poured from her jaw. She jumped to her feet and swung out towards Rayna.

Rayna dodged her fist and came back with a dagger, plunging the blade deep into Lena’s chest. Rayna pulled Lena’s blonde hair back and she whimpered against the force. Anger filled Rayna’s eyes and I expected her to bring the blade across her throat, but instead she bought her knee up and smashed it into Lena’s face. Lena’s body went limp and fell to the ground, blood still running down her cheeks and pouring from her chest.

Green fire soared out of the woods and hit Rayna in the back, forcing her to the ground in a wave of heat. Brock stepped out of the forest and magic poured from his hands. I charged towards him, but thick gray hands picked me up with ease. The Cyclops’ hands were rough, and my skin rubbed raw at his grip. He heaved me above his head and slammed me into the ground.

I hit the earth hard and rolled away just as his foot smashed down. The demon grunted and his other foot swung into my side. I felt a snap with the impact and a sharp pain moved through my torso. I tried to roll away, but huge fists were already pounding against my body. The demon’s strength came in droves and hammered at my shoulders and arms, trying to break the cover I’d created. When he realized he couldn’t, he picked me up again and threw me across the field.

I hit the ground, and more pain shot through my side. I could feel broken ribs poking at my skin, trying to free itself from its fleshy shell. The pain was piercing when I tried to breathe, and from where I was laying, I could see the fight was not going well.

Tiki had been pushed down to his knees, a group of vampires tearing at his body with razor talons. He did his best to protect himself, but each time he tried to teleport to safety, sharp talons ripped into his flesh.

Marcus stood against a group of witches who had stolen his blade and silenced his magic. They chanted in a circle around him, holding him to the ground. I could see the midnight skin that covered his body growing sick with illness as the spell poured over him. Sweat dripped off his face and he chanted his own counter incantation, but he wasn't strong enough. His body jerked at a painful angle and thick waves of black fluid spilled from his lips and nose.

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