Read Shifted Temptations Online

Authors: C.E. Black

Shifted Temptations (12 page)

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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“You read about it?”

“Don’t look so surprised,” he teased. “I needed the research. I am taking care of a pregnant lady, you know. Now, let’s get you cleaned up. I bet you would like a bath.”

, but um, I’m not sure...” I stuttered again.

Could I not talk around him or what? I huffed out a frustrated breath.

“Come on now, I know you want one. Lay back. It’ll be easier to get your clothes off in here than in the bathroom.”

I hesitated, un
sure if I could handle being naked in front of him yet. I wasn’t stupid, I knew I was going to have to let him help me, but I was scared of what he would think of my growing body.

“I’m not sure...”

“I’ve seen it all before, Sam,” he said firmly. “Let me help you. There’s no one else right now and you agreed to come here.” He lifted his hand, palm up in a placating motion. “I promise I’ll be the perfect gentlemen.”

He was also right. There
was no one else and I should not care about what he thought of my body. There was no
anymore. I lay back on the bed and took another deep breath. I had calmed down from the scare, but my heart continued to race.

Alex gently pulled the wet sweat pants down my legs, taking my panties with them. He left them on the floor then moved to help me sit up. He lifted my t-shirt an
d deftly removed it along with my bra. His movements were matter of fact. He didn’t look or touch me inappropriately and I couldn’t decide if I was relieved or disappointed that he had not taken advantage.

When my bra was gone, I immediately covered my breast with my good arm. Alex’s stare was reproachful, but he
did not comment.

“I wi
ll be right back.”

was gone only a moment before he was back with plastic bags in his hand. He covered my casts so no water could seep in then lifted me smoothly into his arms.

Even a
s gentle as he was, my aching body still protested the movement. I couldn’t hold back the whimper as my muscles and bones protested. Alex shushed me softly and kissed the top of my head, surprising the hell out me.

Alex carried me effortlessly, not jarring me once, yet I felt uneasy with our skin pre
ssed together so closely. His body radiated heat and it took every bit of my concentration to keep from wrapping myself around him. I sat stiffly in his arms, trying not to notice how good he smelled, or how hot his hands felt against my sensitive skin.

The sound of running water drew my attention. Light poured out of the bathroom, illuminating the dark hallway. It was enough to notice a shadow move slightly
behind Alex.

dan stood by what I assumed was his bedroom door. I couldn’t see his features, only the outline of his body as he watched us move towards the bathroom. I turned away, blushing hotly. I hated how these men could do that so easily. One look and I turned into a tomato.

Alex glanced down quickly, not commenting. I wondered if he knew Jordan was standing only a
few feet away. I shook my head, it didn’t matter.

Once we got to the bathroom, he lowered me into the small tub
, taking care to place my foot over the side. The placement was uncomfortable and gave Alex a clear view between my thighs.

The water was warm and I groaned at how good it felt lapping against my skin.
I turned to tell Alex thank you, thinking he would leave me to my own washing. I was surprised to see him kneeling beside the tub with a cup and a washcloth.

“You a
re going to use your arm for balance as I wash your hair.”

His tone let me know there would be no arguments. He was going to help me whether I wanted him to or not.

I slowly lowered my arm, revealing my heavy breast and placed it behind me so I could lean back a little. The move pushed my breast up, causing Alex’s gaze to sweep down. My nipples pebbled at the hot look he gave me and I let out a small gasp. There was no controlling it and I closed my eyes, not wanting him to see any more of my reactions.

Thankfully, he kept silent.

Using the cup, he began pouring water over my head and down my back. My cuts and scrapes stung a little, but soon they were a distant memory as Alex’s fingers began massaging my scalp with shampoo. The feeling was so seductive and yet so relaxing, it had my head tilting back with a soft moan.

My muscles softened as my body melted into his touch. It was the strangest sensation, to feel so relaxed and turned on at the same time. I felt boneless and yet my breast felt heavy and my nipple tightened. My sex tingled, begging for something else. I ignore
d my body’s plea, keeping my eyes shut and just enjoyed as he took his time.

We both stayed silent as his fingers did their magic. He even used
conditioner before rinsing my hair thoroughly.

Once h
e was finished, I opened my heavy eyelids to see him switch from the cup to a washcloth. Before he could dip it into the water, I stopped him.

“I can
do this part.”

I hated t
he way my voice had turned deep and husky. I cleared my throat and shook my head, hoping to clear my fuzzy brain as well.

Alex’s eyes smoldered down at me then dropped to
my mouth. His tongue snuck out over his bottom lip. His face was so close to mine and for a moment, I thought he might kiss me. Instead, he cleared his own throat and looked away.

“I’ll just wash your back.”

He did so, quickly and I wondered if he was trying to back off. Was the heat I felt sizzling between us one sided? Did he not want to give me the wrong impression or was it also becoming too much for him?

With a sigh,
I took the cloth from him and washed up as he left to put the cup in the kitchen and change the bed sheets. He was gone for a few minutes, so I took my time, enjoying the warm bath.

I was still embarrassed
about my weak bladder. I was impressed at how sweet and understanding he had been. I was also pissed that he was so considerate. He made it too easy to love him.

When he came back
, I was finished and he grabbed the towel hanging on the rack beside the tub. He stared down at me a moment, his eyes scanning my nude form, as if he was memorizing every curve. My body warmed in his roving gaze. I wanted to cover myself again, but thought that would be ridiculous. He had already seen everything.

is is going to be interesting.”

His words were completely off from what
I had been thinking that I sat stunned, waiting for him to explain.

“Do you think if I stood you up, you could hold on to the towel bar while I dry you off?”

Of course, he wasn’t checking me out after all. He was only trying to figure out how best to get me out of the tub. I was mortified at how my body was responding to him and he wasn’t feeling a thing, I scoffed.

As I sat there berating myself for such foolish thoughts, I realized he was waiting for my answer. Instinctively I wrapped my arm around my breast again, ignoring Alex’s scowl. I had to bring back my u
ncaring attitude. I would not allow him to see how he made me feel, how vulnerable and weak I felt with this need I had for him.

“Yes, I think I could do that.”

He reached down to lift me up and I paid no attention to his large hands sliding against my wet skin. When I was standing on the rug, I held onto the towel bar as he said. He began rubbing my skin with the plush towel. I ignored how my breast ached as the fabric brushed against them. I took no notice of the shiver my body produced as he came closer to my damp sex.

, I did become aware when the towel paused at my hip. I looked down to see Alex place a trembling hand softly on my distended belly. He stared straight ahead towards my belly button, his face one of awe.

Then the baby decided to turn over, making my stomach twist and push at his hand. He pulled it away quickly, completely surprised by the baby’s actions. His gaze met mine on
ly a moment before he stood up.

The moment was sweet, if not fleeting and in that
brief moment our eyes met, I saw something I thought I would never see in Alex. He was scared. I couldn’t blame him, I was terrified of becoming a mother, but I had come to terms with my fears and Alex would have to do the same.

He could let those fears
consume him and walk away from knowing the best thing to ever happen to him, a beautiful child, or he could fight against his apprehensions and become the father I knew he could be.




~ 13 ~




Standing in the doorway, dinner in hand, I could not help but stop and watch her. I had forgotten how beautiful she was. With her dark hair that curled down her back, her creamy complexion, and curves in all the right places, she looked like the perfect example of a sex kitten. Her pouty pink lips and almond shaped eyes only emphasized the look.

was amazing. I had always thought Sam was an exceptionally beautiful woman, but right then, laying in my bed, she was glowing. Pregnancy definitely agreed with her.

My mind raced back to the times I help her with her bath
ing. Those were fantastic and yet agonizing moments. She was sexy clothed, but naked? Hell, she was downright sinful.

I had thought her pregnant belly would be somewhat of a turn off, but I was wrong. Damn, wrong. The sight of her full curves had m
y dick so hard I could have drove nails with the thing.

he was no better. I could smell her arousal. It permeated the air with every caress of her scalp as I washed her hair. Drying her off was almost worse. As much as I suffered through every one of those baths, I still couldn’t wait for the next.

I dropped thoughts of sinful baths and watched Sam. She
was so engrossed in the book she was reading, she missed her mouth a couple of times, getting Alfredo sauce on her chin. I chuckled lightly, but she still had not noticed me.

I had brought in Sam’s food earlier on a tray and she was sitting up eating while simultaneously
reading. It was the shifter romance I had found in her room and purposely packed with her belongings. Quite ironic, and appropriate, I thought. I was pleased she had at least a little curiosity about the paranormal. I thought it might make things easier for her in the future.

Can I eat with you?”

Sam jumped at the sound of my voice. I smiled politely, but inside I was laughing with delight. She must have been at a good part.

She cleared her throat and slid the book on the nightstand. “Sure,” she said and my smile dimmed.

She was using that
flat; she could not care less tone again. I had been hearing that tone for the past week and I was at my limit. I had wanted to give her time to get use to staying with me, leaving her alone for the most part, except when she needed something, but I was ready to move forward with my plan.

Thanks, I didn’t want to eat alone,” I said going in and sitting beside her on the bed, close enough our thighs touched.

I heard Sam suck in a breath, but even though I was pleased with the reaction
, I pretended to ignore it and sat my glass of water on her tray.

As I ate, I watched Sam out of the corner of my eye. She fidgeted with her fettuccini noodles and looked out in the hallway again. I knew what she was wondering, but I would wait for her to get the courage to ask. I really didn’t have much of an answer for her, but the fact that Jordan was on her mind w
as a relief. It meant we were not completely erased from her thoughts.

So, Jordan’s not here then?”

I smiled at the question I had been waiting
for all week. Unfortunately, the answer had my smiled faltering.

Yeah, he is here. He’s working.”

He was working a lot, just
as he had before we found Sam. He was also being way too secretive. I wondered if it had to do with the mission. I had been meaning to talk with him about it, but hadn’t had the time.

confused look had me saying, “You broke up with him, remember?”

looked over at me, her mouth opened in surprise. I took a bite of fettuccini, chewed, swallowed and waited for her comeback.

I broke up with you too and you’re here.”

True, but Jordan’s not me.”

I ate some more, seemingly unf
azed by the conversation, but was secretly pleased we were getting some of this out in the open.

And I don’t think you can break up if there wasn’t even a relationship to begin with,” she mumbled and I grinned into my cup of water when her back straightened in indignation.

“We had a relationship,” I argued while taking a bite of garlic bread. It was good too.

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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