Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance) (58 page)

BOOK: Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance)
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Chapter Fourteen

Dahlia stroked the cue ball carefully. She did everything carefully since running out of chances to hobble the Sheriff. The balls barely moved. She decided to test the Senator’s temperament. “I’m sorry I lost the chance to get rid of the Sheriff. I thought it would work.”


The Senator leaned over the table to take his shot. He stroked the cue ball gently and sank the eleven ball in the side pocket. “That’s not all you’ve lost.”




“You remember those papers I had you sign last week?”


She didn’t answer.


“One of them was a power of attorney giving me control over everything you own.” He stopped planning his next shot and straightened up. He faced her. “You didn’t think I’ve spent this much time with you because I like you or because you’re a good fuck. Nobody likes you, Dahlia, and I can get a good fuck from any girl I want. No, I’ve tolerated your ill temper and your tantrums because I needed to steal everything you own. I’ve done that. You’re completely broke.” He held up his hand in a stopping gesture. “I didn’t leave you without a future. You can earn money on your back at the Western Gentleman’s Club.” He opened a door and three rough men and a young girl came through it.


The Senator continued, “These men will escort you to your new home. The young lady is your replacement. She’s known for her even temperament. I’ve had enough bad behavior from you to last the rest of my life.”


“You said you weren’t going to punish me.”


“I lied.”


Dahlia didn’t resist. The shock of her sudden change in status stunned her. The men led her out. The Senator said to the new girl, “Do you know how to play pool?”


The girl smiled, “No Senator, you’ll have to teach me.” She stood next to the table and held the cue awkwardly in both hands. The Senator pressed himself against her young, responsive rear end and reached around her. “You hold the cue like this, dear.”


Unfortunately, the lovely young lady worked for the Senator’s rival. She poisoned him, successfully, that night.


The End


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Pregnant To The Navy Seal

Loving a Navy Seal Wasn’t Easy



Stepbrother Romance


By: Lisa Cartwright



Copyright 2015 by (Lisa Cartwright) - All rights reserved.



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Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.



Chapter One

Carol couldn’t help but to check over her apartment one more time, biting her bottom lip as she looked around. There was nothing out of place. She made sure the dishes were done. She made sure the floors were swept. All pillows were fluffed. Everything was put where it needed to be. She smiled a little, but she couldn’t help but to be nervous. It wasn’t like her stepbrother came home often.
Navy seals are always busy.

She sighed, biting her bottom lip. She ran the lotion over her smooth bare legs, making sure they signed. Readjusting her corset, she made sure to tighten it just a little more with the mini skirt flaring out in just the right way. She smiled at the green and how it makes her eyes pop. She applied another coat of mascara.
I hope he likes it.
She thought, smoothing her curves a little. She loved the way it pushed out her breasts and made her hips just a little bigger.

Her long legs looked even longer in the short skirt and high heels. It didn’t matter how many heads she turned. None mattered except Nathan’s. Their relationship had to be kept a secret, but it was more real to her than anything she had with anyone else. She sighed contently, making sure that she had all the ingredients for tonight’s dinner, but she waited there for him to come. She knew it wouldn’t be long. He was never late. It just wasn’t in him.

Nathan wanted to curse at the taxi driver to go faster, but he knew the traffic wouldn’t lighten up. He could only hope that luck would be on his side this time as well.
It usually is.
He thought to himself, amused. His stepsister, Carol, always seemed to think it was on purpose, but often his promptness was simply luck.

It seemed like his luck was just right this time as well. He arrived at six on the dot. The sun was low in the sky, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before it set. He didn’t bother to call her and tell her was there. He knew she was waiting. The elevator couldn’t move quick enough as he went up to the fifth floor of the apartment building, making his way quickly to room 409.

With the key in his hand he went in, finding her just applying another coat of lipstick in the mirror. She caught sight of him right behind her, and she stopped dead, blushing a little as she put the cap on and turned. Nathan kicked the door closed behind him, opening his arms to her as she ran to him. His large, rough hands gripped the sides of her waist as he picked her up in a hug, placing a light kiss on her neck. She couldn’t help but to blush just a little before he unwrapped his arms.

“You haven’t changed a bit, love. Look at that outfit on you. Always one for flare, hmm?” He teased her in that deep voice of his, and she couldn’t help but to giggle some.

“Of course, and you’ve always liked it, so why not wear a new outfit when you get back?” She asked, dragging her hand down her side to emphasize.

“Yes, you’re wonderful. So thoughtful.” He said, and in an annoying brotherly fashion he ruffled her hair, making her groan a little before she started to smooth it out again.

“C’mon. I tried hard.” She said, pouting, and he just chuckled a little more.

“Oh don’t pout. I just got home, and I won’t be here long.” He said, and Carol nodded a little. She knew all too well how soon he’d be gone, but she tried to push the thoughts away.

“I can start dinner. I didn’t want to start until I knew you were here. I was so worried it’d get cold.” Carol knew she was rambling, but she was so excited it was hard not to. He just laughed a little, shaking his head.

“No, Carol, no. You think I’d let you cook on our first night together?” He said, and there was a husky edge that made her look at him confused.

“You know we can’t go out.” She said, and he quirked a brow.

“Why not? This is a big city, and who says that stepsister and stepbrother cannot go to dinner? Family goes to dinner all the time.” He said with that mischievous tone of his.

“I…I suppose.” She finally said, not wanting to let him down, and he smiled.

“Isn’t this why you moved in the first place?” He said, and Carol nodded. She knew that it was, but it had been so long she felt nervous all over again. She sighed a little bit, going to grab her purse as he waited.

“So where do you want to go?” She asked, and he shrugged.

“I saw a good seafood place. I know you love salmon.” He said, and she felt a flutter in her chest.

“You remembered.” She said, and he gave her a strange look.

“Always, love. Always. No time away from you is going to make me forget about you and who you are. What you like is a part of that.” He said, and with that he started to escort her down.

It wasn’t until they were in the elevator that he allowed himself to place a chaste kiss on her lips, brushing her soft, red lips lightly. Just as the elevator opened he was once again a respectable distance away to any onlookers. She tried to fight the blush that tinged her cheeks, starting to head to her car with him.

Nathan held out his hands for the key, and she pulled them out. Switching sides, he opened the door so she could slide into the leather seat, and he smiled, getting in the driver’s side a moment later. The car hummed to life, and he just closed his eyes for a minute, enjoying the feeling.

“Now, this is going to be a fun night.” He said, and she nodded a little.

“I would hope so. It’s your first night back.” She said in a teasing tone, but there was only seriousness in the statement.

Chapter Two

The drive was something that made her happy. He turned on the music, and for once it was like no time had passed at all. It was completely about him and her. It was about the way they seemed to be together. He just shook his head as he looked at his stepsister and the way that she started to relax into the seat. He knew she loved hip hop and alternative rock, and it seemed that this station hadn’t changed since last time either.

“Anything new in your life?” He asked, and she shrugged a little.

“Passing my classes. Part time job as a writer. Nothing new. You knew it was all in the plan.” She said, and he nodded.

“You were the smart one. Sticking to school and a work-from-home job. It’s something that suites you well.” He said.

“English Bachelors, right?” He asked, and she seemed to light up again when he showed that he remembered.

“Of course.” She said. “Business minor, of course.” She said, and he laughed.

“Of course. I don’t expect anything less from my star.” He said, and she bit her bottom lip.

You’re my star that guides me back home through the darkest times.
It echoed through her head. It was the last thing he said before he left last time, and it gave her hope this entire time that he’d return.
He did.
She reminded herself, and she hadn’t been so happy since the last time she was able to be in her stepbrother’s arms.

“Did I really guide you back?” She asked, and he paused for just a moment.

“I didn’t think you’d remember that, but yes. You always guide me back, Carol. I had no interest in coming back or not until I fell for you.” He said, and there was a part of Carol that believed him. He was the playboy type for the longest time, but since they had gotten together it seemed as if those days were behind her.

“It meant a lot to me.” She said, meeting his dark gaze. She got lost in those dark eyes of his, making her breath catch in her chest.

“That’s why I remembered…” She said, trailing off. She couldn’t say anything too loudly. Not with him staring at her like this.

“I’m glad it helped you.” He said softly, and she wasn’t sued to his voice going soft.

“So where is this restaurant?” She said, starting to change everything to a little lighter conversation. She couldn’t deal with the way he seemed to stare right through her. She felt barer than when she was naked.

“Just a little ways away. Near The Meadows.” He said, and she nodded.

“That doesn’t sound like you drove by it at all.” She said, a grin spreading from ear to ear.

“It sounds like you did research before you got to me.” She teased him, and he just shrugged nonchalantly, but there was a part of Nathan that knew he was caught.

“Maybe the taxi ride was too long.” He said coolly, but she laughed.

“Maybe, huh?” She quipped as they pulled into the parking lot.

It was a fancy restaurant, and her brother seemed to have enough money to throw around that they handed the car to the valet service. He told her to hold onto him, and she placed her hand gently in the crook of his arm as excitement ran through her. It was almost too much. Too intimate in public, and it made her flush with excitement and nervousness that threatened to overtake her.

When they got to the hostess, she saw him slide a large bill her way, and soon enough they were in a nearly private booth where no one seemed to be anywhere near to hear their conversation. The intimate atmosphere was more than she was ever able to have with him, and love swelled in her heart as her breathing hitched as his leg rubbed against her own.

“Mind if I order for you?” He teased her, knowing it was her preference. Deciding to do the same thing he did in the car, she just shrugged, causing him to chuckle.

“I suppose.” She said, and soon enough Nathan was calling over the waitress with a snap of his fingers and just the right glance. Appetizers were soon brought out, and mango lemonade was set in front of her. Sweet with just enough of a bitter kick to make it interesting.

“I thought you’d want a clear head tonight, but that’s one mocktail you’re sure to enjoy.” He said lightly as the chips and dip were brought out.
Spinach and artichoke. Another favorite.
She thought to herself with that smile that just wouldn’t seem to leave her.

Chapter Three

She just looked at her brother, shaking her head some with a smile on her face. She took a sip, and there was no denying that Nathan had picked exceedingly well with the drink, and the food was delicious. For just a moment she allowed herself to slip into the moment. He watched Carol enjoy the food that was sat in front of her, waiting for their meal to come.

“It’s been too long.” He said softly, and by the sad smile that graced her lips, he knew that he agreed.

“You look lovely.” He said, and she smiled.

“Your work seems to suit you well, Nathan.” She said, and he nodded. Just as their main course was served, and everything seemed to be that much better.

“So what’s on your mind?” He said, leaning over, and his hand quietly brushed her thigh from across the table as he reached for his drink. All too soon, his hand disappeared from her leg, and she was left with a burning sensation from where he had touched her.

“Nothing.” She said, almost breathlessly, but she didn’t know what to do other than to eat. She wanted to be home with him, but she also wanted to be here.

“There must be something on your mind…” He said clearly amused.

“Are you enjoying your dinner?” He asked, and she nodded.

“You always knew what I liked.” She said, and the grin on his face seemed to grow even larger.

“How about we go dancing tomorrow night?” He asked, watching his stepsister’s smile brighten as her foot brushed his leg under the table.

Sending shivers through him. He did want to see her have fun, but there was a part of him that wanted to see her bent over the table, screaming his name.
Not here.
He reminded himself, but when they got to their private sanctuary, he was going to be sure to do just that. She just took another sip, the smile never slipping from her face.

“I’d really like that. I love dancing, and a new club just opened up. Much more lounge like.” She started to ramble, and he couldn’t help but to find it endearing.

“Oh?” He asked, wanting to hear her talk more, and he could just see her chest swell with a little bit of pride that he seemed so interested.

“Yes. It’s very demure. Beautiful even. A patio out back, and a few different layers. A pool room, and a wonderful dance area.” She said.

“Who did you go with?” He asked quickly as jealously seized his heart, and she could hear the difference in her stepbrother’s tone.

“It’s not like that, Nathan.” She said, and he couldn’t help but to grit his teeth, waiting for her to explain.

“I was with Cynthia who brought her boyfriend, but I mostly hung out with Jenny and Sarah. I wasn’t with anyone, and that’s why I’d like to go with you.” She said, beaming as she continued to eat, and Nathan could feel himself relaxing a little more.
Of course.
He thought, shaking his head a little before drinking some more. He ordered some wine to the table, handing her a glass after it was poured.

“Sorry. I’ve just been gone so long.” He said, giving her a sheepish look.

“I understand.” She said, and paused as he called over the waiter. She expected him to call for the check, but instead he ordered her cheesecake, making her beam just a little more. He paused, looking at her.

“Blackberry?” Nathan asked, and Carol nodded as the waiter jotted it down, going off to put in the order.

“You seem almost scared to go home with me.” Carol teased him, laughing lightly.

“I assure you, I’m not. I look forward to it, but you deserved to be wined and dined first.” He said with a light tone, but when Carol looked into her stepbrother’s eyes it was obvious just how serious he was.

The cheesecake came and went, and the heat filled glances only made her heart feel a little lighter and made her feel a little more nervous to get home. She was sure that he wanted her, but she could also see that Nathan had bags under his eyes that he was hiding when he got there.

How long has it been since you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep?
She thought as they finally payed the check and went to the car. With music on and a full stomach, the drive seemed to go even faster, and her heart raced a little more the closer they got to their destination. Just as they started to pull in, it seemed as if he was already falling asleep. Even when his hand touched hers, she could tell that Nathan was tired.

“You haven’t been home long.” She said, and he just grinned at her, trying to pretend he wasn’t tired at all as he pulled her up to her apartment.

His arousal was obvious, but she made sure to get him a glass of water. Just as she was pouring it, his hand wrapped around her stomach as he kissed her neck. She could feel passion spark in her veins the moment his kiss landed on her delicate skin. He sucked on her neck, making her groan as she put the water down, biting her bottom lip as she felt his erection throb against her.

“You’re tired.” She said, and he scoffed.

“You want me.” He teased, and she bit her lip again, knowing she couldn’t deny it, but her worry for his health wouldn’t be put aside.

“See.” Nathan said with a chuckle, and she pouted as he took the water, stepping away from her. They went to the bedroom, and he pushed her back on the bed, kissing her again, but she lightly pushed against his chest.

“Uh-uh. I know a way we both can win, big brother.” She teased him, watching him groan when she called him that. It always seemed to turn him on a little more.

“Oh?” He teased her, but she didn’t answer. Instead she just smiled, starting to push him back onto the bed, switching their position.

She undid his belt, pulling down his zipper after undoing the button. Removing the silk boxers that he worse, she pulled him out, smiling as she did. His eyes closed as her mouth wrapped around his cock, and her hand on his hip was the only thing that kept him from bucking into her mouth right then and there.

It won’t hold him back long.
She thought, trying not to smile as she started to run her tongue over the head of his cock. It was as his her thoughts made him let go. He groaned as his fingers wrapped in her hair, starting to push into her mouth just a little bit. She groaned a little as she could feel him hit the back of her throat. She gagged a little as her fingers wrapped around the base, stroking him before her fingers went down to trace his balls.

He sat up, holding her by her hair as she bobbed up and down on his cock, and she could tell that he was close to coming. It’s been so long since we’ve been together. She thought, and she couldn’t help but to hum around him in pleasure as she let go of the base of his cock, letting Nathan start to fuck in and out of her mouth.

She groaned around him, before swallowing every time he hit the back of her throat. She could taste him as he exploded on her tongue, coating it with his thick, hot come as she swallowed every drop and his grip tightened on her hair almost painfully.
She thought, and she could feel herself dripping between her thighs as he finally let her hair go.

“Well I suppose that you’re ready for me to return the favor.” He said with a smirk before changing their positions once more.

This time she was on the bed, legs spread wide with his strong hands on her thighs, spreading her open as his tongue went for her dripping wet slit. He licked up her slit, teasing her clit with his warm, wet tongue before going back down to her hole. She could feel his tongue as it entered her, making her clench around him, begging for release. Nathan didn’t let up as he tongue fucked her, tasting her sweet juices as she got closer and closer to orgasm.

He made sure to drive his tongue in deep and hard each and every time, making her squirm and clench. He watched as her nipples hardened and her breathing got a little more ragged. He watched as she bucked her hips, fingers gripping the sheets right before she exploded on his tongue and he drank in her orgasm, making her sigh in contentment. Despite his exhaustion, he couldn’t go to sleep with his cock throbbing in this way. It felt like he hadn’t come in ages despite just shooting down her throat. Looking up at his younger stepsister, he knew it’d be impossible to sleep with this vixen in his bed. He kissed up her thighs, over her core, flicking his tongue over her clit as he teased her to wetness once more. His hand went to his cock, stroking before he stood up, pulling her legs even further apart.

Carol groaned as Nathan did so, and she spread herself for him, looking up at him as he pulled out her breast, pinching and tugging at her nipple. She groaned, arching up into him as his cock traced up and down her slit. She looked at him, lips parted in desire as his cock twitched as her entrance. Without any warning, Carol felt him push deep inside of her, making her take every inch of his thick, hard length. She started to grind back against him as he thrust in and out.

Nathan was lost in the pleasure of his sister clenching and spasming around his thick, veiny cock as he continued to pound in and out of her. They were both racing towards another climax as her fingers once again clutched at the sheets as if to hold on. Her head was thrown back in pleasure as she heard her stepbrother moan above her, his cock pushing in and out, rutting into her in short, and shallow thrusts. She wanted him more than anything, and he knew it. He smirked down at her, watching her breasts bounce with each heaving breath before she exploded in orgasm around him. She rode out her orgasm on his cock as he continued to push in and out. Faster. Harder.

“Yes…” She groaned.

“Nathan…Please.” She begged, and it was all too much. He couldn’t take it anymore as he clutched her hips a little tighter and his cock started spurt his come deep inside of her, filling her up with every drop of him as he left his cock deep inside of her. Exhaustion started to overtake him, and despite his throbbing cock he wanted to hold her more than anything, stripping naked as she did the same, he got in bed with her. He wrapped his arm around Carol, pulling her to his chest as she sighed in contentment and they both drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

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