Ship of Ghosts (66 page)

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Authors: James D. Hornfischer

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CHC: Cruiser
Collection, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, Tex.

HRR: Personal papers of Harold R. Rooks.

NARA II: National Archives and Records Administration II, College Park, Md.

UNT: Interviews conducted by Dr. Ronald E. Marcello for the Oral History Collection at the University of North Texas (previously North Texas State University), Denton, Tex.


Commander, Destroyer Division 58, “Report of Action with Japanese on February 27, 1942. Events before and After” (by Cdr. Thomas H. Binford), Serial CF-05, March 4, 1942. NARA II, Record Group 38.

Commander, Destroyer Squadron 29, “Notes on Night Actions” (by H. V. Wiley), March 4, 1942. NARA II, Record Group 38.

Commander, Task Group 30.6 (Commander Task Flotilla 6), “Action Report Covering Evacuation of Prisoners of War During Period 29 August 1945 to 19 September 1945” (written by Commodore Rodger W. Simpson), Serial 0024, September 22, 1945. NARA II.

Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Army, Military Court, Trial of Japanese War Criminals, including Lt. Col. Yoshitada Nagatomo and others, Singapore, August 5–September 16, 1946. National Archives of Australia,

———. Trial of Japanese War Criminals, Major Totare Mizutani, Singapore, Case No. 235/911, May–June 1946. University of California–Berkeley War Crimes
Studies Center,

———. Trial of Japanese War Criminals, Maj. Gen. Akira Sasa, Singapore, Case No. 235/1109, January 1948. University of California–Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center,

“Convention Between the United States of America and Other Powers, Relating to Prisoners of War,” ratified by the United States in January 1932. The Avalon Project at Yale Law School,
(last viewed by the author on February 27, 2006).

Glassford, Rear Adm. William A. “U.S. Naval Forces in Southwest Pacific, operations of,” March 12, 1942. NARA II.

———. “Enclosure Accompanying Secret Letter,” Vols. 1 and 2, Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, May 16, 1942. NARA II, Record Group 38, Box 1725.

Hamlin, Lt. (jg) Harold S., Jr. “USS
in Battle of Java Sea” (personal narrative), recorded September 14, 1945. NARA II.

———. “Statement of Lt. Cdr. Harold S. Hamlin,” undated ca. October 1945. NARA II.

———. “Report of Service as Prisoner of War, March 1, 1942, to August 29, 1945,” August 30, 1946. NARA II.

Hart, Adm. Thomas C. “Events and Circumstances Concerning the ‘Striking Force,’” February 6, 1942 (with supplement dated February 17, 1942). NARA II.

———. “Narrative of Events, Asiatic Fleet, Leading up to War and from 8 December 1941 to 15 February 1942,” June 11, 1942. NARA II.

———. “Supplementary of Narrative,” undated, sent by Hart to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal on October 8, 1946. NARA II.

“Tabular Record of Movement,” by Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp,

“Tabular Record of Movement,” by Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp, Revision 1,

“Tabular Record of Movement,” by Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp, Revision 3,

“Action Narrative—Day and Night Action off Sourabaya, 27th February, 1942” (by Capt. Hector M. L. Waller), undated.
(last visited by the author on February 23, 2006).

“Report of Action, February 1942, by Senior Surviving Officer” (by Lt. Cdr. T. J. Cain), undated.
(last viewed by the author on February 23, 2006).

, untitled dispatch on the Battle of the Java Sea (by Capt. Oliver L. Gordon), October 1, 1945. Gazette/java_sea/html/appendix.htm
(last viewed by the author on February 23, 2006).

International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Proceedings of the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. May 3, 1946–November 12, 1948.

Maher, Arthur L. “Jap Prison Experiences,” recorded December 5, 1945. NARA II.

National Institute for Defense Studies (Japan),
Senshi Sosho
(War History Series), “Batavia Battle” (Battle of Sunda Strait), excerpt from vol. 26,
Ran’in Bengaru wan homen kaigun shinko sakusen
(Naval Invasion Operations in the NEI and the Bay of Bengal), pp. 483–487. Tokyo: Asagumo Shimbunsha, 1969. Excerpt translated to English by Akio Oka, courtesy of Vincent P. O’Hara and Don M. Kehn Jr. (What appears to be an alternative translation of this account, titled “Rough Translation of Official Japanese Account of the Battle of Sunda Straits,” translator unknown, is in the collection of the USS
(CA-30) Survivors Association, Val Roberts-Poss, president, Round Rock, Texas.)

Reynolds, Gary K. “U.S. Prisoners of War and Civilian American Citizens Captured and Interned by Japan in World War II: The Issue of Compensation by Japan,” Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, July 27, 2001.

Rockwell, Rear Adm. F. W. “Supplementary of Narrative” (letters, reports, dispatches, photographs concerning activities in Luzon area, December 1, 1941, to March 1942), July 29, 1948. NARA II.

Royal Navy, Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Fleet. “The Battle of the Java Sea” (by Commodore J. A. Collins), March 17, 1942. for.htm
(last visited by the author on February 23, 2006).

Royal Navy, Tactical, Torpedo and Staff Duties Division, Historical Section.
Battle of the Java Sea, 27th February 1942
(Battle Summary No. 28), 1945.

Smith, Ens. Charles D. “USS
(CA-30) and Experiences in Jap Prison Camp” (personal narrative), recorded September 18, 1945. NARA II.

Stivers, Ens. John B. Untitled statement. NARA II.

U.S. Army Air Forces, Historical Office.
The Tenth Air Force, 1943
(Short title: AAFRH-17), U.S. Air Force Historical Study No. 117, July 1946.

U.S. Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Military History.
Political Strategy Prior to Outbreak of War
(last viewed by the author on February 27, 2006).

U.S. Department of the Navy. “Yangtze River Patrol and Other U.S. Navy Asiatic Fleet Activities in China,” in
Annual Reports of the Navy Department
, 1920. Naval Historical Center.

———. Communiques No. 36 (February 1, 1942) through No. 57 (March 18, 1942).
(last visited by the author on February 23, 2006).

———. “President Awards Congressional Medal of Honor to USS
’s Commanding Officer,” June 24, 1942. CHC.

———, Office of Naval Intelligence.
Combat Narrative: The Java Sea Campaign
, 1943.

———. Bureau of Naval Personnel. “Service Record of Capt. Albert Harold Rooks,” Pers. 2224b-RCA, April 7, 1943. HRR.

———. Office of Naval Records and History, Ships’ Histories Branch. “History of USS
(CA-30), compiled October 7, 1948. William A. Bernrieder Papers, CHC.

———. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Division of Naval History, Ship History Branch. “History of Ships Named
” compiled May 25, 1959. William A. Bernrieder Papers, CHC.

U.S. Department of State. “Postwar Status of Thailand,” January 10, 1945. National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 59. NARA II, Record Group 38.

U.S. Naval Liaison Office, Calcutta, India. “Loss of USS
” (summary submitted to Director of Naval Intelligence by Lt. (jg) Harold S. Hamlin and Lt. (jg) Leon W. Rogers, with personal statements taken at the 142nd General Hospital from Lieutenants Hamlin and Rogers, Cdr. William Epstein, Ens. Charles D. Smith, yeoman third class John Allison Harrell, Ens. John B. Nelson, Ens. Preston R. Clark, and seaman first class Charley L. Thomas (of the USS
, DD-224). Serial 01143, September 11, 1945. NARA II, Record Group 38, Box 1721. See also
(last visited by the author on February 23, 2006).

U.S. Office of Strategic Services, India-Burma Theater. Planning documents for operations in Thailand, 1945. NARA II, Record Group 226, Entry 154, Box 157.

———. Records of Operation Pattern (guerrilla base near Phet Buri, Maj. Eben B. Bartlett Jr., commanding), June–September 1945. NARA II, Record Group 226, Entry 154, Box 153.

———. Records of Operation Mainland (repatriation of Allied POWs), September 1945, NARA II. Record Group 226, Entry 154, Box 151.

U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. “Interrogation of Admiral Soemu Toyoda,” USSBS No. 378, Nav. No. 75, November 13–14, 1945.

———. “Interrogation of Rear Adm. Akira Shoji (commander of IJN
), USSBS No. 459, Nav. No. 101, November 17, 1945.

U.S. War Department, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, Strategic Services Unit, History Division.
The Overseas Targets: War Report of the OSS,
Vol. 2. New York: Walker & Co., 1976.

(DD-211). “Engagement with the Enemy, ‘Battle of the Java Sea.’ February 27, 1942” (by Lt. Cdr. L. E. Coley), March 7, 1942. NARA II.

(CA-30). “Operations for December 21, 22 and 23, 1941,” December 23, 1941. Prepared by Capt. Albert H. Rooks Jr. CHC.

———. Ship’s Log, August 1941–January 1942; Ship’s Log for February 1942 reconstructed in captivity by Harold S. Hamlin and given to Bureau of Naval Personnel in September 1945. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Action Report—USS
(CA-30) on the Battle of Sunda Strait, 28 February 1942,” November 13, 1945. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Action Report—USS
(CA-30) on 25, 26 and 27 February, 1942 against aircraft only,” November 13, 1945 (prepared by Capt. Arthur L. Maher). NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Action Report of the USS
(CA-30) in Defense of Convoy off Darwin, Australia, 16 February 1942,” November 14, 1945. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Action Report—USS
(CA-30) on 4 February 1942 against enemy aircraft,” November 15, 1945 (prepared by Capt. Arthur L. Maher). NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Action Report of the USS
(CA-30) in the Battle of the Java Sea, 27 February 1942,” November 16, 1945 (prepared by Capt. Arthur L. Maher). NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Zentsuji Report” (prepared by nine officers of the
in captivity at Zentsuji, Japan), undated. Courtesy of Rear Adm. Robert B. Fulton.

(CL-81). “Report of Actions Occurring 12, 13, and 14 October 1944,” Serial 0134, October 20, 1944. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Report of Actions Occurring 16 October 1944,” Serial 0135, October 29, 1944. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Report of Salvage of USS
and USS
,” Serial 0032, November 30, 1944. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “USS
(CL-81), Battle Damage, Report of,” Serial 003, January 20, 1945. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Roster of the Fitzsimmons Group” (USS
/Lost Battalion POWs), undated. USS
(CA-30) Survivors Association.

———. “Deceased List,” 1942–1944. USS
(CA-30) Survivors Association.

———. “Roster of Deceased Americans in Capt. Fitzsimmons’ Party, 1943– 1944.” USS
(CA-30) Survivors Association.

Marine Detachment. Service Records, through August 1945. USS
(CA-30) Survivors Association.

John D. Edwards
(DD-216). “Battle off Bawean Island—Report of Action; events prior and subsequent thereto” (with track charts), March 4, 1942. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “General Conclusions and Recommendations Based on War Operations to Date” (by Cdr. Henry E. Eccles), Serial CF-0018, March 4, 1942. NARA II, Record Group 38.

John D. Ford
(DD-228). “Night Attack on Japanese Ships at Balik Papen, Morning of January 24, 1942—Report of” (by Lt. Cdr. Jacob E. Cooper; with executive officer’s report by N. E. Smith), Serial CF-1, January 25, 1942. NARA II, Record Group 38.

———. “Report of Action of Allied Naval Forces with Japanese Forces off Sourabaya, Java, NEI, February 27, 1942,” March 6, 1942. NARA II.

(DD-225). “Night Destroyer Attack off Balikpapan, January 24, 1942,” January 25, 1942.
(last visited by the author on February 23, 2006).

———. “Action Report—USS
(DD-225), 1 March 1942,” undated.
(last visited by the author on February 23, 2006).


Interviews denoted “UNT” were conducted by Dr. Ronald E. Marcello for the Oral History Collection at the University of North Texas (previously North Texas State University).

Bartz, John E., interviewed by the author, December 12, 2003.

Brain, Donald, UNT No. 546, March 11, 1981.

Brooks, Howard E., interviewed by the author, September 23, 2003.

Buzzo, Dan C., UNT No. 1245, February 11, 1998.

Charles, H. Robert, interviewed by the author, February 19, 2004, and September 22, 2004; see also UNT No. 1243, March 25, 1998.

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