Shocking Pink (41 page)

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Authors: Erica Spindler

Tags: #Fiction, #Psychological, #Thrillers

BOOK: Shocking Pink
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Thistledown, Missouri
Six months later


he courtroom was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Andie sat in the witness stand, all gazes pinned on her. She had been on the stand more than two hours already, carefully answering Robert Fulton’s questions, hopefully painting a clear picture of Martha, her marriage and the duress she had suffered under. She had described in detail the characteristics of a victim of long-term spousal abuse. In general, then in relation to Martha Pierpont. She had described, also in detail, what she knew of Martha and Edward’s marriage, sharing one violent event after another.

As she spoke, she had heard a stir from the jury box, from the gallery. The information she had given, the tragedy of it, was discomfiting. Much of it was downright horrifying.

She kept her gaze trained on Robert Fulton. “The human psyche can take only so much trauma,” she continued. “Before it snaps.”

“Before it snaps,” he repeated, circling around the witness stand so he faced the jury. “Like a muscle or a rubber band,” he asked, “stretched beyond its limit?”

What happens then? Does the person go bonkers?

Andie thought of Raven, as she often did, with a mixture of horror and pity, and suppressed a shudder. “Yes,” she answered clearly, “you could describe it that way.”

“All right.” He nodded. “Now that we have a picture in our heads, perhaps you could describe for the jury just what that means.”

“A momentary or permanent alteration in thinking patterns. The person loses their sense of reality, their ability to coolly reason.”
We’re family, Andie. Family sticks together. No matter what.
“Emotion, such as blind fear, takes over. The person is no longer capable of thinking or acting rationally.”

“So, you believe—” As if anticipating an objection, he corrected himself. “Is it your professional opinion, based on your research and experience, that Martha Pierpont…snapped?”

“Yes,” she said, looking at the jury. “It’s my professional opinion that Martha Pierpont’s psyche was stressed to the breaking point. It is also my opinion that the night of the murder, she snapped.”

“Is it also your professional opinion, Dr. Bennett, from your many sessions with her, spanning a year in time, that when Martha Pierpont shot her husband she acted in self-defense?”

“Absolutely. It’s my professional opinion that Martha Pierpont feared for her life. From my work with her, I know she was convinced that her husband could, and someday would, kill her. I believe, without a doubt, that when she pulled that trigger, she was certain she was going to die if she didn’t.”

“In your professional opinion?”


A ripple moved through the courtroom. Robert smiled. “No further questions, Dr. Bennett.”

The judge called a recess for the day. He gave the jury their instructions, reminding them that they were not to discuss the case with anyone or even among themselves, then released them.

Within minutes, the courtroom was empty save for Andie and Robert Fulton. “You did great,” Robert said. “It’s going well, I think.”

Andie collected her purse and coat. “I’m glad. I want this to work out for Martha. She deserves some happiness.”

Robert slid his notes into his briefcase, then snapped it shut. “What do you have on tap for tonight?”

She smiled. “Home. A sandwich and a bowl of soup. Maybe a back massage.”

He laughed. “Just get some rest. Cross is first thing in the morning and the prosecution will be gunning for you.”

“Thanks for the tip, I will.”

He told her good-night, then went out to face the reporters. Andie, on the other hand, slipped out the side door to avoid the throng.

As she knew he would be, Nick waited for her on the courthouse steps. Mara was with him, and he was looking down at her, laughing at something she was saying. Andie stopped a moment just to gaze at him, letting the sight of him fill her head and heart like a sweet spring breeze. Letting it chase away the shadows.

Mara and Nick caught sight of her simultaneously and Mara squealed and barreled for her, arms out.

Andie squatted and hugged the child. “I missed you today. Did you have fun?”

Mara proceeded to tell her all the things she and her daddy had done, down to his forcing her to eat her entire lunch in order to get an ice cream for dessert. Andie lifted her gaze to Nick’s, amused. “You cad,” she murmured. “Her entire lunch?”

“But I let her have a double dip.” He smiled and drew Andie to her feet and into his arms. “How’d it go?”

“It went well. Robert’s feeling confident.”

“Good.” He bent and brushed his mouth against hers, then searched her expression, his concerned. “But I’m more interested in how you’re feeling.”

For a fraction of a moment, she thought of Raven, then she smiled and touched her fingers to his mouth. “I’m happy, Nick. Really, really happy.”

He kissed her again. “Me, too.”

Taking Mara’s hands, they headed home.


ISBN: 978-1-4592-2826-9


Copyright © 1998 by Erica Spindler.

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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