Shoulda Been A Cowboy (18 page)

BOOK: Shoulda Been A Cowboy
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To be honest, I'd rather chill. Drink a
couple of beers. Shoot the shit. Relax.”

The word
wasn't in Brock's vocabulary. Cam's alarm bells
started ringing. “Is everything okay, B?”

Yeah. No. Hell, some stuff I need to figure out,
which is why I'm driving across country instead of flying.”

You're welcome to crash at my place for as
long as you need.”

Thanks. I appreciate it. Look forward to catching

Me too. Drive safe.”

Will do.” Brock hung up.

Cam stared at the screen on his phone listing missed

Besides Brock, his mother had called. Twice. That was
it. Sad really, that his brothers and cousins weren't ringing
him up just to chat. Even Keely had given up calling him for the most

Can you blame them? You don't exactly encourage
that type of behavior with anyone in your family.

Big fucking deal. Didn't matter anyway.

He shut the phone off and returned to work.


Chapter Ten

Cleaning the grill was her least favorite part of
shutting the restaurant down. Thank God she was done. Domini scoured
the grease from her hands and fantasized about a hot sudsy shower.
Right. Like that'd happen. She'd sent Cam upstairs to
wait for her an hour ago. He'd had that look in his eye then
and she expected cooling his boots had only increased his ardor.

A tremor of desire rolled down her spine.

As Domini scaled the stairs to her apartment, she
wondered if she should've doused herself with perfume. Did she
reek like a fryer?

The door opened. Cam wore the look of an impatient man.
He circled her wrist and tugged her inside, immediately scorching her
lips with a blistering kiss. He released the band holding her hair,
and used his fingers to loosen the strands.

Okay. Maybe fryer grease was an aphrodisiac.

Cam herded her until her back met the wall. Being on the
receiving end of such passion was still so new and exciting, she
welcomed the rush of moisture in her panties whenever this man
touched her. Domini generated a hungry noise as she worked his
want want want
echoed in her head.

Cam ripped his mouth free. “Shirts off.”
Within seconds they were pressed naked chest to naked chest. His lips
flirted with hers, sending an electric buzz from her mouth to her
core. “I want to hoist you against this wall and fuck you right
here, right now.”

Sounds good to me.” Domini toed off her
shoes. She unsnapped the clasp and her pants fell to the floor.

He groaned. “I don't think I can. It'll
put too much pressure on my leg.”

She shimmied out of her underwear and watched Cam
watching her. “Where?”

Couch. Now.” He set her on the edge. It
wasn't wide, but the height was ideal. Keeping their eyes
locked, Cam unbuckled his belt, shucked his pants and his briefs.

His callused finger drew a line from the dent in her
chin to the opening of her sex. He swirled two fingers into the
stickiness and swallowed her gasp of surprise when those fingers slid
in and began fucking her. He feathered his thumb across her clit.
Slowly at first, and then quicker, shorter, more precise movements.

Every drop of blood in her body seemed to gather in the
bundle of nerves. Just when she bumped her hips up, clenching her
pussy muscles in anticipation of a killer orgasm, he stopped.

Domini whimpered.

You'll come on my timeframe not yours.

She glanced down as he thumbed his erection and pushed
the head of his cock into her.

So hot. So wet.” He fed her an inch at a
time, both of them looking until they were completely, intimately

When Domini raised her chin, wanting to see Cam's
eyes, Cam's fingers squeezed her upper thighs.

Huh-uh. Watch.” He withdrew until just the
tip rested in her opening. “Do you know what a fucking turn on
it is to see your sweet cream coating my cock?”

Seeing the swirls of white smeared against the dark skin
of his shaft was highly erotic. She couldn't remember caring
what the mechanics of sex looked like; she'd only cared what it
felt like. Yes, it felt amazing, but leave it to him to bring her
every sensual nuance she'd missed.

What if I told you to get on your knees right
now? What if I wanted to see you licking the taste of yourself off my
dick?” He alternately sucked and blew in her ear, sending
tremors straight to her sex. “Would you do it?”

I'd do anything you wanted.”

Right answer, princess.” Cam kicked up the
pace. He nuzzled the sensitive skin beneath her jaw, allowing his
teeth to graze her neck. His hand slid up to the juncture of her
thighs, while the other hand pushed against the small of her back,
subtly changing the angle of her pelvis.

Domini dug her fingernails into his biceps when he
started stroking her clit. “Oh God. I like that.”

He pumped into her. Not faster but with precision and
finesse. “Say my name when you come.”

His harsh breathing in her ear, the sucking sounds of
his sex driving into hers, the scent of his skin, the feel of his
hard chest muscles and fingers and cock…she couldn't
even think straight.

I wanna hear you say it, Domini.” Cam
teasingly licked the column of her throat as his fingers strummed her
clit. “Say it.”


I can feel those cunt muscles gripping my cock,
trying to bring me all the way inside you. Until all you feel is me.
In you. On you.” His hoarse whisper, “Say my name,”
was a sexy command she ached to obey. “Or better yet—”
he lightly pinched her clit, “—scream it.”

That tiny pinch of pain sent her rushing into pleasure
so dark and sharp she did scream.

Cam hammered into her, whispering sweet, dirty nothings
into her ear as her body pulsed around his. He slanted his mouth open
wider and kissed her in a hot, wet, clashing of tongues. Her insides
were flooded with the heat of his ejaculate.

Domini brought her arms around his neck and held on.

After he broke the kiss, he murmured, “You never
fail to amaze me, Domini.” He pulled out and stepped back.

Suddenly off balance, she windmilled her arms to no
avail. She yelped, fell backward, narrowly missing kicking Cam in the
head as she bounced on the couch cushion and crashed to the floor.

Shit! Are you okay?”

Domini started to giggle.

Cam seemed wary of her laughter as he skirted the couch,
fumbling with his belt buckle after he refastened his pants. He
loomed over her. “Did you hurt yourself?”

Just my pride.”

He jammed his hands on his hips. “I'm sorry.
I should've tried to catch you. It's just…I have
this thing about falling. I did it a lot when I first…
Sometimes I still fall and I fucking hate it. Makes me feel

I should've been paying attention.”
She rolled to her feet, noticing he'd dressed his lower half.
“So are you leaving now?”

No answer.

What was he thinking about with that far-off look?

Still no response.

Which ticked her off. “Is this where you tell me
you hate to screw and run, but you've got to be up early

Then Cam was right there. “Excuse me? Did I say we
were done?”

She shook her head.

Who has the say so in that?”


And if I didn't say it, then we're
not done, are we?”

No.” When her eyes darted away, he held her
chin, forcing her to lock onto his dark and dangerous gaze.

Maybe you need a reminder of who's in
charge.” He leaned forward, taking his time, until finally his
lips grazed her hairline. “Go wait for me in your room.”



Domini knew better than to argue. But the truth was, she
didn't want to argue. She wondered if he'd dally.
Probably not. Cam liked to play, but he didn't play games.
Right after she'd arranged herself on the bed, she glanced up
and saw him propped against the doorframe.

Pull the covers back and get your vibrator.”

His bossy tone shouldn't have hardened her
nipples, made her wet, caused her skin to tighten with anticipation,
but those short, terse, commanding words did it for her.

Boy did they
do it for her.

Cam sauntered into the room. He set a bottle of
vegetable oil on the nightstand. His gaze never wavered from hers as
he dropped his pants and his shorts to his ankles. He sat in the
chair and yanked them off.

Now they were both naked. Yet, they weren't on a
level playing field because Cam had the upper hand. She allowed her
gaze to drop to his cock.

His fully erect cock.

He wrapped his fingers around it and stroked. “Sit
on the edge of the bed and spread your knees so I can see every bit
of that sweet pussy.”

Domini's heart raced at the wild look in Cam's
eyes. This was the predator. The alpha. She, shy Domini Katzinski,
brought out that beastly side in Cameron McKay.

Have you ever masturbated for a man?” he


He emitted a pleased-sounding growl. “You will for
me. Use the vibrator and show me how you get yourself off.”

Even after all they'd done with each other, she
blushed at the idea of performing such an intimate act in front of
him. She turned the vibrator on and let the buzzing tip follow the
rise of her pubic bone down to the opening of her sex. She rimmed the
outer edges of her pussy, leisurely. Thoroughly.

Do you always draw it out like that?” he


Show me how you do it when you're alone.”

You sure you want to see how fast I can get off
with a vibrator?”

Yep.” Cam cocked his head. “You say
that like my ego will take a hit when I see what battery power can

It might.”

Darlin', when they manufacture one that can
do all the things my hot, wet tongue and my soft lips and sucking
mouth can do, well, then I might be worried.” He grinned with
pure male confidence. “Then again, maybe not.”

Cocky man.

If Cam wanted fast, she'd give him fast. Switching
it to high, Domini set it directly on the swollen nub of flesh. She
rubbed up and down, back and forth mostly for show. The sensation of
her tissues pulling tight built and her clit was pulsating beneath
the vibrating tip. Her head fell back and she moaned. The short,
intense orgasm was nothing like having Cam's cock pounding into
her or his tongue bringing her to climax, but it was good

She peeked from beneath her lashes and saw Cam still
stroking himself, still watching her.

How soon before you can go again?”

Usually one is enough.”

One is never enough.”

Umm. Well, it might take a while.”

Cam shrugged. “I doubt it, but I'm in no
hurry. Show me. Now.”

Another command. Another overpowering need to please
him. Another wave of desire swamped her. Domini gave him a raunchy
show as she played with herself and her vibrator. He'd been
right; it didn't take long to get off a second time. After she
clicked the toy off, Cam was there. Right there. All dangerous,
hungry, challenged male.

My turn.” He pushed her flat on the
mattress, slapped his hands on the inside of her thighs and set his
mouth on her.

Oh he had something to prove. Cam used his tongue in so
many naughty, delectable ways, keeping her dangling on the precipice
of bliss. If he suspected she was close to careening into pleasure,
he'd stop, yank her back to sanity, and start over.

While his busy mouth tended to her clit, his fingers
pumped in and out of her wet pussy. She swore he was fucking and
sucking her at the same time. And his wicked thumb brushed across her
bottom hole, bringing her awareness to those sensitive nerve endings.
She noticed his probing of that untried area became more insistent
with each pass.

Her stomach muscles were quivering. Her legs were doing
this weird, twitchy thing. And she absolutely couldn't take any
more. “Cam. Please.”

BOOK: Shoulda Been A Cowboy
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