Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) (18 page)

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Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #contemporary romance

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Andre looked up at the television screen. “You don’t want to know.”

“That tells me all I need to know. You’re still messing around with your cousin’s ex-girlfriend. Are you trying to end up like me? Going to your girl’s place and having another man answer the door?”

“I thought she wasn’t your girl. Maybe that’s why there was another man up in your spot.”

Jonathan scowled. He held up the bottle but pointed a finger at Andre. “We’re not talking about me.”

“Yeah, well,” he brought the bottle back to his lips. “Your problems are the reason we’re here, not mine.”

Jonathan twisted in his seat and eyed Andre. “Why were you with her? I thought you weren’t doing the family rivalry anymore.”

“My family business has nothing to do with her.” Andre shrugged. “I like her, alright. What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing would be wrong if she were anybody but your cousin’s ex. You’ve told me how your family works. Do you really want to fall for a woman who has ties to him?”

Andre sipped the beer, remembered the strawberry lager she’d given him over the weekend and smiled. “She’s different.”

Jonathan snorted. “Famous last words.”

“I’m serious, man, she is. Yes, she works for them, but she’s planning to leave. She even faced down Renee when she burst into her apartment like a damn eighteenth-century chaperone. I want to see where this goes.”

“I get it. You and this woman connected over mutual embarrassment. Maybe you’re both even convinced there’s something there. But based on what you’ve told me about your family rivalry, I’d take into consideration that Ryan may try to come between you two out of spite. Keep that in mind.”

Before he could respond, his phone rang. Seeing Mikayla’s number drove away the day’s tension. He turned away from Jonathan and answered the phone. “Hey you.”

“Hey you.”

He frowned. “How was your day? You sound tired.”

“Good actually.” She said with a bit of a laugh.

“Really? Your text earlier made me think you were having a bad day.”

“It started that way but turned out to be okay. I think I found a way to salvage the purchase in Hartsville.” Excitement brushed away the exhaustion from earlier.

He frowned then pressed a finger to his other ear hoping to hear better. After their meeting with the Senator, he doubted anything could salvage Dalmtrix moving to the low country. Unless, for some reason, the Senator doubted his dad would expose what they knew. Foolish of the Senator if that were the case.

“How so?”

“Ryan and I went to Hartsville today. We spoke with the school district superintendent and the community development director. I think we’ll have another way to develop the property even if Dalmtrix doesn’t locate there.”

“Whose idea was it to go to Hartsville?”

“Ryan’s, but I was thinking along the same lines. It’s not the first time we’ve been on the same wavelength.”

His hands tightened around the cell phone. “So you two are cool now?”

Mikayla paused. He heard a song playing in the background. She must be driving. “Not really. We’ve come to a truce. Since we work together a professional truce makes sense.”

“I thought you were leaving?”

“I don’t know,” she said slowly. “If this new deal works out, it’ll be worth staying to see through. But enough about my day. Where have you been? Before I had to leave town, I’d hoped to see you again. Are you still in Columbia?”

“No, I’m back in Greenville.”

“Oh,” Disappointment cloaked her voice. “I…thought about you today. Wondered if you were doing wrong.”

His heart rate picked up. “Wrong, how?

“By smoking.” She said with a laugh.

Relieved laughter burst from his lips. The guilt over Dalmtrix was out of control. “I haven’t had a cigarette. I ate lunch at the Capital City Club then had to get back here.”

Another pause. “I see. Do you know when you’ll be back in town?”

“Not sure. But when I come back I’ll drop by.”

“I’d like that.” She said quickly.

He smiled at the urgency in her voice. He felt the same thing. Wished he had a reason to be back in Columbia so he could see her again.

“I’d like that too. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Can’t wait.”

He heard the smile in her voice. In his mind, he visualized the sexy curve of her lips and the enticing twinkle in those sexy brown eyes. The image brought a smile to his face.

He ended the call and stared at the phone for a few seconds after the screen darkened. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of her spending the day with Ryan, but the tone of her voice said her mind was still on him. Good, because she’d effectively ruined him from thinking of another woman.

“You are really into that woman,” Jonathan said, breaking him from his revere.

He took a deep breath, dropped his phone on the bar and sipped from the beer. “I hope it doesn’t backfire.”

“Let me meet her. I’ll tell you in a second if she’s no good.”

“The same way you figured out Karen was no good?”

Jonathan’s grey eyes crinkled with his scowl. “Don’t start. I knew Angelica was bad news the second I laid eyes on her.”

“Worry about your love life, let me worry about mine.”

Jonathan shrugged. “Have it your way. But don’t get too wrapped up until you know for sure she’s not trying to get back with Ryan. Make sure this woman is worth your time.”

“I hear you.” Andre focused on the television, and Jonathan did the same. Their heart to heart over. But Andre’s concerns this thing he had for Mikayla might backfire made him order two more beers to drown out the thought.




“My dad thinks you’re taking advantage of me.”

Andre’s deep laughter came through the phone. Mikayla’s skin tightened. The man’s laugh could charm a nun out of her panties. Her body buzzed with an electrifying tingle. Lounging on the bed, she rolled over and stared at the ceiling. Even though they’d talked earlier, he’d called again. She wished they were together instead of on the phone.

“My best friend thinks I’m going to come to your apartment and find Ryan already there.”

“That will never happen,” she said.

“You know that I’m trying not to mislead you,” he paused. “Or take advantage of you.”

She pulled a pillow close to her chest. “By saying you’re trying not to, makes it seem like you eventually will.”

“My relationships don’t always end perfectly.”

Her heart thudded.
We’re in a relationship.

He sighed into the phone. She imagined him rubbing a hand across his face. “In the end, no matter how much I don’t want it to, the demands of my family pull me back into the bullshit.”

She slowly sat up on the bed and clenched the phone. “Are you calling me because you want to talk to me, or because of something else?”

“Because I want too. But my family drama has a way of creeping into every aspect of my life. My dad expects me and my brother to give up everything, do everything, for the betterment of the company. I spend all of my days doing whatever it takes to grow C.E.S. Some of the things I’ve done aren’t pretty.” He said in a grim tone.

Mikayla wanted to wrap her arms around him. “Working hard to grow your company isn’t a bad thing.”

“For most people it isn’t. When you’re Curtis Caldwell’s son it can be.”

“So what are you saying? Are you involved with anything illegal?”

“What I’m saying, is that when you’re raised by someone who is incapable of showing decency, indecency can creep into your personal life. It has before. I don’t want that to happen with you.”

He didn’t answer the question. She stopped short of asking again. A small part didn’t want to know more. “As long as you’re honest with me, that won’t happen.”

“I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

She pulled the phone away and frowned at the screen. “That’s cryptic.” Mikayla put the phone back to her face. “Are you saying you’ll lie to me?”

“No, but you don’t need to know everything my family is involved with.”

“Because I might run and tell Philip and Ryan?”

“Because you might run away from me. I don’t want you to do that. I want you to come closer to me, not farther away.” His voice lowered to an octave that was like drugs to her system.

Her lips parted with a shaky breath. Slowly her nipples puckered beneath her nightgown.

“I want to see you again,” He said. “Come to Greenville this weekend.”

She glanced at her car keys on her dresser. If only she could go now. Shaking her head, she cleared away the thought. No way would she become a long distance hook up. “How do you feel about me?”

“I told you that when I was there. I want to continue seeing you. Preferably this weekend.”

“I can’t. I promised my dad I’d visit this Saturday.”

“You can come Sunday.”

She rolled over onto her stomach. “Or, you can come on Sunday.”

“I’d like more than anything to come on Sunday.” His words sound a lot naughtier than a simple visit.

She trembled and wetness blossomed between her legs. “Then come.”

“What time?”



Mikayla nearly skipped to the door when Andre knocked late Sunday morning. She pulled in a deep breath, ran sweaty palms down the sides of her jeans and opened the door. Andre’s perfectly kissable lips spread into a welcoming grin. His shoulders seemed broader in the brown leather jacket. Beneath it he wore a dark green sweater and tan slacks that despite their casual style still managed to make him look polished. A hot gaze swept over her. She wished she’d chosen something sexy to wear. Instead, she’d chosen a cute, but not sexy lavender V-neck sweater and comfortable flats.

When his eyes met hers, the thoughts of clothing vanished. Desire, hot and potent, darkened his eyes. Her breath caught and she leaned on the door to support her suddenly weak legs.

“Hey you.” His baritone rolled over her.

“Hey you.”

He closed the distance between them, the wonderful scent of Guess Seductive, the cologne he preferred, mixed with the warmth of his large body. She leaned forward lost in the intensity of his gaze. Slowly, he brought his hand up to her hair, gently sank his fingers in the curls then tilted her head back. Mikayla’s eyes fluttered closed and his lips pressed against her.

The familiar shock that she experienced when he kissed her swooped through body. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she pressed closer. Her nipples beaded against his firm chest. She opened her mouth to him, and slowly, initiating a sensual dance, he slid his tongue past her lips.

His warnings and all insecurities faded. This felt right, kissing him felt right.

They finally broke apart, but he didn’t release her. It took several seconds after the kiss to get her thoughts back in order.

Lowering her forehead against his chest, Mikayla felt his heart hammering beneath the muscle. “I thought we were just friends.”

“I’m feeling a lot more than friendship right now.” He pushed back a little until she lifted her head. “It’s time to call this what it is. I’m not interested in seeing anyone but you.”

“This is really happening.”

He nodded. “It is.”

She swallowed hard. If everything worked out, this relationship would turn into…what? The love of her life? A possible marriage proposal? Highly unlikely. Right now she had fiery passion from a guy who liked her. She’d take the fire. She hadn’t had fire in a long time.

“I planned a day for us.” Mikayla stepped out of his embrace then immediately wanted to crawl back into his arms. “Help me carry some of this stuff in the kitchen.”

“I thought we’d spend the day here.” The look in his eyes made her breasts ache and heat spread through her belly.

“It’s the end of February and a surprisingly warm day. I thought it would be nice to get out. You like hiking, right?”

He raised an eyebrow. “We’re hiking?”

“No, but we will walk through Riverfront Park. It’s nice, even in winter.”

She hurried into the kitchen, and his heavy footsteps followed. She grabbed the small cooler packed with sandwiches, grapes, potato salad and a few slices of pound cake she baked at her dad’s house the day before.

He took the cooler and peeked inside. “You bought all this?”

“No, I made all that. You’ve supplied the food for our last few…dates. It’s my turn.”

“You baked the cake?” Something like admiration flashed in his eyes.

Her cheeks heated and she smiled. “I can bake and cook, when I have to.”

He crossed the room and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “And yet another reason to like you.”

“Let’s go,” she blurted out before she ended up sighing into his chest.

She grabbed a jacket and they left. It didn’t take long to leave her downtown apartment and arrive at Riverfront Park. They entered and walked past the water plant onto the bridge over the canal. The sky was blue, and the temperature offered a spring teaser hovering near sixty. Several runners and a few families were out enjoying the beauty of the river along the park.

“This is my first time here,” Andre said. “It’s nice.” He gazed around, taking in their surroundings much like he’d done in the mountains.

“It is nice. Sometimes I come out to jog.” She laughed. “Let me clarify, I came twice when I tried jogging. Other times I usually come for festivals.”

A runner passed on her right side and Mikayla stepped out of the way. Her hand bumped against Andre’s hand. His fingers slowly wrapped around hers as if he were unsure. She tried to imagine him walking hand in hand with Angelica in a park. Couldn’t see it. The thought made her smile and entwine her fingers with his.

“I was wondering about that. I didn’t picture you as the jogging type.” He took a leisurely glance down her body. “Good thing. I’d hate to see your curves shrink.”

She ran a hand across her hips. “These hips aren’t going anywhere. I’ve tried and nothing about me will be as thin and attractive as Renee.”

He stopped. When she turned to him there was a frown on his face. “There is nothing wrong with your figure. Renee is too skinny if you ask me. I love your curves.”

Pinpricks of heat traveled from her chest, up her neck to her cheeks. “I know I’m not fat. I just…thought guys liked the supermodel type.” At least those were always the types of women boys, and now men, chose over her.

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