Read Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #contemporary romance

Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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“You’ll find out soon enough,” Mikayla said. She turned a tight smile toward Angelica, who hurried to Ryan’s side and linked her arm through his. “You all have a great weekend.”

Ryan opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but Angelica jerked on his arm and he closed his mouth. Mikayla smirked and turned away. She brushed past Charity and hurried down the hall to her office. It was past time to get out of the office and call Andre to firm up their weekend plans.

Wrapping up the work week, she shut down her computer and organized a few files before grabbing her purse and rushing to the door. Angelica blocked her path just as she was about to walk out. Mikayla’s grip on her purse tightened.

“It’s funny how the Caldwell men tend to want what they can’t have, isn’t it?” Angelica’s Parisian accent flowed past her lips like silk. She eyed Mikayla from head to toe. “But if we’re honest with ourselves, it’s how most men operate.”

“What do you want, Angelica?”

Angelica laughed and pushed past Mikayla into her office. The cloying smell of her thick perfume invaded Mikayla’s lungs. Angelica’s black and beige halter dress clung to her slim figure as she glided across the office with an effortless seductive walk. So effortless, Mikayla wondered if she’d earned a master’s degree in hip swinging.

“I want what you have.” Angelica turned slowly and cocked her head to the side. “I didn’t think much when Andre and you hooked up. I mean you’re cute, but not really competition. For whatever reason, he’s stayed with you.”

Frowning, Mikayla crossed her arms over her chest. “What about Ryan?”

“Ryan is a very sweet boy, but we both know Andre is a man.” She strutted across the room. “I just thought it fair to warn you, before you get too wrapped up in this game. I will get him back.”

“You haven’t contacted him since the mountains.”

She raised her hands. “Oui, I thought he would contact me. I underestimated his attraction to you. But I won’t anymore.”

Mikayla’s muscles trembled with the need to smack the smug smile off of Angelica’s face. One one-thousand, two one-thousand…She tried counting, telling herself things would be okay that this woman’s threat meant nothing. But beneath the anger, a very real discomfort settled like a lump of old oatmeal in her stomach. She tried to push her emotions aside, tried to be the bigger woman.

She failed.

Mikayla dropped her purse and took a step in Angelica’s direction. “Andre doesn’t give a damn about you, never did.”

Angelica laughed. “I saw the receipt for the ring.”

“Then why sleep with Ryan.”

“Unfortunately, I found it after the Ryan closet debacle. Oh, don’t look so upset. You must have realized this little dalliance wouldn’t last long.” She arched an eyebrow.

A knock on the door prevented Mikayla from responding. She turned to find Ryan standing at the door watching them curiously.

His wary glance bounced between the two women. “Is everything okay?”

Angelica hurried around Mikayla and pressed against Ryan, “Oui, mon cher. Just girl talk.” She kissed his cheek. “Shall we leave?”

Ryan glanced at Mikayla, then turned back to Angelica. When Angelica smiled up at him his eyes softened and he nodded.

“See you later, Mikayla.” Ryan pulled Angelica out of the office.

The lump of oatmeal began to swell.

She shouldn’t feel bad for Ryan being used by that vulture, but she did. They’d been friends. Even though he’d done her terribly wrong, shouldn’t she do something?

The harder question was, should Mikayla say anything to Andre. A cold sweat broke out over her skin. He’d said he only considered marrying Angelica because she made the perfect hostess. But who really considered marrying someone without feeling some sort of affection for them?

Her phone vibrated. Absently, she pulled it out of her pocket and answered.

“Hey you,” Andre’s baritone greeted her.

She cleared her throat. Slowly she picked her purse off the floor and once again headed out of the office. “Hey you.”

“I’m stuck at the office, and really I should be available in Greenville this weekend.”

A lump of disappointment settled in beside the oatmeal. “Can’t make it this weekend?”

“No, but I think it’s really a shame you’ve never seen my home. Come to Greenville.”

She bounced on her feet. “Yes!”

His deep laughter filtered through the phone. “Great. I’ll text you the address to my condo. We’ll spend the night there, and then tomorrow I’ll take you to my house in the country. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll pack a bag and be on my way.”

“Can’t wait. See you soon, baby.”

His sweet words warmed her heart. To hell with Angelica and her childish games.



Mikayla straightened her shoulder and gave herself a mental pep talk outside Andre’s condo door. No way would she let Angelica’s weak threat ruin her weekend. If she planned to trust what was between them, she’d have to also trust him. She knocked on the door.

Andre swept the door open, cell phone plastered to his ear. He grinned broadly, the sexy gesture sent a frisson of delight across her skin. The man was delicious in a crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the base of his throat and tucked into the waistband of charcoal grey slacks.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed ushering her inside. Mikayla dropped an overnight bag beside the door and let him lead. He lived in a beautiful condo with an excellent view of downtown Greenville and the Reedy River was visible through the large windows. The combination of beige walls, dark wood floors and cream tones complemented the tan modern furniture. A large television screen and an array of electronic devices adorned one wall. No pictures anywhere. Typical bachelor’s space.

“I don’t have time for this,” he snapped into the phone. Andre leaned over and kissed Mikayla’s cheek, pointed toward the couch, then stood gazing out the wall of glass windows leading to a balcony. His shoulders stiffened and he ran a hand across his face.

She crossed the room and wrapped her arms around his waist. Resting her head against the rigid muscles of his back, she closed her eyes and relished the enticing smell of his cologne. She’d missed him. The way he smelled, the way he towered over her but touched her as if she would break, the deep rich sound of his voice. Missed him so much, that all she wanted now, was to forget about her conversation with Angelica and concentrate on relieving his tension. She hated seeing the people she loved upset.

Her eyes popped open. She loved him!

He turned around and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and cradled her against his side. “I don’t give a damn what you have to say. Don’t bother me with this anymore.” He ended the call then tossed his phone on the couch. “Hey you,” he lowered his head and pressed a kiss against her temple.

She giggled…a trait she started around him. “Bad phone call.”

“I don’t want to talk about that phone call.” His seductive lips slid from her temple, down her cheek, then to her jaw. His voice was smooth and rich as honey. “I want to reacquaint myself with your body.”

Her breathing hitched and pulse increased in tempo. “You got to know it pretty well last weekend.”

His deep chuckle penetrated her body with the intensity of a hypodermic needle. Shooting her up with desire that hardened her nipples and sent a river of warmth between her legs. “I can never know enough. Every moan you make drives me crazy.”

She opened her mouth, but Andre’s tongue flicked across the pulse of her throat. “I…bet you say that to all the ladies,” she said her voice breathless.

Andre lifted his head, all humor left his eyes. “I’ve only said that to you.”

Her smile fell away as her lips parted with a heavy breath. “Then make me moan.”

That was all the encouragement he needed. All her uncertainties faded away when his lips touched hers. They’d spent the past month and a half becoming familiar with each other’s body. She’d never been a selfish lover, but giving Andre pleasure turned her on more than she ever would have expected. The thought of the sweet taste of his skin on her tongue and the feel of his body under her fingertips had her wet and aching for him.

She made quick work of releasing the buttons of his shirt and ran her hands over the strong muscles of his chest. A curly mass of chest hair tickled her fingers and she gently scratched her nails against his hot skin. He broke their kiss and nibbled along her jaw and down the side of her neck. Quickly unbuttoning her pants he pushed them past her waist. When his nimble fingers touched the wetness between her legs a satisfied sigh seeped through his lips. Andre leisurely drove one long finger into the depths of her center driving her to elicit a long sensual moan.

“That’s it, baby, let me know you like it.” He pressed her back against the cool glass balcony window. He slowly lowered to his knees. “I want more than moans. I want to make you scream.”

Lifting her right leg, his hand ran up and down her sensitive skin and he rested her trembling leg over his shoulder. Her head fell back against the glass then he parted the swollen lips of her core.

“You’ve got the prettiest pussy on the planet,” he murmured before his tongue did a long stroke across her erect clit.

Mikayla’s knees buckled, and she pressed against the glass for support. Pleasure bounced inside of her from head to toe. One hand grabbed his head, the other splayed against the window. No words came, only loud cries while his firm tongue explored the wetness between her thighs. The extreme pleasure more than she could bear, her fingers clenched against his scalp, and her leg trembled as the start of an orgasm pulsed a frantic beat.

“You’ve got to stop,” she gasped.

“Not yet.” Thick lips surrounded her swollen nub followed by the steady pressure of him sucking.

Her orgasm exploded. “Andrrreeeee,” she screamed his name. Slapping the glass and bucking against his mouth. Before the waves could pass, he pulled her away from the window onto the floor. She lay panting on the hardwood floor while he pulled a condom from his pants, lowered them, and covered his erection. Quickly, he covered her body with his then buried his face in her neck and his thick erection into her trembling flesh. His thrusts were fast, urgent and slid against her walls perfectly. Her hips lifted to meet his, long nails dug into his back. Primal grunts and moans the language of her heart.

He rode the wave of her orgasm until another rose. Strong hands gripped her hips and he pushed steadily in and out. Her toes curled, her mouth went dry, and when he turned his head to kiss her neck, she shattered again. His body tensed and then his dick jerked deep within her with his release. She gasped, “I love you.”


Forty-five minutes later, Mikayla forced herself to leave the shower and look for Andre in the living room. After her whispered confession, he’d avoided eye contact, she figured they both needed a few minutes alone.
How the hell am I supposed to fix saying I love you way too soon?

Mikayla found the living room empty. Reflected in the glass door, Andre stood illuminated by the glowing end of a cigarette on the balcony. She made a quick detour back into the bedroom to grab a sweater out of her overnight bag before joining him. The days were warming up, but the nights were still cool. A steady breeze greeted her when she walked outside and she pulled her sweater tight. Andre glanced over, the corner of his mouth lifted but it wasn’t exactly a smile.

“I like your orange head wrap,” he said.

She patted the makeshift turban. “I couldn’t let my hair get wet in the shower.” Her toned peaked defensively.

He motioned with his hand for her to come closer. “I wasn’t being sarcastic, I mean it. You’re comfortable enough with me to wear it.” He shook his head then brought the cigarette to his lips. “You shouldn’t be comfortable with me.”

She leaned against the balcony ledge beside him. Moonlight glistened on the surface of the river in the distance and the faint sounds of life in the city drifted their way. She thought of Angelica and her earlier confidence wavered.

“Why not?” She held out her hand and he passed over the cigarette.

Pulling in a deep breath, he stood straight his shoulders rigid and faced her. “I need to tell you something.”

The cigarette shook when she raised it to her lips with a trembling hand. The nicotine did little to calm her racing heart.

“Let me guess, it’s been fun but now it’s time to move on,” she said.

“No. Where did that come from?”

She wasn’t relieved. “I saw Angelica today. She wants you back.” She watched closely for any sign that the news made him happy.

He frowned. “How do you know that?”

She pretended it wasn’t excruciating to tell the man she’d fallen in love with that his beautiful ex-fiancé wanted him back, with a flippant shrug. “She told me.”

“Typical.” The single word reply was followed by a humorless chuckle. “Angelica likes to play games. She’s upset I don’t give a damn about what she did in the mountains. Telling you was her way to get me to reach out and ask her to come back.” He took her arm and pulled Mikayla against the warmth of his side. “Don’t worry.”

“You say that, but do you mean it? You did plan on asking that woman to marry you.” She handed the cigarette back to him.

He took a draw and handed it back. When she shook her head, he crushed the butt in the ashtray beside him. “She was good looking, fit in with my family, and willing to accept that I couldn’t give her more than the security that comes with my wealth.”

She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. His handsome features were clear in the silver light of the moon. It struck her again how much she’d grown to care for him.

“You’d still planned to spend your life with her. Are you sure you didn’t love her just a little?”

Andre peered into Mikayla’s eyes. “I don’t know how to love.” His tone implied more than what he said. Those dark eyes screamed a demand she wished she could misunderstand.

Pain erupted in her heart. Tears stung her eyes, and she turned away. They’d made no promises to each other. She’d made the choice to be with him and let her feelings slip in over the past weeks.

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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