Read Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #contemporary romance

Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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“It’s not that easy.”

“Yeah, it is.” Jonathan slipped onto the back of his bike and fired up the engine. “Give her up and become what you swear you’re not. Your dad.”

Andre stood in the driveway until the sound of Jonathan’s motorcycle faded. He turned back to the house, thought of Mikayla lying on the couch wrapped up in a quilt watching television. She didn’t have many options, he didn’t have cable or satellite. Just a converter box, but she hadn’t complained. Just smiled that adorable smile of hers and kissed him before he walked Jonathan out.

Back inside, Andre found Mikayla dozing on the couch. He smiled and strolled over and kneeled in front of her. She always fell asleep in seconds. He understood her exhaustion. She often worked late and spent her days traveling across the state. But whenever he called she stopped to talk to him. Whenever he visited, she gave him her undivided attention. Amazing and selfless, and he was about to give all of that up?

He brushed the hair away from her face. She stirred, her eyes opened slowly and blinked several times before focusing on him.

Mikayla smiled. “Sorry.”

He shook his head. “You work too hard.”

“Don’t we all.” She looked around his sparsely furnished living area. “Maybe that’s why I like your place out here. Just the basics, and enough peace and quiet to get your brain refreshed for another work day.”

“You don’t get very much quiet with Jonathan around.”

She laughed and sat up. “He’s nice.”

“And he likes you.”

“Hmmm, there may be hope for us. Renee has agreed to stand down on bashing you, and your friend has taken a liking to me.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

He sat beside her on the couch. “I’m thinking of leaving my job.”

“That phone call. Was it about work?”

“For the most part.” He leaned back on the couch and brushed his fingers through her hair. “My brother called to tell me about one of my dad’s ideas. Something I don’t agree with.”

“If you left, what would you do?”

He shrugged and toyed with a few threads escaping the back of the couch. “Find another job or start a business. I’m not worried about that as much as how my dad will handle my leaving. He strikes out at those he perceives disloyal. He’d consider my leaving C.E.S. a betrayal.”

“How so?”

“When my dad cheated on my mom he kicked her out and completely cut her off. No house, no money, no anything. She tried to fight, but he had enough money to hire lawyers that had her held up in court so long she finally gave up.”

He frowned, hands balled into fists on the back of the couch. “I was angry, and hated him for what he did. So I left to live with her. After six months of struggling and not knowing where our next meal would come from…I became resentful.”

“Of your dad?”

“No, of my mom.” He turned away from her and rubbed his face with his hands. “I would lash out and could barely hide my anger. I wondered what had she done to make him hate her…us…so much. I guess he knew my limit because a few months later he reached out to me. Invited me to visit.” He scoffed. “I jumped at the chance. I realized everything I gave up. He asked me to stay for good and I did. Mom wasn’t angry. In fact, she wished me well and said she couldn’t stand to see me suffer with her. Dad’s only requirement–my loyalty. He didn’t want to lose his son the same way he’d lost his brother.”

He turned back to Mikayla. She stared at the floor.

“I’ve gone along with everything he’s asked of me. A part of me even enjoys the money, the power. I reveled in bending the rules, making people give me what I want. I let myself believe dad’s tactics of abusing power and privilege were okay because we were building an empire. An empire I’d inherit one day.”

“What is he asking you to do now that’s finally pushed the button?”

The truth burned his throat, but telling her would require revealing what he’d done already. Instead, he opted for part of the truth. “It would require me to give you up.”

Her head snapped up, questions swirled in the chocolate centers of her eyes. “He asked you to do that?” Confusion was evident in her voice.

“No, but doing what he expects means the end of our relationship. I’m not ready to let you go.”

She studied him, her brows drawn together while she bit her lower lip. Sadly, a small part of him hoped she’d say his family was worth more. But then she leaned over and kissed him, all doubts were pushed aside.

She pressed against his chest until his back leaned against the couch. Her soft lips made a sensual trail from his mouth to his ear and down his neck. Need jumped through him, his muscles became rigid, blood rushing to his crotch. Andre’s breaths staggered when her gentle hands unbuttoned his pants. Her palm, soft and warm, enclosed around him. He pressed his head into the back of the couch and her confident hands massaged him into a frenzy.

The sound of Mikayla’s erratic breaths made his dick swell. He loved that she loved touching him. He wanted to return the favor and worship every inch of her body. He moved to get up, but her hand tightened. Slowly, she lowered her body until she came face to face with his need. Wet lips enclosed his swollen lower head, followed by a slow sweep of her tongue along his length. She took him in so deep he touched the back of her throat. A low groan rumbled from his chest. To hell with his family, he chose her, Mikayla Sanders was worth more.



After spending the day with Mikayla, and regrettably watching her leave close to seven that evening, Andre went straight to his dad’s mansion. It was better to get this over with in private instead of in front of the entire staff Monday morning at the office. He’d spent so much of his life trying to make C.E.S. successful, he couldn’t imagine not working there. Not only because of his loyalty to the family. Over the years, he developed a deep sense of pride in C.E.S.’s success. Together they’d turned C.E.S. into a powerhouse.

If he walked away, he would for what? Love? The same emotion turned his mother from self-assured to becoming her ex-husband’s mistress. He couldn’t be that weak. If he left the security of C.E.S. and he and Mikayla didn’t work out, he had no idea who he’d be. Or if fighting his dad was really worth this new love, this new sense of morality.

A vision of her soft eyes and beautiful smile flashed through his mind. A sense of peace settled over him, just like he felt whenever she was around. Something he didn’t get much of from his job or his family. He had to trust that choosing her was the right decision.

Classical piano music greeted Andre when the butler opened the door. He didn’t recognize the man. His dad must have fired the previous one, likely for some minor slight. His determined footsteps echoed on the white marble floors. Andre made his way down the hall lined with portraits of his father and stepmother to the source of the music, Curtis’s study.

He didn’t knock, but entered and shut the door quietly behind him. Curtis Caldwell sat at his desk, his feet propped up, a Rogaska crystal highball in his hand. Brown liquid nearly filled to the brim. Probably Marnier Cognac, the senior Caldwell’s favorite. His eyes were closed and his lips pressed tightly together and his feet swayed with the surges and regressions of the music.

“What do you want?” His dad asked without opening his eyes. Grabbing the remote he cranked down the music.

Anxiety settled over Andre. This wasn’t going to go well. Fights with Curtis never did. He crossed the room, the luxurious carpet muffling the sound of his footsteps, but he didn’t doubt his dad knew every move he made.

“Isaac called. Your efforts to keep Dalmtrix out of Hartsville have expanded.”

“Why shouldn’t they?” Curtis took a sip from his glass. “No need to let all our hard work go down the drain, not over some low-income project.”

“That project will serve the area well.” Andre tried to keep his voice even. “We’ve already pushed Dalmtrix away—”

“They’re still considering locating there. I thought you were working on getting the tree huggers riled up.”

Andre gritted his teeth then forced his jaw to relax. “The story was spilled, there wasn’t anything else to do.” He sat down opposite his dad.

“Oh, there’s a hell of a lot more that we can do.” Curtis dropped his feet and nailed Andre with a hard stare. “You’re just too whipped to do it.”

“We can start our gas project without Dalmtrix. You know that. You’re just sticking to this plan because you’re trying to derail Uncle Philip’s project. This infighting has to stop, people other than your brother are affected.”

“Like who,” Curtis sneered. “That secretary of his you’re screwing every weekend.”

Andre leaned back in his seat. He held his dad’s stare, but his heartbeat increased. “Her name is Mikayla, and yes, I’m referring to her.”

“I know good and damn well she’s the one pushing this project. Her and your playboy cousin. I’m surprised she hasn’t fallen back in bed with him. I guess you’re keeping her busy.” Curtis indulged in another long sip.

Andre clenched his hands to keep from responding to the insults. “If you know it’s her project, then why keep trying to kill it.”

“You need me to kill it. What the hell are you thinking sleeping around with her?” Curtis slammed his glass on the table. “Running to Columbia every weekend like a pussy whipped schoolboy.” He scowled at Andre.

Andre’s anger bubbled inside like lava. “I care about Mikayla. Something I don’t expect you to understand, but I hoped you would have enough respect for me to leave her out of this.”

His dad scoffed and surged up from his chair. “Enough respect for you. You always were soft. Just like your damn momma.”

“If you don’t leave this alone I’ll quit.”

Curtis laughed, then gulped downed the rest of his drink. “No you won’t.”

Andre stood. Fist planted firmly on the Brazilian lacquered wood and glared at Curtis. “Yes. I. Will.” Each word loaded with the power of his rage.

All humor left his dad’s face. Wrath replaced the smug expression, but there was a glimmer of worry in his eyes. “You’d turn your back on family for this girl? You’d actually join my brother’s side and work against me.”

“I don’t want to, but don’t push me. I’m invested in C.E.S. just as much as you. I’ve joined you in the blackmail, the bribes, the outright threats.” He pounded the desk with each statement. “All in the name of securing new contracts. I’ve been with you since I was sixteen and you know I’ve been loyal. But I’m tired of the way we do business.”

“What are you saying? You want to become one of those broke we are the world love everyone business men?” Curtis fluttered his fingers and twisted his lips. “Build a life with that girl who comes from nothing in your shoddy shack in the country? You’ll give up all the comforts and benefits that come with being a Caldwell just so you don’t hurt this girl’s feelings.”

Andre’s back stiffened and he stood straight. “I’ll do all of that because I care about her. I’ve made my own money and I’ve got enough saved to get by. I know enough about running a large corporation to get another job. It won’t be like last time, I won’t come running back just because you jingle the keys to a Porsche in my face.”

The doubt in his dad’s eyes turned to full blown fear. Like any fearful animal forced into a corner Andre knew Curtis would strike soon. Time to get the hell out of here. Andre pivoted on the balls of his feet and walked toward the door.

“You forget, son,” Curtis said easily. “I’ve got just as much dirt on you as you have on me.”

Andre whipped around. “I don’t plan to use what I know against you.”

“Soft! Just as I thought.” Curtis stalked around his desk. “I will use everything I know to ruin you. I’ll make sure no corporation will take a chance on you. I’ll spread rumors of mismanagement and complaints about the way you treated co-workers.”

“If you start a mud-slinging war I’ll throw so much dirt you and C.E.S. will never recover. You destroying my reputation will equal the end of yours, Isaac’s, and the company we worked so hard to build. I learned from the best, so don’t test me.”

Andre stormed to the door, composed himself and turned back to Curtis. “Dad, find another way to lash out at your brother. Leave Mikayla’s project alone. Hurt her, and I swear you’ll pay.” He slammed the door shut. Adrenaline rushed through is body as if he’d just gone ten rounds with a heavyweight champion. Unease settled heavily in his chest. He knew where his dad would hit next. He only hoped he could block whatever blow Curtis threw towards Mikayla.



“A toast to Caldwell Development’s new head of acquisitions.” Renee lifted her martini and grinned.

Mikayla pushed aside the empty tapas plates before raising a glass of red wine. “Thank you, even though the rest of the office may not join us in celebrating.”

“To hell with Charity York. She’s the only one who’s jealous of you getting the position. Finally, we’re having a girls’ night. We have all this good food, good wine, and we’re going to have a damn good time.” Renee’s hand wavered, spilling a splash of the martini while she leaned sideways onto one of the beaded blue silk pillows spread throughout the booth of the wine and tapas bar. “Everyone in the office knows you’re great at what you do. I couldn’t be happier.”

“Not just because I’m your best friend.”

“Heck yeah, because you’re my best friend,” Renee laughed. “But also because you deserve it. Now toast.”

Mikayla shook her head and clinked glasses. “You’re one in a million, Renee.”

“I know that already.” A devilish gleam in her eyes she leaned in close to Mikayla. “What I don’t know is how things are going with you and my cousin.”

“You don’t really want to know.”

“Normally I would agree, but considering I haven’t had sex in months and these martinis have severely impaired my judgment I’m going to ask. Are you spending all your time with him because the sex is that good?”

Mikayla giggled and Renee’s eyebrows rose to her hairline.

“Oh my goodness, you’re giggling. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you giggle.” Renee giggled too.

“I don’t…unless it comes to Andre.” She sighed and leaned back onto a red pillow. Slowly she swayed to the rhythmic music playing softly through the speakers and thoughts of Andre took hold. “I’m comfortable around him. I never would have expected it, but from the moment he took my hand in the mountains I felt it. We clicked. We talk, we don’t talk, we go out, we stay in, my dad likes him, and the sex is amazing.”

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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