Read Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #contemporary romance

Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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“Then I’d have a sore throat and no job.”

Renee sighed. “Between you not being here anymore, and Ryan running off with that woman, things couldn’t be worse. Do you want me to come over?”

Mikayla’s phone beeped. Andre was calling her back. “No, I’m just going to decompress then start the job search. Look I’ll call you later, okay.”

“Do that, or I’ll come by after work. We’ll figure this out.”

Renee’s concern brought a smile to her face. “Thanks. Talk to you soon.” She switched the call over. “Hey you.”

“Hey you. Sorry, I missed your call earlier. The plane was landing. Isaac and I are getting ready to get in the car.” There were muffled voices in the background.

“No biggie. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

“Is everything okay?” Concern filled his voice.

“Yes. I quit my job today, but it’s no big deal. I can find another job.” Her attempt at breezy just sounded nervous.

“You quit?” He snapped. “What happened? Did Ryan do something to you?”

“No, nothing like that.” She took another drag off the cigarette then stubbed it out and stood. Pacing back and forth, she relayed the events of the previous week and how the situation had blown up that morning.

“Why didn’t you tell me about that?”

“It didn’t concern you.”

“I hate I ever said that.” His voice rattled as if he were walking fast. “Look, Mikayla, I don’t know a lot about love and positive relationships. But I’m learning. I don’t like seeing you upset and not knowing what’s wrong. Forget that rule, no more secrets. If something is bothering you, let me know.”

She paused in her pacing and sat on the end of the couch. “Does that mean you’ll do the same?”

“If you ask, I’ll let you know what’s going on.”

She rolled her eyes but accepted his word. “Same here.”

A heavy breath came through the phone. “Fine, Mikayla, I’ll let you know what’s going on with me.”

“And what your family is planning that may hurt me?”

“Don’t push it. Our car is here and my brother is on his way over. I don’t like the idea of you being alone.”

His concern was the only bright spot in a terrible day. “I’ll be okay.”

“Go to my cottage.”

Reaching for the bag, the last of the gummy bears went into her mouth. “I don’t remember how to get there.” She mumbled around the candy. “You live in the country.”

He laughed. “Fine, go to my condo in the city. I can’t be with you, but it’ll make me feel better to have you lying in my bed.”

“I can take care of myself.” She washed down the sugar rush with a swig of ale.

“I know, but it’s all I can do for you right now. Jonathan has a key, I’ll call and ask him to leave it beneath the mat before you arrive. I’ve got an extra credit card in the safe. Call me when you’re there, and I’ll give you the code. Order whatever you want, make yourself at home, and I’ll be there at the end of the week.”

Her fear began to ease. Going to Andre’s house wasn’t a plan for the future, but it was a plan for now. “You know this isn’t necessary.” She popped up off the couch and headed to the bedroom.

“No, but it makes me feel better.”

She pulled her overnight bag out of the closet. “I’m the one who lost my job.”

“And I’m the one who’s going to take care of you. Now pack your stuff and leave.”



Isaac entered the back of the car and the driver shut the door behind him. He faced Andre and scowled. “Is something wrong?”

Andre glanced at his brother but didn’t answer. Flipping through the contacts on his phone, he searched for the name of the family’s private investigator Ted Levant. A former Army Ranger, Ted now offered his services to those who needed information and didn’t care how they got it.

“Mr. Caldwell,” Ted’s cool voice answered.

“I need you to find everything you can about a woman named Charity York. She works for my uncle Philip at Caldwell Development.”

“Anything else?”

“We got the information about the key players in Kansas and Dallas last night. Good job.”

“As always,” Ted said with confidence. “When do you need the information on this woman?”

“End of the week.”

“You got it.”

The line went dead. Andre clenched his cell phone and tapped the device against his chin. Mikayla was always good under pressure, but the sound of her voice wasn’t the same. There was a definite lack of assertiveness. She didn’t say it, but today had thrown her off course.

He’d threatened her job once, the least he could do was get it back.

“Who’s Charity York?” Isaac asked as the car moved forward.

Andre tossed the cell phone in the cup holder. After unbuttoning the jacket of his sports coat, he reached for the brandy decanter in the car’s mini bar.

“She’s blackmailing Uncle Philip.”

Isaac frowned. “And we should care because…”

“The threat cost Mikayla her job.” He took a sip of the warm liquid. The burn settled his jumbled nerves. He couldn’t believe he was actually helping his uncle.

Isaac turned in his seat and studied him. A mixture of concern and disbelief clouded his brother’s face. Not surprising, if Isaac would have suddenly come to the defense of the other side of their family for the love of a woman Andre would think his brother had lost his mind.

“What is it about Ryan’s ex that’s got you so twisted?”

“Will you stop referring to her as Ryan’s ex? Her name is Mikayla.”

“She was in Ryan’s bed.”

“No, she wasn’t. And since when do you care what bed a woman once slept in? The rotating door of women you go through can’t be described as innocent.”

Isaac took the decanter from Andre and filled a glass. “A woman’s past is just that, her past, except when it includes conspiring with our trifling cousins.”

Andre held up his glass and stared at the fractured light reflected in the amber liquid. “Is it really that side that’s trifling? My conflict with Ryan started when Dad pushed me to steal his girlfriend. The rift in the family came when dad refused to acknowledge Uncle Philip after he started his development company. Dad pushes us to strike. It’s his sick way of making us prove loyalty to him when the man doesn’t deserve it.”

Isaac sank back in the seat. He took a sip then pressed the glass against his forehead. “We both know our dad is the root of the dysfunction, but why fight now? We’ve put in too much blood, sweat, and tears to grow Caldwell Environmental Solutions. Push Dad and we’re both out, and assholes like Scott Morrison or our step sister take over and reap the benefits.”

“Or we walk away and start something else.”

Isaac shot up and slapped his hand against the door. “I’m not giving up my legacy because you’re crazy about some woman. You’ve always pushed against him, always tried to pretend you’re better somehow, but you’re not. What are you going to do with the information you dig up on this Charity woman?”

Andre looked away and Isaac laughed. “Exactly. You’re going to use that same killer instinct we inherited from our dad to threaten her. The dirt Ted pulled on the people we’re meeting with today, are you’re going to use that, too.”

“We don’t need Ted’s information to get the contracts.” Andre put his glass down and ran a restless hand over his head. “Our work speaks for itself. We didn’t get where we are just from back door dealing and unsavory compromises.”

“But the scheming didn’t hurt.”

“I didn’t care about who got hurt before. Going along with what Dad wants nearly cost us our mother, has made us compete with our cousins at every turn and honestly compromised our business.” Andre lifted a finger with each point. “Just like this woman is using what she knows to threaten our Uncle, someone can do the same with us. It’s only a matter of time.”

“C.E.S. is all I have,” Isaac said in a determined voice. “I’m not walking away from this company. Our company.”

“And if I do, am I losing my brother?”

Isaac’s face hardened as he stared at Andre. “You know the answer to that. I won’t turn my back on you.”

Andre kept his cool, but relief rushed through him. He didn’t want this decision to take away the only ally he’d ever had, outside of his mother and Jonathan.

“I wasn’t sure that would be your answer.”

“Just because I don’t understand your decision doesn’t mean I won’t respect you for making it. I won’t let Dad blackball you if you do walk away.”

“No need for you to go against him, too.”

Isaac leaned back against the seat and tapped his finger on his glass. “We’ve always stuck together when it came to him. He won’t run the risk of having us both walk away. If he threatens you, I’ll step in.”

Andre nodded. It was good to know Isaac had his back. The pack they made when they were young to never become like their dad and uncle was still intact.

“But I need to know why. What is it about this woman,” Isaac held up his hand when Andre glared at him. “Mikayla that has you questioning everything. One minute you’re normal, and after a weekend with her you’re changed.”

“I’m not changed. She just helped me realize I want more out of life. It’s not all about loyalty, hustling, and work when I’m with her. I can just relax and be still.” He shrugged. “I guess we can fall in love.”

What appeared to be envy flashed in Isaac’s eyes. He turned away so quickly and finished his drink Andre couldn’t be sure.

“You must have gotten that from Mom,” Isaac said. “Everything dad has against commitment is inside of me.”

“Maybe you haven’t met the right one.”

“I wouldn’t do right if I did find her.” Isaac frowned.

Andre considered his brother. “So what are we going to do with the information Ted sent last night?”

Ted had not disappointed. He’d not only found out who would be on the review panel selecting the new waste contractor, but he’d provided proof of adultery, misplaced money, addictions, everything down to how many times a day they went to the bathroom. The information would go a long way toward ensuring everything went in favor of C.E.S. But lives would be destroyed if they used the information.

Isaac cocked a brow. “What do you suggest?”

“Let’s try securing the contracts the old fashioned way. Going in and introducing ourselves. Learning their needs and expectations.” Andre leaned over and pulled up his work bag. Unzipping the front pocket he pulled out a file folder. “I’ve researched the history of their previous contracts. They’ve had a problem with reliability and complaints about the lack of professionalism of the drivers. We can win this on that alone.”

Isaac took the file and flipped through the papers. After a few tense seconds, he finally nodded.

“I guess you’re not giving up on C.E.S. We’ll do it your way.”

Andre tipped his head to his brother, then pulled out his cell phone to call Jonathan.


Once they checked into the hotel suite, Andre left to walk around downtown. He stopped in a coffee shop and ordered a plain black coffee, then went back outside to drink it at one of the sidewalk tables. After pulling a carton of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, the smell of tobacco made him long for Mikayla. If the information Ted came back with helped her keep her job, he’d have to leave C.E.S. Fighting that side of the family would only hurt her, and the thought of hurting her repulsed him.

“Do you mind if I bum one of those off you?” A male voice asked.

Andre turned toward the tall light skinned man sitting at the table next to him. The man’s face was vaguely familiar, but Andre couldn’t place where he knew him from. He tossed over the pack and watched as the man pulled out a cigarette.

“Thanks. I’m trying to quit, but not doing too well.”

“I quit years ago,” Andre replied.

“Not doing to good then, huh?”

Andre tossed over his lighter. “Not quite.”

The man lit his cigarette, closed his eyes and grinned. “Just like going home.”

Andre nodded and took a drag of his own. He missed Mikayla. She should be at his condo by now, and hopefully the bouquet of flowers and the chocolates he’d ordered had arrived. He’d call her later and let her know he’d hired a masseuse to come over in the morning.

“You’re Andre Caldwell.”

He glanced back at the man. Took another good look at him. The guy had features a woman would consider handsome, his grey button up shirt and black pants were simple, but had the cut and fit of tailoring. But Andre still didn’t know why he looked familiar.

“Why do you want to know?”

The man sat forward and rested his arms on the wire table. He motioned to Andre with the hand holding the cigarette. “Because, you’re the man I want to run my company.”

Andre shifted in his seat until he faced the guy. “I’m not looking for a job.”

“You don’t have to be looking to find the right opportunity.” The guy rested the cigarette on the table and reached out his hand. “I’m Steve Harden, owner of Harden Composting.”

The light bulb of recognition flashed. Steve Harden submitted a proposal for C.E.S. to fund the startup of an indoor composting facility. Andre was interested in learning more about how to make money in that little explored market in the Southeast. He’d checked the former biology professor’s research on potential streams for organics and understood how funding Steve could benefit C.E.S. and him.

Of course, Curtis had been staunchly against the idea. Regardless of how much money they could have potentially made, Curtis disagreed with any idea he didn’t come up with.

“You started the indoor composting.”

Steve took a drag off his cigarette, then sat back in his chair. “After C.E.S. turned me down, I sought seed money to start on my own. No need to be a subset of a larger conglomeration when I can branch out. I secured a federal research grant, and some money from a few foundations to start my first facility in North Carolina. Now I’m ready to branch out to other locations.”

“Why do you need me?”

“I’m not a businessman. The success of my first facility is great, but I’m not afraid to admit trying to run two is above my head. I’d rather be running the facility itself, making sure things are working the way they should. I need someone like you to help my business grow.”

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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