Show No Mercy (12 page)

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Authors: Bethany Walkers

BOOK: Show No Mercy
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Chapter Forty Two

Saving Chloe from the bandits


The train stopped. The time whizzed as Sophie had told Chloe over and over again not to worry.


Sophie didn’t care if she couldn’t get off the train. She had a girl’s life to save here. Seeing Adam would have to wait.                           


Sophie led Chloe to the ladies’ toilets. She told the girl over and over that it would be all right.                                                                                                                             

She locked the door.


Outside, the hijackers had arrived on the train. Only one man was left on the train, waiting for the return journey back to the city where Sophie had took the journey from. The man was ageing and was very old. He had wisps of white hair and very dark, wrinkled skin.                                                                                   


“Oi, grandpa,” the hijacker chortled, “have you seen a little girl on the train, with green pigtail ribbons in her hair?” He tried his best to describe her.             


“Ten quid and I’ll tell you.” The man was old but he wasn’t going to give away information without getting something back.                                                       

They sighed imperiously, but one of the hijackers quickly handed over the cash.

The old man pointed to the ladies toilets. The hijackers smirked and walked over there.


There was a hole cut through the door. One of them peeked through it, and saw Sophie and Chloe sitting together in each others arms.                                                                                                                             

“Leave,” Sophie said determinedly.


“No,” the hijackers remarked, their voices firm. For some strange reason, they always said everything simultaneously.                                         

“Don’t worry,” Sophie whispered to Chloe.


Sophie took off her expensive gold chain, which Mr. Sandalwood had given her as a present the day he’d employed her for the advertisement production company. It shone from every edge, and it was one of the finest of golds; it was twenty four carats with a small diamond hooked on its surface. Sophie didn’t want to accept it from Mr. Sandalwood at the time, and was planning on giving it to Bessie, but now, Sophie needed it, and it was the only thing that sprung to her mind that if she gave it, they would go away because it was so valuable. Sophie wrapped it in tissue and slid it under the door.             


“It’s real gold, man!” said one of the hijackers, his voice high and raised. “We’ll leave them alone.”                                         


But they were acting; they weren’t really going to go. They hid under the train seats in the wait of Chloe and Sophie to come out of the ladies room. The old man stared at them, smirking.                                                                                                 

Sophie was sure that they weren’t there anymore, so she unlocked the door and lead both herself and Chloe, out.

As soon as they reached the middle of the train in walking, the hijackers revealed themselves from their hiding places. Chloe shivered with fear.


One of the hijackers took hold of Chloe. Choe screamed, unable to control her sobs. Sophie didn’t try and save her this way. Sophie slowly walked away from them, walking backwards instead of forwards. She reached a door, with a winder. She unwound it and some policeman were at the other end.             

The plotters let go of Chloe immediately. Chloe ran to Sophie, as the policemen grabbed hold of the hijackers and arrested them.

“All in a day’s work!” Sophie grinned. She gave Chloe a hi-five.

“Thank you so much,” Chloe grinned, “for saving my life.”

“No problem,” Sophie smiled.


They took the train back to the city (where Sophie had boarded it originally). It was too late to get off at London now, and anyways, Sophie was concerned for Chloe’s safety.                                                       

Sophie grabbed Chloe’s hand lightly.


“Come on, let’s take you home.”



Chapter Forty Three

Returning her to the orphanage


On the way back with Chloe, Sophie decided to inform Adam about what happened.                           


“Erm, Michell, there’s a problem. I can’t go down to London because I have to send this girl down to the orphanage. The thing is, she nearly got killed. And now I have to take her back.”                           

“Oh right. Are
all right?” Adam’s voice was panicky.                                         

“Yeah, I’m fine. Those bloody bastards tried murdering her.”

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to take a cab to where you are then.” Adam paused, and then started grinning. “Can I ask you something?”




“Okay. Would you rather I looked like Leonardo di Caprio or Justin Timberlake?” Adam asked, knowing that this was totally irrelevant for the time right now.


“Ryan Gosling,” Sophie smiled.


She answered a little too fast for Adam’s comfort. “What the hell, Sophie? You’re supposed to say Mitchell! You’re supposed to say you want me to look like me!”


“But you weren't one of the options,” Sophie smirked.


“Neither was Ryan Gosling!”
              Adam exclaimed.                                                                     

“Yeah, we’ll have plenty of time to discuss this when I see you. I’ve got to go.”


She dialled off, and turned back to Chloe.              


“Well, Chloe, I’m going to have to send you to the orphanage. Do you know where your real parents are?”                                                                                                 

“No. but I guess I’ll have to go, because I can’t just live on the streets homeless!”


“Point proven.”                                                                                   


The train stopped and Sophie got off with Chloe. She called a taxi and the driver drove them down to the orphanage.                                                       

Sophie went down to the reception to give Chloe’s details.

“Thanks for bringing her here,” grinned the receptionist. The receptionist had long copper-coloured hair, and her make up was worn so that her lips looked gold. “I really am very grateful. You don’t know what could have happened to poor Chloe.”


“Trust me, I’ve seen this kind of thing happen before.”                                                                                                 

“Thanks again.”


“No problem.”                                                                                   


Sophie gave Chloe a hug, and then left.



Part Four - Present



People speak of fate

and meetings of chance.

Finding of soul mates

and love at first glance.


Alignment of planets

Shooting stars up above.

Fullness of the moon

and pairs of white doves.


I've never taken stock

in these symbols and signs.

But having met you

proved I'd been blind.


Poets write of hearts

eternal devotion.

Flames of desire

and new found emotion.


Love ever lasting

a lifetime of bliss.

Heaven here on Earth

the passion of a kiss.


I've never found valid

these words foolishly penned.

Then you graced my presence

and proved me wrong again.


Singers sing of heartache

and the one that got away.

Internal emptiness

pain that still remains.


Missed opportunities

the hollowness of night.

Paths that never cross

timing that wasn't right.


I never dreamed those songs

could ever ring so true.

Until I thought of life

without ever knowing you.



Chapter Forty Four

Time to rest


The rest of the pages in the diary were blank. Jazz tried and tried again to see if any more writing could be found, but she was unsuccessful.


“All the rest of the pages are blank!” she cursed. “And I was really enjoying reading all this.”                                                                                                                             

“How about we research more on the topic tomorrow? It’s about time we had a rest,” Gina suggested.


“You’re right.” Jazz said reluctantly.                                                                                   

Jazz placed the diaries back in her bag, and went to sleep.



Chapter Fourty Five

Seeking revenge, but failing


Jazz woke up in the middle of the night, yawning. The window of the block of flats were open, blowing cold wind inside the apartment. She walked up to close it and to her sheer horror Adam jumped up and grabbed hold of her neck.

“AARRGH!” she screamed in both pain and terror (mostly in terror), but managed to release herself. She ran out of her apartment and into the lift outside.


“BLOODY CHEAT!” Adam yelled after her. Jazz got into the lift, and as soon as she got out, she immediately started yelling for help, tears streaming down her face. “Somebody help me, please!” she sobbed. She’d never been so scared in her life. “Somebody help me, please! Please, somebody help me!” She repeated the same words over and over again, shivering. Her voice went more and more muffled as she cried. If she heard the smallest sound, she’d jump. “Oh God,” she prayed, “if this is the last day of my life because he’s going to kill me, please forgive me of all my sins!”                           

Adam Attenborough got into the lift and Jazz jammed the lift by pressing the EMERGENCY STOP button. It was the only thing she could think of doing.


Adam cursed furiously.                                                       


“I FLIPPING HATE YOU!” he screamed into nothingness. “YOU’VE RUINED MY LIFE! YOU CHEATED ME JUST TO GET MY INFORMATION AND HANDED ME OVER TO MY WORST ENEMY! AARGH!” Adam’s face looked vicious and terrifying, as if he was an escaped mass murderer on the loose.                                                       

The police had arrived by now. They hauled Adam out of the lift. He jumped about as they took hold of his arms, screaming and moaning and yelling about Jazz.


Jazz and everyone amongst her were watching, scared out of their wits as Adam continued to thrash about in the policeman’s arms.                                                                     

Adam threw Jazz a dirty and betrayed look.


Jazz folded her arms, guilty. She hadn’t meant to get Adam in custody for the day. Adam’s sentence in prison was only a week long, but she still felt very guilty. She had used Adam all this time just to impress John Smith, by handing in a good project for her college coursework. She felt even more guilty for telling Joshua about it, even though she didn’t know why Adam wanted to kill Joshua.


All she could do was watch, as Adam was being led out.

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