Show No Mercy (15 page)

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Authors: Bethany Walkers

BOOK: Show No Mercy
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Chapter Fifty Two

Petunia’s phone call


Since Adam was coming back today, Sophie was in a cute, romantic mood. She watched
The Lucky One
on TV.


She was half-way through and loving it.


Before Sophie could read anything else, she received a phone call, the ringing noise as deafening as ever.


It was Petunia.


“Hi Petunia. What brings you here to call me?”                                                                                                                             

“There’s a big problem, Sophie. Can you come and check on the children? I’m worried that these policemen aren’t up to the job. They look suspicious.”

“I’ll be right there, Petunia. Anything for the children.”

“Thanks, Sophie. You’re a great help.”


Sophie had noticed that Petunia was speaking in a hushed and quiet voice.



Chapter Fifty Three

Paying Petunia a trip


Sophie went to the hospital. Petunia led her to the kids’ room, and when she went there she realized that there were only ten children, instead of the twelve that she had brung along.             


A policeman strolled into the room.                           


“Excuse me, madam, we don’t accept visitors at this time.”                                                                                   

“There are only ten children, officer. I brought twelve. Where are the other two children?”

The policeman gulped. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, ma’am. Now I think it’s best if you left.”

“No,” Sophie shouted. “Where are they?”


Five men walked into the room. They looked like murderers.                                                                     

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” the policeman smirked, then turned to the men. “Over to you, gents.”

One of the men was Joshua Toft. He was with his fellow friends. He wore a grumpy and angry look on his face.

Sophie pulled her eyebrows together and narrowed her eyes. She took a step further to them, and began to talk.



Chapter Fifty Four

The first encounter


“What have you done to the poor little kids?” Sophie asked, anger boiling up to her face.

“Is it really necessary for you to know?” Joshua sighed imperiously.


“Well, of course. I brought those kids here.” Sophie said, in a matter of fact tone of voice.                                                                                                               

Joshua Toft walked up to her.


“Well,” he began, “I decided to pay a visit here, and I was grumpy, as always. Then those two kids started staring at me with a real filthy look, so I threw them on to a train track and allowed them to be killed.”                                                                                                               

Joshua didn’t look the slightest bit guilty. In fact, he was smiling because he was so proud of his achievement.


“That’s why people are scared of the likes of you. You don’t care about anyone but yourself. They were innocent. You fucking little bastard!” Sophie was shocked by what she’d just said, and to a complete stranger, too. But Joshua Toft deserved to be swore at. Then, she realized that she was screaming at him, tears streaming down her face because she couldn’t stand the fact of what he’d done to the children. “You bastard!” she sobbed. “Bloody bastard!”                                                                     


“Ahem,” Joshua Toft said, anger bursting through him. “No one gets mouthed off with me and gets away with it. No one.” He meant every word that he said. Something terrible was going to happen to Sophie now that she’s daid what she’d said.                                                       


“Shut up. I don’t care what you intend on doing, you fucking little bastard. I really don’t give two fucking shits.”                                         


“You fucking little bitch, who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? Fucking slag. I bet your mum was a right fucking whore too. Get the fuck out, you fucking tramp.”                                                                                                 

Gobsmacked, Sophie relented. “I think I’d better.”


Sophie went home.



Chapter Fifty Five



Sophie Steele was at home. It was the day when Adam Attenborough was going to come back, and she was expecting a phone call from him. Then her phone rang. It wasn’t Adam.                                         

It was Petunia.




“What is it now, Petunia?”                                                       


“You mustn’t go anywhere but home. Joshua Toft and his fellow plotters are planning to kill you. Don’t go home, I’m telling you now! Because they’re going to be at your house right this minute!”                                                                                                 

Sophie dialled off. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She couldn’t make a run for it now. She could see the shadows of the plotters standing outside her door. Quick as quick could be, she ran to her storage room, hid herself in it, and shut the door firmly, her heart pounding against her chest.



Chapter Fifty Six

When he caught her eye …


The plotters came inside. They looked around, strolling around the room, knives in hands, guns in pockets.


Suddenly, Adam began phoning Sophie. The ringing noise was as loud as ever. Sophie quickly pressed the red phone button on her mobile.                                                                                                               


The plotters had certainly heard the phone, though. They looked around, but they were stupid enough not to look in the storage room.              


Sophie peeped through a gap in the storage room door. One of the plotters caught her eye, and she immediately returned it back to where she was sitting, making sure she didn’t peek again.                                                                                                 

Before Sophie knew it, that exact plotter was walking towards that exact storage door …



Chapter Fifty Seven

Saved … or not


This was a big problem. But then Joshua Toft called him back.


“I don’t think she’s here. We’ll come back another time.”


“Alright boss.”


As soon as they left Sophie phoned Adam and told him about everything.


“Mitchell,” she breathed. “I’m so scared. I’m so scared …” Sophie began to sob uncontrollably.


“What’s the matter? What happened Sophie? Please don’t cry, everything will be all right!” Adam panicked, and then tears began to stream down his own face because he was so worried about Sophie.


“They’re going to kill me …” Was all Sophie could manage.


“Who? Who’s going to kill you?” Adam cried. “I’ll be right there, yeah? Don’t worry. I’m here for you. I love you and I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Sophie. I’ve been waiting for such a long time for a girl like you to come into my life, and trust me, I’m not letting you go that easily.”


Sophie sobbed even harder. He listened and said he’d protect her. But the sound of the phone ringing and the muffled sobs had gone downstairs to where Joshua and his friends were …



Chapter Fifty Eight

The knife


Adam had arrived at Sophie’s apartment. The door was unlocked, so he went inside.


He saw Sophie looking pale and wheezy, stumbling towards him.                                                                     

“Sophie! Sophie! Are you OK?” Tears continued to stream down his face.


“Mitchell …” Sophie whispered. “Y – you have t – to go! I d - d - don’t w - w - want them to d - do the same thing t - to you!”                                                                                                 


“No Sophie! You look so ill! What happened?”                                                                                                 

Adam hugged her, kissing her cheek, and as his arm felt to her back he jumped back in utter shock, crying even more. “No! No! Oh Sophie, Sophie …”


There was a knife dug into her, and her t-shirt was soaked with blood.             


“Sophie! I’ve got to get you to the hospi- …”                                                       

Adam didn’t manage to finish off his sentence. The plotters were walking towards him.

There was only some energy left in Sophie to keep herself alive.



Chapter Fifty Nine

The loss


Joshua Toft walked over to them and knocked them away from each other, knocking them over to the floor. He was holding a hard steel object, sort of a weapon.

“True love isn’t a thing that exists.” Joshua laughed, as he walked over to Adam. “I didn’t have much luck when it came to girls, ya know? Girls are just desperate for men to show off to their little girlfriends. All they really want, is sex.” Joshua didn’t bother going into the context in more detail.
              “Oh, the way you embrace and inform the media of every kiss … you make me sick. All you’re after is money and fame. Every foul word, every bad thing that’s been said to me … is going to be taken out on you two as a couple. Oh, you’re going to die without even getting married! Oh, and you’re not even going to be curled up in each other’s arms to face your death. Oh, the joy and happiness I have as I live every second of my life. This murder is definitely going to be worth it. Everyone’s scared of me.” Joshua didn’t say another word. The facial expression on his face changed from smirking to being angry, and he looked terrifying.             


Joshua had reached Adam. He gave Adam a big whack on the head with the weapon. Adam screamed in pain, unable to come to his senses.                           


Luckily, Adam hadn’t died. But this was how he had the fifteen minute short term memory loss.                                                                                                 

Adam was muscley, as explained. But one more whack in the head and he would die.


But he didn’t get another whack in the head. Instead, Joshua Toft strolled casually up to Sophie. Sophie had her arm out, trying to reach Adam. Adam was composed in the same way, trying to reach her. “I love you Mitchell,” Sophie whispered. “Don’t ever forget that. I love you.”              


But it was too late for Adam to say anything back to her, or to tell her that his real name was actually Adam Attenborough. Joshua Toft whacked the weapon into Sophie’s head as well. She died, as a single tear escaped from her eye as she breathed out her last breath.                           


Adam cried. He cried and cried and cried and cried. Joshua laughed, as he and his friends left the apartment. Adam rocked himself with his knees, not caring about what had happened to him, but crying because of his loss. He wanted himself to die in her place. His life would never be the same again, and he certainly didn’t want to continue living it.


He screamed Sophie’s name again and again into the darkness in between his sobs. All of his life had been destroyed at that very moment.


He’d lost his one true love. He’d be living his life in misery.                                                                                   

He hadn’t even told Sophie his real name, and he knew that this regret would stay with him until the day he died.

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