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Shy... (6 page)

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Jordan groaned and threw his head
back as two hot and moist pairs of lips fell on his pulsing cockhead from each
side. Their wet, slippery tongues slithered all over, playing tag with each
other. His whole body shivered as electrical impulses of intense pleasure raced
all through him. He grasped at each of their heads, entangling their silken
tresses in his hard fingers as they slobbered over his surging tool.


“Oh, god.” He growled. “I’ve never
felt this… this good before.”


The two women worked his cockhead
into a frenzy, sucking on each side and sliding up and down the entire shaft.
Diana sucked on his balls as Melanie took the entire cockhead into her mouth,
slurping wildly. She hadn’t done that for so long and it felt really good.
Diana returned to his cockhead and muscled her way in. Melanie laughed and let
the taller woman take all of him down to the root. Jordan looked down in awe at
what he had only seen in his fantasies. Diana Pierce giving him head, for real,
was too good to be true. Melanie slid over to her and began kissing and sucking
on her pert breasts. That took the blonde over the edge as she intensified her
sucking on his cock, her teeth scraping over his sensitive skin.


Jordan couldn’t hold on any longer.
He felt the rising surge building up inside him. He bucked his hips harder,
grabbing Diana’s head and fucking her mouth. She gagged, struggling against his
grip. The gurgling sounds she made excited him further and then watching his
own wife eating the pussy of the woman blowing him set him off. He almost
yelled as his orgasm exploded inside Diana’s throat. She was like a woman
possessed, hell bent to drain him of every drop. He could actually feel the
suction of her throat and lips as he came. She swallowed hard, taking all of
him in deep. He reached down and stroked his wife’s spread pussy, savoring the
wetness against his fingers he hadn’t felt in a while.


“Oh, fucking hell.” Diana groaned,
finally relinquishing his cock. “Was that a month’s supply of pent up stress.
By god, Melanie… you really left him wanting.”


“Well, I’m making up for it now,
aren’t I, baby?” She smiled at her panting husband. “And now that Diana’s taken
the edge off…  I want you to fuck her, baby. Fuck the bitch while I make her
eat my hot pussy.”


Jordan looked at his wife in
bemusement. If he had heard her speak that way even an hour ago his ears would
be on fire, but now he wasn’t surprised at all. He was suddenly impressed by
her sudden brazenness, maybe this was what their sex life lacked, a sense of
adventure and he saw no reason to complain. The woman he was in love with and
the woman he lusted for were together awaiting his pleasure. What else could
any man ever want in his life?


“What’re you waiting for, big boy?”
Diana looked at him sultrily. “You’ve got the green light… stick that fat
meat-pole into me, lover… and let watching your wife have the orgasm of her


“Stick in her, Davey.” Melanie
moaned deliriously. “Make her feel how good it is to have that big cock inside


Jordan took a deep breath and
looked down at his rising cock. These two sure knew how to get a man’s blood to
rise, even after having drained him completely. He felt his second wind coming
around as his cock filled out to its entire length and then some. His hands
grasped at Diana’s flaring hips and he pulled himself closer to her. She moaned
and wriggled her hips, inviting him to take her. The young man looked at his
wife, she nodded at him encouragingly and he entered the blonde with one swift
thrust. Her cry of pleasure and pain was muffled by Melanie grabbing her head
and pushing her face down over her pussy. Diana squirmed her curvy ass against
his pelvis as Melanie ground her face between her sexy legs.


“Fuck her, baby… fuck her hard.”
Melanie whimpered as Diana’s tongue fucked her pussy.


“Yeah, baby…” Jordan grunted. “She
so tight and hot… fuck, yeah.”


“Yeah, fuck me, baby.’ Diana looked
back at him. “Fuck the bitch who made your lovely wife cheat… on… uuhh… you.”


Jordan roared like a bull in heat,
slamming his hips against her yielding buttocks with more and more intensity.
Each thrust drove the blonde’s face further into Melanie’s pussy, making her
moan louder than Diana. He leaned over her, humping away, and grabbed her big
breasts, squeezing the soft, resilient flesh. Pleasure, intense pleasure,
filled his senses. If this was a dream, may he never wake up, he prayed.


“Oh, yeah… I’m cumming… so hard.”
Melanie yelled, grabbing at Diana’s head.


“Mhgffhm... umm... meee toooo.”
Diana whimpered with a face full of Melanie’s hot gushing pussy.


Jordan closed his eyes and savored
the sensation of Diana’s hot orgasmic release over his throbbing erection. Her
juices flowed out, all over his cock and trickled down his muscular thighs. He
knew he would cum again soon, but a sexy thought lit up in his head.


“Mel… Mel…” He cried out. “Get
under Diana… I want to fuck the two of you together, one by one.”


“Oh, yeah… hell yeah, baby.”
Melanie moaned as Jordan pushed Diana to clamber over his wife.


The two women faced each other,
kissing and licking at one another‘s sweaty faces. Jordan pulled himself out of
Diana’s squelching pussy and plunged his rock hard cock into his wife’s equally
soppy opening. Her loud gasp told him that she was back in form. He grinned,
enjoying the familiar tightness of her pussy surrounding him and began to fuck
her. His hands mashed and kneaded Diana’s soft, plump buttocks as the two women
moaned and writhed with lust. He could see them grinding each other’s sensitive
clitorises together again. This was day he would never forget.


His orgasm was hard, harder than he
could ever remember.  He felt his muscles clench and cramp as explosive sparks
of pleasure rippled over his nerve endings. He emptied his load into his wife,
shaking violently and seeing double. He dropped down over Diana, squashing
Melanie under them and hearing her gasps and giggles as if they were from far
away. His thigh muscles felt more hammered than they ever did, even after the
heaviest session of squats he had done in his college days. He fell off to the
side and let either woman slither up to him and caress his chest.


“This was the best sex ever in my
life.” Melanie purred, her eyes brimming with love.


“Me too, baby.” Jordan smiled back
weakly. “I love you more than ever.”


“And to think it was all because of
me.” Diana smirked. “Mr. Jordan… your life is about to change forever... for
the higher things.”


“I couldn’t agree more, Diana.” He
grinned as the women kissed him on either cheek. “Call me Dave.”





“Dave… Dave Jordan.” The messenger
called out. “I’m here to escort you to your new office.”


“New office?” Macgregor looked
bewildered. “Where?”


“Twenty-third floor.”


“Twent… that’s where Montello’s
office is… and only the bigwigs sit there.”


“There was an opening and I guess I
filled it.” Jordan laughed and picked up his things. “Well, I better not keep
the boss waiting…”


“But… but, hey wait… can we
talk…later?” Macgregor stood dumbstruck watching his best friend waking away.


“I’ll see you at lunch…” Jordan
waved and stepped into the express elevator. “And maybe put in a good word for
you upstairs later on, till then be good, Mackie… and thanks for all your help,
couldn’t have done it without you.”


“Done what?”




The End






Can’t stay quiet…



I always loved being inside
the grand library at the University. There was something very sexy about all
the hidden nooks and crannies that the mazes of tall shelves created. It was as
if you could get away with a lot in those nooks without being seen. It was
something I always fantasized about. I wanted to have a lustful experience
amongst the books and pages that I adored so much. In those pages were romance,
adventure, and sensual desire. The books on sensual desire, like the Karma
Sutra, were my favorite. Now, that I worked in the University library as an
assistant, I could look at those books any time I wanted, even after hours. It
was part of my work-study program as a student at the University. I knew that I
would enjoy my work, but I never thought that something so sensual and out of
the ordinary could happen to me. What ended up happening in that library
happened to be all my sexual fantasies at once, and I was a different woman
after it. I became a sexual siren, and it was a welcomed change.


The day it happened was
like any other day. I got dressed in front of the mirror as I always did before
my day. I pulled my mousy brown hair into a bun with a few tendrils lining my
face. I pulled on a long circle skirt with wool thigh high socks. I tucked in
my white button up shirt that was very conservative with a white lace collar
into my skirt. I layered on a scarf and my heavy wool coat. Then I polished the
lenses of my black-framed glasses and then I was on my way. It was snowing
outside, after all it was early winter on this New England campus, and the
light dusting of snow proved it.


I walked fast across
campus as I was working the late shift at the library and I was already a few
minutes late. As I crossed, a group caught my eye. It was Kit, the university
football quarterback and hottest guy on campus. His unruly dark hair stuck out
from under his knitted wool hat and dark lashes framed his dark eyes and his
square jaw was covered in dark stubble. He was tall and lean with an athletic
build and I longed to have my body under him. His jock friends and teammates
surrounded him and I wondered what his life was like. What did they do? Who
were they fucking? I was invisible to them, the plain modest librarian virgin,
but I longed for him to look at me. I longed for him to notice me. Just then,
as though he heard my thoughts, he looked away from his friends and stared
straight at me. He locked eyes with me and his face lit up in a mischievous
sideways grin. I gasped and looked down at my feet hugging my books tighter to
my chest as I quickened my pace. I could not believe that he looked at me. I
was in a daze as I entered through the back door of the library into the staff


“Shelley, you’re late
again. All of these books need to be re shelved and locked up,” Mrs. Pinkerton
said as I rushed in and she rushed out.


“Yes, sorry Mrs.
Pinkerton. I’ll do it right away,” I said as I took off my layers and went to
work. The first few hours of work were usually crowded, but as the night wore
on past nine o’clock the library became emptier. There were usually just a few
people studying in the study rooms, and the aisles of books remained fairly
empty. This would be when I would roam the aisles looking at books and taking
my time re shelving them.


That is exactly what I
was doing now, however I was replaying Kit’s smile in my head, and my body was
responding to that image. I felt my nipples become aroused and my pussy get
wet. It was time to head to my favorite nook of the bookshelves. It was on the
top floor of the three-floor library. I pulled my favorite book from the shelf,
the Karma Sutra and began to look at the exquisite paintings. I gasped as I
looked over the different sexual positions the couples were in. I was
increasingly being turned on. Then I turned the page and saw a painting of a
group sex scene. There was one woman with a happy look on her face as three men
pleasured her. I wondered what it would be like to have that many hands on you.
I wondered what it would be like to have that many mouths licking and kissing
you. I sighed as the sexual tension built inside of me.


I had never been with a
man and the frustration of it all was mounting. I looked around to make sure
that I was alone. I pulled a book out of its spot just an inch on the shelf. It
stuck out just a bit from the other books at the perfect height for me to brush
my wet center against it. I gasped quietly as the book’s spine pressed against
my clitoris as I stared at the pages of the Karma Sutra. I moved slowly back
and forth pressing my clitoris in small movements against it. I was feeling
very wet as my chest heaved up and down. The books surrounding me turned me on
as well as the cozy feeling of being in a hidden nook. I was close. I felt my
body tense up. Then I closed the book in my hands and held it tight against my
chest as I released into a quiet orgasm. I leaned my body against the wall of
books as I caught my breath and enjoyed the tiny pulsations race through my
body. I intended to stand there a few more minutes enjoying myself, but my
alone time was rudely interrupted by loud voices. I could hear a few guys in
the study area being loud. It was my job to quieten them down. I forgot that
the Karma Sutra book was in my hand as I stomped out of my cozy nook to find
them and ask them to be quiet. This was the library after all and it was part
of my job to tell them to be quiet and respectful.


I stomped out of the
aisles into the clearing where tables and chairs were lined up.


“Shhhh….!” I said in my
loudest whisper. Then I stopped in my tracks when I realized who was making the
noise. It was Kit, the star quarterback and two of his jock friends. They were
being rowdy and silly.


“Oh, it’s the
librarian! Sorry Miss, we’ll be quiet,” Kit said as he laughed through his
words. They were mocking me and the way he looked at me up and down reminded me
that I was still feeling the sensations of my orgasm.


I sort of stood there
frozen while they looked at me. Hot guys had never addressed me and I had no
idea how to react.


“She’s too hot to be a
librarian,” another guy said. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and was just as
attractive as Kit.


“You’ve got that right,
Trevor,” Kit said. Then he continued “Blake what do you think?”


“Yeah, too hot for a
librarian. I wonder what she looks like with her hair down.”


I looked at the three
men. I now garnered that the other two were named Trevor and Blake. I was
feeling turned on by their presence but also in a state of panic that they were
paying attention to me and calling me hot. I had never had this sort of
attention before.


“We’re sorry, we will
be quiet Miss. Librarian,” Kit said as he walked slowly toward me putting only
inches between us. I breathed in deep as he looked at me like I was prey and he
was a predator with the look of lust in his eyes. He came very close and before
I knew it, he had snatched the book out of my hands.


“What do we have here?
What are you reading?” he said playfully. I tried to grab it back in panic, as
I knew that it was the Karma Sutra book and I would be very embarrassed if they
opened it. However when I tried to grab it Kit tossed it to Trevor. Then Trevor
tossed it to Blake.


“Give it back!” I said
in a loud whisper as my hands waved in the air following the book as they
tossed it. Then finally Kit had it and he opened it. I gasped as he flipped
through the pages.


“Oh shit! You are a
filthy girl, aren’t you?” he said as he looked down at the pages and then
looked up at me. His dark eyes sparkled and his grin was wicked and lustful.
Trevor and Blake took places beside him and saw what he saw. I flushed a bright
pink, as I felt mortified that these men knew my deepest, darkest, and dirtiest


“Holy shit,” Trevor
said as he looked through the pages. “This is not what I was expecting her to
be looking at it.”


“I…I…” I started to try to defend
myself but I could not get the words out. “I was merely putting it back on the
shelf. It’s my job,” I said trying to cover up.


“If that were true you
would have a whole cart of books you were re shelving. Wouldn’t you? I don’t
see a cart. Do you guys see a cart?” Kit said.


The guys looked around
and smiled at me. “I don’t see a cart. I think she’s lying, but why? Why cover
up your sexual desires? It’s only natural. We all have them,” Trevor said as he
circled around me like a tiger slowly tracking prey. I swallowed hard knowing
that I had been caught, but also I knew that they were right. Why was I so
ashamed? It was because I was a virgin and I felt ashamed that I had never
explored passion. No man had ever felt desire for me, and that made me feel
like less of a woman.


“You don’t need to hide
it from us. We encourage it,” Kit said.


I was feeling so turned
on by their words but also very exposed. I needed to run away.


“Please give me back the
book, and keep it down. This is a library. You must be quiet,” I said as I
tried to take what little control I had back.


“I’ll tell you what.
We’ll make a deal with you,” Kit said.


“What’s that?” I


“If you can keep quiet
during whatever activity we choose, then we will be quiet,” he said with a


I had no idea what he
was thinking of, but I was suddenly very aware at how isolated this floor had
become. I looked around at all the empty tables and empty aisles. I was alone
up on the third floor with these three hot jocks.


“What kind of
activity?” I asked.


“I can’t tell you until
after you agree,” he said.


I took a deep breath
and then finally said, “Yes.”


The three guys looked
at each other and smiled to each other. I was getting more and more aroused by
the second. I wanted them to passionately make me a woman. I wanted them to
ravage me and there was no other place that turned me on more than the library.


“Alright then. Let’s
see what kind of activities are in this book. I’ll blindly flip to a page,” Kit
said as he held up the Karma Sutra book. I could not believe it. Was this a
fantasy? Was this really happening? He was going to take an activity straight
out of the book and it was exactly what I wanted to happen. Yet a part of me
was in panic, as I didn’t know how to react to a man touching me. I had never
had sex before. Kit held up the book and closed his eyes. His thumb shuffled
the pages and then he stopped. He opened the book wide and opened his eyes. He
smiled at the page and then smiled at me.


Trevor and Blake looked
at it and then looked at me. I stood there in anticipation with my hands
clasped together fidgeting. I was so nervous. Then Kit turned the book around
so that I could see the painting in the book. My breath caught in my throat as
I looked at it. In the painting a woman was in ecstasy as her legs were spread
wide and a man pushed his face between her legs. I was still wet from
pleasuring myself only a few minutes before and the thought of Kit between my
legs only made me feel hotter.


“That? That’s the
activity you choose?” I said so nervously that my voice was shaky.




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