Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess) (16 page)

BOOK: Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess)
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“I want to see you tonight.” I blurted. “I need to see you tonight.”

“Where are you at?”

“I’m in Roanoke, Rapids at the Comfort Inn. I got a room for tonight because I didn’t feel like going back to my mom’s crib.”

“Go back to your mom’s crib?” He sounded confused. “Whoa shorty…why is you at your mom’s crib?”

I walked back into the bedroom area of the room and got another Mike’s from the box. I opened it and took a sip. “Come out here and see me and I’ll tell you why.” I told him.

“Aight let me take a bath and then I will ride up there.”

“Alright, I’m going to take my bath. I will be waiting for you.” I hung up and went into the bathroom and got into the tub. I laid back and closed my eyes.

I was awakened by the sound of my cell ringing. I jumped slashing water everywhere! I’d fallen asleep in the bathtub! I got out of the tub grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body. I grabbed my cell off of the sink but it had already stopped ringing. I saw that I had several missed calls, all from Skeet. I was about to call him back when my phone started to ring again. It was him.

“Hey.” I answered yawning and stretching.

“Damn, what were you doing?” He snapped.

“Boy hush, I’d fallen asleep. Where are you at?”

“I’m outside parked beside your car.”

I peeked out the window. “Okay, I’m upstairs in room 217.” I watched as he got of the car. He had two bags in his hand and his phone was pressed up against his ear. Watching his tall muscular frame climb the stairs made my pussy throb. He was a little bit taller than Tre and bigger too. He worked out a lot and possessed the body of a God. He’d just started growing dreads and had a full beard like Rick Ross. What I loved most about him was his midnight chocolate skin. I cursed myself for wasting so much time being Tre’s fool instead of telling him to go to hell and fucking with Skeet, a sexy ass nigga who actually gave a fuck about me!

I rushed to the door and unlocked it. I opened the door and stepped back out of the way so that he could come in. Instead of coming in, he stopped in the doorway staring at me strangely.

“What?” I asked wondering why he was just standing there instead of coming on in the room. I was standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a towel!

“Yo, you cut your hair?” He
asked sounding surprised. “What in the hell is going on?”

My hand went up to my hair. I’d forgotten all about having my hair cut. “What? You don’t like it?” I started to feel uncomfortable.

He finally came inside, walking over to the small dresser he put down the stuff that he was carrying in his hands and walked back over to me. “Of course I like it. You know that I love anything on your fine ass.” He pulled me into his arms and gave me a hug. “Damn you feel good in my arms.” He whispered in my ear and kissed me on my cheek. “You smell good too.”

“Thanks.” I hugged him back holding him extra tight. I didn’t want him to let go. I felt safe in his arms like nothing or no one else could hurt me again. Without warning the tears started to fall and I broke down sobbing in his arms like a baby. He didn’t ask any questions. He just held me until I was done crying.

When I was done he asked if I wanted to talk about it. I shook my head no. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” I said just above a whisper.

“Aight, I bought some chicken if you want something to eat.”

“I am kind of hungry.” I admitted. The two of us sat do
wn at the little table in the corner of the room and ate while we talked. When we were done eating, he undressed down to his boxers and we got on the bed and watched TV.

“Why are you still wearing that towel?” He looked over and asked me.

“Because I don’t have anything else to change into.” I laughed. “I hadn’t planned on staying overnight when I left home.”

He turned over so that he was facing me and ran his hand up my thigh. I had my head lying on his arm so he pulled me closer and covered my lips with his. He removed his hand from my thigh and then reached up and undid my towel. He caressed my breasts and played with my nipples.

“Mmmm…I am going to really enjoy this.” He said to me between kisses. “I’ve wanted you so bad since the last time that we were together.” He moved down kissing a trail down neck, chest, and stomach until I felt his warm breath on my pussy. Next I felt his lips wrapped around my clit. I placed one of my hands on the back of his head while holding onto the sheet with the other one. He ate my pussy until I came two times back to back. Then he climbed between my thighs and fucked me until I came and yelled out shit that I didn’t understand. When he was done with me, I was so exhausted that I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, I was the first to wake up. Skeet was lying next to me snoring like a bear! I eased out of bed, went into the bathroom and washed up and brushed my teeth. I got dressed in the clothes that I’d worn the day before. When I went back out into the room, I woke up Skeet and told him to get dressed.
Check out time was at 11:00am and it was already 10:27am.

While he was in the bathroom, I took my charger out of my pocketbook and plugged in my phone so that I could check to see if I had any messages. I had six voicemails all from my mama asking where I was. I also had two text messages, both from Tre asking if we could meet somewhere and talk. I texted him back and told him that we could but it would have
to be later that day.

He texted
me back a few seconds later:
Okay well just text and let me know when.


I stood up to gather my things just as Skeet came out of the bathroom pulling his shirt over his head. He walked over and kissed me wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed me on my ear. “Am I going to get a chance to see you again soon?”

“Maybe…” I didn’t want to make any promises. I wasn’t sure how things were going to go when I talked to Tre later.

He kissed my neck. “How can I change that maybe into a yes?” He kissed my neck again.

“Okay…yes you will see me later. I’ll call you when I am done handling my business.”

“Aight, that’ll work.”

I gathered all of my things and he grabbed what he’d brought with him and we left. After I dropped the key off at the front desk I headed home.

When I walked in t
he house, my ma was sitting in the living room watching her soaps. I spoke to her and then went down the hall to my room. I took off my clothes and then put on a big shirt. I plugged my phone up so that it could charge and then stretched out across the bed and closed my eyes. Skeet had really worked me out the night before. I was still tired! A few seconds later there was a knock on my door.

“Come in.”

My ma walked in with an evil look on her face. “First of all, where in the hell is your hair?”

“I cut it. Why are you yelling?”

“I’m not yelling yet. Why did you cut your hair?”

I let out a frustrated breath.
“Because I wanted to…and because I am grown…and it was mines!”

She looked at me like she wanted to slap me but instead she said. “Okay, well why didn’t you call last night so that I would know that you were alright?”

“I’m sorry, it slipped my mind.”

Don’t start acting like you don’t have no sense because of this mess that is going on with you and Tre! Remember that you are still a mother with two kids to raise!” She turned to leave the room but then stopped. “And another thing, I love my grandbabies to death and I don’t have any problem keeping them but I would appreciate it if you’d at least ask! Who said that I felt like getting out of my bed to get them dressed for school?” She left out of the room slamming the door.

I turned over, got comfortable and went to sleep.









              I moved around the house cleaning up, I’d gotten up early and threw on some seat pants, a t-shirt and a pair of old Tims. I had a lot on my mind. I wasn’t sure of what I was going to say to Kisha later on when we talked but I knew that I needed to make it good. Even if she didn’t agree to come back home, I could live with that. What I couldn’t live with was not seeing my boys. I knew that this situation had to have been very confusing for them because they’d never been away from me before. I hadn’t even talked to them since they’d left. I let out a sigh and continued wiping down the sink in the bathroom.

I was vacuuming when the doorbell rang. I turned off the vacuum and went to see who was at the door. All the way to the door, I was hoping that it was Kisha but when I got to the door and looked through the peephole. I saw that it was Tamika. She’d been blowing me up all week and I’d told her that her little bullshit game was over because Kisha already knew. So the question running through my mind now was, why in the hell was she standing at my front door.

I unlocked the door and opened it. “What are you doing here?” I asked standing in the doorway.

“Can I come in?” She asked. Her eyes were red and a little puffy like she’d been crying. “I need to talk to you.”

My heart began beating rapidly.
Lord please, don’t let this bitch be here to tell me that she’s pregnant because I am sure as hell going to jail today!
I thought to myself. “You can talk from right there.” I replied with my arms folding waiting to see what bullshit was about to slip from here lips.

“Tre, please don’t act like this…” She pleaded looking up at me with tears in her eyes. “Can I please come in?”

“Nah, you can say whatever it is that you have to say standing right there. You don’t need to come in!” She was beginning to get on my nerves and if she didn’t hurry up and spit out whatever it was that she’d come to say, she was going to be standing out there alone!

She let out a sigh and wiped her eyes. Then she took a deep breath before starting, “Tre, I know that you may look at me as some horrible person and I know that you may think that I am the biggest whore to ever walk the earth but I’m really not like that.”

I looked at her, eyebrows raised.
Was this hoe serious? She was the same hoe who had been blackmailing me for dick for the past two and a half months and the same hoe who’d fucked over half of Southampton County! What in the hell was she talking about?
I must think she is the biggest hoe that has ever walked the earth
? Everyone who knew her thought that! I didn’t say what I was thinking. I let her continue to see where she was going with her little speech.

“The reason why I blackmailed you and did what I did that night that you passed out on Casper’s sofa is because I really like you. I’ve liked you for a very long time Tre but you would never give me the time of day! You would always look at me like I wasn’t shit whenever you would come over to Casper’s house! I’d never had a problem with getting any man’s attention…except for yours.” She paused to tears that were streaming down her cheeks but it didn’t do any good because they were immediately replaced by fresh ones. “I know that I may have gone about things the wrong way but I didn’t know how else to get your attention. I’d trie
d everything else! So after I overheard and recorded your conversation with Casper and Skeet that day. I figured that I would use it to get you to deal with me. My plan was for things to start off that way but I figured that after a while you would start to like me back and I wouldn’t have to hold your secret over your head anymore.” I waited for a few seconds to make sure that she was finished. “Say something…” I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

I stood there for a few more seconds and then burst into laughter. I couldn’t stop laughing! This bitch was absolutely hilarious! “Hold…on” I held my stomach still laughing. I was trying to get myself together but I couldn’t stop laughing. This had to have been the funniest shit that I’d heard all year! I looked at her face and laughed even harder because she was wearing a confused, hurt expression!
When I was finally able to pull myself together, I asked. “Are you fuckin’ serious? The reason I never paid you any attention was because you had been run through by every nigga in Boykins and the surrounding areas! Not only that, but Casper really likes your triflin’ ass!”

“Fuck Casper!” She shouted stepping up closer in my face! “I don’t want his fat ass! I want you! Please Tre, we can still do our thing on the low if you want! Nobody even has to know!” She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tried to pull me closer to her.

I smacked her hand off of me! “I don’t want you! I never wanted you! I only fucked with you to keep you from telling Kisha about Lala but now that she knows…you and I are done! As a matter of fact, I have shit to do so can you get out of my yard?”

“Oh it’s like that? You wasn’t saying that when I was sending your babymama $200.00 every week!” She fumed.

“Nah, I sure wasn’t! You can continue to do that if you’d like!” I laughed.

“Nigga that shit ain’t funny! So you are just going to play me just like that, right?”

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