Signed and Sealed (15 page)

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Authors: B.A. Stretke

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Signed and Sealed
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Once Eli stripped himself of his jeans and underwear, revealing his immense manhood, Will knew that there was no turning back. He wanted Eli, but he became self-conscious about how wanton he was being. Stripped down, getting a hand job on a blanket in a field. This wasn’t how he normally acted, and it scared him that he needed Eli this much.

Elijah felt Will’s growing resistance and slowly moved his hand up to cup his face. He eased himself slightly away and stared deep into his eyes. He kissed him softly, tenderly, and ran his tongue across Will’s lips where they pressed tightly together. “I want you, William,” he uttered breathlessly, “and you want me. You must accept that a union between us is inevitable.” His body continued to rut into William’s, their bodies rubbing in all the right places, as he kissed his eyes, cheeks, throat, and then settled on his ear, sucking and biting, tantalizing, and tempting.

Elijah could feel the thudding of Will’s heart against his own chest. He could also sense and feel his rising panic. With great effort, Eli pulled himself up onto his elbows, putting a small distance between them. He stared at the ground as he fought to bring his need under control. He couldn’t look at Will, not if he was going to be able to stop. He wanted him more than anything he could remember. Will wasn’t like Katrina, he’d known that from the moment he met him, but he wasn’t ready to trust then. He had to test him first, had to make sure Will wasn’t lying. He was so used to liars and thieves that he had come to expect the worst from everyone. Now, through his own behavior, he had managed to set himself up to not be taken seriously no matter what he tried to tell Will. Everything had been a test, and he knew it. Will wouldn’t believe anything he said now. 

Will was conscious of his struggle. Elijah breathed deeply over and over. He wouldn’t look at him, so Will assumed he was angry and disgusted by him leading him on and then not following through
. He probably thinks I’m a tease, which would support all of his previous assertions pertaining to my character
, he thought, dispirited. Will, too, turned his head, unwilling to risk seeing the loathing that was sure to be in Eli’s eyes. As far as Eli was concerned, he was just another gold digger like his sister.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

When Elijah finally turned and looked down at him, he asked, “You’re not as experienced as your kisses would lead one to believe, are you?” His hand was smoothing the hair back from Will’s face, a simple, but very intimate gesture. He was waiting for an answer.

“No, I’m not,” he answered without elaboration.

“Katrina told me that you had a steady boyfriend for over two years, before he suddenly went off and found someone else.” His tone was strange. Will didn’t want to get into a discussion of his personal life, but his assumption that George dropped him for someone else was not correct and he couldn’t resist telling him so.

“I ended the relationship,” he stated.

“Why?” Eli whispered against his hot and flushed cheek.

“We were just friends. There was nothing between us. I didn’t love him, and George deserved some passion and excitement.” Will kept talking even though he knew he was falling deeper and deeper into self-exposure.

“If you ever kissed him the way you just kissed me, he would never have left.”

Will became irritated at his insistence that George had dumped him. “Thanks for the advice,” he bit back, suddenly feeling very cold and detached. “When I go home, I’ll be sure and look him up and give it a go.”

“No!” Eli exploded.

Will hadn’t expected that reaction. He had thought he would be in for more insults, insinuations, and laughter. Eli’s eyes had turned dark, and his face was unreadable. “If he couldn’t incite you to passion over the course of two years, then it will never happen. George isn’t what you want.” Eli kissed him hard, thoroughly draining his resistance in a matter of seconds and leaving him trembling and wanting more. He ended it abruptly and looked deep into Will’s eyes. “Don’t be afraid, William.” It was a plea, not a demand.

Oh my God, I want you.
That thought flooded Will’s mind, and suddenly his apprehension and lack of experience didn’t matter. He wanted passion. He wanted the heat that erupted inside you and threatened to tear you open if you didn’t feed it. He wanted Elijah.

“I want you,” Will stated breathlessly as he recaptured Eli’s mouth with his.

The move took Eli by surprise, but he was soon returning it with gusto. Soon Will was stripped of his underwear and lying naked beneath Eli as he worshiped every inch of Will’s body. Will thought he might combust if Eli didn’t take him soon. Never before had he felt so wanted. Never before had he wanted a man to own him.

Eli took Will’s desire in his mouth in one swift motion, and Will gasped before being lulled by Eli’s dancing tongue. He writhed as Eli continued his ministrations, trying very hard to hold their climaxes at bay, wanting this moment to last as long as possible.

Simultaneously, Eli popped open a small bottle of lube he had carried with him on the picnic. He had packed it, hoping beyond hope that Will would accept his love. He slowly and painstakingly prepared Will, making sure that he was comfortable before moving any further.

“Tell me this is what you want,” Eli said as he looked deep into Will’s eyes.

“This is what I want,” Will answered unwaveringly.

Eli sheathed his erection and then slowly entered William, trying very hard not to hurt him.

Will grimaced at the intrusion at first, but then breathed himself through the onslaught until Eli was buried deep within him. Eli held still, using every ounce of his self-control not to pound away into the tight, soft heat that surrounded him. Will nodded, and Eli began to move, slow at first, but began picking up speed as Will begged him to move faster. They were covered in a fine sheen of sweat as they bucked against each other. Will met every one of Eli’s thrusts, writhing as Eli hit his prostate with every stroke.

Will soon felt his climax rising within him. “I’m so close,” he gasped as Eli took him in his hand and stroked him through the greatest orgasm of his life. Never before had anyone touched him like this. Never before had he felt so used and so loved at the same time. Eli filled the condom inside of him a few strokes later and then collapsed down on top of Will as they struggled to catch their breath.

After the post-orgasmic haze began to wear off, Eli began to feel guilty.
I took advantage of him. He wasn’t ready.

Will, on the other hand, was ashamed of his wantonness and his inability to keep it together around Eli.
I can’t think rationally around him. He makes me go to mush.

They averted eye contact as they quickly cleaned up and dressed. 

Eli hastily gathered the lunch and the blanket and stowed them away. He then grabbed Will by the waist and unceremoniously threw him up into the saddle. He seated himself behind him and hauled him close to his chest. The ride back to the ranch went silently, each of them privately consumed by their thoughts.

Elijah was overjoyed and frustrated at the same time. Will had responded to him like he knew he had never responded to anyone else, but he would continue to refuse to accept Eli and his offer. That marriage proposal was meant to be a test, and yet when he made it, it felt real even to him. He would marry Will in a heartbeat if he would agree. He would have no reservations in doing so.
Am I crazy?
he asked himself.
Letting myself be overwhelmed by this man?
He had never felt this way before about anyone. He really didn’t know Will in terms of time and experience, but he knew he would not be happy if Will ever went away. That realization left him stunned. He would make Will come around. Eli would prove to him that he was sincere, that his intent was honorable. He still had several days, and he wasn’t going to waste a minute. As he continued to think about him, he drew Will up even closer and let his blond hair caress his face.
He will come around. He will accept my love
, he repeated to himself.

Will cringed as he recalled his behavior on the blanket: so lustful, so needy. How could it be that he ached so much for a man who had shown himself to be insulting, demanding, condescending, superior, and oh so controlling. Those were the traits he despised most in men, yet with the slightest provocation, he’d melted into Eli’s arms and slept with him.
How is it that one’s mind and body can operate so independently of each other? If I don’t get control of myself, I’m going to be leaving here with a lot less dignity and self-respect than I came with. Next time I will be in control
, he tried to reassure himself.

At the ranch, Eli brought Buck to a slow walk. He waved to Martin, who smiled and shouted, “I see you found him.” To Will’s annoyance, everyone they passed seemed to be laughing at him.

Elijah brought Buck to a stop in front of the large stable and jumped off. He held Will and helped him slide off, but didn’t release him once he was on the ground. He enfolded him in his arms and hugged him tightly. “You are beautiful,” he whispered against Will’s ear and then slowly released him.

Everyone around saw the big smile on Eli’s face and marveled at the effect Will was having on him. Elijah rarely smiled and almost never laughed, or at least no one could remember the last time he had.

“You go on in, sweetheart; I’ll see you inside after I take care of Buck,” Eli said. Will turned and walked to the house in silence. Elijah watched him until he was inside.

Sam came up to stand beside Elijah. “He seems like a nice guy,” he remarked.

“He is, Sam. He’s a very nice guy.” Elijah’s tone had a dreamy quality.

“How long is he staying?” Sam asked.

“Forever, I hope,” Elijah stated without hesitation. “I’ve handled things pretty badly so far, but I hope to make things right.”

Sam Arden had worked for Elijah since the beginning of this ranch, which amounted to many years. He knew him first as a young eighteen-year-old trying to make a place and a name for himself, and he watched him grow and mature into a hard, unyielding man of purpose. He took on the responsibility of father to his young brother at an age when most men were barely able to care for themselves. Elijah was a man who took responsibility seriously and never complained. Once a decision was made, complaints were not tolerated. Stand by your word; that was his motto and his expectation. Sam admired and respected him like no other man he’d ever worked for.

Over the years, many men and women had tried to get close to Elijah Hunter, considering his wealth and good looks, but very few ever made it past the front gates. The few that did, didn’t last long. Elijah was not nice or polite with fortune hunters, and he saw most people as such. His treatment of Katrina was horrific. That blackmail scheme of hers nearly resulted in serious court action, but just when he was ready to call the authorities, he called her brother instead. That call changed everything. It changed Katrina’s future, and turned Elijah from viciously pursuing retribution on Katrina to urgently pursuing William.

When word got around that Katrina’s brother was arriving, everyone thought that they would both be taken to task and quickly tossed out on their backsides. That was the plan. Elijah was prepared to drive home a lesson that neither of them would ever forget, but that didn’t happen. William turned out to be a very different person than the one he’d expected. He was intelligent, kind, and courteous. He wasn’t looking for anything other than to try and help his sister. Elijah’s interest in him appeared to have grown steadily since his arrival.

“If that’s what you want, son, I hope you get it.” Sam patted Elijah’s shoulder.

“It’s what I want, Sam,” Elijah responded clearly.

Upon entering the house, Will was met by Mrs. Coleman, who informed him that Katrina was on the telephone and was asking to speak with him.

“Good timing,” Will remarked.

“Not really, this is the fourth time she’s called today.” By the expression on Mrs. Coleman’s face, Will could see that she and Katrina did not get along well.

“Thank you, Mrs. Coleman,” he said and picked up the receiver in the small study.

“Where in the hell have you been?” Katrina screamed at him and then answered the question herself. “That half-wit housekeeper told me you went riding with Elijah. Riding with Elijah?” Her voice rose to an ear-piercing screech. “You’re supposed to be helping me, remember, not out enjoying yourself! What the hell are you thinking?”

Will remained silent throughout her verbal onslaught. Katrina was yelling so loudly that even Mrs. Coleman could hear her.

Mrs. Coleman had positioned herself just outside the door. She knew Katrina was in a fit by the way she had demanded to speak with William. That wretched girl had no right to be angry with anyone, least of all William.
He traded places with her, for God’s sake, and all she can do is yell?
Mrs. Coleman’s anger escalated to the point that she felt she had to do something. William was not even defending himself.

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