Signed and Sealed (19 page)

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Authors: B.A. Stretke

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Signed and Sealed
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Will noticed that their clothing lay in a mangled heap on the floor, and the room smelled distinctly of sex. This fact brought a bright scarlet blush to his entire body, but he resisted the urge to scramble for cover.

Gradually, Elijah eased himself up and out of bed. He longed to stay and hold Will, but he was embarrassed and confused, and to push Will now would not help him. He needed to give him some space. Elijah pulled the duvet up to cover him where he lay and then retrieved his clothing from the floor.

“I’m sorry,” Will said.

“Don’t be.” He bent down and kissed him again. “I’m not.” He turned and began walking toward the door. “Good night, dear.”

Will watched as he walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind him.

Elijah slowly made his way back to his room, although his legs weren’t completely cooperating. His balance and direction were also affected. His mind was racing to figure out if he had made things better or worse between them. He glanced down at his clothing in his arms and smiled. He remembered with a thrill how Will had torn at his belt and his zipper in a frantic effort to plunge his hands in and explore. The sheer carnal intensity of his desire for Will hit him, and it was all he could do not to return to Will’s room and beg for more. After a very cold shower, he went to bed.

Will lay on his bed for quite some time after Eli left. Like Elijah, he, too, needed to get himself back under control. He pondered the fact that if it hadn’t been for the telephone, they could have lain there forever, completely ensconced in post-orgasmic bliss…. Before he could fully comprehend the depth of his emotions, the telephone rang again. This time, he hurriedly answered it.

“Hi.” It was Katrina. “Sorry to call so late,” she apologized. “Did you just get in? I tried the guest line earlier, but there was no answer.”

“Yes, I just now got in,” he lied. There was no way that he was going to explain to Katrina why he had been unable to answer her call earlier.

“What’s wrong?” Will decided to ask the question and hopefully skip the berating and any small talk.

“Oh, Will, I only have three days left, and I haven’t been able to raise a dime.” She sounded genuinely upset, but then Katrina was a good actress. “What am I going to do?”

“You’re going to come back here on Saturday and try to work this out,” Will stated flatly.

“Elijah is in love with you, Will,” she blurted.

“Where did that come from?” Will sat up and pulled the blanket around himself. He looked down at himself and his current state of nakedness.
Just because he has sex with me, doesn’t mean he loves me
, he thought.

“I have my sources,” she teased. “From what I heard, Elijah asked you to marry him.”

“He made a proposal, yes,” Will answered.

“What did he say?”

“What did you hear?”

“Elijah agreed to tear up my contract and let me completely off the hook if you agreed to take my place. That is, if you agreed to marry him,” Katrina said hopefully. She wasn’t the screaming, swearing, demanding brat she was the last time. This time she desperately wanted something from Will, and she was going to be as sweet and sugary as she could. Of course, once she realized that it wasn’t going to work, then she would go back to screaming and swearing. Will had been through this routine many times. “Is that what he said?” Katrina urged for confirmation.

“Yes, that is what he said.” Will answered.

Katrina spoke candidly. “Never in your life will you do better financially than Elijah Hunter.”

“This isn’t real, Katrina. He doesn’t love me.” Will had a sadness in his voice. “He’s in love with the idea of making one or both of us pay for the blackmail scheme, and that is all.”

“You know, I didn’t believe it at first myself, but then the way he demanded that I get you to the ranch really seemed strange.” Katrina thought back to the day Elijah called William, and then told Katrina that if she could bring her brother to the ranch he would let her go home and arrange for payment. She was so frantic to get away from there that she would have sold out her own mother to get away. Katrina had known of Elijah’s plan to keep William at the ranch right from the beginning. Of course, Will knew none of that and hopefully he never would. “It seemed to me that Elijah wanted me gone before you arrived. He wanted a reason to keep you there.”

“He thought I had something to do with your blackmail scheme. Thanks to you, of course,” Will snapped. “He has been testing me since I arrived. I don’t know if he is convinced yet or not that I knew nothing of your plans. He is very thorough; he wanted to make sure that if I was guilty, I would also pay. The marriage thing was just a test to see if, like you, I would jump at the chance for a wealthy husband. It wasn’t a real proposal.” Will felt his heart sink as he spoke those words.

“So is there any possibility that you might change your mind and marry the man?” Katrina said jokingly, but Will knew she was serious.

“You weren’t listening,” Will stated curtly. “It isn’t real. Nothing here between me and Elijah Hunter is real. So all I have to say is that you had better be here on Saturday with or without the money. Elijah is not someone to fool with. He will destroy you if you cross him, and if he doesn’t, you can be certain that I will.”

“I’ll be there, don’t worry.” She didn’t sound too pleased.

Will was less than convinced that Katrina would come back. He doubted whether Katrina had ever actually planned on returning. Martin and Mrs. Coleman were right; she wasn’t coming back, ever.

Chapter Seven

As usual
, the next morning Will went downstairs around 7:00 a.m. to get a cup of coffee and a little conversation. He smiled when he saw that Mrs. Coleman was ready with both. Will sat across from her at the table, and they began their customary discussion of interests and experiences. After a while, Mrs. Coleman ventured a few questions about Will’s home.

“I suppose you miss all your friends?”

Will laughed, but it was not with humor. “Not really. I didn’t have a lot of friends.” He took a long sip of his coffee as he decided how to explain. “I tend to work a lot. I don’t have much time for socializing. I have some acquaintances, but no one that I would classify as a close friend.”

“That surprises me.” Mrs. Coleman sounded genuinely surprised. “You get on with people so well here.”

“Thank you.” Will refilled his cup and also refreshed Mrs. Coleman’s. “I have more time to socialize here, I suppose.” He smiled then added, “Not much else to do, actually.”

“Are you bored, dear?” The voice was unmistakable, and he cringed. He’d hoped to avoid Elijah for most of the day. After last night, it was difficult for Will to be around him without getting flustered and embarrassed at the memory of how easily he succumbed to lust and a hot body. Eli smiled broadly when they finally made eye contact.

“I thought you had your breakfast at 6:00 a.m.?” Will said as calmly as he could.

“Usually I do,” he said as he took a seat next to Will at the small table. “But I stood you up yesterday, so I decided to make it up to you today.”

Without asking, Mrs. Coleman served him a cup of coffee and brought out sausages, eggs, and toast for them. Will wasn’t very hungry, but Mrs. Coleman had prepared it for him, so he would eat it.

“So, back to my question. Are you bored?” Elijah wasn’t going to let it go.

“Well, not really bored, there is a lot to see and very nice people to meet. I’m just used to being busier, I guess.” He took another sip of his coffee. “It doesn’t matter; I’m only here until—” Before he could finish that sentence, Elijah cut him off.

“I have some business you could help me with, if you wouldn’t mind,” he said as he continued to eat his breakfast.

“I doubt I have the expertise you require.” He regretted his use of words the moment they left his mouth.

Elijah turned to regard him with a dark, mischievous grin. “I find your expertise to be incredible.” Eli winked at Will as he blushed and averted his eyes from him. Eli leaned closer to him and very softly whispered, “I look forward to investigating your expertise even further.” He then slid his arm along the back of Will’s chair and idly began running his fingers up and down Will’s upper arm while he finished his coffee.

“I heard your phone ring last night, or rather very early this morning,” he commented.

The reference to the telephone ringing made Will’s face flush a bright red. It took him a moment to answer.

“It was Katrina,” he told him. “She’s having difficulty getting the $500,000.”

“She’s probably not even trying,” Eli said.

“She has burned a lot of bridges over the past two years. I doubt if there are many willing to help her now.”

“Why did she call? What does she want you to do for her?” His questions had an edge that told him Eli knew Katrina well enough to know she wanted something.

“She knows more about my situation than I thought she did,” Will began, not daring to look at him. “She asked me to agree to your phony proposal. She said it would get her off free and clear.”

“And what was your answer?” Eli smiled at him over his coffee mug.

“I told her she damn well better be back here by Saturday. Or else.”

Elijah laughed. “You talk so tough, but in the end you always give her what she wants.”

Will could hardly deny that statement, considering that he came here, to this ranch, to this man, in order to try and help her. “I won’t give in this time. Katrina has gone too far. That bitch can burn on her own, and I’ll light the torch,” he stated adamantly.

Eli continued to laugh as Mrs. Coleman sat watching them, amazed at the change in Elijah. He used to have little time for anyone, always rushing around giving orders, impatient and short tempered. Outsiders, in particular, were rarely given time or credence here at the Hunter ranch. Elijah had learned the hard way. First it was John Gerard, and then an endless number of fortune hunters and the like. He’d learned to be distrustful, distant, difficult, and utterly unapproachable. He was none of those with William. From the start, he had treated him with caution, but also an uncharacteristic warmth and interest. Soon the caution disappeared, and he began a full-on pursuit.
William Drake turned out to be quite a surprise to everyone, especially Elijah.
Mrs. Coleman smiled in response to her own thoughts.

“I’m going to be up north with Martin and Steven most of the day,” Eli commented. “Before I leave, I’d like to show you some of the paperwork I mentioned earlier. If you have time, of course.” His smile was daring Will to say no.

“Sure, I’d love to help out.” He knew Eli wasn’t expecting him to agree so quickly.

“Also,” Eli began and then reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a compact cell phone. “I’d appreciate it if you would carry this.”

Will took the phone and stared at it, puzzled.

“I tend to spend a lot of time looking for you. It would be much easier if I could just call you and you would tell me where you are.” Will felt the guilt Eli was sending.

“Yes, sir,” he said, overly polite.

“I’ll carry one too,” he said, ignoring Will’s sarcasm. “My number is on speed dial. Just hit the star in case you need something, or if you feel the need to talk.” His meaning was very clear. He was teasing Will about last night, daring him to go there. Will hoped never to have to talk about that. Thinking about it was painful enough.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Will assured him. “I really don’t feel a need to talk.”

Eli smiled so warmly that Will forgot himself and automatically smiled back.

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