Silence of Scandal (23 page)

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Authors: Jackie Williams

BOOK: Silence of Scandal
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She stared up in horror at the man she hardly knew. Spittle spewed from his mouth and his eyes were red rimmed. He reminded her of the rabid dog. She couldn’t fathom the bitterness in her father’s heart or exactly what he was even saying. In one breath her father seemed to think she was dead and the next that she wasn’t. Her mother’s death had been a freak accident and while Phillip’s experiment was a little outlandish he hadn’t known she was in the barn. He would have protected her if he could.

She struggled to her knees as her father stormed from the room. He had always been a hard man but now it seemed that he was deranged.

Betty appeared at her elbow and helped her from the floor. She placed a cool hand on Elizabeth’s reddened cheek.

“We did the wrong thing to come here to try and make him give up his mad notions, my Lady. He’s gone off his rocker. He’s completely mad. Your husband’s family never killed anyone. His grief has eaten his soul and damaged his mind. He’s determined to make everyone at Ormond suffer.”

Elizabeth dashed the tears from her cheeks.

“But why make me suffer too? I’ve always tried to please him. Why lie to me about Alessander and Phillip? We could have stayed at Ormond and worked on his farm. We would have had everything we needed and been happy. The Duke was a fair man and his wife was always very kind to us, insisting that I came to play every day so that father could work.” She sniffed into the cotton square that Betty passed to her.

The maid shook her head sorrowfully.

“I don’t know why he’s done this but it seems as if he had it planned for years. The accident that deafened you was fifteen years ago and he came up with the idea of killing you off within days. I think he had been planning something to avenge your mother for a long time and your accident was the perfect time to begin his evil game.”

Elizabeth stared at Betty.

“But what did he mean about employing the sister to help with me? Alexander and Phillip have no sister. He must have meant the tutor’s sister but you’re the only help I have ever...” her voice faded as she saw the pain behind Betty’s eyes.

Betty scrabbled in her pinafore pocket for another square of cotton. She blew her nose loudly before she spoke in a whispered tone.

“I’m so sorry, my Lady. I didn’t tell you the truth when I spoke of my brother before. He wrote to me often about a Phillippa. She was the love of his life, and he had admired her from afar for many years. He was the happiest of men when she came to him and confessed her love for him at last. He would tell me where and when they would meet, what they talked about and what they both dreamed of. I was so happy for him but when I asked him if I would soon have a sister in law he told me of the impossible differences in their stations. I was furious with the woman but a couple of letters later I began to suspect the real nature of the difficulties. When Peter wrote again he was distraught. Someone had discovered them. He said that he had to marry. At first I was delighted because he would be marrying his lover but then I re read his letter. In his distraction he had used the word ‘he’. I thought it was a mistake but everything he had said about their similar interests suddenly fell into place. My brother loved another man who was being forced to marry to cover their own relationship.” She spoke in a shocked whisper but after a couple of gulped in breaths she carried on. “It was about this time that I discovered that my letters were being opened before they were handed to me. I wrote to Peter and asked him to send any more letters to my friend Beatrice but it was too late by then. A more well read person would have seen in exactly what direction Peter’s heart lay well before I had.” She wiped a stray tear as she continued her story. “Peter’s last letter was terrible. He confessed all to me. His lover was being blackmailed over their affair he could no longer live with the guilt.” More tears chased down the distraught maid’s cheeks as she wrung her hands together. “Worse was to happen. After his death Peter’s effects were sent to me. There was a pile of letters that I assumed were from his lover. Knowing the nature of their relationship I didn’t dare to read them. They went missing from my private box only days after receiving them. I couldn’t report them missing for fear of their contents becoming known. I swear to you that I didn’t know who Peter’s lover was until we arrived at Ormond. The staff filled me in immediately as to why the place was so bare and uncared for. Staff always knows what goes on with their employers but I didn’t want you to think worse of me because of Peter. I tried to keep you away from your husband so that he would never tell you of his brother’s lover. I was so ashamed.” Betty raised her hands and wept into her handkerchief.

Elizabeth stared at her maid, her mind in turmoil. A man loving another man? She had never thought of such a thing before but now that she had she didn’t think it so surprising. Alexander had spoken of his brother with great affection. He must have known Phillip’s preference for Peter and it had not made any difference to him. She lifted Betty’s chin with a gentle hand.

“Alessander is not ‘shamed of his brother. You should not be ‘shamed of yours Betty. I think love must be a strange and wonderful thing. Why did I always love Alessander and not Geoffrey? He is as kind and nice looking as Alexander and has an excellent job but I don’t love him at all. Why do I not have these intense feelings for Alessander’s friend Giles? He is just as big and handsome. Look at Grady and Sarah. They have been in love for as long as I can remember. Grady has never been a handsome man but his heart must be beautiful for Sarah to love him so much. I think love is something and we cannot stop it when it happens, whoever it happens with.”

Betty blinked at her mistress and nodded as she sniffed into her handkerchief.

“Those are wise words and I think you are right, my Lady. I never thought of it that way before but the law doesn’t see it like that. Love between men is hidden for a reason and that’s why your father could blackmail the Duke and his son so easily. If he stole the letters Peter had treasured and kept them as evidence of the Duke’s son’s crime he could demand whatever sum he wanted. He’s robbed me of my brother, them of a fortune and your husband of his family.”

Elizabeth stood up.

“My father is no better than a murderer. Three good men are dead because of him. Even if it began as revenge for me or even for my mother, it passed that point long ago. And he still wants even more. He has lost his senses and must be stopped. Coming here was a huge mistake and leaving Alessander was an even bigger one. I will never be able to persuade my father to give up his plans for revenge. We must go back to Ormond to warn Alessander.”

Betty agreed with a quick nod.

“But we cannot go back tonight. We sent Jennings away and I don’t think we would find another vehicle so easily now it is dark. I’ll ask Beatrice and see if there is anyone who can send word tonight. I know that your husband will come for you as soon as he knows you are here. I’ve seen the look in his eye when he talks to you. There is more than lust there. He has a genuine affection for you. Wait here and I will see what I can do.” She stepped out into the corridor and slipped away into the darkness.

Elizabeth sagged against the wall. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths in an effort to calm her thundering heart but the next moment savage hands gripped her arms and someone dragged her towards them. She opened her mouth to scream but a wad of vile tasting material was shoved between her lips before she could utter a single sound. The heavy arms moved and tightened around her waist as she was lifted from her feet. She recognized her father behind the demon red eyes that trapped her in their maddened gaze. She slipped to the floor, thrashing and kicking her legs against him but it was to no avail. She hadn’t the strength to fight him off.

Her arms were quickly pulled forwards and tied with a cord before a musty sack came down over her head, cutting off what little light had been in the room. He hauled her up from the floor and across the room. He forced her forwards and Elizabeth lost all sense of direction as her father turned her into the corridor. Only the drop in temperature and the breeze tugging at her skirts a few moments later told her that she was outside.

A few seconds later she was bundled up a bouncing step and pushed down onto the hard seat of what could only have been a carriage. The door shut quickly and she squirmed on the seat as she heard her father move to the front of the vehicle.

Panic rose in her throat. No one had seen her leave. What if they suspected she had run away with her father? She wasn’t sure that Alexander would believe anything Betty told him without something to convince him of the truth. There was nothing to assist her but as her hands searched for the door handle she suddenly realized that her ring finger still felt strangely empty. She had only worn the wedding ring for a few weeks but it had already left an indent in her flesh.

She plunged her tied hands down the neckline of her bodice and splayed her fingers, searching frantically for the ring. She scrabbled for the band of gold and managed to hook it with her little finger. She shifted her bottom along the seat until she felt the side of the carriage before she forced the blind covering the window up a few inches. The ring dropped, tinkling onto the cobbles outside and she fell back onto the seat, praying that it hadn’t fallen between the stones and that someone would see it lying there sparkling.

They were in motion only moments later.

Chapter Thirteen


Treasures Lost and Found


Alexander felt as if he had only just drifted off to sleep when he was being shaken awake again by a frantic Grady. The old man stood beside Alexander’s bed looking slightly alarming in his long nightshirt and woollen hat.

“What in God’s name is the matter? Are you suffering a nightmare?” Alexander rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming himself.

Grady’s voice trembled as he held out his hand. Something sparkled in his palm.

“She’s lost, Your Grace. The fiend has taken her while Betty was attempting to find a way for them to get back here. She’s in a terrible state; says he’s gone completely mad. I had to wake you. I didn’t know what else to do.”

Alexander sat bolt upright and forced the sleep from his brain. He picked up the tiny ruby and diamond wedding ring. He needed no more clarification of whom Grady meant.

“Who? Who has taken her where?” He swivelled to the side of the bed and grabbed the buckskins that Grady now held out to him.

“It was her Grace’s father. He’s the only one missing from the household at number thirty three. Betty didn’t see them leave because she was asking the parlour maid Beatrice to send someone for you. They only suspected foul play when they heard a commotion at the service door. By the time the staff reached the door they were only able to discern the carriage making off into the distance. Betty found your wife’s wedding ring on the road outside the house. She swears that her mistress would never have lost it. It was so precious to her that fearing her father would demand it from her, she had taken it off before reaching the front door and had hidden it close to her heart. Such was his greed, Her Grace was afraid that her father might force it from her hand. A subsequent search of the property quickly revealed that her mistress and Hardacre were gone.”

Alexander wasted no time. He glanced towards his window. No glimmer of light showed between the heavy curtains. Dawn had not yet broken.

“Alert Geoffrey. I’ll need Midnight, rested or not and go and raise Mr. Denvers too. I’m sure he will be willing to help in the search.” He grabbed a shirt and threw it on. He lifted his head as he heard a voice at the door.

Giles stood already dressed at the threshold.

“I heard Grady knocking on your door and realized immediately that there must be trouble. Grady, please ask Geoffrey to have my mount saddled as well while we question Betty. I’ll be leaving with Alexander.”

Grady bowed out of the room and Alexander danced around as he shoved his feet into his riding boots.

“Bloody Hell Giles! I didn’t expect him to move this fast. How much of a head start do you think he has?” He grabbed his coat and marched through the door.

“Can’t be more than a couple of hours even accounting for having to find another carriage to bring the message here. He won’t have got far.” His tone was firm with resolve.

Alexander strode into the salon where a tearful Betty waited for them. She rose to her feet immediately and ran towards Alexander.

“I found your ring on the stones outside. I knew he had her but I couldn’t stop him, Your Grace. He must have been hiding in the shadows when I went to find Beatrice and took her while I was out of the room. She never had a chance. She wouldn’t have heard him approach her.” She wrung her hands in front of him and raised her eyes. “This is all my fault. Everything. I am even responsible for the death of both our brothers.”

Alexander frowned, barely restraining himself from shaking the woman in front of him.

“What do you mean? If you know what has happened to my wife tell me now. Tell me everything you know.”

It took only a few moments for Betty to relate the story of her brother’s letters and her realization that they had been stolen, giving Smith all the evidence he needed for his evil blackmail plot.

Alexander ran his fingers through his hair and paced the room as he took in her words. He stopped a few seconds later and looked at the tiny ring that only just slid over the end of his finger.

“My God! If he even hurts a hair on her head I will rip his frozen heart from his body and crush it beneath my heel.” His tone left no one in any doubt about his feeling for Lily. He may not have admitted it to himself but it was clear to everyone that Alexander was deeply in love with his wife.

Giles stood beside him.

“The man has clearly gone mad. He’s insane Alex, but we must concentrate on the matter in hand. Do you have any idea of where he might have taken her? There are only three roads out of Oakley and one of them leads here. The other runs straight south but I do not know the third. Where does that lead?”

Alexander scratched his head.

“He’d be mad to take it. It only goes around the estate, past his old farm and down to the beach. There’s a track that leads back through the woods from it but I haven’t got around to clearing the way yet. It will be well overgrown at this time of year. There are one or two cottages that way but nothing else and the farm is locked tight. I saw to that when I thought I might have to make it my home.”

Giles frowned.

“But we have agreed that the man is mad. Mad but clever. He knows that we would catch him on an open road. Our horses would chase his carriage down within the hour. The only other alternative is to hide her or get away by sea.” He spun to Betty. “Were there boats at the cove yesterday when you picnicked with your Mistress?”

Betty shook her head quickly.

“None that I saw and the horizon was clear. Nothing of any great size was visible.”

Alexander stopped pacing.

“He’s not given up on the jewels. He thinks that we would race after them as soon as we had word of her abduction, leaving the castle only attended by Grady, Sarah and Beth. It wouldn’t take much to overpower them leaving him free to search for the jewels.”

Giles shook his head.

“But the only way into Ormond is over the drawbridge. Even Grady would see him arriving and only need to lock all the doors.”

Alexander gave a short laugh.

“True, it’s the only visible way in but I know another. You remember the tunnel I told you about? It has not been used for many years and is meant for escape rather than entry. I had my ears soundly berated for using it long ago as it was apparently dangerous but I bet it’s still there. Elizabeth knows of it and I suspect that she told her father about it way back then. She would have had to when she explained how she came to be in the barn when it blew up.”

Geoffrey came rushing in at that moment. He skidded to a stop in front of Alexander.

“The horses are ready to go.”

Alexander quickly took off his coat and handed it to Geoffrey.

“Do you think you can handle riding Midnight, Geoff?” He waited until Geoffrey nodded. “Put this on. You and Giles take the horses and head for town like your tails are on fire. Go straight to the magistrate and bring him back here. If as I suspect, Smith is watching Ormond, it will only take him a few minutes to make his move. He’ll be up here searching for the treasure as soon as he thinks we’re gone.”

Giles frowned at Alexander.

“And where will you be?”

Alexander smiled.

“Sitting on my bed twiddling my thumbs I should think. If he’s coming in the way I think he is, he won’t get very far.”

Geoffrey frowned.

“The old passage from your father’s room. I should have realized. It comes directly up from the beach.” He paused for a moment. “But hang on...That passage is likely to be where your father hid the strong box. It’s next to your suite and difficult to find if you don’t know that it’s there. Smith will get away with the family treasure.”

Alexander shook his head at Geoffrey’s words. His expression lightened.

“I don’t care about the jewels. He can have them. Elizabeth is a treasure worth far more than gold. But actually I don’t think my father would have hidden them there anyway. It’s too obvious for one thing. He would never have hidden them inside Ormond where I might be unable to retrieve them and old passages in castles are far too easily discovered. Everyone knows to look for thickened walls and unused windows. It wouldn’t have been long before any new owners found the tunnel. I’m pretty sure I know where they are anyway.” He gave a secret smile as he led the curious men from the room and towards the front door. “Go on now and make it look good. Remember that I am desperate to find my wife. I wouldn’t be just strolling out of the house.”

Geoffrey and Giles nodded before they both hurtled for the door and down the steps, coats flying behind them as they ran for the horses. Geoffrey kept his head low to Midnight’s neck just in case they were being observed and then they were off over the drawbridge of Ormond, hooves clattering loudly.

Alexander ran for the gun room. He grabbed his pistol and loaded it quickly. He picked up his father’s two muskets and tucked his own rapier under his arm for good measure. He took the stairs at a run, startling Sarah who had been coming down to find out where her husband had got to. Alexander ushered her back to her room.

“Don’t come out unless you hear me calling for you Sarah. Tell Beth and cook the same. Ask them to stay with Betty. Lock your doors until I give you the all clear or Mr. Denvers and Geoffrey return. If I can’t hold the man off, given his state of mind there’s no telling what he might do.” He waited until Sarah had nodded and grabbed her husband and Betty who were panting up the stairs behind Alexander before they all walked quickly along the corridor. Knowing that Grady would insist on helping him and probably get in the way, he instructed the old man that to stand guard over the three women was his bounden duty until Alexander declared the way safe.

Mollified by Alexander’s trust in him regarding the woman, Grady walked away without protest and Alexander ran for his room.

He immediately lit a lamp and made for the massive wardrobe. He shifted his shirts aside and pressed his hands against the loose panel at the back. The gap looked a lot smaller than he remembered from his youth and for a moment he wondered if he would be able to squeeze through but he shifted his shoulders slightly and managed to slide into the hidden room only grazing his back marginally.

He placed the lamp on the table and looked around him. The cold, stone room was exactly as he remembered; curved, tiny and almost bare, only now the layers of dust were somewhat thicker. Spider infested cobwebs hung in sweeping curtains from every corner and wafted in the breeze coming in at the slit like window.

He walked towards the fireplace. Shadows leaped in the flickering lamplight and he stepped back as he let the light touch the stone mantle. His fingers knew exactly where to touch and he heard the subtle click as the panel beside the fireplace moved outwards.

He looked warily at the gap. He would only be able to slide through sideways and as he remembered the passage was nearly as narrow as the gap. He frowned as he realized that he’d be at a huge disadvantage. He wouldn’t have room to turn or manoeuvre. He backed into the room and looked around again. The room was small but he could turn easily in it. If Smith came in this way he would find it difficult to get past Alexander. The only trouble would be if Lily was in the room too. There wouldn’t be enough room for three of them but if she could escape to the safety of his bedchamber then he would be able to hold Smith here.

Once the stone panel was closed Smith would never find the release switch easily and Lily could close the wardrobe escape. Alexander had no qualms about defending himself but what if Lily was actually on her father’s side, could he defend himself against her too. Could he take her down with his blade if it became necessary? He shook the abhorrent thought from his mind. It was impossible to believe. Betty had said that she thought his wedding ring her most treasured possession. There was no way that she could be in with her father’s scheme. He took out his pistol. It would be useless in the confined space. The ball would bounce off the flint and endanger anyone in its path if he missed his target first time. He took up his rapier. The light glinted off the razor sharp blade. It had been weeks since he had practiced or fought on the battlefields but he didn’t doubt himself, even young and fit men hadn’t bested him. It was unlikely that a bitter old man would.

He closed the panel, trusting that either Lily remembered how to use the lever inside or had told her father how to. He looked at the bed that rested against the wall.  The blanket covering it was old and grey with dust and he decided against sitting on it.  He shaded the lamp and waited patiently, leaning against the edge of the table by the window. The dust hadn’t settled there quite so thickly and the position gave him some fresh air too.

It wasn’t long before he heard scraping and coughing from inside the walls. He took out his pistol and aimed it towards the panel, ever wary that Lily would probably come through it first. She would be the one to open the panel and there was no room for anyone to pass.

It was still too dark to see but there was as soft click as the stone door opened and the rustle of silk came to his ears at the same time as the thin yellow light of a lantern came into view.

Alexander didn’t say a word. He just stood up from the table as Lily stepped into the room. He quickly caught hold of her from behind and pressed his palm against her lips. She drew in a quick breath but then relaxed against his shoulder as she immediately recognized his scent.

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