Silence of Scandal (19 page)

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Authors: Jackie Williams

BOOK: Silence of Scandal
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Anne gasped as his fingers tightened momentarily on hers before he stepped back and let her hand go. He turned and swiftly leapt onto his horse then gave her a quick smile before he put his heels to his mount’s sides and galloped off after Alexander.

Chapter Eleven


Secrets and Lies


Giles tossed the crumpled letter back to his companion and stared into the fire.

“Is it true do you think?”

Alexander raised his eyebrows.

“I would think so. I can’t imagine Phillip lying in what appears to be his confessional letter and it backs up what father had written in his diary.”

Giles began to pace the room.

“So our trip to see Anne was worth it then.” He gave an embarrassed smile. “I confess that I was only thinking of myself when I said that I would accompany you. She’s a fine woman Alexander. Phillip was lucky to have her at his side when things became difficult.”

Alexander nodded.

“Yes he was, but you do understand what being the wife of my brother meant? I can’t imagine that the marriage was consummated.” He eyed his friend and smiled at the man’s shocked expression.

“My God! You’re right. Not that it would make any difference to the way I feel about her but it certainly adds a lure.”

Alexander snorted.

“As if you needed one. It’s quite clear where your heart lays.”

Giles smiled wistfully.

“The way she strode into that stable when we first saw her, cheeks flushed with health and her hair all awry from riding. She took my breath away. I fell for her at first sight, not that I stand much of a chance what with my lack of title and lands. My estate is tiny in comparison to Ormond or Lavenham. She would be a fool to even look at me.”

“She’d be a bigger fool not to.” Alexander tried to cheer his friend.

Giles waved his compliment away and gave up the subject.

“Well, at least you know what the blackmail was over now. I can’t say that I envy your position. Damned difficult in the circumstances. No wonder your brother was trapped into complying with the blackmailer. He had no choice. This letter refers to missives from this Peter to your brother. Do you think the blackmailer still has them? He could use them to your detriment still.”

Alexander shook his head.

“I don’t think he’d chance it. It would be damned hard to prove with both my brother and his lover dead. As far as I know only my father’s diary and the letter Phillip sent to me confirm it. Any handwriting could easily be called into question. Anne knows but she is unlikely to ruin herself over the affair. Of course you may wish to distance yourself. I would understand perfectly.” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to block the pain that threatened to envelope him.

The strain was evident in his demeanour and Giles came to stand by his friend. He clasped a steady hand to his shoulder.

“I won’t call you out for that insult to my loyalty. You know that this won’t affect my relationship with you, don’t you Alex?” He waited for Alexander to open his eyes before he spoke again. “Phillip was your brother. He was clearly a good and kind man. If he had been left to follow his own desires he would have been discreetly happy with his life. Just because society dictates who we can love does not mean that a person’s heart will follow the same course. You know how many confirmed bachelors have completely unnecessary stewards and you cannot deny that some of the relationships the men made during war were far more intimate than merely comrades in arms. None of the men I knew who favoured that way of life were the worse for it. They were as strong and as reliable as you or I. Their hearts just led them in a different direction to what is viewed as the norm. The law will catch up with people’s needs and emotions one day.” The sincerity in his tone could not be ignored.

Alexander blinked away the water that had gathered in his eyes. It had not come as a shock to him to discover from his father’s diary that Phillip loved another man. That Phillip’s letter had only confirmed it was no surprise. He realized that he had probably known for many years but just forced it to the back of his mind. In any case it made no difference to him but he was glad that it made no difference to Giles either.

“Thank you for those words. You have no idea how much they mean to me.” His voice was husky. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Even with the letter confirming the blackmail I still don’t see why I had to marry Elizabeth. There is nothing left to blackmail me over so the only advantage to Hardacre was to try and embarrass what’s left of my family by saddling me with a deaf wife, but that is a ridiculous thing to attempt to do. The man must think I have no compassion.”

Giles frowned.

“Or he thinks that there is something to gain by the union. What would further his blackmail attempts or his never ending need for more money? As it is he has kept every penny your father and brother paid him. Phillip’s gambling debts were a mere fraction of that sum. All he has done is place a young woman in your home...What reason could there be behind it all?”

Alexander pressed his fingertips to his temples and rubbed hard.

“There’s nothing for her to gain but maybe a more stable household. If I can carry on with Ormond the way it has worked over the last few weeks, there will be money aplenty coming in by the end of the season. The only reason my family were so badly reduced was due to the blackmail demands. There have been none since the deaths. There would be no reason but lack of funds for us to hide away in a crumbling castle, too impoverished to mix in polite society. Why, I am even thinking of bringing Elizabeth to London if she would like to go. Can you imagine her on my arm, dressed in the finest clothes with the Ormond Jewels at her throat and in her hair?” His eyes glistened with pride but Giles choked on the brandy he had just swallowed.

“That’s it!” He spluttered eventually. “It is her own father doing this to you. He’s waiting for the jewels. He’s expecting you to want to show off your beautiful bride and he obviously knows you well enough that you would want her to wear the family finery. He must have realized that your father would try to keep them at all costs. Placing his daughter inside your household was the only way could to discover them. She’s been sent to steal your family jewels.”

Alexander dropped his glass and stared at his friend in open mouthed horror.

“Please tell me that cannot be true. She wouldn’t.”  He gulped down his fears as he stared at his friend but they wouldn’t be silenced. “My God Giles, she has the run of the place and could be searching for them as we speak. The servants already love her, they wouldn’t bar her way. She might even have found them and left already!” His heart hammered in his chest in confusion. He was unsure whether he was more worried that she had left him than if she had left with the jewels. He swirled towards the door of the inn with Giles right behind him. His friend spoke carefully, the determination evident in his one.

“I’m coming with you, Alex. There is more than thievery afoot here. You need all the help you can get.”

Alexander ran round to the stables and shouted for his horse. His mind ran over all the possibilities. If she wasn’t being set up to steal the jewels there could be other ways of forcing Alexander’s hand. His tone rose with genuine anxiety.

“What if this is a plot to kidnap her?” He spoke quickly, attempting and failing to keep his voice down. He wiped his hand across his heated brow and took control of his fears. The less people who knew about this the better it would be whatever the outcome, but he was hard pressed not to shout out his concerns. “Perhaps Hardacre has discovered my affection for her. Her maid hates me and I know nothing about her. She could be in league with the bastard. If Elizabeth is taken he could ask for a ransom. She could be in terrible danger if I do not comply!” The terrifying thoughts came thick and fast.

He had been gone from Ormond for three days, though one of those had been taken with asking Giles to ride with him. It would take him two days to return. His heart plummeted to his stomach. He’d been such a fool. The jewels were the only thing left worth having. Ormond itself was an ancient liability only kept up by the family who had owned her for centuries. No one in his right mind would want to take on the upkeep of such a huge place.

Alexander could have punched himself for his own arrogance. This wasn’t about a title or even a castle. This had only ever been about money. How he hadn’t suspected it before completely floored him. This was the new century. Titles meant little. All that mattered was possessions; land and money. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t seen it before.

Giles was right behind him. He brought his animal abreast as they galloped into the night and glanced over at his friend. The worry was clear on Alexander’s face and Giles knew that the man’s terror wasn’t for the family strongbox.

“Are you telling me that you love your wife? I’m happy for you if it’s true but dread to think of the consequences if she has been playing you for a fool.”

Alexander dug his spurs into Midnight and the horse lurched forwards. He yelled back over his shoulder.

“I don’t know if I love her yet. I’ve hardly had time to get to know her. All I do know is that she makes my heart ache when I am near her. It pains me even more being away from her. I cannot bear the thought of her being hurt by this madman. I cannot consider her betraying me or even leaving me. Her heart is tender Giles; she is as much of a pawn in this game as I.”


Less than two days later they were cantering over the drawbridge at Ormond. Geoffrey came running at the sound of clattering hooves. Alexander barely brought his horse to a stop before he slid from the saddle and ran into the castle, startling Grady as he carried firewood towards Alexander’s study. The chopped wood clattered across the floor.

Alexander bent to help pick up the dropped logs.

“Grady, where is my wife?” He demanded before any formal greeting.

Grady stood up his arms full of the logs again.

“She’s not here, Your Grace.”

Alexander’s heart plummeted to his stomach. He bit out a curse as Giles came running through the door behind him.

“Damn! We’re too late. She’s already gone.”

Grady nodded as he held the logs close.

“Early this morning. Cook packed a picnic for her. She asked for a fire in your study for when you returned. The nights can still be a little chill and she thought you might have business to attend to when you arrived home. We were not sure of the day but she’s insisted on lighting one every night this week just in case.”

Alexander gave a puzzled frown.

“What? Why would she care for my comfort if she’s left me? And what on earth is cook doing packing her a picnic.” He spoke from between gritted teeth and tried to keep the emotion out of his voice but it was a hard task as his heart clenched in his chest and threatened to split in two.

Grady looked at him quizzically. He would have scratched his head if his hands had not been full of logs.

“Who’s left you?”

Alexander fisted his own hands at his sides.

“Elizabeth! My wife of course. You said that she’s not here.”

Grady nodded again.

“No, she’s not here. She’s gone down to the beach. Said she fancied some sea air and what with the weather being so fine she didn’t want to remain cooped up here all day.” He clarified his earlier statement and Alexander’s shoulders slumped with momentary relief before he tensed again.

“Tell me that she’s not gone on her own.” Worry surged up in him again as he considered a possible kidnap plot.

Grady shook his head.

“Betty went with her in the cart. Jennings is driving. Her Grace insisted that she didn’t want the closed carriage what with the weather being so fine.”

Alexander felt weak from his roiling emotions. Somehow he kept to his feet and staggered into the study. Giles took the logs from Grady and followed Alexander after ordering Grady to ask Sarah to make a strong brew of tea.

Alexander was already in the chair by his desk. Giles dumped the logs in the basket and fell into the chair by the fireplace.

“Dear God, Alex. I thought you were about to pass out.”

Alexander raised his eyes.

“You were not the only one. I had no idea how badly this has all affected me. I feel as though I am about to go out of my mind.”

Giles waited to speak while Sarah brought in a tray of tea and a few warm biscuits. The door closed with a soft click behind her.

“Not surprising really if you think about it. We’d barely stepped on shore before you had the terrible news about your family. Then the shock of the debt and the blackmail. You spent the next few weeks desperately trying to pull things together here. Finding out about your brother couldn’t have been easy either and then you are married to a woman whose beauty defies the God’s but she cannot hear a word you say. You rescue her from a wild dog and then we discover a plot to steal the Ormond jewels. It must be confusing in the very least.” He ran his fingers through his hair as he felt the frustration himself.

Alexander barked out a hollow laugh and poured them both a cup of tea.

“You are right of course. When Grady said she wasn’t here I panicked. I feel a complete fool.”

Giles shook his head.

“Not at all in view of the circumstances.” He paused as he took in his friend’s weary expression. “Do you want to go down to the beach to find her?”

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