Silence of Scandal (8 page)

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Authors: Jackie Williams

BOOK: Silence of Scandal
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Alexander closed his eyes and then reached for the ever present brandy bottle.

“I must have drunk my fair share of this over the few last weeks Giles. Thought I was going out of my mind with it all for a while. At least now I can throw myself into estate matters with no worries. I’ve enjoyed the physical work and with what looks like a decent crop this year and restocking of livestock I can maybe bring up the stable again. I always loved the horses’ father kept. Midnight will make a fine stud if I can afford the breeding mares. I might even start by charging stud fees.”

Giles frowned for a moment.

“Talking of stables, where are you going to put your new filly on her wedding night. I’m assuming that you’ll want to get to know the woman before you attempt to bed her. If you put her in your apartments then you are setting yourself up to move if she’s a ghastly harridan, but on the other hand she might be a veritable goddess and then you will have a lot of ground to make up if you have already located her rooms in the east wing.”

Alexander shook his head.

“She’s as likely as I am to want to leap into bed on a half hour’s acquaintance. I should think she’ll be happy with any accommodation until we see how we suit one another. She must know the straits the estate has been in. She should feel lucky that she will be given a bed at all.” He stretched out his long legs beneath the desk and ran his fingers through his hair. He stopped abruptly as he realized that his fingers were well past his shoulders and they were still covered in his thick, dark strands. “I wonder if Grady is up to giving me a trim. Wouldn’t do to make a bad impression on our first meeting would it,” he groaned at the thought of what he was about to embark upon. “And then there’s this dratted ball to organize. At least it doesn’t have to be a grand affair. We don’t have time to send the invites very far. It’s more like an announcement to the local gentry that I have married this woman. I must inform cook immediately. She’s going to have a fit but there’s nothing else I can do. She’ll have to bring in some of the serving girls from the town.”

He closed his eyes for a moment and let the reality of the situation roll over him. If he only had more time. A few months, a year at the most would do it but he had exhausted every avenue short of going to the less reputable moneylenders and he wasn’t stupid enough to follow a route to certain ruin.

He lay his head on the desk for several seconds. This simply would not do. He was being given a second chance at taking his life back and regaining Ormond for his family. He couldn’t let anyone down. His mother still relied on him and she was not old. She had sworn that she would never marry again and after seeing the love between his father and herself, Alexander believed her. The downside of that devotion was that he would be responsible for her for many years to come especially if she decided that remaining with her sister didn’t suit. Living in a three roomed farmhouse overlooking her old home was not the way for a woman of her station to end her life. There was also Lady Anne to consider. Though she had returned to the bosom of her family, Giles clearly showed an interest and she needed to regain her rightful position in society as the widow of a Marquis. He raised his chin in stubborn acceptance of his fate as Giles raised his glass.

“To the new Duchess of Ormond. May she be beautiful, bright and worthy of her Duke.”

Alexander nodded resolutely and they both emptied their glasses once again.

Chapter Five


A Day to Remember


Alexander had been breathing deeply for what felt like forever since he had handed over the special license to the reverend. At last the church door squealed open and a waft of almond blossom and roses tiptoed in.

He wondered for the hundredth time, how was it that when imminent danger presented itself one’s whole life flashed before one’s eyes? Time speeds up until the moment of the dreadful deed and then it slows to a tortuous gait, ensuring that the utmost pain and humiliation is suffered right up until the final moment of missed escape.

A waif wearing the palest pink gown hesitated on the threshold of the church and turned back to the door as she saw her own escape dwindling in the afternoon sunlight, and then the heavy wooden door clicked shut and her hesitant footstep was heard on the flag-stoned floor.

The silence of the church was deafening and for a single moment Alexander wished he had thought about music but it was too late now. The woman lifted her heavily veiled face and walked tentatively down the aisle.

Carter moved to her side as the minister wasted no more time and began the marriage ceremony.

Alexander appraised the woman standing beside him as much as he was able. Luscious dark curls without a hint of grey spilled about her shoulders telling him that she was probably younger than thirty but not a shadow of her visage was visible beneath the Ghent veil. She was tiny and slim, that much he could assess. The circlet of wildflowers atop her head reached to less than his shoulder height but he could see no more in detail. Her gown dropped gracefully from velvet ribbons tied at her shoulders and gathered beneath her breasts. Silk spilled downwards in a straight line and flared elegantly as it reached her slippered feet. She was breathing rapidly. He could see minute movement as her breasts rose and fell beneath the demi length veil that hid any hint of bare flesh as the ceremony commenced. She was clearly as nervous as he.

The band of steel that had circled his chest gave a little and he breathed a little more freely. So far there was nothing to be horrified about. He wondered what her first appraisal of him would be and he thanked the stars that he had thought the occasion important enough to have his hair cut and his chin shaved clean. He knew he cut a fine figure in his crisp white shirt and expertly folded cravat. The dark blue superfine and tan breeches hugged his muscular figure. The weeks working out of doors and the nourishing if simple dinners prepared daily by his faithful cook had filled out his shoulders even more and his jacket was a little tight across his back. As soon as he had his hands on the papers and new that he was free of the blackmailers grasp he would order new attire.

The woman kept her head down as the minister spoke of companionship and children and it was only when he asked if she would take this man as her husband that Alexander began to worry.

She responded not at all.

The minister coughed and Alexander shifted from foot to foot as she maintained her silence. It was only when Carter touched her elbow that she lifted her chin and a small gasp left her lips. The minister repeated the question and she nodded quickly adding mumbled words that could be construed as ‘I do.’

Alexander regarded the minister’s vague shrug before he spoke his own vows with a clear voice. This may not have been his first choice at regaining Ormond but he wasn’t going to give up the chance.

“I do,” his tone left none of the participants in any doubt as to his intention.

The minister cleared his throat.

“Do you have a ring?” It was not always done but Giles stepped forwards and passed a glistening golden circle to the minister.

Alexander peeled down the woman’s lace glove. Her trembling hand was as tiny as the rest of her, the skin of her forearm pale and soft. Her nails were smooth and rounded. Alexander slid the ring onto her fourth finger, admiring for a moment, the rubies and diamonds that glistened in the gold. It fit her delicate finger perfectly and he smiled as he remembered selecting the jewel from the one small box that his mother had left behind. For some reason he had decided that his new wife’s finger would be the same size as the top of his own little finger and he had rejected all others that slid to his knuckle. He was happy with his choice as it settled on her hand. There was a brief flash of glistening tears beneath the veil and then he turned the woman to back to the minister.

“I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss your bride.” The minister closed the book in front of him rapidly and Alexander closed the gap between the woman and himself. Her scent caught him unawares and he breathed in deeply. Beautiful. She reminded him of something long ago, something warm and comforting, inviting and sweet. Her only response was to lift her chin a fraction. He lay a chaste kiss on her veiled temple and then turned to Carter and spoke quietly.

“We will sign the register now and you can hand over the notes?”

Carter nodded.

“You will not regret this, Your Grace. Your future is now secure.”

Alexander frowned at the man for a few seconds and then he took his wife’s hand and led her through to sign the register. Giles followed them and signed along with Carter as witness before the Minister shook sawdust over the book.

“Congratulations, Your Grace. I can only hope that this union will be the making of Ormond. A step in the right direction I feel. The years have been telling and what with your brother not producing an heir…well, the neighbourhood had its worries for the place. Work is not easily come by this far from town. Positions are sought after to keep families together.” The man looked as though he was about to carry on but Alexander lifted a hand and interrupted.

“We will discuss this further very soon I am sure but for now I must take my wife to Ormond. She has not had chance to meet the staff or to even see her new home. Please excuse us Reverend, I am sure you will find us in attendance next weekend. In the meantime you and your wife are invited to the wedding party. Please feel free to come along tonight.” He bowed quickly and turned for the church door, then he looked back. “You are coming to the ball Giles? The Duchess and I would be wounded if you didn’t share our wedding breakfast.”

Giles’s nodded towards Carter.

“We’ll follow you. Carter, I verily believe that out new groom has a touch of cold feet. Let us go and join the festivities and help deplete him of his excellent brandy.”

Alexander rolled his eyes as he took hold of his wife’s arm and walked back out into the late afternoon sunshine.

The deed was done. The notes were in his pocket. Apart from one dance at their wedding ball there was no need for him to touch the woman at his side a moment longer, but her hand stayed rested on his forearm and he felt no inclination to remove it. He handed her up into the carriage, helping her gather her long train as she stepped up to her seat. For a fraction of a second he caught sight of a very slender and shapely stockinged ankle and his heart lurched most unexpectedly. Apparently his new bride was not going to be an ugly old harridan. And neither was she going to wear his ears out with unwarranted conversation. He’d not heard a syllable pass her lips apart from the mumbled ‘I do’.

He sat opposite her in the carriage, her veiled face turned towards the window as Geoffrey drove them back to Ormond.

“Madam, would you let me make your acquaintance now before we stand up together in the first dance? I would gladly see the woman I have married.” There was no response from the tiny figure and Alexander wondered if she was in shock at the events of the afternoon. He leaned across the gap and touched her elbow. Her head whipped round towards him and she shrank back into the darkened corner. He sat back quickly and attempted to reassure her. “Madam, you have no cause for alarm I assure you. I only wondered if I could be allowed to see you. You have the advantage of me as you have seen my face but I have yet to know yours. It would be too bad if I didn’t recognize you across the dance floor.” He thought she was going to ignore him again but then her shaking fingers moved to the bottom of her thick veil. She lifted the white lace slowly and drew it back over the flowers that adorned her dark hair. She lifted her chin and took a quick, frightened glance at Alexander before she dropped her gaze to her hands that now threaded together tightly in her lap.

Alexander felt all the breath rush from his body and he frowned as he waited for his vision to clear and reveal his first impression to be false. He blinked and looked again, then he carefully pinched the skin on the back of his own wrist. It hurt and he decided that he wasn’t dreaming.

The woman in front of him looked barely more than twenty years old and was verily the most beautiful creature he had ever beheld. Her perfect complexion was pale but radiant with health, her cheeks hinted of ripening apples. Her thick black lashes brushed the skin beneath her eyes and her full lips were the colour of the rubies in her wedding ring. Her nose was straight and pert, her chin dainty. The skin of her neck resembled the richest, creamiest milk he had ever tasted and the tops of her lusciously rounded breasts rose and fell rapidly under his scrutiny. His heart rate sped up and he could feel the thundering of his own blood as it raced around his body.

A silent tear slipped down her perfect cheek and he lifted his finger without hesitation to catch it but drew back as he saw his work calloused hand. If he touched skin as soft as hers he felt sure he would graze her cheek. His hand dropped away quickly.

“Why do you cry?” He whispered as he watched another droplet fall. She didn’t respond and he took a chance, placed his finger under her chin and raised her face to look at his own. “I won’t hurt you Elizabeth, the circumstances of our union may be unorthodox but you have no reason to fear me.” The tears fell even faster and he reached for his handkerchief.

Her hand shook so violently when she took the square of white linen from him that he thought she was going to drop it. He wrapped her hand in his and held it tightly for a moment. Her shaking lessened and she raised her eyes to his again.

Liquid pools of molten onyx gazed up at him and for a moment he felt his whole universe shift beneath him. Then damning realization took over as he realized what could be causing her distress. She had been as trapped into this marriage as he. He was no catch; an impoverished Duke forced to marry her out of necessity. He wasn’t even good looking in the conventional way. He always wore his hair unfashionably long and cared not at all for the fashions of the day. The scar that streaked from his eye to his chin, although fading would always be there and was still enough to scare most women away.

With her looks she could have had the pick of the land. She had no more wanted him than he had wanted her. She was probably crying from a broken heart, forced to give up her lover by her greedy guardian and to take Alexander instead for the sake of his title.

He dropped her hand and sat back in his seat as his heart shrivelled inside his chest.
What in God’s name had her father been playing at?
No such wondrous beauty would have needed to take an impoverished Duke such as himself. He had no allusions as to that. This goddess could have chosen from Kings.

They were both pawns playing in a dangerous game where neither knew the rules. He tried to remember the exact wording of the papers he had signed, wishing now it was far too late, that another solicitor had looked over them. This ghastly arrangement would have to be annulled. He couldn’t possibly keep this façade up with her nursing a broken heart. He would have to turn farmer and give up his land and title.

The carriage rattled over the wooden bridge across the moat and drew to a halt. Alexander leapt from the carriage before Grady had taken two steps from Ormond’s front door. He leaned back into the carriage and spoke to his new wife quickly.

“Come madam. I will convey you to your suite and then I will sort this mess out with Carter. We can cancel the ball. I should have realized that I wasn’t the only one being forced into this situation. I’m afraid I was only thinking of myself in this ridiculous piece of theatre. The marriage will be annulled as soon as is possible and you will be free to do as you wish.”

Contrary to his expectations the woman inside the carriage didn’t fall gratefully into his arms but began to sob louder. The noise was not the dainty whimpers that he had heard from his mother as she had cried on leaving Ormond, but great gulping sobs of heart wrenching despair. His gut froze in his body. The woman was distraught.

Grady viewed the group in confusion while Carter and Giles had descended from their carriage with looks of concern.

“What on earth have you done to the woman?” Giles asked as the ghastly noise from inside the carriage grew even louder.

Alexander glared at his friend and then turned to Carter who shuffled nervously from foot to foot.

“God damn it man! Whose idea of a joke is this? This woman is not for me. There has been some mistake and I am married to someone forced into this situation. I’m the one with no choice, not her.” He lifted his chin. “I give up my rights to the title and lands, Hardacre can have them. Give this woman her freedom back instantly, do you hear?”

Carter stood his ground.

“I’m afraid it isn’t that simple, Your Grace. I don’t know what you are complaining of anyway. I can assure you that she comes willingly to this marriage.”

Alexander was momentarily taken aback.

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