Silver & Black (19 page)

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Authors: Tyler May

BOOK: Silver & Black
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~Chapter Twenty One~


We walk into Silver’s place―high from the alcohol and our sexual spontaneity. Silver excuses himself to go change out of his clothes, and wash up. I do the same―well, not the clothes. Silver comes back into the living room wearing a pair of dark grey lounge pants and he’s shirtless. He looks damn hot, like always. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” he says, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Let’s go raid my kitchen.”

“Perfect. I’m starving as well.”

In the kitchen, Silver raids his refrigerator. I swear he pulls out half the contents. “We’ve got leftovers, fruit, cake, and a ton more. What sounds good?”

I laugh, “All of it.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.” He grabs two plates out of the cupboard and two forks from the drawer. He stops and looks around. “Well, there are no chairs in here.” He grins as he gets an idea. Laying the plates and forks down, he walks over to me and surprisingly he lifts me up on to the counter of the island. “We’ll eat here.”

“Sounds good. Silver, I had such a great time tonight,” I say, diving into the plate of food.

“Me too. It’s been forever since I had this much fun.” He stops and looks sincerely at me. “Thank you.”

“Please! I should be thanking you. I can check elevator sex off of my bucket list now.”

He laughs, “We’ll be checking a lot of those things off.” He jumps up on the counter to sit next to me.

“So, I have to ask―you like a man to beg. How many men have begged for you?”

He swallows his mouthful of food. “Are you asking how many men I’ve slept with?”

“You just seem really into sex. I never guessed that.”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” he mutters a small laugh.

“No, not like that. I mean I didn’t take you as the impulsive sex guy. I mean… I, uh… Shit this isn’t coming out the way I want it to. You seem like you’re all business.”

He laughs, and stops my ramble. “I’m teasing. I know what you mean. It’s true, I am all business, but that doesn’t mean I’m a prude.”

“I never thought that you were a prude.”

“I like sex. I like men. I like you.” He sighs, “To be honest, and to answer your question, I’ve been with a lot of men. You’d be surprised at what men would do to get a deal.”

“But you let them,” I say, honestly.

“Yeah, it was convenient, and convenient was good. Convenient was safe―I was always safe. Most of the men I’ve been with were one time things: a quickie in the office, a romp in the limo, or any place basically other than my home or theirs. You’ve been the first man I’ve brought back here in some time. And that’s making me sound like some kind of manwhore.”

“No, it’s not, but I do have to ask ‘why’? I’m not trying to say that it doesn’t make me feel special, but you could have any man, Silver.”

“No man ever caught my attention like you did. Don’t get me wrong, we talked about my other boyfriends―there have been several, but not in recent years. I’ve not found anyone that I thought was worth my time, let alone the passion I have to offer―that is until you.” I can’t say anything after that comment. I am so overwhelmed. I just grin shyly at the plate of food. He seems like he is saying that he is the lucky one, but right now, I feel like I am. He eats the last of his food and shoves his shoulder into my shoulder playfully. “You ok?”

“I’m better than ok.” I lean over to assure him with a kiss.

“Good. Now your turn. How many men?”

“Oh,” I draw out. “Guess it’s only fair.”

“Fair is fair.”

“You want a number?”

“Well, I didn’t give you a number―just a ballpark figure. No judgment. Lord, knows I have no room to judge.”

“I’m not worried about that,” I shyly state.

“Then what is it?”

“I, uh… I’ve only been with a few guys―four if I include you.” He stares at me, his mouth unknowingly hangs open. “See, this is why. You’re so experienced and I’m so…”

He interrupts, “No, no. I guess I’m wondering the same thing as you asked―why? You’re incredible, sexy, and I would have thought….”

“I guess we both shocked each other tonight,” I interrupt. “It’s not like I haven’t had the chance, and I’ve messed around with more, but sex―just four. I’m twenty-two, almost twenty-three, and I’ve spent most of my adult life focusing on me and just survival. Derrek messed me up. It took me a long time to trust anyone after that.”
“I’m so sorry. I forgot about that. I am such an insensitive asshole.”

“No, Silver. I don’t expect you to remember that. The truth is, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I fall too easily. After Derrek, I met a couple other guys I felt comfortable with, but they broke my heart―and then we have Jeff. You know how that turned out. I have a lot to work on.”

“I think that you are so strong. You’ve been through so much.”

“Really? It’s nothing compared to what you have with your eyes.”

“I guess we could talk all night about how we’ve both struggled, but that’s in the past.” He hops down and stands between my legs. “Nothing but great things to come.” He lifts my chin, holds it as he kisses me slowly. “I like that you’ve only been with that many men. It means that I will be able to be your first for a lot of these fresh experiences. I like that idea, a lot.”

“Me too,” I say as he takes the empty plates, putting them into the sink. He grabs a bag of chips and two bottles of water and hops back up on the counter. Looking around at the mess we’ve made in the kitchen, I say, “Your staff is going to hate us.”

“My staff is very well compensated. They know this isn’t a normal thing for me, so when it happens, they are very understanding. They’re awesome.”

For two hours, we sit in the kitchen―talking and laughing, just getting to know each other. I’ve never done that with anyone except Levi. It was a welcome change from the type of relationships I’ve had in the past. He starts to yawn as we talk. I’ve forgotten that he has to be up early to go to LA. “What time do you have to be up?” He looks at the clock on the stove.

“In a few hours.”

“Silver, you need to go to bed. You’re going to be exhausted.”

“Are you staying? It’s late, and I really would love you to stay,” he says, jumping off the counter. He helps me down.

“I was planning on it. Maybe this was a bad idea. I feel bad keeping you up this late now.”

“For one: you didn’t―I did. For two: I wouldn’t change a thing. Even these past couple of hours here, it was a great night. I love getting to know you.” He takes my hand.

“Same here.”

“Then let’s go to bed.” He flips off the lights, and we walk hand in hand up the stairs to his room.

Silver climbs into bed, watching me undress to climb in next to him. I curl next to him, laying my head on his chest.
I could get used to this.
He yawns, holding me tight. “Oh, I almost forgot. You are still going with me on Saturday, right?”

“What’s Saturday?” I ask with a yawn.

“My sister’s engagement party at my parent’s place.”

“That’s right. I would love to.” I scoot up to face him. “If you still want me to.”

“Of, course.” He cups my face. “It’s formal.”

“Like black-tie formal?” I don’t own a tuxedo.

“Not black-tie―just formal, maybe a suit and tie.” I nod not saying anything in response. “Greyson, do you not have a suit?” he asks, sincerely.

“It’s fine.”

“Fine? Is that a yes or a no?”

“I don’t, but I’ll get one. I bet Levi has something I could borrow. The suit and tie thing isn’t really in fashion. I’m more of the casual comfortable type of man. Don’t worry, though, I bet Levi has something. The man is addicted to fashion and clothing.”

“Levi is about four inches shorter than you, and he has a much smaller build. There is no way you could fit in one of Levi’s suits. Not to mention, his taste is―how can I say this―brighter than yours.”

I laugh. It’s true. Levi is way bolder than I am, including his clothing. “I’ve got it, Silver. You don’t need to worry about anything. I will look presentable for your family.”

“You know I’m not worried about that. You could come as you are, and they would love you. I was just asking, is all.” He wraps his arms comfortably around me, pulling me tight. “It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a man to my parents. I hope it’s not too weird.”

“It’s not going to be for me, if that’s what you’re worried about. Now you, I have some doubts. Should I be nervous?” I flip in his arms and turn to face him.

“Not at all.” His blue eyes pierce through me. His eyes are glassy with exhaustion because he wants to spend more time with me. He runs his fingers lightly over my bottom lip. There was nothing but silence as we just studied each other. Motionless, our slow steady breaths are all that I can hear. His lips slowly curl on one side. “God, you are so beautiful, Greyson.”

“I was just thinking the same thing about you. I swear there’s a story in your eyes.”

“Oh, yeah? Can you read them?” He scoots closer to me―our noses brushing together.

“Not yet, but I will,” I whisper next to his lips and then softly kiss his waiting mouth. “And I look forward to every minute of it.” My words entice him. He grabs the back of my head and deepens our kiss. Passionately and slowly, our hands graze tenderly over the others body. Our legs intertwine, and the slow pace picks up. He licks up my neck to my ear. “Silver,” I moan. As he’s tasting my neck, I glance to the clock.

“Mhhmm?” he answers through a moan.


He stops, looking at me confused. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”

“It’s late and you have to get up in just a few hours.”

“Don’t worry about me. Right now, I need you.”

“I am worried about you, and I’m not going anywhere, but I am putting a stop to this.” I rest my head on his chest. “If we start, you’ll be even more exhausted. What if you can’t function?”

“Oh, I can function just fine.” He laughs.

“Not that―go to sleep, Silver.”

“Are you ordering me around? That’s new.”

“I think I am. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No. No problem at all,” he says wrapping his arm around me and settling comfortably into the bed. “But you must know I have a problem with listening to what I’m told, and I’m usually the one barking orders.”

“Mr. Silver, you’re not going to win this one. Go to sleep,” I demand playfully.

“Good night, Mr. Black,” he says kissing the top of my head that is comfortably on his chest.


~Chapter Twenty-Two~


Morning comes early as Silver’s alarm vibrates a repetitive beep. Silver rolls and taps his hand on the phone, muting it. He grunts and then wraps his arm around me. Burying his face in my neck, he inhales sharply then yawns. We’ve only gotten a few hours of sleep, and he has to be on a plane soon. “I feel so bad that you’re going to be exhausted.”

“It was so worth it. I feel like we really got to know each other better last night or this morning―however you want to think of it.” He yawns and stretches. “I suppose I should get up. I don’t think the plane will wait for me.”

“Do you fly commercial?”

“Yes,” he answers almost amused with why I would think this. “Just because I have money doesn’t mean I own a jet.”


“Good?” He rolls over on me. “You’re adorable.” He kisses me. “But I really do have to go.” He gets up in all his nakedness. I just roll over on my side, rest my head on my hand, and enjoy his sexy view. He walks over to his closet and opens it. The clothing is all hung perfectly. Hell, they’re even all arranged in groups of colors―a big difference from my closet, where I hang T-shirts and hoodies.  In his closet is a chest of drawers holding his underwear and casual clothing. He pulls on a pair of black boxer briefs, a pair of casual running pants, a T-shirt, and a hoodie. He closes his closet doors.

“You’re wearing that to a business meeting? I mean not that you don’t look great.” I actually have never seen the casual-comfy Silver. It’s sexy on him.

“No, I have a change of clothes at the office in LA. Actually, I have several,” he answers as he walks to the bathroom attached to his room to freshen up. I sit up on the side of the bed and reach for my clothing that was discarded on the floor. He comes back in the room and looks at me sort of confused. “What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed,” I say, slipping on my jeans.

“Greyson, it’s early and we’ve only had a few hours of sleep. You don’t have to leave. Stay. Sleep. Keep my bed warm.” He sits down next to me. “Take off your jeans and go back to bed.”

“I feel weird staying when you’re not here.”

“Why?” He lays his hand on my chest and pushes me back on the bed. He climbs over me. Resting on his knees, he straddles me. “You won’t need these,” he says lifting up and pulling my jeans off. “See, much better to imagine you naked in my bed. Now, go back to sleep. I trust you, Greyson.”

I lean up just enough to grab the back of his neck and pull him down on me. His nose brushes mine as he places a small teasing kiss on my lips. “I could snoop through all your drawers and find out the real Brian Silver.”

He grins. “If you snoop, you may want to avoid the drawers in the chest in the closet.” He licks my upper lip before sucking it in his mouth. His kiss is warm and deep.

He stops just as we were really getting hot. “Don’t stop,” I say reaching for the hem on his shirt. “And I want to know what the hell is in those drawers now.”

“Then look.” He kisses me quickly with mischievous grin on his face and then pushes up back on his knees. “If I stay here any longer, I will miss my flight, but it’s so tempting to stay.” He rubs up my bare chest. “Ok, I have to go. God, you’re fucking beautiful.” He climbs off of me and then tucks the covers all around me. “Now you’re all tucked in and stuck here.”

“Gee thanks,” I joke. I watch him finish getting his stuff together. He talks about me being beautiful. I have nothing on him―just gorgeous.

“Ok, that’s it.” He walks over to the bed, leans down, and kisses me softly. “When you leave just lock the door, and if you need anything Connor has the key and is available to take you home.”

“Not necessary, I’ll take the subway.”

“Be careful.” He lays one final kiss on my lips and walks toward the door. He stops and turns to look at me. “I’ll see you Saturday―don’t forget.”

“I won’t and call me when you get there.”

“Will do,” he says turning out the light.

Silver’s bed is comfortable and I’m back to sleep before I even know it. A few hours later, my phone beeps waking me. I glance down at the text.

Silver: Hope you’re sleeping comfortably in my bed.

Me: I was until someone texted me… Thanks, for that.

Silver: Poor Greyson

Me: lol Why are you bothering me so early?

Silver: Early? I’ve been in LA for over an hour now.

Me: Shit….seriously?

I glance down at my phone. I must have been asleep a lot longer than I thought. I sit up and pull on my jeans.

Silver: I just wanted to let you know that I was here. I’m even dressed more appropriately. See.

He sends me a selfie. He’s wearing a tailored dark gray suit, and a sexy grin to match. I had to do it. I lie back on the bed, arrange myself in a sexy pose, and trying to do this without making myself laugh is a challenge. I’m not used to the sexy selfie or anything of this nature. I snap a quick selfie of myself wearing nothing but my jeans, that I haven’t even buttoned yet, and my hand tucked through my zipper.  I hit send and wait for his response. I didn’t have to wait long.

Silver: You’re evil. How do expect me to work after that?

Me: lol I just wanted to give you something to anticipate.

Silver: It worked. We’ll continue this later. I actually have to go. Panting over my lover is frowned upon in board meetings.

Me: Well, that sounds boring.

Silver: Very. So that means you’ll have to bring the excitement later.

Me: See ya, baby.

Silver:  Oh, you will.

Me: Is that a promise?

I wait for him to respond, but get nothing. They must have started their meeting. I should get ready anyway.  I take my time in the shower, relaxing as the water massages my skin. I climb out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist then head back to Silver’s bedroom to get dressed. I pull back on my jeans. I’ve forgotten that my shirt has remnants of sexual spontaneity in the elevator. Can’t wear that, Silver has to have something I can borrow. I open his immaculately organized closet. The colors arranged perfectly in all shades. I’m almost afraid to touch anything. I’m thinking Silver may have a touch of OCD. I pull a fitted grey shirt from a hanger. The tags are still on it. Maybe he has a shopping problem too. “Eighty-five dollars for a T-shirt?” I say in disbelief. I don’t think I’ve ever paid that much for any clothing I own. I throw it on, and look through the rest of his clothes. His taste is superb, that’s why he always looks so hot. I go to shut the closet and something catches my eye―the dresser.

Was he teasing when he said don’t look in there? No one is around. One peek won’t hurt, right?
If I have to convince myself then it can’t be right.
I click my tongue in thought, and reach for drawer. My conscience is fighting me, but curiosity is winning the battle. I slowly pull the top drawer open.

“Greyson Black!”

“Shit.” He startles me, and I close the door quickly and turn around. “Levi.”

“Did I scare you?” he says, plopping on the bed. “Boy, this bed is soft.”

“Yeah. What are you doing here and how did you get it?”

“The tall hot guy let me in.” He must be talking about Connor. I didn’t even know he was in here. “Is he?” He whistles.

“No, not at all. Levi, what are you doing here?”

“My job,” he says, jumping up from the bed. “Greyson Black, were you going to snoop in Mr. Gere’s drawers?”

“What? No. And stop changing the subject. What do you mean your job?”

A sly smile takes over his face. “Brian stopped by our place this morning on the way to the airport. He offered me the job and even gave me my first assignment as a Silver Inc. employee.”

“That’s awesome.” I hug him. “I’m so happy for you, Levi. You deserve this.”

“Well the contract wasn’t as big as yours, but the money is fucking incredible. He really does treat his employees wonderfully.”

“I’m happy to hear that. Shows the kind of man he is.”

“Oh, look at that silly love struck grin.”

“Shut up. I’m not love struck, yet. I am a bit smitten, though.” I go to shut the closet, and he stops me.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“Fucking check the drawers, honey. You have the entire place to yourself; now’s the time to get to know the real Brian Silver. You can tell a lot about a man by what’s in his drawers or closet.”

“That’s an invasion of privacy, don’t you think?”

“Hell no. I do it all the time.”

“And you haven’t had a long-term boyfriend in forever.”

“Hurtful. True, but hurtful. And I would beg to differ that my doing this has anything to do with that.” Levi pulls open the top drawer before I could stop him. Ok, I could have stopped him, but I was curious too. We gaze inside. On top of a few neatly folded undershirts was a small wrapped box with a note attached. Levi lifts the box.

“Levi, leave it.”

“It’s for you, honey.” he says showing me the name on it. He hands it to me. “Open it.”

I hold the handsomely packaged box in my hand wondering if I should or not. Maybe he planned on giving it to me when he got home. I open the small notecard and read it aloud.

“I knew you would look. I can’t blame you. I’d look too.

Now, open the box and message me after you get it.


Levi grins. “See, even he admits he would have looked. What are you waiting for? Rip that sucker open and see what your man got you.”

“He’s not my man. Not yet, officially I guess.”

“Oh, please,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Open it.”

I peel back the wrapping exposing a shiny small black box. I lift the lid of the box. My eyes instantly go wide at the view. Inside is a titanium metal watch with another note on the inside of the box. I pull the gorgeous watch from the box. I glance at the face of the watch and read the name of the maker. “Holy shit.”

“Holy shit is right,” Levi mimics. “That watch costs more than my last car.”

I hold the expensive gift in my hand. I’ve never worn anything, or owned anything for that fact, this expensive in my life. “I can’t believe he did this.”

“Oh, I can.”

I snap it on my wrist. It fits perfectly. After admiring it for a few seconds, I read the note found inside the box.

“I know you think it’s too much, but you’re worth every penny.

I hope you accept the watch and wear it with pride. You deserve the best.

Thinking of you while I’m away,


P.S. It’s engraved on the back. You’ll have to figure out what it means. If you can’t, I’ll have to show you.”

I take the watch off and flip it over. There was a small engraved “8” on the back. I have no idea what that means, but obviously it means something to him. I’ll be thinking long and hard about what “8” could possibly be. I put the watch back on. I sigh. “There has to be something wrong with him. I mean a man like this can’t be real. He’s perfect, Levi. I mean look at this closet, this place…. him. What would a man like him want with me when he could have any man he wanted?”

“First off, you don’t give yourself enough credit. If you ask me, Brian is the lucky one. And no one is perfect, not even Brian Silver CEO. But I will say this, if a man bought me that watch I’d be constantly on my knees.”

“Levi!” I laugh. “I guess I should thank him for the watch.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and text him. Levi places his hand over the screen.

“Wait, let’s thank the man properly.” He goes into Silver’s closest and pulls out a light silver striped tie. “Take off your shirt.”

“Ok,” I say with a questioning tone, and do as he asks. He hangs the tie around my neck. “Now do something seductive. Make that man want to come back home to you.” He takes my phone. “I’ll snap a picture and you can send it to him with a very nice message.” He smiles. I take the phone back. I want to do the shot myself.

Remembering how much he loved the last pose, I position myself against the closest door. I unbutton my jeans. With just a small section of groin showing, I hold the tie closed against my naked chest―the watch fully in view. I snap my erotic pose on my cellphone then show Levi “What do you think?”

“Fucking hot. I think I need a cigarette.” He fans himself.

“Perfect,” I say as I dress fully, again. “Let’s see what should I say?” I type the message and say it aloud so Levi could hear. “Thank you so much for the watch. It’s beautiful like you. I’ll have to think of a way to repay your gift, but for now I’ll give you this as a present.” I attach the photo to the text and hit send. A few seconds later I get a reply.

Silver: You’re trying to kill me aren’t you? Wow.

Me: It’s not as beautiful as the watch, but….

Silver: You’re right. It’s even better! I’m glad you like it. It’s original just for you.

Me: I love it. Now, clue me in on the “8”

Silver: Oh, no. You have to figure that out for yourself. I’m saving this photo for later when I’m alone in the hotel. ;)

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