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Authors: Tyler May

Silver & Black (28 page)

BOOK: Silver & Black
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I turn in his arms to face him. “We could christen the bed?” I kiss him with a sincere passion.

He holds the back of my head as we kiss, and then he pulls softly off my lips. “There’s something I have to show you. We’ll have plenty of time to christen the bed. Let’s put our things away. I can’t wait to show you your birthday surprise.”

“This is all so perfect. I don’t need anything more.”

“There’s lots more,” he teases. I shake my head. He’s too much, so thoughtful.



~Chapter Thirty-One~


“This is going to be so much fun.” Silver is like a child at Christmas. He can’t hold his excitement, and that makes me just as excited. “I’ll need you to drive. Is that ok?” We go outside to the carport. There are several vehicles in there: cars, motorbikes, golf carts, and bicycles. He throws me the keys to the black convertible sports car.

“I get to drive that? Fuck yeah it’s ok.” We jump into the car. I smile at him as I start the engine. The vintage Corvette purrs beautifully. “So where to?”

“I’ll give you directions as you drive. For now, pull down the drive.”

The scenic route is breathtaking as we drive with the top down and the breeze in our hair. He directs me the entire time until we pull up to a small pond about ten minutes from the cabin. I park the car under a weeping willow tree. The pond is small and quiet. Under one of the trees near the pond is a blanket and a picnic basket. I look at Silver and he smiles proudly. He takes my hand as we go to the blanket. 

“This is so romantic, Silver. Thank you.”

“It’s just the beginning.” He asks me to sit on the large checkered blanket. He opens the picnic basket. Inside holds a light lunch, a bottle of white wine, and two wine glasses. He takes the corkscrew and opens the wine, pouring us each a generous amount. The light breeze off the pond makes the experience so much better. We talk as we enjoy the thoughtful lunch. Silver tells me about his summers here at the cabin. They would come at the end of June and stay for a month, just the four of them. I can imagine how wonderful that was for them. He holds a chocolate-covered strawberry to my mouth. I bite the delectable dessert.

“You’ve thought of everything. How’d I get so lucky to have such a thoughtful and romantic boyfriend?”

“Romance is something I’m fluent in.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I thought you said you weren’t good at flirting.”

“Romance is different than flirting.”

“Is it? Mmmm? Either way, you’re very good at it.” I scoot over to him and straddle his legs. I kiss him with a passion and want like I never have before. He’s made me feel so special, so important. I rub up his back and then slowly reach for the buttons on his linen shirt. He stops my hands. “What?” I look around. “There’s no one here.”

“It’s not that, I have something else.”

“Boy I just keep getting cock blocked this entire trip so far. I hope you’re planning on putting out sometime.”

He laughs and lifts me off him. He stands and leans down and kisses me. “I promise. No more ‘cock blocking’ as you say.”

“Good,” I say and reach for the zipper of his pants. He grabs my hands. I glare at him.

“After this.” He walks over to the car and opens the trunk. He pulls out a big present. It’s wrapped in silver wrapping paper, black ribbon, and black bow. He shuts the trunk and returns to the blanket with present in hand. “After this,” he repeats.

“Silver, I told you no gift. This is enough.” I wave my hand gesturing to the picnic.

“Humor me.” He hands me the gift. Curiosity kicks in. The package is heavy and quite large. I smile and rip through the paper. The box gives nothing away as it has no marking on it. I take a fork and slice through the tape that seals the box. I lean up on my knees and then look to him one last time before peeking into the box.

“Oh,” I whimper. My eyes instantly tear. I don’t even take it out of the box, just stare at it. “I…I.”

“I didn’t mean to make you cry. If it’s too emotional, I can….”

“No. Silver it’s amazing. I can’t believe you did this.” I take the toy boat out of the box. The same boat my mother had gotten me for Christmas all those years ago. It’s exactly the same one. I shake as I hold it in my hands. “How did you find it? I can’t believe this.”

“It took a while. I had to do a lot of searching through old toy catalogues. It was basically the power of the internet. It’s even charged so you’ll get to sail it this time.”

“I can’t believe this,” I keep repeating. “You planned all this: the boat, the pond, and the trip. All this so I can sail this boat.” He nods. I stand, still holding the boat, and crash my lips to his. Tears fall onto our lips as we kiss. “I’m sorry I usually don’t get this emotional. Wow, I can’t believe this. Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me. Now I know what my mom meant when she gave it to me and cried. Happy tears, go figure.” I sniff. “Thank you.”

“You don’t owe me any thanks. The look on your face is all the thanks I need. And….I got myself a boat too.” He walks to the car and pulls out a toy jet boat. “I couldn’t let you have all the fun. I got a different one, though. We can race.”

I laugh. “You’re on.” We go to the shore of the pond and place the boats into the water. I hit the remote and off the little boat sails. I’ve waited years to experience this. My dad stole this moment from me so many years ago and now I get my chance. My mom must be smiling down on us right now. I’m sure happy tears were falling from her eyes as well. It’s like she’s there with me.

For hours, we sail our boats like little boys and it is pure heaven. We sail until the batteries in the boats go weak. One last race to the shore to add the joy of the day, and we crack up as Silver’s boat sinks to the bottom of the pond. “What?” He laughs at the word. “What is that?”

I’m laughing so hard, I can barely speak. “Oh, well I guess that means I win.”

“You win by default because my boat clearly has a defect. That toy maker will be hearing from me.”

I pull my boat out of the water and lay it on the ground. Sill laughing, I press against him and kiss him. “They just don’t make toys like they used to.”

“You’re telling me.” We pack up all the stuff and put them into the trunk. Except my boat, that baby is riding with me. “There’s one more place I want to show you.” He holds my hand and leads me down the dirt path. We walk hand in hand and talk through our nature walk. Sightseeing here is so different than New York. Everything is so serene. The squirrels run up the trees―I’ve never really even seen one up close. The birds chirp happily through the sky. At the end of the path is a small playground of sorts. It’s quite old and only has a single swing and a teeter-totter. Silver races to one side of the teeter-totter and climbs on and I take the other side. “I loved this when I was young, but Deborah was always so much smaller and lighter than I was that it was never even.”

“It’s pretty even now.” We kick off the ground and throw the other side up. “This is so much fun. Who knew two grown men could still have fun on a teeter-totter?”

“Oh, I did. You want to swing?” he asks. I nod.

“There’s only one, do you want me to push you?”

“Nope, we’re doing the spider.”

“The spider?”

“Yup.” He sits on the swing and holds out the chains. “Climb on, baby. Put your legs around my waist.”

“Mmmm, don’t have to ask me twice.” I sit on his lap and put my legs on each side of his hips. He moves, very slowly. I laugh uncontrollably. “Wee, this is fun. We’re barely moving.”

“Yeah, I guess it works a lot better when it’s not two grown adults. He stops, but we don’t move. He leans back, holding on to the chains. I lean on to him and lightly kiss his lips. As our kiss gets more heated, we both relax. This isn’t a good idea when you’re holding on. My weight causes him to fall backwards and I fall right on top of him onto the sand. We both crack up. He wraps his hands around me. “We’re too old for this.”

“Speak for yourself, Grandpa. You have many years on me.”

“Many?” he teases and rolls me to the sand so that he’s on top of me now. I playfully nod. “Well, this old man can still hold his own.” Our lips crash together as our hands grab over each other’s body. He sits on my legs and reaches for the button and zipper of my jeans. I reach up and do the same to his. Freeing our hardened cocks, he returns his lips to mine. I reach in between us and stroke us together. He pants against my lips. I bite his bottom one.

“I want you in me, Silver.” He looks around and then gets a sexy smirk on his face. He gets off me and holds out his hand helping me up. I watch him adjust the links on the swing, raising it as high as he desires. He pats the vinyl seat of the swing. “Do you want me to sit?”

“On your stomach,” he orders. I lean over the swing as he wants. He lowers my pants to my feet. I hang onto the seat as much as I can; it’s kind of a weird position. I can hear him rip open a wrapper, and then he lines his tip up to me. He spits in his hand and wets my opening. “If it hurts, let me know.” He holds tight to the chains, but guides his cock in slowly. The burn only lasts a few seconds until the sensation of him filling me and the pleasure takes over. I press against the swing and he has all the control. He slams in and out of me using the swing. He’s moaning and grunting so loudly that it echoes in the country air. “God, this feels so good,” he moans.

“Ah, keep going. I’m not going to last long.” He pumps fiercely in and out of me hard and fast. He pulls me up slightly for better penetration. He pushes deep in me and holds in me. “Ah, right there,” I moan. With short hard thrusts, he pushes that spot. “I’m going to cum,” I announce, and he lets go of one of the chains and reaches my cock. He strokes as he slams into me. We come at almost the same exact time. He falls onto my back. “Holy fuck,” I huff.

“No cock block there,” he jokes as he helps me up. Wiping ourselves off with our shirts, Silver disposes the condom into the trash. “We definitely need a shower now.”

“Let’s hit the hot tub first.”

“Perfect plan.”

We drive back to the cabin, and to my surprise he’s arranged a beautifully decorated entrance as we walk in. Silver and black balloons are scattered everywhere. A happy birthday banner hangs from the log beams of the ceiling. Dozens of silver and white roses are in black vases arranged around the room. “Do you notice a theme?” he asks.

“Of course I do. Silver and black, you’re so clever.”

“Except the roses: black was too dreary.”

“I love it, thank you. Please tell me there are no more presents. You’ve already done so much.”

He looks at his watch. “There is still six hours to your birthday. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. How about I show you around before we go to the hot tub?”

“Yes, please. Are there people staying here with us? How are you doing all this?”

“We have a caretaker that stays at the home. She has arranged all this for me, but will be staying elsewhere for the remainder of the night. She lives in a suite in the lower level.”

“You mean the basement?”

“Well.” He shrugs. “We’ll have just enough time to relax in the hot tub, shower, and change for dinner. I have a chef coming in to prepare a lovely dinner and dessert.”

“Mmmm, sounds great.”

After a tour of this incredible place, we get into the indoor hot tub. He wants to save the outside one for later.



~Chapter Thirty-Two~


Relaxing in the hot tub and a shower together was exactly what we needed. Now we’re off to dinner fully relaxed and comfortable. Silver walks behind me with his hands covering my eyes. He whispers in my ear, “No peeking. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you.”

“Ok,” I say and then pretend to open them.

“Close them,” he demands, and then opens the door. He pulls me into the room. “Ok, open your eyes.” I slowly open them. The dining room is completely lit by hundreds of white candles. The table is covered with a black tablecloth and set with silver plates, bowls, and silver table settings. In the center is a vase of black, silver, and white roses and is surrounded by white votive candles. A happy birthday banner hangs on the door wall looking over the lake. “So what do you think?”

“I think I have the best boyfriend in the world.” I turn and reward him with a kiss.

He pulls out my chair and I sit. He takes the seat across from me. The chef has prepared a smothered steak dinner with potatoes and vegetables. Everything I love. It’s beautifully presented, but I can’t take my eyes off my sexy boyfriend. I wonder what I’ve done right in this life to deserve him, to deserve everything he’s done for me. Everything down to the colors is precisely planned and thought out. After dinner the chef brings out a small cake and then he bids us farewell for the night.

Silver takes the matches from the corner table and lights the eight candles on the cake. “I’m a terrible soloist, but here goes.” He sings happy birthday to me, and I can’t help but chuckle. My face is flush. No one has ever made me feel so special. No one has ever made me feel like I am the only man on this earth. He does. “Make a wish,” he says as he finishes his song. I glance at him with wonderment in my eyes. I’ll make a wish, but I don’t know what else I could possibly want. I blow out the candles with one breath. He sits down next to me.

“What’d you wish for?”

“I can’t tell you or it won’t come true. You know the rules, Silver.”

“Hmm,” he hums. “Then let’s eat this cake.”

“I can cut it. Do you have a knife?”

“We don’t need a knife,” he says handing me a fork and holding his up. He digs his fork into the side of the cake and forks a small bit. He holds it over his hand and leads it to my mouth. I slide it off between my lips.

“Oh, wow. That is the most delectable cake I’ve ever had,” I say with my mouth still full. I feed him a forkful. After devouring half of the small cake, we’re both stuffed beyond measure. I start to clean up, but then he stops me. “No one’s here. We have to clean up.”

“You’re absolutely right.” He joins me clearing the table completely of the dinner and dessert. We take them to the kitchen. “Ok, you rinse off the plates and I’ll load them in the dishwasher.”

“Why do we have to rinse them before you put them in a machine that will clean them?”

“You have to clear most of the food on it.”

“That makes no sense.” He rinses the plates. He’s not used to doing anything like this. It’s comical watching him. “There has to be a more efficient way to this. It’s like I’m cleaning the dishes before putting them in there.” He shakes his head.

“You and your efficientness.”

“That’s not even a word.”

“Well it is now.” I close the dishwasher and start it. “There done. That wasn’t so bad was it?” He groans. “No groaning on my birthday.” I press my chest to his. “So what’s next?”

“Next is the bedroom.”

“I like that idea.” He grabs the bottle of champagne in the bucket of ice and two glasses from the kitchen. After turning off all the lights and blowing out all the candles around the room, we head up the stairs. He opens the bedroom door. It glows with candlelight as well.
I should have known.

“You should teach romance at the college. There are a ton of men that need your expertise.” I stand in front of him.

“It’s all about the perfect pupil. Want a drink?” I nod, and he pops the cork on the bottle. The fine liquid shoots across the floor onto the rug before he pours us each a glass. “My father taught me to uncork it properly so that we don’t waste it, but it’s fun this way.” He holds it out. “To your birthday and many more,” he toasts. We clink the glasses together and then sip. He doesn’t give me a chance to finish the delicious drink before taking it from my hand and placing it on the table. His eyes are locked on me, they’re almost hypnotic. He’s so seriously seductive right now, and I’m completely seduced. He takes my hand and leads me over to the bed. We stand next to it, quietly. “I want to make love to you,” he whispers, his voice soft and husky.

“I want that too,” I answer. He runs his hands down my sides and back up. He pulls me close to him. He hovers over my lips with his, his soft breath warming my skin. I lean to kiss and he pulls back. A sexy fucking grin takes over his face. He wants complete control. He guides me to sit on the bed as he stands in front of me. He uses his knees to open my legs, and he stands between them. Leaning down he finally rewards me with a simple soft kiss. It wasn’t nearly enough. Then he leaves me on the bed and walks over to our cellphones on the dresser and turns them off. He hits the music on his stereo and the seductive sounds season the mood.

He comes back over to me and takes his place back between my legs. He leans, putting both hands flat on the mattress on either side of me. He kisses me hard, forcing me to lie flat on the bed with my legs bent at the edge. He pulls on me, lifting my entire body onto the bed. I scoot up onto the pillows. He climbs over me, sitting on his knees over my legs. He bends to kiss me, but only teases my lips and goes straight for my ear and neck. He licks and sucks my skin until every nerve ending in my body is on fire. I reach for him and he shakes his head. “I can’t touch you?” I want to badly.

“Not yet. I want you to experience what it is like to have someone make love to your entire body.” He leans back on his knees and hovers over me. He undoes the buttons on my shirt one by one. “I want you to feel everything from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.”

“I’m ticklish,” I tease.

“Good,” he answers. He removes my shirt and then he unzips my pants. Getting off the bed, he removes them completely. My semi-hard cock slaps against my stomach. The anticipation is turning me on. He walks to the foot of the bed and pulls up one of my legs. He pulls off my sock and throws it to the floor. He does the same with the other. “Hmmm,” he hums, walking around bed. I’m completely naked and vulnerable. He reaches into the dresser next to the bed and pulls out a feather wand. He brushes it against his face.

“You brought sex toys?” I’m amused. He’s never shown interest in anything other than the two of us before.

“I wanted something special. I ordered something, but the rest is being saved for home. Close your eyes,” he orders and I listen, intrigued with what else is coming from that drawer. My eyes are pressed tightly closed. I feel the soft tickle of the feather on my cheek. The feather moves down my neck to my chest. The soft touch causes shivers through my body. He circles the feather around both of my nipples. I feel them harden as goose bumps cover my skin. He trails it down the center of my stomach. I squirm on the bed. “Don’t move.”

“Ok,” I whimper. He continues moving the feather over my groin and brushes against my growing cock. The simple and light touch is complete torture. He teases the feather over my tip. My cock twitches. I need more of his touch. I whimper and moan, my eyes still closed as he asked. After dusting the feather over my cock, he moves it down my leg to my foot and then goes back repeating it on the other leg. He trails the feather up the bottom of my foot. I chuckle. I didn’t know being tickled could feel this good. He does it again and I squirm. The sensation leaves me. I open my eyes and he’s staring at me from the foot of the bed. He climbs over and sits on the bed at my feet. He picks my feet up and massages them one at a time. I close my eyes again, it feels so erotic. I’ve never had a man be this attentive to me. I feel his weight on my legs and a kiss on my inner thigh. Down my leg, he kisses until he reaches my feet once more. I open my eyes. They’re sensitive from keeping them tightly shut. He kisses the side of my foot and then he kisses my toes, sucking gently on them. The warmth of his mouth surrounds my toes. I should be grossed out, but it is such an amazing feeling. I never knew having someone suck my toes could feel so good. “Silver,” I cry a moan. “That feels so good.”

“Good.” He slides up my body, licking as he moves up. He kisses me deep and hard, his tongue rolling over mine. He sucks my earlobe and licks the outline. He presses his tongue in my ear. The weight of his body on me and the sensation of his mouth on my ear are driving me mad. I kiss his shoulder as he sucks and licks my ears. He’s still completely clothed. I try to reach for the buttons on his shirt, but he’s not giving an inch between us. “You want that off?” he mumbles, as he bites the lobe of my ear. I nod my head. He leans up and sits on my thighs. “Take it off,” he orders, and I gladly comply. I get his shirt off and toss eagerly to the floor. I run my hands up his chest. I love to feel him, there’s nothing like it. He clears his throat and looks to his pants.

“Oh, I guess that is a necessity.” He nods, raising his eyebrows. He assists me in removing his pants and boxers. Taking his place back on my legs, he grins down at me then lowers to my lips. As we kiss, he reaches into the bucket of ice that held the bottle of champagne. He takes one large piece of ice and sucks it into his mouth. Kissing me once again, the cool water moistens my lips. He sits up and puts the ice between his teeth and lips then starts at the base of my chin and runs the cool cube down my neck. He stops at my nipple and sucks the ice and nipple between his teeth. He does that with both until I’m groaning in arousal. Teasing the ice down my chest to my navel, he lets the ice sit in my belly button. I exhale sharply, the chilled ecstasy almost too much to bear. He laps up the dripping water off my stomach, and then removes the ice cube. He runs it back up my chest all the way back to my lips. He traces my lips with the melting ice. Sucking it back in his mouth, he kisses me and passes the melted ice into my mouth. Our hot kiss melts it completely.

As our lips taste each other’s, we grind our hips feverishly together. Our hardened cocks slide over one another’s. I pant into his mouth. Running his hands up my arms, he pins my hands to the pillow. He bites on my lips, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. Slow and softly he peppers my body with his kiss. He stops and looks me straight in the eyes. I bite my lip. He’s always so intimidating. He reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out a condom. He puts the corner of the wrapper in his mouth, and I was thinking he is going to rip it open with his teeth, but instead he passes it along to my mouth. I take it out of my mouth and hold it. I must look like an idiot staring at him and then back to the condom. I’ve bottomed for him our entire relationship so far. I enjoy it, so it never bothered me. I grin. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he whispers.

“I need a solid yes or no, Mr. Silver.” I use his words. He chuckles.

“Yes, Mr. Black, I’d very much like it if you fuck me.”

I lean up and kiss him, and then he rolls over to pull me on top of him. Placing the condom on the bed, I suck down his chest to his throbbing cock. Teasing his tip with my tongue, he groans a passionate growl. I reach for the condom and rip it open with my teeth. I hold the lubricated shield in my hand, looking down at my gorgeous lover, and there’s one thing that will make this night even better. I roll the condom on him. He looks at me confused. I tilt my head and shrug. “It’s my birthday. I want you, Silver.” I kiss his lips. “I want to feel you.” I bite his chin. “I want you to fill me.” I nibble on his ear. “I want you to fuck me so hard that I can’t move.” He exhales the deepest moan, and then whips me to the bed.

I reach for the lube from the nightstand and hand it to him. After applying, he strokes my cock as he slides one of his fingers deep inside me.
He adds another. I roll my head on the pillow. Just as I feel like my body couldn’t take any more pleasure, he removes his hand from my cock and his fingers from inside me. I ache for more. I need more. I pull him down on me and crash my lips to his. We roll so that I am on top of him. I sit on his legs, admiring his beauty. I straddle his hips. Holding his cock, I lower onto him gently. I breathe slowly. He angles his head all the way back onto the pillow. “Oh, fuck,” he sighs. He bends his knees slightly. Gripping my hands on his pecks to brace myself, I ride his cock deep into me. He claws his nails into my thighs. Every time I bury him into me, he moans my name. I slide up and down him until my legs get weak and my cock throbs. He’s pushing himself into me, fucking me from the bottom. He grips my dick, wrapping his big hands all the way around it. I roll my hips, taking him in and out, slamming his length as deep as I can take it. He rubs me at the same rhythm as I rock on him. “Oh… Greyson,” his voice is hoarse and raspy. “That’s it, baby.” I slam down on him. “Yes,” he screams, holding his hips to my ass as he releases himself. He strokes quickly on my cock until I explode all over his chest and hand. I fall on him, the sticky mess between us. I lie on him completely spent, my head resting next to his. We both try to catch our breath. His fingertips run over my warm skin. “That was amazing.”

“It was, Silver. This entire night and day has been amazing.” I roll to his side. He turns to face me. Side by side, we lie and study each other’s eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”

BOOK: Silver & Black
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