Silver & Black (27 page)

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Authors: Tyler May

BOOK: Silver & Black
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I stand to face him. “No napkins required.”

He laughs and then grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into a heated and rewarding kiss. He releases our kiss and rests his forehead on mine. “I can’t wait to spend the next couple of days spoiling you.”

“I just can’t wait to spend it with you without your phone.”

“No phone calls. I promise. Let’s go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow.”



~Chapter Thirty~


Saturday morning we’re up early, very early… too early. Silver is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and I’m a slow sloth of tiredness. Now’s probably the time to mention, I’m not a morning person, but I will say that having someone like Silver is making my transition a bit easier. After stopping by my place to pack a bag and let Levi know what’s going on, we’re off to a special weekend.

“Connor, you have the address and all the information in case of an emergency, correct?” Silver asks as we get into the car.

“Of course, Brian. Just enjoy your weekend. I’ve given the information to Mr. Martinez as well. All the basics are covered.”

“Always so efficient, Connor.” Silver pats his shoulder. He exhales. He looks over to me. My head is resting on the back of the headrest of the backseat. He combs my hair off my forehead. “Did something keep you up all night?”

“Yeah, a demanding boyfriend who can’t get enough.” I laugh.

“That’s because you’re addictive and I’m an addict when it comes to you.”

“And you’re also so corny,” I say through a laugh. “Did you just think of that?”

“I’ve warned you that I’m a horrible flirt.”

“You’re sweet, Silver. Can we pull through a drive-thru? I need coffee.” I watch the scenery flash by us as we drive.

“They have a coffeepot at the terminal at the airport.”

“Airport?” I turn my knees to face Silver. “We’re going on a plane?”

“Yes, we’re going on that plane.” He points to the single-engine jet on a private runway.

“I… I… Thought you said you don’t have a private plane?”

“I don’t. The plane belongs to my father, but we use it for small trips.”

“Oh, good. Good. It’s all good. Yup, we’re going on a plane. Ok,” I ramble.

He tilts his head. “Greyson, are you scared?”

“No… Uh… Why would I be scared. It’s all good. Good. We’re good.”

He laughs. “It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself that we’re going to be safe.”

“Oh my God are we not going to be safe?” I swear I must be sweating beyond measure right now.

“Yes, we’re perfectly safe. The pilot is the best. Greyson, have you ever been on a plane?”

“Never.” I stare nervously at the deathtrap of my fears.

“Wow.” He laughs. “Are you scared, baby?”

“No. I mean there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s not like thousands of crashes happen in single-engine planes or anything. We’re good. Good. It’s all good.”

“Good,” he mocks. “And I think you’re being a little overly dramatic about crashes. I’m sure they’re in the hundreds and not thousands.”


He cracks up. “Greyson, I’m joking.” He grabs my hand that is shaking. “Oh, man, you are scared.”

“I’ve never been on a plane.”

“I know we’ve already acknowledged that. You’ve never flown commercial?” I shake my head. “Wow, ok.”

“I’m not going to lie. Flying was the reason I didn’t go to LA with you that one time. It scares the shit out of me,” I say just as Connor opens our door. “We can’t drive?”

“We could, but it would take way too long. I want every minute to be spent with you on your birthday. Happy birthday, Greyson.” The pilot opens the door to the plane and dozens of balloons barrel to the sky.

“Oh,” I murmur. “Silver, this is all so nice.”

“If you’re scared, we don’t have to go. I’ll get a hotel room around here or something. I just wanted this to be special, not to scare the life out of you on your birthday of all days.”

I nervously rub the back of my neck. “No, Silver. You have this all planned and I just have to conquer my fear. That’s…that’s…yup. That’s what I’ll do.” My words come out of in a stutter. “If I would have known we were going to fly, I would have smoked a joint before.”


“Don’t lecture me on pot smoking right now.”

“Ok,” he says and a small laugh rolls off his lips. He wraps his arms around me from behind. “Do you want me to call Levi and have Connor pick one up for you?”

“You must really know I’m scared if you’re offering to do that. No. Alcohol. Alcohol works the same. Do we have that?”

“Yes, I have some in the cabin of the plane. Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I say still staring at the plane. “You went to all this trouble. I can do this. For you, I can do this.” He presses his lips to the back of my head and kisses me. “Ok, so let’s get this over with.”

Silver takes my hand and leads me, ok pulls me, up the stairs into the cabin of the jet. The inside is small, but still roomy. It’s very elegant, and it must have cost a pretty penny. “Here you take the window seat.”

“No… no… Are you fucking kidding?”

“Ok,” he says putting his hand up to calm me and then chuckles. “You’re going to love it.”

“Yeah, after the alcohol. I need that. Where is it?” I nervously sit in seat. The cabin contains eight seats, one on either side of the aisle, four rows deep. Silver waves to the flight attendant. She brings over a bottle of tequila and a shot glass. She pours and then hands me the shot. I slam it and I could and opt for another.

“Easy killer, that’s expensive and very strong. Two shots will be more than enough. I want you alert.”

I slam the other shot and thank the lady. The pilot makes an announcement the safety check has been completed and we’re free for takeoff. My heart sinks into my stomach. Silver reaches around me and fastens my safety belt. I look at him and he smiles. He then buckles himself into his window seat. I’m gripping the arm rests so tightly that my knuckles are completely white. I’m sure they match my face. The plane was already started, and after the woman checks the doors one last time. She takes her seat and buckles in. “It’s crystal-blue sky and perfect conditions for a smooth safe flight. Good morning and welcome aboard, Mr. Silver and Mr. Black,” the pilot announces as he pulls onto the runway.

“He said ‘safe flight’. Ok. I can do this. I’m doing this,” I ramble. Silver laughs. “Don’t laugh at me. It’s a legitimate fear.”

“I know. I know. You’re just so damn cute when you’re scared.”

“Well, good I’m glad you see it that way because get ready for the cuteness to bounce off the walls.” Silver chuckles and then places his hand on mine. He tries to pry it off the armrest, but that sucker is there. Then we ascend into the air. I have to remind myself to breath. I close my eyes. Silver insists that I watch. I peek one eyelid open just enough to see the clouds.
We’re higher than the cloud
holy shit, this amazing.
Once we’ve leveled off, I can feel the tension in my hands relax and I lift them from the armrests. I exhale.

“See the fear is mostly in your head. It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“You’re not even looking out the window.”

“I know.” He cups my cheek and then kisses me deeply. “You want to switch seats now so you can see the view?”

“You mean remove my seatbelt? Hell no. Baby steps, Silver.”

“I guess the mile high club is out of the question.” He laughs.

“I don’t know. It may be the tequila, but the flight attendant is looking mighty fine. She may be able to assist you.”

“Ok, we’re dumping the tequila.” He grabs my face and kisses. “Just relax. We don’t have that long of a flight.”

“Good,” I repeat. “Can you tell me where we’re going now?”


“Are you kidding? I’ve always wanted to go to Maine. Here’s another embarrassing fact about me: I’ve never been out of New York, with the exception to New Jersey.”

“Really? That’s not embarrassing.”

“Is that why you started that sentence with
then? It’s embarrassing because you’re so well-traveled and I’m such a homebody. We’re so opposite.”

“I can’t wait to give you the world.”

“You mean show me the world.”

“That too,” he whispers confidentially.

“What time will we be back on Monday? I’ll need to email or text Brady and let him know that I can start on Monday morning.”

He looks at me confused. “What are you talking about?”


“Work? You got a job? That’s fantastic. When did this happen?”

“I can’t believe I forgot to mention it. I got caught up in the shock of you taking off work that it slipped my mind. I was at the college yesterday registering for classes. I stopped in the Silver Coffee there and Brady offered me a job. He’s very fond of you.”

“As I am him. I’m surprised Brady never texted me. Are you sure you shouldn’t just focus on finishing your last few classes?”

“I don’t want Levi supporting me, and don’t think I don’t know that you’ve made it very easy for him to do that.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He smirks.

“I appreciate it, but it’s time I go and earn my minimum wage. I have to do this and it won’t be that bad. Brady said I can open on the days I have class. On Mondays, I’ll work and then go to two of my classes. Then on Wednesday, I’ll work and go to my last class. The other days, I’ll work when he needs me.” He frowns and his eyes fill with concern. I can tell it’s a selfish concern. “Don’t pout; there will be plenty of time for us. Brady said most of the hours will be during the day when you’re working anyway.”

“I wasn’t pouting. I’m happy for you. Plus, Brady is a great friend and very supportive of us.”

“You talk to him often? Liz had said that you stop in there quite a bit.”

“I do. I always check in on them. I told you, I help them a lot.”

“Brady said he thinks the world of you.”

“Did he?” he says and timidly looks to the side.

“Was Marcus right? Did you have a thing for Brady?”

“I was attracted to him. You saw him, he’s gorgeous. I had a crush on him, but it was a crush of admiration and respect. He is one of the bravest men I know. At the time, we were going through similar situations and I think I just liked that he understood me. He’s very straight. He and Liz had been together for years before I even met him, so I knew there was no chance.”

“But if he wasn’t?”

“He’s straight. My feelings for him were purely innocent.”

“Is that why you helped him out?”

“No I helped him out because he was having a hard time making it, and Liz couldn’t support them. I wanted to see them succeed. I had to help.”

“I can’t wait to get to know them.”

“It’s a great place for you to work. I’d rather you work with me, but there is good too.”

“We’re ready to land. Please make sure your safety belts are fastened,” the pilot says over the intercom.

“No problem for me. I never took the sucker off.”

The white knuckles return as we descend, but it was smooth―almost effortless. This is something I’ll never forget. I actually like flying. The plane comes to a complete stop and the pilot turns off the engine. The doors open and we step out into the breathtaking view of Maine. A black limo pulls up right next to the plane. A chauffeur gets out and takes our bags from the plane and sticks them into the trunk of the limo. I’m in awe that Silver has planned all this. The chauffeur opens the back door for us to climb in. I look around with wonder in my eyes.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never been in a limo.”

“Yes, Mr. Sarcastic, I have been in a limo. I did have a senior prom.” We laugh. “This is much better than that night.”

About fifteen minutes later, the limo pulls into a private drive deep in the Maine countryside. This is nothing like the city. Trees scrape the sky instead of buildings. The air is pure and clear. Grass and field flowers litter the ground. The pebble stone drive leads straight to the most stunning house I have ever seen. It’s a rustic log cabin home. I’d like to call it a cabin, but this is a fucking beast of house.

“Wow. This is incredible. Did you rent this or is this like bed and breakfast?”

“It belongs to my family. It’s our summer home, or at least it was when we were young. It belongs to me now. My parents wanted to sell it because they never used it anymore, but I couldn’t stand to part with it. It holds so many memories, good memories.”

The limo parks in the circle drive in the front of the home. A man comes out of the home and greets Silver by name. He takes our bags in, and we follow. The inside is decorated in woodsy décor. The rustic log cabin feel carries throughout the home. It’s just gorgeous. Silver leads me up the spiral stairs to the top level where there are five bedrooms and four bathrooms. There are two master suites: one that belongs to his parents and the other is his. He shows me the room. A king-sized bed is the focal point. The sliding glass doors lead out to a wooden balcony that overlooks a lake and paths into the woods.

“It’s lovely, isn’t it?” he asks.

“Lovely isn’t the word for it. Thank you, Silver. I love this.” I stand and gaze out the window at the view.

“It’s one of my favorite places.” He comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “I’m so happy to make more memories here with you.”

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