Silver Mortal (The Gracen Chronicles) (10 page)

BOOK: Silver Mortal (The Gracen Chronicles)
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Hola, chica
!” she greets me, situating herself across the table. “Where's Phoenix?”

Mentally kicking myself for not warning Phoenix about Bets I reply, “He should be here any time now.”

!” She fluffs her hair. “I know this is going to sound infantile, but I'm kind of nervous. How do I look?” She looks at me expectantly; I give her a once over.

“Like every bad boys dream,” I mutter, taking another bite from my apple.

“Perfect,” she smiles. “So, how's Mark? Have you talked to him lately?”

A hard stone falls into the pit of my stomach at the mention of his name.

“I'm not sure how he's doing,” I answer after swallowing a bite of apple.

She frowns. “I take it we have to find a new place for nachos, huh?” Before I can answer her eyes grow wide, staring behind me. “Oh, there he is!”

Turning my head, Phoenix comes into view. He's carrying a tray full of food and heading in our direction. The female students follow every step he takes, though he doesn't pay them any mind. Once he finds I'm watching him walk over, a grin spreads across his face. Behind me I hear Bets let out a sigh.

dreamy!” Bets remarks, her tone oozing with puppy love. “I bet he's a tiger in the sack.”

Turning around, I glare at her. “Is that all you think about?” She nods her head, clucking her tongue. Shaking my head I openly gawk at her. Yes, I know she's promiscuous, but doesn't she ever account for someone's feelings?

“Hey, Gracen, is this seat taken?” I hear Phoenix ask.

“You can sit here, Phoenix,” I permit, though I continue to glower at Bets, who's now glazed-over eyes is staring at the new guy.

“Thanks,” he says. I break away from Bets to see he's smiling at me. “So, have you been enjoying your jar of purple Skittles?” His question causes my face to flush.

“Purple Skittles?” Bets reacts with surprise, shooting me a questioning glance. “How do you know about her Skittle fixation?”

“Phoenix,” I spit out before he can answer, “have you met my best friend, Bets Springfield?”

“No I haven't,” he says, reaching a hand across the table and shaking her hand. “It's nice to meet you, Bets. You must be one awesome individual to be close to Gracen.” I sneak a glance at him to see if he's trying to joke, but all I can read on his face is a serious, for-real expression. Bets also appears a little flummoxed by his honesty.

“Yeah, I guess I am,” she replies, giving me a pointed look. “Gracen and I have been friends for a long time.”

“She seems very trustworthy,” he says, turning his gaze to me. “Someone you can always count on.”

With my mouth wide open I try to speak, but realize I'm totally speechless. Is he joking, or is he speaking his true feelings? It's hard for me to read him right now as he stares deeply into my eyes, studying me with a fierce longing that I've never experienced from anyone. The whole situation is plain weird, though that warm feeling in my belly shows up again, causing a shudder to rip through my body. My heart pounds rampantly as a slow smile takes hold of his lips. I struggle to say something,
, but that's when he disconnects our gazes.

“I'm going to get a Coke,” he suddenly declares, standing to his feet. “Would you ladies like one?”

Still unable to find my speech, Bets answers for us. “Sure, Phoenix, we'd love a couple of Cokes.”

He grins. “Great. Be right back.”

After he's out of earshot Bets exclaims, “Babe, he's totally
for you!”

? No he's not!” Or

Bets snorts. “Come on, Gracen, you know he is. The way he was looking at you, the purple skittles, the way he totally ignored me—he's throwing out all sorts of signals and you're completely brushing them off!”

“Bets, I told you,” I say, frowning, “I don't want—”

,” she interjects, gesturing with her hand, “I've heard your excuses, and to tell you the truth, I'm quite tired of hearing them.” I try to cut in but she hastily continues. “So you had a bad experience on your first date. So what! Everyone has a bad date every now and again. What you need to do is...”

She doesn't finish her sentence. All of a sudden her face transforms into a mask of shock. Just as I'm about to ask what's wrong an annoying male voice springs into the air.

“Well, hello, Bets. How's my little flower today?” The voice belongs to Billy Stanton, Bets's one night stand and recent ex-boyfriend. He walks around the table and pulls a chair out, sitting sideways in it so he's facing Bets. His friend, Cale Whittaker, is also with him, both of them wearing their black and red school letter jackets. To my utter dismay, Cale sits down in Phoenix's chair, his blue eyes gleaming mischievously. I give him a
what do you think you're doing
look, though he doesn't back off. Instead he gives me a smile.

“Hey, beautiful,” Cale says to me. “Where've you been all my life?”

Waking up from my short stupor I gaze at him sweetly and reply, “Hiding from losers like you.” That wipes the smile off his face. Turning my attention to Bets I can see how uncomfortable she is with Billy so close to her, his arm draped on the back of her chair.

“Why haven't you returned my calls?” he questions her through thin, tight lips. “I've been wanting us to get together again and have a little fun, if you know what I mean.” His free hand drops to the inside of her thigh, squeezing so tightly Bets cringes.

The Silver Eagle in me starts to stir, and I can feel Bets's feelings crashing into me in tidal waves. I can feel her heart racing with fear and anger, the blood in her veins flowing faster from her anxious nerves. I feel her face burn with embarrassment and shame, two different emotions that are uncharacteristic of my best friend.

Bets narrows her eyes at Billy, clenching her teeth. “Billy, that was a one time thing. We never had anything between us, so please. Let go of my leg and get lost.”

“Come on, baby,” he says, keeping his hand in place on her thigh and nuzzling his nose against her cheek. “I promised Cale here a little three-way action and after the other night I know you won't disappoint us.”

“Or,” Cale adds, turning to me with lust in his eyes, “maybe Blondie here can accommodate us.”

With fury boiling my blood I tell him, “In your dreams.”

“Bets,” Billy continues, rubbing his hand higher up her thigh. “You know you want to.”

Slapping his hand away she shouts, “I said no!”

“Ooh,” Billy reacts, shaking his hand, “now there's my feisty girl!”

“Get lost,” I tell the both of them, trying to control the maddening quiver of my voice.

Billy narrows his eyes at me. “Or what?” I'm about to lay him out when a growl rumbles behind me, catching my attention and the attentions of everyone around. Instinctively I know who the growl belongs to.

Slowly looking behind me I see Phoenix with rage coloring his features, his lips curled into a sneer. He's glaring at the two jocks at the table, and I know what he's wanting to do.

“She said,” Phoenix growls, “get lost.”

I jump up from the table just before Phoenix let's out his built-up fury.



Silver Mortal







chapter 10



Billy doesn't know what hits him as Phoenix tackles him to the ground, sending the plastic chair Billy had been sitting in flying across the lunchroom. The whole cafeteria becomes quiet and still, all eyes on the unfolding scene. Luckily Bets had seen the blow coming, causing her to jump out of the way, her expression full of shock. The only sound that can be heard is Phoenix's low growl that rumbles deep in his chest. He's now standing over Billy, the football player's eyes bugging out of their sockets.

I know—wait, I feel what's about to happen next, so I quickly make my way to Phoenix's side, placing a hand on his shoulder. I'm amazed at the tension in his body and the rumbling going on in his chest. If the viper blood in him is anything like the eagle blood in me I know his high-strung nerves are searching for an outlet, so I decide to put on my game face and do what mom does for me when I'm about to lose control.

Somehow I have to calm him down.

“Phoenix,” I say softly, gently, “Phoenix, come on. Let's take a walk.” He ignores me, keeping his deadly glare on the fallen Billy. A little louder, and a lot firmer, I squall, “Phoenix!”

This gets his attention. He turns his head quickly and looks down at me, his feral eyes appearing wild. The growl in his throat slowly recedes as recognition dawns on his face, his eyes no longer savage, but distressed and ashamed. The black viper is shimmering over his skin, a reminder of the powerful blood that flows through his veins. Thank God I'm the only one able to see it. Something passes between us, an understanding of some sort, and he nods his head. Cale leans down to check on his buddy, then tears into Phoenix.

“Dude, what's wrong with you?” he questions, extremely bewildered. “What are you, a freak or something?”

I wait for Phoenix to respond, praying that he doesn't pound Cale. Instead he surprises me by turning and walking away, the crowd stepping back so he can get by. My feet stay in place just an instant before I speedily follow him out of the cafeteria and through the exit doors. His strides triple mine and I have to sprint to catch up with him. Waves and waves of disgust and turmoil are billowing off of him, his fists clenched at his sides as he walks. I follow him until we're a couple of blocks from the school. He chooses an abandoned alley, continuing his stride until it dead-ends into a brick wall. I stop a few feet behind him, waiting for him to turn away from the wall and face me. Rather he places his forehead against the building's surface, his whole body a big tremor.

Racking my brain for information on how to calm a Viper, I end up finding nothing. This whole situation is completely foreign to me. I have a hard enough tim
e keeping myself in check. How
am I supposed to help another?

“I'm sorry, Gracen,” Phoenix mumbles suddenly, his body and tone showing signs that he's relaxing.

“Why are you apologizing to me?” I inquire, a bit taken back. He turns around with tears staining his cheeks. My heart begins to mourn his sorrow.

“Because I became angry with an Untouched, the very ones I need to protect.” His brows stitch together when his eyes narrow, the coiled viper on his cheek fading a tad underneath his skin. “I shouldn't have lost control like that, but I couldn't help it. I overheard the entire conversation, and I had to do something. But I should've handled it differently. Not by violence.”

Abruptly he turns around and punches the wall, leaving a massive hole in the brick. Debris and dust mingle in the air, falling to the ground. He looks sideways at me; I take in his knuckles, which are dripping blood.

“Maybe I can't change,” he laments, adding, “Maybe all of us that want to change are just screwed. We can't change who we are, where we come from. It's in our blood to be evil. Maybe we should give up.”

“No, you guys can't give up,” I say, taking a few tentative steps forward, closing the gap between us. “We all get angry. We all make mistakes. What you did today is just a setback, and plus Billy was being
a jerk
, and he totally deserved to get put in his place.” I pause, grinning slightly. “I wouldn't be surprised if people are calling you a hero right now.”

He gets right in my face, his forehead almost touching mine. My heart begins beating quadruple time, and when his breath hits my cheek I can't contain the shiver that tiptoes up and down my spine. I want to caress his cheek, place his dark hair behind his ears, anything to touch him. I've never wanted to touch someone so badly in my life. He stares down at my lips. For a second I think he's going to kiss me, and in my weak-kneed condition I'm wanting him to, but then he takes a step backward, his expression stoic.

“I'm no hero,” he tells me through clenched teeth. “Never call me that again.” He pushes passed me.

Shaking off my shock I turn around and question, “Where are you going?” He halts his steps when he reaches the mouth of the alley, giving me a brief sideways glance.

“I need to be alone,” he replies seconds later, then a black cloud envelops him and he disappears.

Standing there in deep confusion, I wonder what just happened...and what
happen. I lean back against the brick wall and think. Billy had been acting like a jackass and deserved to get humiliated in front of the whole school. Yes, Phoenix had lost his temper, but taking up for Bets and I had been the right thing to do. Also, what really chafes my nerves is the closeness we'd shared for a minute, his forehead almost touching mine, his eyes on my lips. What had that been about? Why had I let my guard completely down with our
kiss? With a Viper nonetheless, not to mention someone I've only known for two days. Though in my heart I feel like I've known him forever.

Bizarre, perplexing, and just plain
. Of course, what else am I supposed to expect?


Phoenix didn't show at school the rest of the week, leaving me to feel alone, even with the constant contact I had with Bets throughout the school days. I'd told Mom what had happened and asked for his number. The only problem with that was he had an unlisted number, so we had no way to get in touch with him, and we were the only ones who knew of his existence in the city. He had our numbers, but I had a feeling he wouldn't be calling anytime soon.

The whole school was buzzing about the new guy who brought down Nortin High's golden boy. Just as I suspected, everyone was calling Phoenix a hero. In one day Billy went from most popular to major douche bag. All of his dejected ex-girlfriends came out of the dark, his dirty little secrets being spread amongst the students. It seemed that Billy would never make it back onto his high horse.

With every positive word I heard being said about Phoenix, I couldn't help but smile, but it didn't stick to my face. A hard ball of anxiety sat like a stone growth in my stomach, and I couldn't help but worry about my new friend.

Wow. Never thought I'd worry over a Viper; I also didn't think I'd ever want to rub a hand through a Viper's hair, caress a Viper's face, or kiss a Viper's lips.

Boy, am I in trouble.

Around eleven on Friday night, I walk out of my room already dressed in my fighting gear. To my surprise I find Mom sitting on the couch in her pajamas, eating chocolate ice cream from its carton and watching some late night TV. I'm shocked and intrigued that mom hasn't gotten ready yet. Usually she starts getting ready around ten o'clock, weapons cleaned and dressed for work, but tonight...not so much.

“Um, Mom?” I quirk an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”

She glances up from the television
the carton of ice cream. “Oh, hey Gracen! I've been feeling a little
lately, so tonight I'm just going to veg on the couch. Man, I'm so ready for a night off! It's been awhile.”

“A night off?” I spout out. Then an abrupt smack of knowledge hits me upside my head. “Oh, I get it! This is my punishment for going AWOL last weekend, isn't it? I thought you weren't mad about that.”

Mom smirks. “No, I'm not punishing you by making you work by yourself, and anyway, you won't be alone.”

“Really? So I take it Jude's going with me.”

“Nope,” she replies, shaking her head. “He's busy trying to track down any Ashley's in the area who have gone missing. He'll be working from home tonight.”

,” I marvel aloud, still perplexed. “So if you're staying home and Jude's staying home, then how am I
hunting demons alone?” Boy, that's a mouthful.

After swallowing a bite of ice cream she answers, “I thought you and Phoenix could work together tonight, just to see how it goes.” Her reply nearly knocks me over.

“Phoenix?” I express, my jaw dropping. “Is this some kind of joke? Because frankly I don't find it at all funny. And besides, we have no idea where he is!”

“Uh, well, we kind of do,” Jude informs, who is sprawled out on the loveseat.

Noticing that both mom and Jude's gazes have shifted away from me, I turn around to see what they're looking at. It's Phoenix, dressed all in black with his hair in a ponytail. My heart skips a few beats when our eyes meet. They are darker than usual, and puffy, most likely from a few sleepless nights. A pang of warmth hits my belly at the sight of him, my whole body warming a few degrees.

“Hello, Gracen,” he greets softly, his stare unwavering, keeping my gaze in a firm grip. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come forth.

Truthfully I don't know what to say. On one hand I want to reach out and hug him, ask him if he's alright. Though on the other hand I want to punch him in the throat and spit as many profanities as possible into his snake-tattooed face. Instead nothing comes out, no emotions, no nothing, leaving me looking like a mute idiot.

Mom clears her throat.

“Gracen,” she begins, standing up and laying a hand gently on my shoulder, “He got in touch with us today. He explained what happened at school and that he took a couple of days off.”

“Which was the right thing to do,” Jude adds, walking over and standing next to mom.

“We talked it over,” mother continues, “and Jude and I both agreed that this is a good idea.”

“It was my idea,” Phoenix puts in, “for the two of us to work long as it's alright with you.” I continue to stare at him, feeling bemused.

The only background sound in the apartment is the noise from the television, everyone waiting with bated breaths for me to sound off. Honestly, I really don't care who I'm working with tonight, though I'm highly perturbed at my mother for setting this up behind my back. On another note, it would be great for mom to have a night off—she hasn't had one of those in almost four years.

Breaking the uneasy silence I turn to Phoenix and say, “Sure, wh
y not.  Won’t hurt nothing, I guess. 
Come on, Phoenix, let's get to work.” Strapping my Katana to my back and picking up a few Shurikens, I pull open the door and walk out of the apartment.

“Be careful, you two,” I hear Mom call, but I keep silent. The door closes, and I know Phoenix is directly behind me, following me down the steps and out into the cool night.

Taking in the Fall air, I find it's just how I like it—cool, clear, and crisp. The moon is a big bright ball in the dark sky, and I'm instantly thankful for natures help in lighting our path. Phoenix's footsteps echo behind me, slapping hard against the pavement. Mixed feelings of hope and desperation cling to his skin, and my heart once again grieves for his situation.

I halt my steps suddenly, right in the middle of the empty sidewalk. Turning around I face him, seeing that his hands are deep in his pockets, his shoulders slouched, and his eyes on me. We eyeball each other a moment until I can't take it anymore.

“Why didn't you let me know where you were?” I inquire, giving him a hard glare. He shrugs his shoulders, his gaze falling to the ground.

“I don't know. All I knew at the time was that I needed to be alone.” His gaze drifts back up. “I had to process everything. I had to sit back and evaluate my position.”

“Your position?” I query, confused. What did he mean by that?

He nods. “It's not just me I have to take care of. I have four other souls to think about, to look after. They all depend on me, and look up to me. They
me. And how do I repay them for their trust? By attacking an Untouched, that's how.”

“You were just upset. You made
mistake.” I take a step forward, reaching for him, but he backs away from me.

“Gracen,” he says, his voice quivering, “they expect me to lead them. What kind of leader can't control himself in the normal world?”

Taking a step forward, I reach up to place an encouraging hand on his shoulder. This time he stays put.

“Phoenix, you can't let one mistake sidetrack you from your chosen path.” Slowly I lift my hand to his face, palming his cheek. The protective guard to my heart is slipping away, opening up for someone I've only known a short while. “You're not alone anymore. I'll be here for you, but please promise you won't leave me hanging again.”

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