Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series)
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“My girlfriend and a
whole lot more.” His voice was gentle and soothing. A slow smile tugged at his lips. “Now that I’m your boyfriend do I get to kiss you?”

The look of longing on his face tore through her. “
I guess so,” she shyly whispered. She felt a strange wrenching in her chest as her soul reached for his, crying out for its mate, recognizing its other half.  She didn’t understand what she was feeling or what it meant.

He cupped her cheek with his palm. The softness of her skin amazed him. It also made him hard enough to pound nails.

She leaned into his touch and offered her lips to his. Her trust hit him like a sledgehammer and left him oddly dazed. She cocked her head as if studying him in turn.

With his heart hammering in his chest he gently brushed his lips to hers.

He felt her hands creep up his chest tentatively and it added fuel to his desire. His palm slid into her hair as he deepened the kiss.

He reluctantly pulled back, groaning when her teeth tugged at his lower lip. Good Lord, this must be punishment for some past sin. He was so aroused his jeans nearly
cut off his circulation.

Her eyes opened and her entire body trembled. Her gaze held such a deep-seeded desire, it rocked him.

Savoring having his mate’s trust once again, he held her in his arms for a minute longer.  She was a gorgeous woman with a beautiful heart and soul who was also barely more than a stranger. Since the moment she’d been introduced to him at the Thanksgiving feast and they’d locked eyes with each other, he’d been on a rapid road to recovery. The knowledge they were mates had been the shock his system needed to put it into high gear. He had swiftly returned to himself and his loved ones, and now he was back completely.

He knew Rose had lived a lonely life. He was determined to give her everything she’d missed out on. A home, safety, and people she could call family and count on.

He leaned back and swept a tendril of hair from her cheek. “I’m so thankful for you, Rose.” He kissed her gently once again. “It’s still early, would you like to have dinner with me? I’d like to take you on a proper date.”

“I’d love to.”

Looking down into her enormous blue eyes, Simon felt like he was falling forward into a deep, beautiful pool.

Her gaze locked with his. Her body reacted, shuddering.

The way he kept eye contact, he wasn’t letting her look away. Taking her hand, he raised her palm and laid it over his heart.

Rose swallowed hard and blinked up at him, all too aware of his muscles beneath his shirt. Aware of his heart beat. Aware of the heat
from his skin. She felt mesmerized by him.

“I’ll be back with my car in two hours
. Jeans and T-shirt are fine.” He gave her one last lingering kiss and left.



Like clockwork, Simon knocked on the door for his first of many dates with his mate. “Ready?”

“Yes, and starving too.”

“Close your eyes, I have a surprise.” He took her by the hand and led her to the driveway. “Okay, you can open them.” He heard her gasp when she saw his vintage Chevelle SS convertible. Candy apple red with black interior
and the top was down.

“I love this car!”
she squealed as she ran to get a closer look. She caressed the hood with just her fingertips. The way she was touching and looking at it, he wanted to be his car right then.

He opened the passenger door sweeping his arm dramatically
. “Climb in and I’ll take you for a spin. There’s a diner not far from here but we can take a quick drive before dinner.”

Once he cleared the driveway and had a stretch of asphalt in front of him
, he let her rip. He laughed as she threw her arms out like in the movie Thelma and Louise.

Simon was torn between watching the road and watching h
is mate, as she enjoyed every second of the ride. She was a plus sized beauty, perfectly proportioned. He was having a hard time focusing on his driving and not on the fascinating fact that the wind plastered her shirt to her body. He could see the exact shape of her beautiful breasts, the outline of her puckered nipples as they strained against the thin, tight material. He licked his lips, unable to stop looking at them. She had tucked the cotton shirt into the waistband of her jeans, and it called his attention to the curve of her hip.

She had her
head thrown back, her thick, blond hair streamed in the wind. He could see her neck and the outline of her body beneath the shirt, almost as if she wore nothing at all. His body stirred, hardened. Simon didn’t bother to fight his reaction. He admired the flawless perfection of her skin. Imagined the way she would feel beneath his fingertips, his palms.

Rose’s head suddenly snapped up and she crossed her arms. Her breasts ached, felt swollen and hot, and deep inside, a sexual appetite began to stir. Simon was watching the road, his hands on the steering wheel, but she
his hands on her body. Sweeping caresses, his palms cupping her breasts, thumbs stroking her nipples until she was shivering in awareness and hunger.

She couldn’t help seeing the rigid length bulging beneath his jeans, and he made no effort to hide it. His unashamed display sent her body into overtime with its reaction. She bit her lip and imagined what he looked like naked, what
he’d feel like under her tongue.

She tore her gaze away when she felt the car slowing to enter the diner’s parking lot.

“I’ve requested their private room, we can enjoy dinner and I can answer the questions I feel rolling around in your mind.” He said in a husky voice as he opened her door and presented his hand. The owner gave Simon a nod and escorted them to their private table.

They enjoyed a wonderful hearty gumbo and were now sipping wine. He rolled the wine on his tongue as he devoured her with his eyes. He wanted to get her home where he could kiss her again.

“Simon, Anna mentioned abilities shifters have. What did she mean?”

“There are several generally known powers. Shifting into a wolf, which you have already seen. We also have the ability to dress or undress with a thought, instantaneously. We heal ten times faster than humans and we can move so rapidly, the human eye can’t detect us. As mates we can talk telepathically and send caresses or feelings of emotion through the use of magic. Plus, each shifter is born with one additional gift. The ability manifests during childhood.”

“Holy mackerel! My head is spinning from all that.”

“Let’s take them one at a time, how about we try the telepathy
. I’ll send you a message, so when you hear me don’t freak out.”

She looked leery
. “Okay….”

You look amazing tonight.

Her eyes got huge. “I think I really heard you.”

“Send something back to me, just think it at me.”

You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met.

Well, thank you
, Rose. I think you are pretty amazing too.

“Wow, this could be useful. So, no one else can hear me but you?”

“No, you can only hear your mate. Let me try one more thing.” He caressed her hand with his thoughts.

She gasped and pulled her hand back. “Was that you?”

He gave her a wry grin. “It sure was, you try it. Imagine touching me.”

She closed her eyes and concentrated. When she opened them he was smiling and had his hand on his cheek. “I felt that.”

He was thrilled to see the shine of excitement in her eyes. “Let’s leave the rest for another time. I don’t want to overwhelm you after the day you’ve had.”

They finished their wine and hop
ped into his car for another ride. Rose was like a child in her exuberance. She was leaning back with her arm out the side of the car catching the wind.

His eyes instantly feasted on her taut nipples from the cooling night air. This was his new favorite car. Naturally, he began to
imagine the way her breasts would feel in his palm.

Rose’s eyes shot to him, a look of shock on her face. “Stop touching my breasts.” Faint color stole under her skin.

He held up his hands in surrender. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You know
what I’m talking about.”

She felt his palm cupping her breast, a thumb stroking her nipple until she shivered with hunger. “You mean,

that. I still feel you touching me.”

He nodded and frowned a little. “I consider myself an innocent victim to your charms. I’ve always had control, in fact I took pride in my self-discipline. You have destroyed it. Permanently.”

She felt his hunger as he devoured her with his eyes. With his mind. He ran his tongue over his teeth, and she felt it across her nipple.

Rose’s breath hissed out. She was thrilled by his touch and yet
a little terrified by her body’s reactions.

One day soon I’ll convince you to show them to me,” he growled.

His bold behavior fueled her own. She turned toward him, panting. “Keep that up and I may do just that.
You have seen breast before, right? Mine are no different than any other woman’s.” There was color in her face and her breath came fast. “You know, I once heard that men thought about sex every sixty seconds but you must be setting some kind of record.”

“They aren’t just any breasts, Rose. They’re
YOUR breasts. And if you keep teasing me, I’m going to dare you to take that blasted T-shirt off.” She heard him take a shuddering breath and as he reached for the blinker, his hand shook. She must have really rattled him.

She bit her lip and looked at him from the corner of her eye.
Should I? They’re just boobs.
She took a quick glance to make sure no one else would see her.
Not a soul in sight. I could flash him? Hell, like Jack always tells me if you do something do it all the way. Grinning secretly to herself she took a deep breath…

Simon nearly ran off the road as she pulled her shirt off.

He swallowed hard. “I don’t think that was a good idea.”

Rose realized instantly she might have been a bit impulsive. His blue eyes began to glow, raging with a hungry fever. His hand gripped the wheel until small cracks appeared. Sexual heat leapt between them, fierce and passionate. She wanted to rip his shirt away, and feel his hands, his mouth, sliding over her skin. She wanted things she’d never dreamed or thought of. Had no idea she craved.

Her breasts were
even fuller than he’d thought, jutting forward to tempt him. She was beautiful. Her skin was amazing.

Thankfully, his house was hidden from the others. He didn’t need to show off his half naked mate to the family. The car skidded to a stop, practically at the foot of his deck stairs. He leapt from it without bothering with the door. Simon raced to her side and lifted her out too. Like a streak of lightning, he sped to the door and opened it with such urgency, it almost came off its hinges.

With Rose in his arms, he marched straight to his bedroom and kicked the door closed.

The wall he had built between them melted. He set her on his bed. Breathing hard, he forced himself to be the man he was raised to be. “Mon amour, if you aren’t ready for this, if you want me to stop, you need to tell me now.”

She shook her head. “I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you.”

She nibbled on her lower lip.

“What is it, cher?”

“I haven’t been with anyone for a long time and it’s never been the best experience for me,” she said it quickly as if to get it over with.

“Oh, baby. That just makes this all the more special. I’ll be gentle and make it incredible. I promise.”

She nodded still sucking on her lip.

He made sure he had her full attention, and then he thought his clothes away. He wanted to let her look her fill and waited for her anxiety to dissipate before he joined her on the bed.

Oh, dear lord!
She couldn’t breathe as she got her first look at him. She’d known he would have a great body, but this… It exceeded everything from her dreams. His broad shoulders tapered to a washboard stomach that could be used for laundry. He had a six-pack that rippled with every breath he took. His entire torso was lightly covered by hair, making him look even more masculine. She saw a drop of moisture bearing witness to his urgent need. It was all she could do not to drool.

e wrapped her in his arms as he laid himself next to her, his bare chest rubbing against her breasts through her lace bra. It created a delicious friction against her nipples. His hands tunneled in the wealth of her silken hair, fisted, as if he had to make sure she didn’t escape. He leaned in, his gaze as fierce and intent as the tension surrounding them. He eased her lips toward his. His mouth fastened onto hers, took possession. She felt heat leap from her to him, need raged between them. The kiss went on and on. He pulled back slightly and seemed to search her gaze.

“I have wanted you since the moment I saw you.”

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