Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series)
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She pulled her hands free. He sensed irritation and unrest from her as she walked away from him.
He gave her a moment to cool off while he put his shoes on.

I don't get you, Simon,” she said as she faced him. “You get upset if another man touches me and then you ditch me with two horny guys at your family barbeque. You avoid me for days and now you say you missed me and think about me all the time. What is wrong with you? Are you just playing with me? Because if you are…”

Absolutely not. I’ve had issues that until now I couldn’t control. I was sick, okay? Until the day you walked into Cade’s house, I was nothing, simply existing. I got up, I ate, I worked, and I went to bed. Now… I want more, you make me want more.”

“What kind of issues?”
she asked quietly.

He ground his teeth in anger, wishing he could tell her the truth and have her believe it. But he couldn't. Not yet. “Someday
I’ll tell you all about it. But right now, I think we should see Cade and Anna.”

He held the screen door open for her to precede him onto the deck, and then slid his palm down her arm to grasp her hand.

She stiffened for a second as she gazed at his face before looking away. Even though she obviously wanted him, she seemed uncomfortable with caresses and touching.
I’ll have to delve into my mate’s past, learn her secrets, and rid her of these physical uncertainties. At least she hasn’t pulled her hand away,
he thought.

The two houses were on the same section of the plantation, just acres from each other. Too soon he released her hand to hold the door for her.

“Anna, we’re here,” Rose announced
balls cracking greeted them so they headed for the game room.

, guys,” Anna said cheerfully as Cade growled at the solid that slipped into the side pocket. “Why, thank you, honey.” She kissed his cheek as she passed him.

“I take it, you’re stripes?” Simon asked

“Yeah, Cade is getting his ass kicked by a girl,” Stefan laughed.

“Oh, shut up.” Cade snapped at him.

They all burst out laughing at his surly behavior over losing to his mate.

Anna polished off the eight ball and put her cue in the rack. “How are you feeling, Simon?”

“I feel amazing! I can’t thank you enough.”

“I’m still unclear about what illness you had,” Rose chimed in.

Anna jumped in to cover for the men. “Sorry
, Rose, that’s kind of a private matter.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” She looked mortified by her question.

“It’s okay, cher. I’ll explain it one day soon,” Simon said, taking her hand, his wolf wanting to sooth her as much as the man did.

“Thank you
, Simon.” Rose stretched on tiptoes and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. As she pulled back, she saw the way he savored it.

He picked her hand up and brought it to his lips,
and placed a hungry kiss on her knuckles.

Rose glanced at the clock above the mantel. “I have some things I need to do in my room, so I
’m going to call it a night. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Simon. Goodnight everyone.” She made a hasty exit to the safety of her bedroom.

Simon frowned as he watched her leave. “What the hell did I do now?”
he asked Anna.

She shook her head and patted the couch cushion next to her. “You need to understand a few things about her.”

The men gathered around Anna and waited for her to continue.

’s had a rough life. Her parents died when she was so young, she doesn’t remember them. During her years in foster care, well, let’s just say she had some horrifying experiences. She doesn’t trust men easily and hasn’t had many relationships. I won’t tell tales out of school, those are her stories to tell when she’s ready. Just be patient with her and she’ll come around as far as the physical aspects. She already desires you and has feelings for you. She hasn’t had a lot of self-esteem until recently, you seem to have changed her in many ways. But you may need to tell her how you feel about her many times before she will believe it’s true. Her heart and soul want you but her mind needs to catch up. She was making great strides until the barbeque; your disappearance sent her into a self-esteem tailspin. Are you prepared to hang in there for the long haul?” she asked Simon.

“I’m not going anywhere
. I don’t care how long it takes for her to believe she’s the only one for me.”

“Good answer. Now, Rose was right
, it’s getting late. Stop by in the morning for coffee and try again with her.”



Chapter 8



The Picnic


Simon reluctantly trudged across the acreage between the houses. The further he got from Cade’s the more his heart ached and his wolf howled. The weight on his chest was making it difficult to breathe. He felt pathetic when he only made it to the edge of the porch light’s glow and had to turn back. Head hanging, he knocked on the door.

“Simon? Is everything all right?”

“I can’t leave her.” Short and to the point. No need to embarrass himself more than necessary.

“Come on, sweetheart. I have an empty guestroom.” Graciously, Anna led him down the hall. The only other option would be sleeping outside Rose’s door. Although explaining Simon rolled in a blanket on the floor in the hallway the next morning would have been interesting at best.

After failing to sleep all night, Simon stretched his tired and achy muscles. Being under the same roof with Rose only feet away, but in another room, had been torturous. He let out a happy chuckle.
I’ll take the torture any day of the week
. In truth, being in a separate house from his mate wasn’t an option so he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Cocking his head, he heard her moving in her room. He scrambled to quickly grab his jogging pants from the end of the bed and tie the waist. He reached for his day old T-shirt but as he caught a whiff of it his head snapped back of its own accord and turned away.
Dear Goddess, that’s disgusting
. He would just get a clean shirt after he had a cup of coffee.  He tossed it back on the floor and stepped out of his room just as Rose was closing her door.

“Good morning, cher.”

Startled, she let out a squeak in surprise.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She smiled then frowned as she recognized that deep, hypnotic voice. She looked over her shoulder to see Simon standing behind her. Wearing nothing but sweat pants, he was the best thing she'd ever seen. His blond hair was sleep mussed and a bit shaggy as it grew out from his military cut, and his blue eyes practically glowed. He took her breath away.
What the heck is he doing here?

He had a manly voice. Rich and deep. It resonated with a Cajun drawl, and every time he spoke, it sent a strange chill through her. She'd never heard any man with a voice so innately masculine.

“Nice hair,” she teased. “You’re here very early…”

“It was getting late and Anna gave me a guest room for the night,” he said, combing his hair with his fingers.

“Oh.” Her eyes grew large. “That was nice of her.”

“I thought
so too.” He shrugged, as they made straight for the aroma of coffee. He followed her into the kitchen. The entire house smelled of coffee and cinnamon rolls.

She poured herself a cup then looked at him. “Would you like some?”

“Yes, please.”

Rose poured another cup and handed it to him. “Did I make it right? You take cream and sugar?”


When he took it from her, she felt the warmth of his fingers brush hers.

An incredible rush went through her. She felt his surprise. His heated interest.
WHOA! What the heck was that?

Tearing her gaze from his in shear self preservation, she noticed a note in the middle of the table.


Rose and Simon,

Both Cade and I were called to an important meeting. We will be gone most of the day.

Enjoy the rolls.

I heard the weather will be perfect today so I left a picnic lunch for you in the fridge. Choose any wine from the rack.

Have fun you two and see you at dinner.




Rose grinned while she grabbed a cinnamon roll from the plate. They smelled like a little slice of spicy heaven. She was munching happily on the roll and sipp
ing her coffee when the delicate scent of fresh linens wafted around her. She glanced around the kitchen for a basket of freshly laundered sheets.
Where’s that coming from? I love that smell.

They finished breakfast and sat in an uncomfortable silence sipping coffee.

I need to take this bull by the horns,
he thought. “I’d love to have a picnic. Are you game?”

She hesitated. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

Simon frowned. “Why not?”

“I won’t be here for long and…”

“Please, Rose, have lunch with me. I promise I will be a complete gentleman.”

She studied him with a skeptical expression. “Okay, it could be fun. Anna’s right, it does look like it’ll be a nice day.”

Simon gave her what could only be called a shit-eating grin. “I have a few things to do and then I’ll come back for our lunch.”

Offering him a smile, she said, “Perfect, I need to do laundry anyway.”



A few hours later he returned. “Rose? Are you ready?” He called from the kitchen.

She popped her head out of the laundry. “In a minute, I’m folding the last load.”

“I’ll pack up the food, do you prefer red or white?” he asked.

“White would be wonderful, just give me a minute and I’ll be ready.”

A few minutes later he was holding the door for her as they left the house. He held the picnic basket in one hand and entwined his fingers with hers with the other. He could hear her heart racing and watched her throat work as she swallowed and avoided looking at him. She was such a fascinating contradiction of desire and hesitancy.

There was a gorgeous century old oak laden with Spanish moss close to his home that would be a wonderful location for their lunch date. The moss swayed in the breeze and dripped from the branches until it kissed the ground.

“Is this spot okay with you?” he asked.

He heard her suck in a breath and watched as a smile grew. “It’s so pretty. I like the look of the moss in the trees down here. We don’t have anything like it in Denver.”

Taking the blanket from her, he spread it then helped her sit. Once she was comfortable he placed the basket by the edge and joined her. He tucked his arm behind his head as he lay back and searched the clouds. Simon reached for her hand again, this time slowly, gently, letting her get used to the idea. His fingers slid over hers in a caress. “I see a bear.”
Goddess, her skin is incredible.

She gave him a confused frown. “What?”

“In the clouds.” He shielded his eyes and pointed. “See, right there? It’s a bear.”

Smiling excitedly, she lay next to him and searched for a shape. “I’ve never done this before.”

“No way!”

“Really. In the houses I grew up in, there wasn’t much of a yard and the parks weren’t safe, so I never have.”

“Well, then I’m honored to be the first to look for cloud shapes with you. This will be just one of many firsts, I hope.” He looked deeply into her eyes and lifted her knuckles to his lips.

She blushed a pretty shade of pink and avoiding his eyes
, searched the clouds. “There!” She pointed excitedly. “A pony.”

“You catch on fast.” He gave her hand a squeeze.

They played the game for twenty minutes before a line of dark clouds filled the sky and the wind picked up. “I think we might get wet.” She said scrutinizing the angry sky.

Suddenly lightning cut across the
rolling darkness and thunder boomed. He jumped to his feet and quickly helped her off the blanket then scooped everything into his arms. “Run for my house.” He nodded toward its direction.

They rushed for cover, almost outrunning the rain. Almost. The sky opened and sheets of rain came down, ten seconds more and they would have made it.

Like the last time she had been there, s
he almost missed seeing his house, a single level home with brick exterior and a wrap around porch. Lush green vines planted at the foundation scaled the brick, providing an effective camouflage. Given a few more years and the house would blend into the forest beautifully.
I wonder if this is an after effect of his military career.

Her eyes shone bright with laughter, as she watched him juggle the food and blanket to open the door. His gaze grew hot as he held the door for her while balancing the picnic basket. She wondered
why his expression changed and he became so intense as she ducked past him out of the downpour.

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