Simone: The Hired Mistress

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Authors: Ink Mistress

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Simone: The Hired Mistress
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Copyright © 2015 by Royal Dynasty Publications

Published by Royal Dynasty Publications LLC

First Edition


Author InkMistress

Instagram: Ink_Mistress

Twitter: Ink_Mistress


This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.


Cover design/Graphics
: Michael Horne


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission from the publisher and writer.


Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.


The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



First and foremost, I would like to thank all the readers and supporters. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.

I would like to thank my best friend, Tiffany Stephens for letting me bother her with every sentence I wrote. Lol your opinion always mattered to me and I appreciate you for your honesty and support.

Thank you Sonovia Alexander for the pep talk because it helped build my confidence for this release.

Last, but not least, Thank you Shameek Speight for introducing me to this world and believing in me in every step of the way.



              Take one.


“Yes, I killed my husband. I killed him, then I killed her. Once I was done, I drove over to the next woman’s house and killed her as well. I even killed her in front of her children!” I sat on the bed, practicing my confession.

My arms were folded tightly across my breasts, and I rocked back and forth like Rain Man. I may feel bad about it, but no amount of guilt, penance, or money would bring them back.

I was planning to own up to it and tell the whole truth. I wasn't going to try to blame my actions on the alcohol I had consumed or how I’ve been following him on his escapades with those bitches. Yes,
those bitches

This muthafucka had side bitches, mistresses, girlfriends, EVERYTHING.


Take Two.


“Your Honor, the truth is that Jeremy was a lying, cheating, son of a bitch!”

As true as that was, I don't think I'd win any favor with the judge.


Take three.


“Well, you see, Your Honor, I caught him fucking the bitch…” Hahaha! They gone lock me up!

It was the truth though; I did walk in on my husband fucking that bitch. It wasn't premeditated. It wasn't like I got out of bed that morning thinking,
‘Hey I’m going to wake up, catch my husband cheating and kill him today’
the shit just happened.

I took a deep breath to rehearse again and it dawned on me…

Killing them all will be far too easy. 



Two months later…


Dr. Haynes inspected the couple standing at the receptionist's desk. The Martin’s were both about twenty-five years old and good looking. Their nervousness was painfully obvious and she noticed that they held hands, reassuring the other. 

Staci Martin turned as the doctor approached. Simone flashed her, her most welcoming smile and got an uncertain one back. Simone was used to people questioning the fact that she was a doctor. Her body looked as if it were built for sex and she dressed in the most seductive, yet professional clothes.

Staci looked at the doctor, assessing her. She was older than them, but not by much. She has a dark brown complexion and her jet black hair was tied up neatly, apart from a neat bang combed to the left and cascading down her cheek. It was her eyes that struck the most. Surrounded by gold shadow, Simone’s eyes were a fantastic shade of intense brown, with a glint in them that spoke of fierce intelligence, but also humor.

“Mrs. Martin? It's a pleasure,” Simone said, extending a hand with her slightly glossed lips breaking into another smile.

“Dr. Haynes,” Staci replied, looking a little relieved, “This is Jeremy, my husband,”

“Hello, Doctor,” Jeremy added, shaking her hand as well.

Simone noticed that the man's eyes never left her face. He was completely oblivious to the hot body she possessed. The waistcoat she wore that stopped right above her plump ass and over a little see-through blouse was designed to accentuate her figure, highlighting her slender waist, as well as pushing up and displaying her perfect sized breasts. 

Dr. Haynes took a long look at him. Jeremy was handsome, 5’11” with long dreads. He had soulful brown eyes. His polo shirt afforded her a good view of his nice biceps and hinted at the abs to match. Yes, he was definitely a candidate. She could feel the beginning of her arousal.

“Right this way.” She said, pointing down the corridor.

They nodded in unison, Jeremy slipping a protective arm around his wife's waist. As she walked behind them she checked out his ass. It looked good and firm in his jeans and she could barely stop herself from reaching out and groping it.

she thought to herself
, 'this one will take some time...’

The way the couple kept looking at each other she could tell that they were devoted to one another.

'But you will be mine in the end...'


Simone looked at the file on her desk, “You've been married three years?”

The couple smiled and nodded.

“And you've been trying for a baby for two years?”

“Yes.” Staci confirmed.

“Your GP writes that he ran some tests-”

“Jeremy'…sperm is fine but....” Staci interjected.

Her husband gave her hand a squeeze. She smiled. He had never, not for a second, made her feel as this was her fault. Every step of the way he had made her feel that this was something that they were doing together.

“That's okay, Staci,” Simone smiled, “I understand. This clinic specializes in cases just like this,”

The Martin’s looked adorably hopeful.

“This means the world to Staci and start a family together.” Jeremy added. 

“Your doctor explained how this works? That you choose a donor from our database, we take some eggs and use Jeremy's sperm to fertilize them, implanting the embryos in your womb,”

“Yes. I know it's....” Staci trailed off ruefully. 

“We just want to get it done, doctor. Staci has been anxious for months now,” Jeremy concluded.

“I should warn you that IVF is not an easy process and it's expensive. Does your health plan cover the cost?” Jeremy nodded, “And despite our best efforts, it is not always successful,”

“We can get through anything together,” Jeremy said, more to his wife than to the doctor. More than anything he wanted to be a father, to have a child with the woman he loved.

Simone felt nauseous, but covered it well.



One week later…


He had wanted their child to be a product of their love for each other, but that had not been God's will. And when IVF was proposed, from the start Jeremy had suggested that they find a donor that matched with Staci as closely as possible. All he ever wanted was to make her happy. They agonized over the database. The folder had literally hundreds of candidate donors that had brown hair, brown eyes or dimples, but very few that had all three. Throw in the choices that had to be made about health records and academic history and at times it looked like they would never select one.

“I'll love any child we have together, regardless of what it looks like,” Staci told Jeremy.

“I know but...” He stammered. He couldn't find a way to voice his worry, that in a biological sense this wouldn't be her child.

She seemed to understand anyway.

“Jeremy, I'll be carrying the baby for nine months. I'll give birth to it and nurture it. What do genes matter compared to that? It will be your baby and for that reason alone I'll love it no matter what,” She said earnestly.

“I love you,” He replied.

“You better.” Staci informed him before she kissed him.

All these years later, he never became tired of her lips. Staci had closed the folder. She looked at her husband as she took him by the hand.

“Let's go to bed.” She pleaded breathily.

She pushed him onto the bed before walking to the door to dim the lights. Jeremy watched as she slowly walked towards him, undoing a button of her dress with each step. By the time she got to the foot of the bed, Jeremy was rock solid. Staci let her dress fall to the floor.

“God, you're gorgeous,” Jeremy whispered as he sat up to take her left hand and kissed her ring finger, “This is my favorite part of you,” He told her.

“What about my right one? It’s just as good,” Staci asked, proffering it to him.

Jeremy looked over at it before kissing it.

“No... I can do without it,” He decided.

Staci laughed lightly.

Turning her around so he could check out her small rear, he planted slow, soft kisses on her. She shivered as she felt his tongue glide over the spot and one of his hands reached round to caress her soft belly.

“Mmm, that feels good baby...” She sighed.

Seconds passed then she turned back to face him. Staci bent over to kiss him, placed her hands in his long dreaded hair, then she climbed onto his lap. His lips headed south, down her neck, then onto her collarbone. He cupped her small breasts, each a handful, and brought them up to meet his mouth.

“Aaaah...” She moaned.

She shifted so he could feel the warmth of her on his groin through the cotton. He wanted to be inside her, but there was no rush. He loved to take it slow and relaxed with Staci. Right now, it was enough to feel her squirm against him as he nibbled on her erect nipples, teaming it up with running his slightly rough palms over her small firm ass.

He let himself fall back onto the sheets, bringing her with him, and rolled on top of her. He glanced at her quickly, as he always did, to check she was ready, and then he entered her.

“Ahh...” he moaned.

She wrapped her arms round his back as their bodies merged together. He kissed her shoulder as he worked up a steady rhythm. Jeremy raised himself up a little with his arms, so he could look down and watch the expressions ripple across his wife's face. The way she bit her lip or exhaled when he was inside her turned him on even more. She closed her eyes as she always did when her climax was close. He could always feel it in the way her pussy felt too. She was always quiet when she came, just like now, with her mouth forming a perfect 'O'.

Jeremy grabbed on to the pillows as he sought his own orgasm. It had been building steadily in his balls and suddenly it released as he spilled his load inside her.

He kissed her forehead and rolled off her.

As they talked for a bit before drifting off to sleep, Jeremy was pleased that trying for a baby had not stopped them enjoying lovemaking simply for being close to one another. 

“That has got to be the most boring shit I’ve seen in my life.” The woman said as she watched from outside of their bedroom window.

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