Simone: The Hired Mistress (3 page)

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Authors: Ink Mistress

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Simone: The Hired Mistress
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The next day, Jeremy was in the plush waiting room outside of Simone's office. His memory of last night was a little hazy, but he wanted to clear the air and to confirm his belief that she hadn't really been coming on to him. That she'd made a mistake.

“Dr. Haynes, thank you for seeing me. I just wanted to talk about last night,”

“Yeah,” Simone replied, her tone neutral.

“We'd both had a bit to drink...” He continued, avoiding her level gaze, feeling slightly that she should be the one doing this, “I'm sorry if I gave you any signal that...I think we can both agree that it was a mistake...right?”

“I was trying to seduce you,” she said bluntly.

“But I'm a married man!” He said as her words sunk in.

“Ha ha, you think I should be ashamed for trying to fuck you? Your wedding ring only excites me more,”

Jeremy gulped, “I'll never cheat on Staci!” Jeremy declared.

“Yes you will. I promise. At first you'll be reluctant,” She stated, “but you will succumb to temptation like all the others. You'll cheat on her. You'll feel guilty, baby, but it won't last long and you'll keep coming back for more,” she said confidently.

Jeremy's face had taken on a horrified look.

“....You'll betray Staci over and over again,”

“I wouldn't be so sure!”

“Oh, you'll fuck me, baby. Know why?”

Jeremy couldn't think of an answer.

“I fuck married men for a living. I'll do whatever you want me to do you and let…you… do... whatever... you... want... to... me. All the things your wife won't let you. Nothing is out of bounds. My pussy is ready for you any time. You want to spank me, hurt me? That's okay. You want to call me a bitch, a whore? That's okay too. You want to fuck me in the ass? Fine.

My mouth, my ass, my pussy are just waiting for you to fuck them,”

Jeremy was shocked by the transformation in the woman before him. He'd never heard such confidence. He was in no doubt that she was telling the truth. She really would let him do those things to her...He backed away from her, opening the door behind him.

“I'm a mistress in every way, Jeremy. No man can resist me for long.” She called out to his retreating back.


Moments later she received a phone call from her client.

“What!” she answered.

“Well, who has the bitter attitude now?”

“He resisted me. No man ever resists Simone. Simone always calls the shots, Simone makes the rules, Sim-”

“Whoa, S
Wait…he resisted you? No, that’s not good,”

“Oh, don’t you worry. Consider this job on the house because this shit is now personal,”

“Just back off for a month or two, recuperate, and then get back on it with a new game plan. Trick Staci into not giving up the goods then, he’ll be more vulnerable, trust me,”

“Oh, now we have time?” Simone asked sarcastically.”

“Bye, Simone.”



Jeremy had considered telling Staci everything, but if he did that, everything would fall apart. He had Staci’s emotions to consider and worse. He’d have to confess to her that he'd been attracted to another woman and that he had spent an evening at her place.

With so much at stake, Jeremy hid the truth, even though it killed him to keep anything from Staci. He lied to her and got out of attending any appointments at the clinic.

Staci, meanwhile, was getting on fabulously with Simone. She returned from the clinic one day and she spoke of nothing else. Simone had even gotten her enrolled in some pregnancy yoga class, held twice a week, saying a hobby would be good for her.

Jeremy couldn't stop her and silently hoped that as Staci and Simone became friendly, the doctor would be less inclined to try and steal her husband.




Two months later, they got the news that they were hoping for.

“I'm pregnant!” Staci cried as she hugged Jeremy who'd been waiting for her outside the bathroom.

“Are you sure?” He asked, so hoping it was true.

“I took two,” She said, waving both tests in front of him.

He pulled her into his arms and spun her round in the air.

“I'm gonna be a dad!” He shouted, jubilant with tears welling up in his eyes. “How does it feel?” He asked as he put her down gently and sheepishly touched her stomach.

“It feels like a baby is in there. Staci sighed, scared, but ecstatic at the same time.

Jeremy hugged her again, holding her for a long time.

“I guess we should call Simone before we tell anyone,” his wife suggested.

Jeremy winced at the mention of Simone, but Staci was too joyous to notice. Jeremy felt a knot of confusion in his belly. Still, he couldn't help feeling a little grateful to the woman. She'd made all this possible. They were going to be a family thanks to her.



A few days later, Simone confirmed that Staci had been successfully impregnated. They went and visited Diane and James, Staci's parents, who truthfully haven’t been so happy to hear the news. Although they were excited for their daughter and becoming grandparents, they were not too fund of Jeremy.

Next up, they told Jeremy's mother, Cathy, who burst into tears. She'd insisted on calling Karyn and Josh, Jeremy's brother and sister, straight away, telling them they had to come over.

That important family gathering lasted nearly to midnight.

              “It’s going to feel so beautiful to take your fucking life away.” The mystery woman said out loud to herself and drove away from Jeremy’s mother’s house.



Jeremy watched as Staci decided where the crib was going to go. They were in the process of converting the spare room into the baby's nursery. The sun was pouring in through the open window and they were listening to the radio playing old school R&B. Jeremy couldn't imagine feeling any happier than this.

He looked up to see Staci gazing at his body. After years of marriage Jeremy could always tell when Staci wanted it. His mind immediately turned to sex.

He walked over to Staci, the sun and the breeze feeling good on his back. He reached out to caress one of her pale arms.

“No, Jeremy...we can't fuck with baby,” Staci murmured as he lowered his mouth to her neck.

“Where the fuck you get that from?”  He added as his hand slipped under her top to cop a feel, “You know you want to,”

“This baby is so...delicate. I don't… want… to... fuck you,” She protested, a little stronger than she'd intended. It made him feel like he was forcing her, “Simone said it’ll be best if we didn’t.”

Jeremy jerked his hand away at the mention of Simone's name. For weeks, he hadn't even thought about her and yet here she was interfering with their lives.

He suddenly recalled her words that day in the office. He turned back to the wall, silently resenting the way he was being made to feel like some pervert, harassing Staci, when all he wanted was to make love to his wife.

That night, when Staci yawned and said she was going to bed, Jeremy told her he had to finish up some work on the computer and that she should go up without him.

He got on the computer, pulled up the porn site he’d been discreetly using, and pleased himself.




The next morning, Jeremy had abandoned his policy of avoidance and gone to see Simone Haynes.

He confronted her in her office.

“Did you convince my wife not to fuck me?” He growled.

Simone gave him a bored look.

“Jeremy, I felt it my duty as a doctor to advise her that any 'lovemaking',” She said with a scornful look, “that you or she may initiate may be harmful to the baby,” She continued, spreading her hands.

Jeremy glared at her. She sounded so infuriatingly calm and reasonable.

“As a doctor?” He scoffed, “You told her that as part of your sick plan. Do you think that I'll just jump into bed with you because I'm not getting any at home?”

Simone smiled, “I see you’ve been spending more time online lately. Do you like looking at all that porn? All those porn stars pussies, Jeremy? Their fat asses and deep throats?” She inquired, “Do you even think about Staci’s stale, boring ass, storage hole anymore?”

Jeremy's jaw clenched. He wanted to know how she knew about his porn love making, but was too caught off guard with the blunt truth that came from her mouth. He could feel his face warming. How often did he think about Staci anymore? Hardly ever.

“Does it satisfy you to beat that thick meat off to porn, Jeremy? Wouldn't a nice warm pussy feel so much better?” She asked as her hand slipped to the crotch of her pants.

He gulped, “You're a psychopath!”

“Actually, I'm a sociopath, baby. Now, if you aren't going to get down on your knees and eat my sweet pussy, I do have patients waiting...”

Jeremy couldn't think of anything to say. Simone stood up, walked to the door and held it open for him. Jeremy walked through it, numbly. Nothing in his life had prepared him for a situation like this. He'd been raised to respect women, to honor them. He had no idea to handle one who made it so clear that she was out for sex. A slut. He wanted to hurt her, for how she made him feel.




That evening…


Jeremy sat in the bar next to his brother.

“Been a while since we did this,” Josh posited.

Jeremy nodded, taking a gulp of beer.

“So what's up?” Josh urged.

“When Rebecca was pregnant, did you know?”

“What, have sex? Oh yeah, Rebecca was as horny as hell most of the time, at least until towards the end. Then she thought she was ugly and didn't want to so much,” Josh chuckled.

“What's it like now? I often?”

“Like rabbits,” Josh looked at his older brother, “Staci stopped giving up the puss, huh?”

“Hell yeah...”

“She’s probably scared. I know what it took for ya’ll to get pregnant, so just give her some time,”

“Thanks. I needed to hear that,”

“No problem.”





Simone pulled her car to the side of the road. Out on the sidewalk, further up, an oblivious Jeremy was finishing his morning run. She watched as Jeremy stretched on his front lawn. She took in the shape of his torso through the sweaty t-shirt, and then gazed down curve of his back where it became his perfect ass. He preferred basketball shorts for running, so she got a good look at his strong calves.

She could feel herself get wet as she imagined spreading those strong legs, climbing up, and sucking on his married cock. Her eyes closed briefly as a shudder ran through her body. When they opened again, her prey had gone inside.

Simone walked up to the door and fished around in her purse. Using the key she found there, she let herself in through the front door. She could hear the sound of the shower running upstairs.

Good. Jeremy wouldn't be able to see her and thanks to the pregnancy yoga class, she knew that Staci was away for the whole day.

She shivered with delight, thrilled at invading the home of Jeremy and Staci. It felt as if her presence tainted their home. Simone looked at the staircase.

The house was large and well-decorated. Big windows let in lots of light, with an open-plan layout that let her see the spacious kitchen, living room and den from the big hallway. Quietly, she snuck upstairs and in no time she was in their bedroom and lying on their marital bed.

Jeremy stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in only a towel at the waist. Simone smiled as she saw his tussled hair, down to his broad shoulders. The gold cross on a chain round his neck. His naked chest rose and fell slightly.

She drank in his body, starring at his long dreads dripping wet down his back, his muscular build, and his deep, dark complexion that played nicely with the light in the room.

“What the fuck!” He yelled as he caught sight of the intruder. He couldn't help it. His eyes flicked down her figure.

“You don't look pleased to see a naked woman on your bed,” She observed, smirking.

His face was adorable.

“Usually it's my wife!” Jeremy yelled.

His gaze travelled down her body again. She was lying on her side, one long thick leg in front to hide her intimate part. He inhaled deeply as he saw her very thick full hip, down to her perfectly plump round ass with no evidence of panties. Her leg not raised enough that he was prevented from realizing her pussy was shaved. He pulled his eyes away.

He was beginning to feel vulnerable, only the towel covering him. He kept his eyes averted as he looked around for his clothes. They were nowhere in sight.

“How the fuck did you get in my house?” He asked, folding his arms across his middle. Always modest, he didn't want her looking at him.

“I copied a key when Staci was in an appointment,”

“Bitch, get yo ass out my bed and house before I do it for you,” he threatened.

Simone slid Jeremy's cellphone over the bedclothes.

“You sent me a message. You told me that your wife was out and that you wanted me to come over. That you wanted me naked on your bed and then it spells out exactly what you were going to do to me.”

“No the fuck I didn’t,” He gave her a pleading look, which Simone ignored.

“Why don't you drop the fucking towel? Don't think, just do. We'll just be two naked people doing what comes naturally. I'll make you feel so good, like you can't imagine,” She whispered seductively.

Jeremy shook his head slowly, rubbing his eyes shut with a hand. He didn't trust them not to wander up and down her dark flesh.

“Damn...” He groaned, “You shouldn't be here,”

It would so easy to give in, to forget about his wife for a while, to cheat on her. She'd never know that her husband had succumbed to temptation. There was nothing to stop him. He could fall into Simone's arms, for an hour or for however long it took until they were both breathless, writhing in ecstasy. 

“Look at me,” Simone sighed.

Jeremy obeyed and watched as one of her hands had disappeared between her legs. He watched as her arm moved slowly.

“Ahhh..." She moaned. “Do you like watching me?”

His head nodded of its own accord. 

“Are you getting hard yet, Jeremy?”

He was. The towel could not hide his growing arousal.

“I'm so wet,” Simone promised him deeply.

He could hear the ticking of the clock on the bedside table. He glanced at it. Staci wouldn't be back for hours. He looked at the photo in a frame besides the clock. It showed him and Staci on their wedding day. He looked at Simone, who raised one suggestive eyebrow.

“Maybe you want to think about Staci while you’re fucking me. Does it excite you? The prospect of fucking another woman in her bed?”


There was nothing to stop him surrendering into sin, but his love for his wife and his own good nature. It was enough. ‘Lord, give me the strength,’ he prayed silently. He turned and walked to the closet. Anger was slowly filling him and making his hard on subside. He pulled on a shirt and pulled some jeans up under the towel. The coarse material feeling strange to his naked body.

Jeremy looked back the bed.

“Get out.”

Simone could see that he was determined. She got up and pulled on her long coat, trying not to look sulky.

“Give me the key. Right now!” He demanded.

She flung it to the floor.

“You need help, have serious problems if the only way you can get off is by preying on married men. I just want your issues as far away from me as possible. If I see you here again, I'll get your medical license revoked. Is that understood?

She laughed to herself, then nodded and fled the house.

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