Simple Gifts (2 page)

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Authors: Andrew Grey

Tags: #m/m romance

BOOK: Simple Gifts
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“Yes, love me the way I love you.” Eli’s voice was raspy and hoarse as he gasped for breath.

Those simple words almost broke Geoff’s tenuous hold, but he managed to keep himself under control. Pulling back, he shifted on the bed, bringing their lips together, kissing his lover with everything he had, pouring all the love and care he felt for this incredible man into that simple declaration of complete, soul-bound love.

Eli’s arms wrapped around his neck and his legs encircled his waist, cocooning him in his lover’s undying love. Geoff could feel Eli’s lips pounding against his, the kiss almost bruising from Eli’s intensity. Geoff ran his hands down Eli’s hips, fingers sliding over the firm butt to tease the small pucker of skin. He felt, rather than heard, Eli sigh against his lips as he teased a finger inside. The excitement ratcheted up, and it felt to Geoff as though Eli’s body was trying to pull him deeper.

Geoff slicked himself quickly and pressed past his lover’s entrance, Eli’s body practically pulling him the rest of the way. They shared their breath as Geoff and Eli began to move together, their bodies knowing instinctively what the other wanted and needed. No words were spoken, but the sounds they made were like a concerto of loving passion. The pleasure built until neither could contain it any longer, and Geoff cried out as he filled his lover, while Eli climaxed between them.

They couldn’t move—were afraid to move. Geoff didn’t want to break the physical connection between them, but slowly their bodies separated them and he rested back on the mattress, pulling Eli close as they shared gentle, loving kisses. It didn’t take long for Geoff to hear Eli’s breathing even out and he knew his incredible lover was asleep, finally relaxed, the conflict within at bay for a while. But Geoff lay awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering how he could help. “Maybe that’s what I can get you.” Now he just had to figure out how to do what Eli needed.

Eli rolled over, mumbling something in response before falling back to sleep. This time, Geoff’s mind quieted, and he, too, nodded off.


*  *  *

woke to a silent, still house. The clock on the nightstand read two-thirteen. Eli was sound asleep as Geoff slowly got out of bed and put on his robe, slipping out of the room and down the stairs. The tree stood dark against the window, now decorated for Christmas day, the presents under its branches ready for morning. He only glanced at the tree before heading to his office and pulling Eli’s present out from under his desk.

Removing it from the box, Geoff carried it to the living room and set it near the tree, next to the small stack of presents for Eli’s family. Geoff knew which packages those were—each was a small box wrapped in plain paper. Eli had made each of the gifts, and Geoff didn’t know what some of them were. But he knew they were very personal for the recipient, and he hadn’t wanted to pry.

Opening his gift to Eli, he placed all of the small, plain packages inside, and then closed it up again. Then he walked up the stairs and back to their room, climbing under the covers without waking Eli and falling back to sleep.


*  *  *

bed shifted and Geoff woke to find Eli climbing out from under the covers. “Merry Christmas!” Eli leaned over and kissed him good morning.

Geoff returned the kiss and yawned before pulling a willing Eli back into bed. “Merry Christmas!”

Eli giggled as Geoff playfully groped him. “The animals need to be fed, regardless that it’s Christmas,” Eli protested, but made no effort to get away from Geoff’s embrace.

“I know.” Geoff sucked gently at the base of Eli’s neck before loosing his grip and climbing from beneath the blankets. “The guys should be here soon to feed the cattle. I’ll make sure the horses are set if you’ll feed the dogs and get breakfast ready.”

“Deal.” Eli padded to the bathroom and Geoff watched that tight bare butt moving across the room, his attention returning to the job at hand only once the bathroom door closed. Then he sprang into action; there was plenty to do.

Pulling on his clothes, he headed downstairs, got his outdoor coat and boots on, and headed through the yard to the barn. The sky was as blue as could be, not a single cloud, the morning sun shining off the fresh snow. It really looked like Christmas.

Opening the barn door, Geoff greeted the majestic heads that poked out from their stalls. Each horse received a pat and a treat as Geoff made his way down the line, adding hay and water to each manger.

At Misty’s stall, he stopped and opened the door. “Sorry, girl, but today isn’t a holiday for you.” She whickered as Geoff closed the stall door and rubbed her nose, slipping off her blanket. “You and daddy are going for a ride today.”

Stepping out of the stall again, Geoff carried the blanket to the tack room and retrieved her saddle and a fresh blanket. Returning to the stall, he got Misty saddled and ready, then closed the door behind him as she began munching at her breakfast.

Out front, Geoff heard cars pull into the yard and the tractor engine roar to life. The guys were there to check on the cattle before hightailing it back home to their families.

Finishing up, Geoff stepped outside and closed the barn door. Without thinking, he looked over the farmyard, taking in the snow and the crisp air. As he looked at the house, he smiled when he saw the lights on the tree blink on and noticed Eli’s face looking out of the window like an expectant child. Geoff thought himself the luckiest man alive because of the man standing in that window, and his resolve firmed as he trudged back toward the house.

Len greeted Geoff as he entered the kitchen, Len’s still-sleepy partner Chris sitting at the table, smiling and watching every move Len was making. This was a great Christmas: Len had someone special again, and he had Eli.

“Geoff,” Eli’s voice called from the living room. Geoff kicked off his boots and stripped off his coat before following the voice of the person he loved most.

“What is it, Eli?” The tree sparkled in the sun and Eli was down on his hands and knees underneath it, digging around in the gifts.

“I can’t find the gifts for my family.” Eli sounded upset.

Geoff knelt next to him, a hand on his back. “They’re under there; it’s okay.”

Eli’s face turned to look up at him, curiosity clearly evident.

“I’ll help you get them in a few minutes.” Geoff moved to the sofa and patted the seat next to him. Once Eli sat down, Geoff began, “I thought a long time about what I wanted to get you for Christmas, and I settled on this.” Geoff reached behind the tree and pulled out the gift he’d placed there during the night.

Eli’s eyes widened when he saw the pair of supple leather saddlebags. Geoff placed them on his lap and watched as Eli’s fingers glided over the soft leather. They were simple and undecorated, but fine. “They’re beautiful,” Eli gasped.

“Look inside.”

Eli opened the bags and scowled in confusion when he saw the gifts packed inside. “I don’t understand.”

Geoff took Eli’s hands. “Every day I have you in my life is like a gift. The best gift I could have, so I hope I’m giving you something special today. Misty is saddled in the barn and the trailer is on the truck, so you need to get dressed.

“Where are we going?” Eli’s confusion deepened.

“I’m driving you and Misty to within a mile of your family’s home so you can spend Christmas with them.” He handed Eli a cell phone. “All I ask is that you be back for dinner tonight.” Eli looked stunned and remained silent. Geoff broke the silence. “I know I can’t go with you, but this is important—for you and for them, Eli.”

“But what about you?”

Geoff let his forehead settle against Eli’s. “We’ll have the rest of our Christmas when you get back.” He hoped he’d made the right decision, and then knew he had when he felt Eli’s arms around him, pulling him close and hugging him hard. He had made the right choice.

“Thank you.” Eli whispered the words in Geoff’s ear. Geoff returned the hug knowing that this time he was putting Eli first, the way Eli always did for him.

“You need to get ready.”

After a quick kiss, Eli became a bundle of energy, rushing upstairs to change into heavy winter clothes. Geoff smiled as he watched, knowing how happy he’d made his lover.

Geoff met Eli in front of the barn, and he looked on as Misty was led into the horse trailer and secured. Then they both got into the truck and Geoff pulled away from the farm.

The roads were clear as they made their way through town and out toward the Amish community. About a mile from Eli’s family’s farm, they stopped the truck and unloaded Misty. Eli swung up onto her back, and Geoff handed him the new saddlebags. “Call me when you’re ready, and I’ll come pick you up right here.”

“Thanks, Geoff.” Eli slipped off a glove.

Geoff took Eli’s hand is his. “You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Eli.” Geoff let Eli’s hand slip from his and stepped back as Eli urged Misty forward. He watched Eli for a few minutes, thinking how lucky he was before getting in the truck and heading back to the farm. Every day, Eli gave him the greatest gift possible, his unconditional love. Eli had repeatedly chosen him over his family. Geoff smiled to himself as he realized that this time even though Eli would have chosen him again, he didn’t have to.


*  *  *

, will you stop pacing?” Len scolded, as Geoff turned, flopping down onto the sofa.

“Why hasn’t he called?” Geoff checked his watch for the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes before getting up to go stare out the window. The afternoon was already waning and the sun and clear sky from earlier in the day had given way to clouds that looked heavy with snow. To make matters worse, the wind was starting to come up, and if it continued, would start to drift the roads closed.

The phone in Geoff’s pocket began ringing. “Finally!” He flipped it open.

“Geoff, I’m starting out now.” Eli sounded off and Geoff couldn’t place his tone.

“Okay. I’ll leave now and we’ll meet up where I dropped you off.” Geoff closed the phone and began rushing around to get his gear before heading to the truck. After a quick check in the back to make sure he had blankets and feed for Misty, he climbed in the cab and pulled out onto the road.

Geoff drove as fast as he dared, the snow starting, wind blowing it in front of his headlights. The last of the light was fading as he arrived at where he thought he’d dropped Eli off.

The snow was coming down harder, but thankfully the wind hadn’t picked up. Getting out of the truck, he looked through the snowstorm, but didn’t see Eli.
Was he in the right place?
He looked around—it appeared to be.

Getting back into the truck, Geoff began moving slowly forward, hoping he’d meet Eli. The snow made everything look different and he wondered if he was in the right spot. Had Eli somehow passed him? He craned his neck, looking all around him for landmarks, but the temperature was dropping and the snow was coming down harder, silent and cold, covering everything in a uniform blanket of white.

 Then, he saw a large figure materialize in the gloom, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief as his headlights illuminated Eli and Misty. Stopping the truck, he got out as Eli dismounted.

“You had me so worried.” Geoff grabbed Eli and hugged him hard.

“It wasn’t snowing when I called you.”

Geoff nodded and turned his attention to the task at hand. “Get her saddle off, and I’ll get the blankets from the back. We need to get home.”

Eli went right to work, pulling off the saddle and putting it in the truck. Geoff got the blankets and put them over Misty’s back before leading her into the trailer and securing her. Closing the door, he heard Eli get into the truck. Geoff got in as well and pulled out onto the road. He drove at a steady pace, the snow blowing in front of them.

Their luck held until they were through town, and then the wind came up. Snow began blowing wildly across the road. “We’re almost there.” Geoff was straining to see.

Eli didn’t say anything, his eyes watching the road, helping Geoff spot any obstacles. Finally, they pulled into the farm yard, bringing the trailer up next to the barn. They’d made it. Opening the back of the trailer, they unloaded Misty and led her into the barn to her stall. “Is she okay?” Eli fussed as he felt her legs and changed her blanket.

“I think so,” Geoff replied, “It wasn’t too cold, just snowy.”

Eli continued fussing, making sure she had hay in her manger and tepid water to drink. The barn was warm and they were safe. Geoff let Eli fuss awhile longer before leading him outside.

“Go into the house; I’ll be right behind you.”

Eli nodded and hurried inside while Geoff parked the truck and followed quickly behind him. Len and Geoff’s entire family were in the kitchen, relief plain on their faces. “I think you got back just in time,” Len said as everyone stopped working to exchange hugs and wishes for a Merry Christmas.

“It was still sunny when I called Geoff to pick me up.” Eli looked guilty as he took off his coat before giving his own hugs and greetings.

“The storm came up so fast. Don’t worry about it. You’re home now.” Len squeezed Eli’s shoulder.

The house was full of family: aunts, uncles, their children, even Geoff’s cousin’s newborn baby, sleeping in his mother’s arms. Geoff watched as Eli looked around, and he saw the confused, conflicted look that had been present on Eli’s face for the last week or so slip away.

Geoff smiled and took his lover’s hand as Eli led him into the office just off the living room and closed the door. “Merry Christmas.” Geoff felt Eli pull him into a soft kiss. “Thank you.”

Geoff was suddenly confused. “For what?”

“For letting me see my family today. It meant a lot, but not in the way I expected.” The sound of laughter drifted in from the living room as Geoff returned the kiss.

“How so?”

“I realized that as much as I sometimes miss them, they don’t really know me and they’ll never know who I am.” Geoff was about to say something, but Eli quieted him with a finger. “I need to say this. I realized today that you are my family. They raised me, but you love me for who I am and that makes you, and them…” Eli nodded toward the door as they heard more laughter and a baby’s giggle, followed by adult cooing, “my family.”

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