Simply Carnal (28 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Simply Carnal
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She looked into his eyes, and something inside her melted. He was no longer judging her choices. In truth, he was offering to give up everything he had ever wanted or valued just for her. Somehow he had come to understand her dilemma and he was offering her a way out.
She cupped his cheek. “They aren’t my children.”
“I had to pretend they were mine. They
as if they are mine because I brought them up. But they belong to Armand and his mistress.”
“Louise Dinard, the third guardian.”
“Yes, she was my husband’s mistress for years as well.”
“Then what is going on? Why doesn’t Armand want his own child to inherit?”
“I thought he did. That was the agreement we all swore to uphold.” She swallowed hard. “But when Armand realized he didn’t have sole guardianship of the children and complete control of the money, he grew angry. He also knew I would contest his decisions on the estate.”
“Which is when he decided to marry you and silence your voice.”
“Exactly. When I refused, he threatened to kill one of the children.” She shuddered. “I had to run away and pray that with me gone, he wouldn’t carry out his threat. The decision nearly destroyed me, and I’ve regretted it ever since.”
“I’ll bloody kill him.” Christian pushed away from her, but she caught his arm and stared into his furious face.
“No, you can’t do that.” She stroked his cheek. “If I swear that the children are my husband’s true heirs, they will inherit as they were supposed to. But I will never be allowed to see them again, and I fear for their continuing safety.” She took an agitated breath. “I can’t bring myself to marry Armand, but if I agree they are my bastards, they will be dispossessed and at a disadvantage for the rest of their lives.”
“Let alone the damage to your reputation,” Christian added.
She shrugged. “That seems rather unimportant compared to the rest of it.”
He held her gaze. “Do you love them?”
“Yes. More than anything.”
But you,
she added silently.
He shrugged. “Then there is nothing to worry about. Your reputation will be ruined and you can settle down with your children quite comfortably with me.”
“With you?”
He kissed her very slowly. “Naturally.” He hesitated. “You know that I would do anything in this world to make you happy?”
“Yes. I’m not sure why, seeing as I have done nothing but deceive you since we met.”
He kissed her again, this time more slowly and possessively, until she was pressed fully against him from knee to chest.
“You never deceived me for a moment.” He paused to smile at her. “Like knows like, Mrs. Smith, and your lies helped me uncover the truth.”
“What truth?” she whispered.
“That everyone deserves to be loved.”
“Even you?”
“Even me. I love you.” He hesitated. “You do love me, don’t you?”
He let out his breath, and she saw everything she needed to in his eyes. “Thank God for that. And this time I know you are finally telling me the truth.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m finally ready to believe it.”
He took her hand and she realized that he was shaking. “Shall we go and confirm your notoriety to the world at large and let Armand get away with his schemes? There are still some legal matters to deal with, but we can probably leave those to Richard and the solicitors.”
“I wonder if the Walker family will be quite so keen to acknowledge me after this?” she sighed. “I suspect not, but having never had them in my life, I can hardly mourn their loss.”
“You might be surprised, Elizabeth. Many English families have dealt with the most atrocious scandals and managed to pretend otherwise. Go and meet them tomorrow and tell them whatever version of events you think fit. After that, the decision is up to them.”
“We will still have to go to France and talk to Louise. If we tell her what Armand has done to dispossess his own children, I suspect she’ll allow herself to be compensated with a handsome sum of money.”
“Will she be angry with Armand?”
“I believe she will. She is extremely jealous of me and hated the thought that Armand wanted to marry me and not her.”
“Enough to make his life miserable until the end of his days?”
“Probably. Or she’ll take the opportunity to leave him for another man.” She fought down a sudden urge to cry and studied his beautiful if slightly battered face. “Thank you, Mr. Delornay.”
“You are welcome, Mrs. Smith.”
Together they walked back into the room, and Elizabeth happily prepared to have her reputation ruined. She wasn’t quite certain what the future would bring, but at least she had hope. The children might end up being restored to her, and she had Christian Delornay’s complicated and devoted love. She smiled and held her head high. Sometimes losing one’s reputation was definitely worth it.
hristian studied the elegant architecture of the Saint-Brieuc château and motioned for Seamus Kelly to knock on the door. Elizabeth stood beside him, her expression so fragile and defenseless that he sought her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. They’d left the solicitors arguing over the financial arrangements that allowed for Armand to secure the title and for Elizabeth to take the children, and made for the coast.
Christian had decided it was far more important to fulfill his promise to Elizabeth and secure the children anyway.
“Elizabeth, when we get inside, go and find the children. Let me deal with the rest.”
She squeezed his hand in reply, and when the door finally opened, she slipped past the butler and headed straight for the stairs, her skirts caught in her hand.
Christian smiled at the flustered butler. “Good morning, is your mistress at home?”
“Madame Dinard is here, but—”
“Excellent.” Christian pushed past the man and headed for the nearest open door. He’d brought four stout men from the pleasure house to protect Elizabeth and the children, and they all crowded in after him. “Ask Madame to receive me, immediately.”
It took him no time at all to convince Madame Dinard of both Armand’s duplicity and the comfort a large payment in gold would bring to her grieving heart. Frenchwomen were remarkably shrewd and clear-sighted about relationships. He’d had all the necessary papers prepared in London, so all she had to do was sign them and relinquish the children to Elizabeth for perpetuity.
By the time Christian returned to the entrance hall, there was a commotion on the stairs above. He looked up to see Elizabeth coming down with two small hands in hers. When she caught sight of him, she smiled, and the beauty of it made him swallow hard.
“Jean-Pierre and Evangeline, this is Mr. Delornay.”
“Good afternoon, sir.”
Although the boy spoke in heavily accented English, he still studied Christian suspiciously. The little girl buried her face in Elizabeth’s skirts.
Christian held out his hand and spoke in French. “It is a pleasure to meet you both. I have heard so much about you from your mother.” He looked up at Elizabeth and saw she was close to tears, before turning his attention back to the children. “Are you game for an adventure with your

Both of the children looked at him. “With
” asked Jean-Pierre. “We don’t want to lose her. It was horrible.” His lip trembled. “Madame Dinard said she was dead.”
“I promise that we will keep you safe for the rest of your lives.” Christian put his hand on his heart. “You will never have to be without her again.”
Please turn the page
for an exciting sneak peek of
the next sizzling installment
in Kate Pearce’s
House of Pleasure series,
coming in August 2012!
re you all right, ma’am? May I help you?”
Lady Lucinda Haymore flinched as the tall soldier came toward her, his hand outstretched and his voice full of concern. She clutched the torn muslin of her bodice against her chest and wondered desperately how much he could see of her in the dark shadows of the garden.
“I’m fine, sir, please ...” She struggled to force any more words out and stared blindly at the elaborate gold buttons of his dress uniform. “I’m afraid I slipped and fell on the steps and have ripped my gown.”
He paused and she realized that he had positioned his body to shield her from the bright lights of the house, and the other guests at the ball.
“If you do not require my help, may I fetch someone for you, then?”
His voice was soft and he had a slight Russian accent.
“Could you find Miss Emily Ross for me?”
“Indeed I can. I have a slight acquaintance with her.” He hesitated. “But first may I suggest you sit down? You look as if you might swoon.”
Even as he spoke, the ground tilted alarmingly, and Lucinda started to sway. Before her knees gave way, the soldier caught her by the elbows and deftly maneuvered her backward to a stone bench framed by climbing roses. Even as she shrank from his direct gaze she managed to get a fleeting impression of his face. His eyes were deep set and a very light gray, his cheekbones impossibly high and his hair quite white.
She could only pray he didn’t recognize her. No unmarried lady should be loitering in the gardens without a chaperone, but somehow she doubted he was a gossip. He just didn’t seem to be the type; all his concern was centered on her rather than making a grand fuss and alerting others to her plight. He released her and moved back as if he sensed his presence made her uneasy.
“I’ll fetch Miss Ross for you.”
“Thank you,” Lucinda whispered, and he was gone, disappearing toward the lights of the ballroom and the sounds of the orchestra playing a waltz. She licked her lips and tasted her own blood, and the brutal sting of rejection. How could she have been so foolish as to believe Jeremy loved her? He’d hurt her, and called her a tease.... Had she led him on as he had said? Had she really deserved what he had done to her?
Panic engulfed her and she started to shiver. It became increasingly difficult to breathe and she struggled to pull in air. Suddenly the white-haired stranger was there again, crouched down in front of her. He took her clenched fist in his hand and slowly stroked her fingers.
“It’s all right. Miss Emily is coming. I took the liberty of hiring a hackney cab, which will be waiting for you at the bottom of the garden.”
“Thank you,”
“I’m glad I was able to be of service.”
With that, he moved away, and Lucinda saw Emily behind him and reached blindly for her hand.
“I told my aunt I was coming home with you, and I told your mother the opposite, so I think we are safe to leave,” Emily murmured.
Emily’s grip tightened. “Lucinda, what happened?”
She shook her head. “I can’t accompany you home, Emily. Where else can we go?”
Emily frowned. “I’ll take you to my stepmother’s. You’ll be safe there. Can you walk?”
“I’ll have to.” Lucinda struggled to her feet and Emily gasped. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh my goodness, Lucinda, there is blood on your gown.”
“Just help me leave this place.” Lucinda grabbed hold of Emily’s arm and started toward the bottom of the garden. She could only hope that Jeremy had returned to the ball and would not see how low he had brought her. She would never let him see that,
. With Emily’s help, she managed to climb into the cab and leaned heavily against the side. Her whole body hurt, especially between her legs where he had ... she pushed that thought away and forced her eyes open.
It seemed only a moment before Emily was opening the door of the cab and calling for someone called Ambrose to help her. Lucinda gasped as an unknown man carefully picked her up and carried her into the large mansion. Emily ran ahead, issuing instructions, and then led the way up the stairs to a large, well-appointed bedchamber. The man gently deposited Lucinda on the bed and went to light some of the candles and the fire.
Lucinda curled up into a tight ball and closed her eyes, shutting out Emily and everything that had happened to her. It was impossible not to remember, and she started to shake again. A cool hand touched her forehead and she reluctantly focused on her unknown visitor.
“I’m Helene, Emily’s stepmother. Everyone else has left, including Emily. Will you let me help you?”
Lucinda stared into the beautiful face of Madame Helene Delornay, one of London’s most notorious women, and saw only compassion and understanding in her clear blue eyes.
Helene smiled. “I know this is difficult for you, my dear, but I need to see how badly he hurt you.”
“No one hurt me. I slipped on the steps and ...”
Helene gently placed her finger over Lucinda’s mouth. “You can tell everyone else whatever tale you want, but I know what has happened to you, and I want to help you.”
“How do you know?” Lucinda whispered.
“Because it happened to me.” Helene sat back. “Now, let’s get you out of that gown and into bed.”
She talked gently to Lucinda while she helped her remove her torn gown and undergarments, brought her warm water to wash with, and ignored the flow of tears Lucinda seemed unable to stop.
When she was finally tucked in under the covers, Helene sat next to her on the bed.
“Thank you,” Lucinda whispered.
Helene took her hand. “It was the least I could do.” She paused. “Now do you want to tell me what happened?”
“All I know is that I am quite ruined.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
Lucinda blinked. “I’m no longer a virgin. What man would have me now?”
“A man who loves you, and understands that what happened was not your fault.”
“But it was my fault, I went into the gardens with him
I let him
me, I
him to kiss me.”
“You also asked him to force himself on you?”

I couldn’t stop him, he was stronger than me and ...”
“Exactly, so you can hardly take the blame for what happened, can you?” Helene patted her hand. “The fault is his. I assume he imagines you will be forced to marry him now.”
Lucinda stared at Helene. “I didn’t think of that.” She swallowed hard. “He said we needed to keep our love secret because my family would never consider him good enough for me.”
Helene sighed. “He sounds like a dyed-in-the-wool fortune hunter to me. What is his name?”
Lucinda pulled her hand away. “I can’t tell you that. I don’t want to have to see him ever again.”
“Well that is unfortunate, because I suspect he’ll be trying to blackmail his way into marrying you fairly shortly.”
Lucinda sat up. “But I wouldn’t marry him if he were the last man on earth!”
“I’m glad to hear you say that.” Helene hesitated. “But it might not be as easy to avoid his trap as you think. You might be carrying his child. Does that change your opinion as to the necessity of marrying him?”
Lucinda gulped as an even more nightmarish vision of her future unrolled before her. “Surely not?”
“I’m sorry, my dear, but sometimes it takes only a second for a man to impregnate a woman.” Helene continued carefully. “I can give you an herbal potion to make sure that will not happen, but the choice is yours.”
“I will
marry him.”
“Then let us pray that you have not conceived. The consequences for a woman who bears an illegitimate child are harsh.” Helene’s smile was forced. “I know from Emily that you are much loved by your parents. I’m sure they would do their best to conceal your condition and reintroduce you into society after the event.”
Lucinda wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her face in the covers. Her despair was now edged with anger. If she refused to marry her seducer, she alone would bear the disgust of society, while Jeremy wouldn’t suffer at all. It simply wasn’t fair.
Eventually she looked up at Madame Helene, who waited patiently beside her.
“Thank you for everything.”
Helene shrugged. “I have done very little. I wish I could do more. If you would just tell me the name of this vile man, I could have him banned from good society in a trice.”
“That is very kind of you, Madame, but I’d rather not add to the scandal. I doubt he would relinquish his position easily, and my name and my family’s reputation would be damaged forever.”
“And, as your father is now the Duke of Ashmolton, I understand you all too well, my dear.” Helene stood up. “But, if you change your mind, please let me know. I have more influence than you might imagine.”
“I’d prefer to deal with this myself.” Lucinda took a deep, steadying breath. “I need to think about what I want to do.”
Helene hesitated by the door. “Are you sure there isn’t another nice young man who might marry you instead?”
Lucinda felt close to tears again. “How could I marry anyone without telling him the truth? And what kind of man would agree to take me on those terms?”
“A man who loves you,” Helene said gently. “But you are right to take your time. Don’t rush into anything unless you absolutely have no choice. In my experience, an unhappy marriage is a far more terrible prison than an illegitimate child.”
Lucinda looked at Helene. “Emily told me you were a remarkable woman and now I understand why. I’m so glad she brought me here tonight.”
“Emily is a treasure,” Helene replied. “I only tried to offer you what was not offered to me—a chance to realize that you were not at fault, and a place to rest before you have to make some difficult decisions. Now go to sleep, and I will send Emily to you in the morning.”
Lucinda slid down between the sheets and closed her eyes. Sleep seemed impossible, but she found herself drifting off anyway. Would any of her partners have noticed that she hadn’t turned up for her dances with them? Would Paul be worried about her? She swallowed down a sudden wash of panic. If anyone could understand her plight, surely it would be Paul....
Paul St. Clare prowled the edge of the ballroom, avoiding the bright smiles and come-hither looks of the latest crop of debutantes. Where on earth had Lucky gone? She was supposed to be dancing the waltz with him, and then he was taking her in to supper. It was the only reason he was attending this benighted event after all.
Unfortunately, since the death of the sixth Duke of Ashmolton, speculation as to the new duke’s potential successor had alighted on Paul, hence the sudden interest of the ladies of the
. He’d grown up with the vague knowledge that he was in the line of succession, but he hadn’t paid his mother’s fervent interest in the subject much heed until the various male heirs had started to die off in increasing numbers.
And now, here he was, the heir apparent to a dukedom he neither wanted nor felt fit to assume. It was always possible that the duke would produce another child, if unlikely, because of his wife’s age. But Paul knew that even beloved wives died, and dukes had been known to make ridiculous second marriages in order to secure the succession. Paul’s own father, the current duke’s second cousin, had only produced one child before he died in penury, leaving his family dependent on the generosity of the Haymores for a home. In truth, Paul considered Lucky’s parents his own, and was very grateful for the care they had given him.
Paul nodded at an army acquaintance, but didn’t stop to chat. All his friends seemed to have acquired younger sisters who were just dying to meet him. In truth, he felt hunted. If he had his way, he’d escape this gossip-ridden, perfumed hell and ride up north to the clear skies and bracing company of his best friend, Gabriel Swanfield. But he couldn’t even do that, could he? Gabriel belonged heart and soul to another.
Paul stopped at the end of the ballroom that led out onto the terrace, and wondered if Lucky had gone out into the gardens. He could do with a breath of fresh air himself. He was about to pass through the open windows when he noticed a familiar figure standing on the balcony staring out into the night.
Paul’s stomach gave a peculiar flip. The sight of his commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Constantine Delinsky, always stirred his most visceral appetites. Of Russian descent, Delinsky was tall and silver-eyed, with prematurely white hair that in no way diminished his beauty. Paul always felt like a stuttering idiot around the man.
Delinsky was looking out into the gardens of the Mallorys’ house with a preoccupied frown. Paul briefly debated whether to disturb him, but the opportunity to speak to someone who wouldn’t care about his newly elevated status was too appealing to resist.
“Good evening, sir.”

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