Sin & Savage (21 page)

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Authors: Anna Mara

BOOK: Sin & Savage
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Chapter 44

Saturday – 3:06 a.m.

Sorelli’s Butcher Shop

As the moonlight
shone on the deserted alleyway, the elderly couple crept towards the backdoor of the meat shop.

Nana Estelle’s mile-high, beehive hairdo seemed to raise itself a few inches higher as she craned her neck to look behind them. “Joe, I swear you ain’t got the sense God gave a turkey!” she hissed. “This is the stupidest idea you’ve ever had. What if somebody sees us?”

Joe Sorelli brought his finger to his lips. “Shhh, don’t worry, nobody’s here at this time of night.”

“I can’t believe you talked me into this. I’m fixin’ to turn around right now and goin’ back to the motel where it’s safe!”

Joe fished in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys on a large ring. “Estelle, you know I didn’t talk you into anything. And I didn’t want you coming with me specifically because it could be dangerous. In fact, I told you that, but oh no, you insisted!”

“All right, all right, don’t get yer dander up.” She rolled her eyes to the heavens. “Honestly, sometimes I’m dumber than a box of rocks.”

“We’re here now, so let’s just make the best of it. We’ll get the money real quick and get the hell out, okay?”


He picked out one of the keys on the fob and eased it into the lock. Testing the doorknob, he turned it and the portal opened wide. He motioned to the older woman to follow him and they both quietly entered the establishment, closing the wooden door behind them. Fishing inside his jacket again, Joe pulled out a flashlight and turned it on, the beam illuminating the path ahead.

“This way…” Joe motioned to her to follow.

Nana nodded and they walked to the back of the store, then through a short hallway until they finally reached a small office with a shabby-looking desk and chair set. Going in, Joe flashed the light on the floor then he narrowed the beam onto a specific floorboard in the corner.

“There it is.” He moved towards the spot and handed the flashlight to her. “Hold the light over there.” He pointed it toward the floor. As the older woman did as she was told, Joe crouched down and tugged on the wooden floorboard panel. It lifted in his hands, exposing a safe beneath it.

“Flash it on the tumbler, Estelle.”

She did as she was told and Joe’s fingers began turning the dial to various numbers. Within seconds, the door opened. Reaching in, he drew out wads of cash bundled up with elastic bands. “With this money, you and I can lay low. Nobody will be able to find us for a while.”

“Joe, this better not be my money that I gave you!”

He blew out a breath of frustration as he looked up at her angry face. “How many times do I have to tell you? Your $65,000 is still in my account at the bank, waiting to be put down as a deposit on our condo. This money is mine—$25,000! You know I always keep cash here at the store.”

“You better not be lyin’ to me because back home, I’ve got a cow and I don’t need your bull!”

“Shhh, keep your voice down!” Joe hissed. “I swear I’m telling you the truth. It’s not bull!” Holding the bundles of cash, Joe rose up and confronted her. “I love you, babydoll, and I wouldn’t lie to you—ever. You’ve got to believe that.”

He leaned into her and gave her a quick peck on her stiff lips. Suddenly, Nana’s demeanor softened and she smiled back at him. “I know, sweetheart, and I do believe you. It’s just that I’m on edge with worry about my sweet child, Tori and what I did to her. It just ain’t right and the guilt is eatin’ me up alive.”

Joe put his arm around her to comfort her. “Estelle, why don’t you go back home to Texas and be with her, then? I’ll be all right on my own.”

Nana shook her head. “No, Tori’s fine without me for a while, but you? You need me to keep you safe. But you gotta tell me what happened, Joe? Why do we have to run like this?”

Joe shook his head no. “I can’t do that because then your life will really be in danger.”

“But I still don’t understand. Are you in trouble with the law or do you owe people some money or what? Just please tell me what happened and then I can help you better.”

Joe saw the troubled look marring her beautiful face and relented. “Let’s just say, I saw something I shouldn’t have—and—and some people are after me because of it.”

“Well then, let’s go to the police and tell them everything. They’ll help us.”

Joe shook his head no again, this time more vehemently. “I can’t! These are bad people—and they’ve got connections everywhere. The cops won’t be able to keep me safe and these people—they’ll kill me if they find me! It’s just best if I—we—disappear for a while, until this all blows over, okay?”

Estelle sighed. “Oh, all right, we’ll do it your way—for now.”

Joe nodded before stuffing the wads of money into an empty plastic bag that was lying on his desk. Then bending down, he closed the safe back up again. Grabbing the wooden floorboard, he shifted it into place, making sure that no one would know they’d been there. Straightening, he grabbed the bag of money and took the flashlight from Nana’s hand. “Okay, let’s get outta here,” he said.

Nana nodded and they moved back into the main part of the butcher shop.

As they reached the back door, the overhead lights suddenly flicked on and they found themselves staring wide-eyed at the open end of two pistols, one held up by Wizard, the biker bartender from Delilah’s, and the other by Big Bill, a heavyset monster-of-a-man who was also another member of the Son of Perdition outlaw gang.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Sorelli and the Texas granny.” Wizard laughed, as he aimed his gun at their heads. “Whadda ya’all doin’ here, folks?” he mocked, in an over-the-top, southern accent.

Joe pushed Nana behind his body, to protect her. “Why are you in my store?” he asked, trying to sound brave but failing miserably as his voice cracked with fear.

“We’ve been staking this place out since you split. We figured you’d pop by sooner or later. Lucky for us, you decided to make it sooner rather than later,” he sneered.

“I want you to let Estelle go. She knows nothing about this,” he demanded fiercely.

Wizard burst out laughing, as did Big Bill. “The only place you and her are going—is to see Snake,” the biker bartender growled. He approached the older man and snatched the bag of money out of his hands. “Finders keepers, Sorelli. And I’m sure Snake will be very interested to hear all about the 65 G’s you’ve got stashed away at the bank too.”

Joe’s mouth dropped open. “How do you know about that?”

Wizard nodded with his head to the back of the store. “We’ve been here the whole time, listening to your sweet, lovey-dovey conversation. What do ya’ think, asshole?”

Nana’s eyes narrowed on the pair and she bravely stepped out from behind Joe. “Wait a gosh darn, minute! I know you. You’re that mean Wizard fella from Delilah’s, the one who tried to hurt my precious grandbaby, aren’t ya’?”

Wizard’s beady eyes leered with remembered lust. “Yes, ma’am, your precious
is one sweet piece-of-ass that I, unfortunately, never had the pleasure of tasting.”

“Why you despicable rodent! Don’t you talk about my beautiful Tori like that!”

Wizard, whose face still showed signs of bruising from the beating Savage had given him, just laughed in response. Easily dismissing her, he turned to Big Bill. “Shoot ’em both if they move an inch. I need to call Snake and see what he wants us to do with them.” He moved out of earshot then and dialed his cell phone. Big Bill silently repositioned his gun on the pair.

Meanwhile, Joe turned his head to gawk at his girlfriend. “How do you know these people, Estelle?” he whispered.

Are these the bad people you were talking about?” Joe nodded his head and suddenly, her face crumpled with dread. “Oh my God, Joe, my Tori might still be with one of ’em. His name is Mr. Savage. We hired him to help us find you.”

“Savage Monroe?” Joe hissed.

“Yeah, that’s him!”

Joe’s eyes bugged out with alarm. “Estelle, he’s the meanest of them all! I saw his boss, Snake, kill Dirty Dan, and if Monroe is with Tori, there’s only one reason why. It’s because he thinks she’ll lead him to me and then when he doesn’t need her anymore, he’ll kill her. He’s ruthless and can’t be trusted. Everybody on the street knows that!”

Nana gasped. “Oh, my Lord, what are we gonna do, Joe? We have to warn my baby girl.”

Wizard shut his phone then and walked back to where the pair was standing. “Hey, shut the fuck up you two.” He aimed his pistol at them again and turned to Big Bill. “Snake wants them back at the club and then he’ll decide what to do next.” He swiveled back to the older couple. “Looks like we’ll all be taking a little trip, folks, in the car we saw you drive up in. Seems the boss wants to hear all about your bank account and how he might be able to make a withdrawal.” He laughed, as he gestured with his gun for them to start walking towards the back door.

Chapter 45

Saturday – 6:49 a.m.

Preclude Road Cabin

Tori stood underneath
the shower nozzle and let the warm water cascade over her body, praying that the droplets would wash away her agitated thoughts. Her mind had become like a merry-go-round that was replaying the same questions over and over and over again, with no end in sight.

Where was her grandmother and was she all right? And how was she ever going to find her? Were the police after her and Matt, after what had happened on Gable Street? Was she a fugitive on the run now? Was she going to go to jail and did that mean her life was over as she knew it? And if they arrested her, would they want her to testify against Matt? Could she do that to him? And if she did testify, would he go to jail too?

And what about, Matt? Did she really and truly love him?

Yes, she did! That was the only one thing she was sure about. But how could they make it work between them? His way of life was evil and he did bad things to people. It went against everything she believed in. How could she become a part of all that? And oh God, where was Nana and was she all right?

The thoughts went round and round in her brain and she just couldn’t make them stop.

When she awoke this morning, she’d found herself lying on the bed with a blanket thrown over her, still cradling her cell phone in her hands. For a second, she’d been confused about where she was and then the memories from the night before came rushing back to her.

She had stabbed him! And he’d told her he loved her!

A surge of sudden panic flew through her. Oh no, was he all right or had he gotten worse during the night? Operating on pure instinct, Tori threw the blanket off and lunged out of bed, practically running out of the room and into the bedroom next door. His bed had been slept in but he wasn’t there. Sick fear coiled in her stomach. Where was he? Had he gotten up in the middle of the night because he’d felt sick? Had he collapsed somewhere? Had he lost more blood? Was he dead?

Spinning around, she raced into the living room and suddenly spotted him calmly sleeping on the couch, his bare chest gently rising and falling with each breath. Relief immediately flooded her system and the knot of fear in her gut vanished instantly. Okay, at least he hadn’t died during the night.

He was barefoot, with only his jeans on, and a strip of new gauze covered his injured side. His hair was damp and he looked fresh and clean, except for the day’s growth of stubble he was sporting on his face. What had he said last night? That this wasn’t his first stabbing and he knew what to do.

An empty mug sat on the end table beside him. Smelling the freshly brewed coffee aroma wafting in from the kitchen, she had reasoned that he must have been up for a while before crashing again on the couch.

Relieved now that he at least appeared to be fine or at least not in any danger of getting worse, Tori turned around and padded back to her bedroom. Fishing inside her purse, she had grabbed her cell phone and a small makeup pouch that contained some basic necessities along with a tube of lip-gloss and mascara. Because of everything that had happened yesterday and all the riding she’d done on his Harley, she felt grimy and dirty, and she was sure that a quick shower would do the trick for her too. Maybe then she’d feel ready to face whatever this new day would bring?

Once inside the bathroom, she spotted his wet toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste on the counter. She smirked to herself. Guess in his line of work, you never knew where you were going to be from one moment to the next and so you came prepared.

Opening the cabinet underneath the sink, she had a quick look inside and was relieved to find shampoo and conditioner, along with a blow dryer. She could definitely use those. She also noticed that the towels on the railing were fresh, and a white, clean bathrobe hung behind the door.

Plopping down on the closed lid of the toilet, she dialed her Nana’s phone again, praying she would answer this morning at least. But the phone just rang and rang. Disheartened, Tori ended the call.

After finishing her shower, Tori wrapped herself in the fluffy, white robe and wiping the fog off the mirror, had stared absently at her reflection in the glass. The gold crucifix that her grandmother had given her for protection still hung around her neck. Her hand instinctively went up to it and touched it. Oh God, where was Nana? And what was she going to do about everything else too—about the police who might be after her, and about him? Especially about him…

“Oh please, God, show me what to do!” she prayed, as she closed her eyes.

Suddenly, a sense of peace overcame her and her swirling thoughts washed away, like the shower water that had disappeared down the drain only moments before. She knew what she had to do. She needed to first focus on finding Nana. As for the police situation—well, she’d play that by ear and see what Matt said.

And as for Matt? Yes—she loved him, but she knew deep down in her heart that there would be no future for them if he didn’t turn away from his life of crime. She refused to sell her soul just to be with him. The choice would be his, and she needed to sit down with him and tell him exactly that. But what was she going to say? Nervously, she chewed on her lower lip, trying to think of the words and how she could broach the subject.

Twenty minutes later, her hair was dry. She put on some gloss and mascara, and dressed again in her white, sleeveless button-down shirt and jeans. One last look in the mirror showed her composed reflection. Tori took in a deep breath, tucked her cell phone into her back pocket and turned to leave.

As she opened the door, she gasped seeing Matt standing there, bare-chested and in his jeans, leaning against one of the bedroom door jambs, his arms casually tucked across his chiseled pecs.

He was waiting for her.

Tori’s heart skipped a beat at how handsome and sexy he looked with his dark hair pulled back into a low ponytail and a day’s growth splayed across his hard jaw.

His face split into a broad grin before morphing into an even more shameless smile. “Mornin’, beautiful,” he said, his voice velvety smooth and promising her everything.

Nerves danced in her stomach. For some reason, the morning light made her shy. “He—hello,” she stammered back.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

“You have?”

He nodded. “Oh yeah! I’ve been out here the whole time, waiting for you, like a dog panting for its master to let him in. Are you gonna let me in, Tori?”

“What do you mean?”

In a heartbeat, he pushed off the wall with his shoulder and covered the few steps between them, bringing his body up against hers. His hands wrapped around her back and he pulled her close, making her feel the hardness in between his legs. His lips inched nearer and she tipped her head to look up at him. She could see the deep, sexual hunger pooling in his eyes.

A low moan escaped his lips. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you, Snow White?” he whispered, his words choppy and desperate.


“I’ve been out here, listening to the sound of that water dripping down your body, picturing what you look like naked and how you were touching yourself in there—and all the while, I’m imagining everything that we can do together if I joined you. Let me in, Tori, just say the word.”

A hot blush jolted through her and her need for him quickened. What was she supposed to talk to him about? Oh damn, she couldn’t remember. Tori gave her head a slight shake as the confusion swirled in her brain again, short-circuiting her thoughts.

“I think…”

“I think—you should stop thinking,” he breathed. His lips captured hers, gentle at first, then more and more demanding until they became raw and greedy with need.

A primal force sizzled through her, and with a low moan, Tori wrapped her arms around him, threading her fingers through his hair and crushing his mouth to hers. She sensed his approval at her response and felt him diving deeper into her mouth, like a starving man at a banquet.

The confusion in her brain kept swirling over and under and all around. She just couldn’t think anymore. Within seconds, she was drowning in him, her every move coming from a primitive spot deep from the very core of her being.

He’s a man with no future
. The still, small voice inside her whispered ever so softly, breaking through the thick, jumbled fog her mind had become.

He’s a man with no future…

He’s a man with no future…

He’s a man with no future…

He’s a man with no future…

The words, gentle at first, grew louder and louder, like a singsong increasing in crescendo, until they were practically screaming inside her.

Tori reluctantly tore her mouth off his. “No, stop. Stop, please…” she moaned, her breathing still ragged and uneven with desire. “I can’t do this.”

Savage pulled his head back, his fevered eyes focusing on her soft, swollen lips before they rose to take in her flushed face. Instantly, they narrowed as they saw the rejection flashing in her eyes. “You’ve changed your mind about me, haven’t you, Tori? I’m not surprised, really. I kinda knew you would.” His voice was thick with accusation and sarcasm. But the hurt shining in his eyes belied his heavy words.

“No, I haven’t. I love you, Matt. I just don’t love us.”

He released her and took a few steps back. “Cryptic, but what does that mean exactly?”

Pain gleamed in his orbs and her heart broke even more. Her hand reached up to tenderly brush at his cheek. “Listen to me. I love you so much. I don’t know how it happened so fast and I still don’t understand it. All I know is what I’m feeling for you. But I can’t be with you because of what you’re involved in. You hurt people and your actions hurt people. Your lifestyle is evil and evil destroys everything in its path. It is a draining force in the world, and I won’t let it destroy me too.”

“I love you, Tori and you love me! We can make it work!”

“No, we can’t, Matt. You’re not hearing what I’m saying.”

A sigh of frustration spilled out of her and she turned away, walking into the living room. On the floor near the front door sat his black duffle bag—the one with the money for the guns in it. Thrown over the top was her sunny yellow sweater, now stained with his dried blood. Obviously, he had gone outside during the night to retrieve them both.

She grabbed the sweater and faced him again, thrusting it at him. “This is what I’m talking about, Matt. What you’re involved with—it will taint me, and I won’t go against God and everything I believe in. This is wrong. What you’re doing is wrong.”

His mouth flattened into a polite smile. “I get it, Tori. I’m a piece-of-shit and I’m not good enough for you. Don’t you think I’ve told myself that a thousand times since the first moment I laid eyes on you?”

Tori dropped the sweater onto the couch and approached him, putting her hands on either side of his face. “Don’t say that! You’re a good man. I’ve seen it. But you’re going down the wrong road in life. It’s not too late to repent and change your ways. Please, Matt, please—I’m begging you, give it up, give it all up and come back to Texas with me. You can go straight and start fresh. No one there will know who you are or what you’ve done—and—and we can be together. I’ll help you. I love you—

Savage threw her a crooked smile and raising his index finger, he gently traced her soft lips, as if he was trying to make a memory that would last him forever. “I love you too, Tori, more than you’ll ever know—but I can’t do that. There’s just too much—business—going down in Vegas right now, and I need to be here to take care of things.”

Tori’s temper rose and she pushed his finger away. “Business? That’s what you call what you do?”

“You know it is.”

“Well, I refuse to be a part of your—business, Mr. Savage.”

He threw out a short, mocking laugh. “Oh, we’re back to ‘Mr. Savage’, are we?”

Tori stepped away from him as her temper turned to fury. “Why not? The name suits you, doesn’t it?” she spouted angrily.

“Yeah, I guess it does, sweetheart.”

“I love you, Matt, but I’m not giving up my soul for you,” she declared, her chin rising with courage.

Savage breeched the distance between them, bringing his chest right up against her. As she stood her ground, he leaned into her and kissed the tip of her nose before pulling back. He threw her a sexy half smile. “The funny part about all this, Tori, is that what you’re telling me right now, about you not wanting to change who you are for any fucking person on this planet, including me? Well, it just makes me love you even more.” With that, he walked into the bathroom and quietly shut the door.

Tori’s bravado stance evaporated and she crumpled onto the couch, her body feeling like it had lost all power. Her fingers came up to her face and covered her eyes, physically pushing back the tears that were threatening to spill out of her.

No, she wasn’t going to allow herself to cry over him, she just wasn’t! Yes, she loved him, but she couldn’t be with him—and that was that!

But what was she going to do now?

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