Read Sinful Deceit Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #sexual exploration, #kinky erotic games, #sexual enslavement

Sinful Deceit (19 page)

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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"No!" I
screamed as Ian withdrew his spent cock from my mouth. "No, I don't

"What don't
you want?" Maria asked, lifting my head by my hair as Alan stilled
his deflating cock within my sperm-brimming anal canal. "What don't
you want?" she repeated angrily.

"The horse," I
rambled shakily. "I don't want..."

"The horse?"
she giggled.

"Look, I'll do
anything; I'll go along with..."

"I know you
will," she grinned as Alan's penis slipped out of my bottom-hole
with a slurping sound. "You'll do anything we demand of you."

"I have
money," I lied in desperation.

"It's not your
money we want. It's your body."

"I know,

"Reece!" she
hissed. "Get the whip! I've just about had enough of this little
tart's arguing."

"She tried to
escape," Alan broke in.

"Yes, Reece
told me. You've caused us too many problems, Kirsty. Stealing
Alan's boat and trying to escape. I'll correct your wicked ways if
it's the last thing I do. I'll whip your arse, your tits and your
cunt until your obedience reaches the stage where you'll jump to
attention at our every command."

"No, don't," I
whimpered as Reece returned with the leather whip.

"I'm sorry,
but your attempted escape has left me no choice," Maria

"Please... I
won't do it again."

"I know you

"Enough talk,"
Reece said. "Whip the little whore until she passes out."

The first lash
of the leather tails across my tensed buttocks sent agonising pain
deep into my anal orbs. My naked body jolting as the second and
third lashes caught the backs of my thighs, I knew that the
gruelling punishment wouldn't be shorted lived. Again and again the
leather tails flailed my burning buttocks, the sensitive skin of my
firm thighs. The phallus within my inflamed vagina shooting out
like a bullet as my muscles spasmed, I felt a flood of hot sex
juice coursing down my legs. Sperm oozing from my sore anus as my
body convulsed, I thought I'd die as the merciless whipping

"No!" I
screamed as Maria thrashed my burning buttocks harder. Ignoring my
cries, her giggles were punctuated with grunts as the whip lashed
my fiery flesh. Deafening cracks resounding around the lounge,
drowning out the laughter of my audience, I knew I couldn't take
much more as the pain became intense. Again and again the leather
tails bit into the glowing flesh of my quivering buttocks, sending
my body into uncontrollable convulsions. Tears flooding my face, my
screams echoing through my head, there was nothing I could do to
halt the brutal punishment.

"Enough!" I
finally managed to cry. Obviously goaded by my plight, Maria
increased the pace of the thrashing. The leather tails swishing
through the air, the cracks becoming louder, I shuddered as I felt
a stream of hot liquid cascading down my legs. My audience sent
into shrieks of laughter as the golden liquid sprayed from my
gaping vaginal crack, I hoped that this would be the height of my
degradation. But I knew only too well that this was nothing in
comparison to what Reece had planned for me. I daren't begin to
imagine what he had in store for my naked body. I should never have
tried to escape.

The golden rain splashing on the floor between my feet, my
buttocks on fire, Maria finally dropped the whip to the floor. My
naked body shaking violently, I waited in fear and trepidation as
the men moved about behind me. What was I to endure next? I had no
idea as whispers floated around the room. Another thrashing?
Another anal shafting? Recalling Maria's words, I cringed.
I'll whip your arse, your tits and your cunt until
your obedience reaches the stage where you'll jump to attention at
our every command
. I couldn't begin to
imagine what I'd have to endure if she whipped my breasts, my
vaginal lips. My legs aching, I prayed for some time to rest before
the next bout. But I was allowed no quarter.

"The weights,"
Reece said.

"I'll do it,"
Maria breathed eagerly.

I couldn't
even hazard a guess at what they were talking about as the girl
opened a drawer. Weights? Whatever I was about to endure, it would
surely involve pain. I watched Maria grab something from the drawer
and move behind me. Pulling on the inner lips of my vagina, she
giggled as I felt her clip something to my sensitive petals.
Finally realizing what she was doing as my inner lips began to
stretch, I knew it would be futile to protest.

"We'll start
with the lightest weights," she said as the inner wings of my
vaginal crack distended. "The weights are attached to the chains
hanging from the clips," she enlightened me. "Once you've got used
to it, I'll increase the weights. You'll end up with your inner
lips between your knees."

The men
laughing, I grimaced as the weights swung between my legs. My naked
buttocks becoming numb, the pain giving way to an almost pleasant
burning sensation, I breathed a sigh of relief. Even when the
weights were increased, I knew that I'd be able to endure the
agony. But how would I fair during a vaginal lip thrashing? If I
remained as calm as possible, I was sure that I'd be able to endure
anything my captors put me through. But remaining calm wasn't going
to be easy.

"At last,"
Reece beamed as several naked men filed through the patio doors and
congregated around the stocks.

"Sorry we're
late," one said. "We had trouble with the boat."

"You're here
now, that's all that matters. We've got her cunt lips clamped but
her arse is available to anyone who's interested. And her mouth, of

"I'll take her
arse," a man chuckled.

"And I'll have
her mouth."

"Let's both
take her arse."

"I'm up for

turns you on," Reece rejoined. "OK, let's get her onto the

As I was
released from the stocks, Maria removed the clips from the wings of
my inner lips. At least I'd be able to stretch my limbs, I
reflected as I was forced to kneel astride a dark-skinned man lying
on the floor. Face to face with the unknown man, I closed my eyes
as someone grabbed his penis and forced his swollen knob past the
tight entrance to my anal sheath. His glans felt huge as it slipped
into my sperm-lubricated rectum. My secret sheath yielding the
solid shaft of his penis, I tried not to whimper as another man
knelt behind me and yanked my crimsoned buttocks wide apart.

"No!" I cried
involuntarily as the second man pushed the ballooning globe of his
erect cock against my already stretched brown ring. As usual, my
protests were futile. The second penis painfully forcing the
delicate tissue of my anus to yield, I gasped and shook violently
as my defeated muscles allowed the bulbous glans to enter my anal
canal. The pain increasing as both penises glided along the dank
tunnel to my bowels, I wondered what sort of men they were to treat
a girl like this.

I cried out as
another man yanked my head up by my blonde hair. My mouth bloating
as he forced the swollen glans of his erect organ to the back of my
throat, I almost choked. I was to swallow yet more sperm, have my
anal canal filled with a double load of spunk while I drank sperm
from the cock fucking my mouth. The perspiration of crude sex
matting my tousled hair, the lubricious juices of my vagina running
down my inner thighs, I was thankful that the swollen lips of my
pussy hadn't been subjected to the leather whip. Yet.

The pubic
hairs of the balls pressed against my chin tickling me, the rudely
stretched ring of my anal eye hurting me, I found myself pondering
on the idea of the leather tails flailing the sensitive cushions of
my outer labia. An experience? That was one way of looking at it.
Would the vulval pain induce my pussy to flow? Would I come, writhe
in the grip of a multiple orgasm as the whip lashed me? I wanted to
tie Sharon down to a bed and cane her. I wanted to hurt Sharon for
deserting me.

"That just
leaves her cunt," Maria breathed. I knew I was to take four penises
into my body. One in my mouth, two up my bum and another in my

My rectal
sheath inflating as the solid penises swelled, I sucked on the
purple glans throbbing within my wet mouth. The gush of sperm was
imminent, I knew as the three men began gasping in their
debauchery. My anal iris becoming sore as the cocks repeatedly
withdrew and thrust into me again, I desperately needed the oily
sperm to lubricate the enforced double fucking of my anal sheath.
The glans within my mouth suddenly exploding in orgasm, the white
liquid issuing from the pink slit and bathing my snaking tongue, I
moaned through my nose as my anal throat swallowed the sperm
jetting from the two knobs.

"Yes!" the man
behind me cried as he grabbed my hips and rammed his huge penis
deep into my inflamed anal tube. The swollen cocks pistoning my
arse out of time, the throbbing knobs massaging each other, the
sperm flowed in torrents into my velveteen duct. Four balls
slapping between my thighs, two balls battering my sperm-wet chin,
I shuddered as another mind-blowing orgasm erupted within the
pulsating nub of my erect clitoris. My juices of desire flowed in
torrents down my inner thighs, mingling with the sperm jetting from
the inflamed rosebud of my dilated anus. As I drank the sperm
pumping from the bulbous knob within my mouth and my rectal sheath
swallowed its share of male orgasmic liquid, I knew that I'd found
my sexual heaven. My sexual debauchery.

"I want her
cunt," Maria said eagerly as she settled on the floor. I felt her
fingers exploring between the dripping lips of my pussy, massaging
the intricate folds. She expertly rubbed my pulsating clitoris,
sustaining my wondrous climax with her fingers, which entered me,
stretching open my cunt.

Swallowing the
sperm gushing into my mouth as my climax rocked my very soul, the
cheeks of my bottom slapped by a man's lower belly, the lips of my
vagina hugging the thrusting female fingers, I lost myself in
sexual delirium. On and on the shockwaves of orgasm exploded,
transmitting deep into me as my naked flesh perspired. My long
blonde hair soaked, I breathed deeply as my very being centred on
the intense pleasure.

The sperm
issuing from the three penises finally stemming, the cocks stilling
within my arse, my mouth, I shook violently as my orgasm began to
recede. With a loud sucking sound, the swollen knobs withdrew from
the spermed inlet of my hot rectum. The fingers finally slipped out
of my cunt, leaving my girl hole gaping, dripping with the juices
of illicit sex. Making one last thrust to the back of my throat,
the man kneeling before me at last slipped his saliva-dripping
penis out of my mouth. Licking my spermed lips, I lolled to one
side, my weary body falling to the floor where I lay in a trembling
heap. Perspiring, shuddering, I lay in a pool of satisfaction.

"Well," Reece
grinned, holding my head up by my chin. "I think you're more than
prepared for Mighty."

"Mighty?" I

"Shall we take
her out?" Maria asked. There was a glint of lust in her eyes.

"OK, let's get
her out to the field."

The men
hauling me up, I grimaced as one pulled me across the lounge to the
patio doors. There were lights on outside, strategically placed in
the trees and shrubs to illuminate the grounds. Marching me around
the side of the villa, the man pushed me into a clearing among the
bushes. Lying on the soft grass, my naked body aching, I watched as
the men gathered around me. Where was the entrance to the field?
Why had they taken me into the bushes? Pondering my fate as a foot
rolled me onto my back, confusion flooded me.

"Right," Reece
grinned, a light in the tree above him silhouetting his naked body.
"Now the fun really begins. Someone go and get Mighty."

"I'll do it,"
Alan said, leaving the group and wandering off.

"While we're
waiting, we'll give the little slut a thrashing."

"With this?"
Maria asked, breaking a branch off a nearby bush.

"Perfect. Will
you do the honours?"

"I'd be
delighted. Stake her down with her legs apart."

My wrists and
ankles fixed to the ground with U-shaped metal stakes, I knew I'd
not been the first girl to be dragged to this spot. Looking up at
Maria as she knelt by my side, I saw no compassion in her dark
eyes. Where was Donna? Where was David, Sharon, my mother...? Maria
stood up and raised the branch above my trembling body. I closed my
eyes and tensed my muscles.





There'd been
sheer panic. Maria had dropped the branch and dashed off with the
men to investigate the sound of a boat engine. I'd been left staked
to the ground for at least an hour. Perhaps someone had hired a
boat and come looking for me? Perhaps David had become a knight in
shining armour? Was it a passing tourist boat? No, not in the dark
of night. A fishing boat, perhaps?

As I listened
to the trees rustling in the warm breeze, I felt something crawling
over my lower stomach. Lifting my head, I watched in horror as a
spider roamed towards the rise of my hairless mons. I shuddered as
it stopped at the top of my sex-wet vaginal crack. It was looking,
smelling, tasting. I froze as it ventured into the pink valley of
my pussy and crawled over the sensitive nub of my exposed clitoris.
Praying for the thing to go away as it explored the creamy cone of
flesh surrounding the hot entrance to my cunt, I imagined being
left staked to the ground all night. Monsters would emerge from the
bushes and get me. Sexual monsters would take me.

Breathing a
sigh of relief as the spider completed his uninvited tour of my
vaginal flesh and crawled away, I gasped with fright as Donna
emerged from the bushes. A rope attached to a leather collar around
her neck, the weals of a cruel whipping fanning out across her pert
breasts, there was sadness reflected in her blue eyes. What
horrendous sexual torture she'd had to endure, I dreaded to

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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