Sinful Deceit (17 page)

Read Sinful Deceit Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #sexual exploration, #kinky erotic games, #sexual enslavement

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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"Suck hard,"
Reece breathed, his glistening knob repeatedly emerging between the
girl's taut lips and driving into her bloated mouth. Her blue eyes
wide, her cheeks ballooning, she was taking the mouth fucking well.
But how would she react when his sperm issued from his swollen
knob? She'd be forced to swallow, to drink his come until his heavy
balls had drained. How many cocks would mouth fuck her that night?
How much sperm would be pumped into her wet mouth, her juiced cunt,
her tight bottom?

As Reece
grunted in his oral fucking, I realized that I could easily grab
one of the wooden dildos from the shelf and bash him over the head.
But no. The guests would probably arrive before we'd managed to get
off the island. Besides, how could we flee the island without the
keys to the boat? It was too early to think of escaping. I had to
bide my time, wait for the perfect opportunity and then go for

Reece cried, his salivated knob emerging between Donna's full lips,
his sperm jetting over her pretty face. Ramming his cock deep into
her mouth again, his swinging balls battering her sperm-drenched
chin, he continued his crude mouth fucking. The girl choking and
spluttering, obviously doing her best to swallow the product of his
orgasm, I licked my dry lips. Did I want him to mouth fuck me? Did
I want to drink his sperm? My clitoris swelling in anticipation, I
was thirsty for crude sex. I was becoming more like Reece with
every passing hour.

Moving to the
top of the bed, I had a better view of Reece's solid penis driving
in and out of Donna's bloated mouth. Sperm running in white rivers
down her cheeks, her wet lips rolling along his veined shaft, I
heard her swallow again and again. This was only her first taste of
male orgasm, I knew as Reece slipped his spend knob out of her
drenched mouth. Watching her splutter and cough, I imagined a
second penis fucking her mouth, and then a third and fourth

"The next time
I shove my cock in your mouth, it won't be spunk you'll be
drinking," Reece chuckled. He was a vulgar man.

"What do you
mean?" I asked, knowing only too well what he was talking

"You'll find
out, Kirsty," he smiled. "You'll find out because that's what
you'll be doing when the guests arrive. You'll be drinking from
their cocks."

The thought
sending a shudder up my spine, I knew he didn't look upon me as his
ally. He intended to use me as much as he did Donna. Thinking about
the situation, I realized he'd no need to treat me differently to
any other girl. The time had come to make a move, I knew as he
asked me to leave him alone with Donna. What he was going to do to
her I had no idea. But I obediently left the room and climbed the
steps to the lounge.

I'd been a
fool to imagine that Reece would treat me as an ally. Sitting on a
chair by the pool, I knew that I was to remain as much a prisoner
as Donna. I had to escape that evening, with or without the girl.
Once I'd reached safety, the police would save Donna. But how would
I leave the island? The guests, I mused, suddenly realizing that
they'd be arriving by boats. If I could get to the beach while
Donna was being crudely fucked by several men, I might be able to
steal a boat and make my escape.

evening," a young man smiled as he walked towards me. I'd not seen
him before. "Am I the first?" he asked.

"Yes," I
replied. "Reece is in the studio with a new girl. Why don't you go
and see him?"

"I think I
will. Sorry, my name's Alan."

"And I'm...
I'm Christine," I lied.

"Reece hasn't
mentioned you before."

"No, I've only
just arrived."

"Oh?" he
frowned. There was suspicion reflected in the dark pools of his
eyes. "So, who are you?"

"Christine," I
laughed. "An old friend."

"Oh, I see."
He looked at the leather belt running around my waist. "The new
girl," he began. "Is her name Kirsty?"

"Yes, that's

"Reece has
told me about her. He reckons that she might be trouble."

"Yes, we were
talking about it earlier. But I don't think she'll cause any
problems. She's doing very well, settling down nicely."

"He reckons
that she might have made a phone call from the ferry. I

"Don't worry,
Alan. Reece has everything under control."

"I'm not sure
about that. After the escapade with that Belinda girl, I'm not sure
at all."

"Oh, Belinda,"
I smiled. "All's well that ends well."

"Yes, but look
how it ended."

"She was..." I
stammered, wondering how to get information from him. "Belinda

"A bloody
nightmare," he broke in. "When that bloke arrived asking questions
about... I just hope that you're right and he has got things under

"Trust him," I
said. "Go and see him and I'll pour you a drink."

"Why don't you
go and tell him that I'm here?" he smiled, his eyes focused on the
melons of my firm breasts as he slipped his T-shirt over his head
and unbuckled his belt.

"OK," I
replied, leaping to my feet. "I won't be a minute."

Walking into
the lounge as he sat by the pool, I began to feel panicky. How
could I explain why I'd lied about my name? Pacing the floor,
desperately trying to think of a plan, I looked through the patio
doors at his clothes strewn across a chair. He'd have a boat moored
at the jetty. Clothes, a boat... This was my chance.

"Reece wants
you to go down to the studio," I said, wandering out onto the

"I'd like you
to go down on me," he grinned, toying with his stiffening

"Don't keep
him waiting," I smiled, trying not to gaze at his magnificent
penis, his huge balls. "He's not in the best of moods as it

"Come with
me," he said.

"I'll pour the
drinks while you go and see him," I returned. "Be a good boy and do
as you're told. If you don't, then..."


"Then I might
have to punish you."

"Sounds good
to me. Don't go away."

"Oh, I

As he
disappeared into the lounge, I grabbed his clothes and made a run
for it through the grounds. The metal clamps swinging between my
legs, battering my inner thighs, strange thoughts roamed through my
head. I'd show the police the weals across my buttocks, the belt
around my waist and the cuffs around my wrists. They might think me
to be an escaped convict and lock me in the cells. They might
torture me. Bent policemen. Maybe they were working with Reece
and... Stubbing my toe, reality dissolved my crazy thoughts.

I couldn't
believe my luck as I reached the wall. The ladder was still there,
my escape route, my salvation. Slipping into the trousers and
T-shirt, I pulled the shoes on and climbed the ladder. I knew that
I only had a matter of minutes before Alan told Reece that he'd
spoken to Christine and they came after me. If they caught me, I'd
be put through a living hell. My heart banging hard against my
chest, I leaped to the ground and dashed through the olive grove in
the direction of the beach. Freedom was nearing fast, and so was
the night.

Not setting my
hopes too high as I ran along the sandy shore towards the jetty,
all I could do was pray for the keys to be in Alan's boat. If not,
then I'd find somewhere on the island to hide. I'd need food,
drink... But I couldn't think of everything. As long as I remained
outside the grounds of the villa, I was sure that I could survive.
Were there scary monsters in the woods at night? No monster could
equal Reece and his guests.

The boat was
tied to the jetty, the water lapping gently at its sides. Leaping
aboard, I untied the rope and looked at the controls. Steering
wheel, levers... A key. The engine started, smoke bubbling from the
gurgling water. My left hand on the wheel, I pushed a lever forward
and prayed. My face beaming as the boat moved off, the warm air
blowing through my hair as I left the jetty behind me, I let out a
cry of delight. Turning my head, I watched the island growing
smaller with distance. There was no sign of Reece. I was free.

Not having a
clue which direction to take, I scanned the horizon hoping to see
land. There was nothing but dark water, the huge orange sun sinking
into the sea. Dusk was falling fast. Perhaps I'd see lights
shimmering along a shoreline. Looking back, the island had melted
into the horizon. Hopelessly lost, I turned the boat through
forty-five degrees. Where were the island hoppers? No one would be
at sea in the dark, I knew. The sun finally disappearing, I tried
to keep my bearings. As long as I didn't head back in the direction
from which I'd come, I'd be all right. With hundreds of Greek
islands surrounding me, it wouldn't be long before I was on dry

falling quickly, I pulled the lever back. The engine ticking over,
the boat coming to a halt, I looked about me. The eerie silence was
only broken by the gentle throbbing of the engine and the lapping
water. There was nothing but sea, nothing to head towards. I was
about to move off when I happened to look behind me. Out of the
gloom, a boat was heading towards me. Adrenalin running through my
veins, my face grinning, I waved frantically as the boat
approached. The man waving back, he finally pulled alongside

"Thank God," I

"You OK?" he

"No, I'm
lost," I replied, just managing to stop myself from bursting into
tears. "Hopelessly lost."

"Where have
you come from? More to the point, where do you want to go?"

Eyeing his bronzed body, his tight swimming trunks, I felt my
clitoris stir. "Any island where there's civilisation. A police
station." His trunks clearly outlining the contour of his penis,
his huge balls, I averted my gaze. "I need a police station."

"Are you sure
you're OK?" He brushed his jet-black hair back with his fingers.
"You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, I'm fine.
I have to get to a police station as quickly as possible."

"OK, follow

As he moved
off, I pushed the lever forward and followed in his wake. Prince
Charming coming to my rescue, this was like a dream come true. I'd
return to the villa with the police and free Donna. Reece and his
accomplices would be taken away and locked behind bars. What a
story I'd have to tell David and Sharon. I might even sell it to a
newspaper. Wondering why Reece hadn't given chase as I saw land
ahead, I imagined him to be fuming, seething with anger. Alan would
have noticed that his boat had gone by now, and they'd both be in a
state of sheer panic.

"Head straight
for the beach!" the man called. Passing him as he slowed down, I
pulled the lever back and held tight as the boat grounded in the
shallow water just a few yards from dry land. I'd made it, I was
free. Clambering out of the boat, my stomach somersaulting, I waded
to the beach. Flopping onto the warm sand as I waited for the man
to join me, I again pondered on Reece. He'd be expecting the police
to arrive at any time. He'd be clearing out the basement, hiding
the evidence of his debauchery. What would he do with Donna? A
gruesome thought filtering into my mind, I leaped to my feet as the
good-looking man walked towards me with his hand outstretched.

"Hi, I'm Ian,"
he smiled.

"Kirsty," I
said, shaking his hand. His muscular arms glistened in the
moonlight with globules of seawater. His trunks were wet, clinging,
hugging. "So, where are we?"

"This way," he
said, walking up the beach. "There's a village not far from here.
And a police station."

across the sand, the sense of freedom overwhelming, I looked up at
the stars. There was a God, I reflected. Good always wins over
evil. The tables always turn. I just hoped that Donna was safe as I
followed Ian along a track through the woods. With any luck, Reece
would have been in too much of a panic to bother about Donna.
Perhaps he'd flee the island and take her with him? Whatever he
did, it wouldn't be long before the police caught up with him.
Suddenly realizing that Ian had gone on ahead, I quickened my pace.
It was almost pitch dark beneath the towering trees. Barely able to
make out the track, I began to run but stumbled to the ground.

"Ian!" I
called, clambering to my feet. My breathing fast and shallow, my
palms wet, I began to tremble. "Ian! Wait for me!" Rounding a
corner, I wondered where he'd got to as I reached a lane. Not
knowing which way to turn, I called out again. Wherever he was, he
obviously couldn't hear me. Panicking as I heard a rustling sound
coming from the bushes, I ran up the lane hoping to come across a
house or taverna. Where was the village? Where were the
holidaymakers? The island seemed to be deserted, and a terrible
sense of fear crept over my perspiring flesh. Slowing my pace as I
followed a bend in the lane, I stopped dead in my tracks and
gasped. My heart missed several beats as I found myself standing
before the wrought iron gates to Reece's villa. Where was God

back," Reece said as he emerged from the shadows like a

"No!" I
screamed as he lunged at me and grabbed my arm. "No, please!"

"You'll be
severely punished for this, young lady," he hissed through gritted
teeth as Ian leaped out of the bushes and grabbed my other arm.
"Stealing Alan's boat, putting me to all this bloody trouble...
You'll be whipped until you..."

"Please," I
whimpered as they dragged me through the gates and up the sweeping

"You did well,
Ian," Reece praised the young man as I was frogmarched past the
pool into the lounge.

"It was easy,"
my betrayer grinned, closing and locking the patio doors. "I saw
her almost immediately after your radio message."

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