Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar (8 page)

Read Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Anthologies

BOOK: Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar
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He collapsed against her, his face resting between her breasts. His fingers found the chains attached to her nipple clamps, and he tugged hard. Pleasurable pain shot from both breasts to Myrna’s throbbing clit. Her belly tightened with impending orgasm.

“You’re so sexy, baby. So sexy.” He kissed a trail down her stomach, his destination obvious. He licked her newly shaved lips, sucked on them, nibbled and kissed them until she was writhing uncontrollably.

When she was certain she would die from lack of fulfillment, he slid two fingers inside her.

“Oh,” she gasped, her hands flying to his scalp to press his head and encourage him to take her clit in his mouth.

He inched lower, but merely licked at her inner folds while he slowly drove his fingers in and out of her aching pussy.

“Make me come,” she demanded. “Please, Brian, I can’t stand it.”

He reached up, grabbed both nipple chains in one hand, and tugged sharply. Her pussy tightened around his fingers, but she didn’t fly over the edge.

“Brian, Brian,” she panted. “Help me.”

His tongue flicked her clit, and intense spasms of pleasure gripped her core. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Say my name,” he said brokenly.

“Brian. Brian!”

He yanked her into the tub, water sloshing over the rim and spreading across the floor.

“God, I’m fucking hard as a rock again already,” he said in that sexy growl that made her crave another orgasm. “Why do you do this to me?”

“Because I get off on it,” she said with a giggle.

His fingers dug into her ass as he shifted her onto his lap, facing him.

“I need to be inside you, sweetheart.”

“Yes,” she agreed.

“Always inside you,” he said against her throat.

You always are.”

With one hand, she helped him find her.

As he penetrated her inch by inch, he groaned. When at last he was buried deep, he said, “This is exactly where I want to be.”

Myrna rubbed her mound against him, wondering why she’d waited so long to shave it for him. She had a whole new area of bare skin to enjoy. “You feel amazing,”
she said.

“Amazing,” he agreed breathlessly. “I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too.”

He cupped her face in both wet hands and stared deeply into her eyes. “So fucking much?” he prompted.

She laughed. “Yes, I love you so fucking much.”

Grinning, Brian fumbled with a control panel on the edge of the tub, and the Jacuzzi jets roared to life.

“Hold on,” he said before scooting around the tub to sit cross-legged in front of a jet. “Tell me when you’re in a good position.”

“Let me turn around,” she suggested. She rose until his cock slipped from her body and then turned to face the side of the tub. She sank onto his cock again, her ass rubbing up against his lower belly. “Is that comfortable for you?”

He leaned back, relaxing into the water. “Feels great,” he said brokenly.

She started to ride him, the gushing water pulsing against her clit on each up stroke and each down stroke. Brian’s hands trailed over her wet breasts, while his lips brushed over her back.

It was too slippery in the tub to get a good rhythm going on her knees. “Where’s Eric when I need him?” she wondered aloud.

“Back on the tour bus where he belongs.” Brian grabbed her hips to assist her.

“Thanks,” she whispered as their combined movements brought her closer to her peak.

Brian kissed her shoulder and then sank his teeth into her heated flesh. Her back arched beneath his rough attention.

“We could call Trey,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind making our wedding night rock.”

Myrna stiffened and stopped moving. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she said, her heart clenching in a bitter mix of anger and hurt and jealousy.

“I don’t want Eric to touch you, but if you crave more—”

She didn’t let him finish, but instead started to rise from the tub. He caught her around the waist and tugged her back down against him.

“I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right,” he said. “Our wedding night already rocks. We don’t need assistance from Eric or Trey.”

You’re goddamned right we don’t, she thought darkly. And she intended to prove it to him.

It took her a moment to clear her thoughts enough to finish what they started. She was pretty sure that Brian didn’t think of Trey in their bed as anything more significant than one of their sex toys, but she just couldn’t detach enough to think of Trey that way. And she knew Trey was emotionally invested in the act when Brian was involved. She couldn’t fathom how Brian managed to keep his feelings out of the mix. The guy normally tossed his heart around like a hacky sack.

Because her thoughts were racing with the perplexity of her husband’s complicated relationship with his best friend, it took Myrna forever to find release.
Her clit didn’t stand a chance against the Jacuzzi jets no matter how hard she was finding it to concentrate. They reached orgasm together and then relaxed in the water to collect their breaths. Resting with her back against Brian’s chest, she traced the tattoos on his forearm with one finger. She wasn’t insecure about his feelings for her, but she definitely wanted to keep his attention, no matter what it took.

“Would you be against me getting my clit pierced?” she asked.

Behind her, Brian’s body tensed. “What? Where did that come from?”

There was no way she was going to tell him what was going through her head. She wanted his attention drawn away from Trey, not toward him.

She gazed down at her reddened nipples. They were a little raw, but still fully aroused. “I really like my nipple jewelry. I thought it might be sexy to connect it to a piercing in my clit.”

“That would be sexy,” he said breathlessly. “Are you going to get it done?”

“I haven’t decided yet. I just wondered if you’d like it.”

“I’d like it.” He kissed her shoulder and his arms tightened around her waist from behind. “I like everything about you.”

“Are you sure?” God, she sounded needy. She suddenly wanted to punch herself in the teeth.

“I’m sure.”

She believed him, but he could probably use another distraction to seal the deal.
definitely could. “Are you ready for me to fuck your ass now?” she asked.

His body jerked unexpectedly. “Uh, not yet.”

“Did you change your mind?” She turned her head to look up at him. “You don’t have to go through with it if you don’t want to.”

“I want to try it. Later. Right now I just want to hold you. I’m exhausted.”

She relaxed against him. She was being silly. He wasn’t thinking about Trey. It was their wedding night, and he was thinking about her. She was the one who’d been fixating on the guy all day and it needed to stop.
needed to stop.

“This is nice,” she said.

“Perfect,” he murmured.

Myrna’s eyelids grew heavy. The next thing she knew, the water was cold and Brian was snoring softly near her ear. She shifted, and he took a startled breath as he regained consciousness. He rubbed his face with both wet hands. “Shit, did we fall asleep?”

She looked down at her hands with dismay. “I’m all pruney,” she said, moving away from him so she could climb out of the tub. She wrapped a towel around her body and handed one to Brian, who was stumbling around in the tub like a drunk.

“Are you okay?”

He pulled the plug, and the water started to drain. “Cold and stiff.”

She smiled. “I’ll warm you up and make you extra stiff. It’s time for an actual bed to make an appearance on our wedding night.”

“Give me a minute alone in here to get ready for you,” he said.

She knew what that meant: he was ready to participate in her latest experiment with kink. Ah, the man was made for her.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him deeply and then pulled away to look in his eyes. “Any time you want me to stop, I will. I know you’d do the same for me.”

“I trust you, Professor.”

She left him in the bathroom and went to collect everything she’d need to live her dirtiest fantasy with her husband. Well, her dirtiest fantasy to date. She’d think up some new ones soon.

In the bedroom, she tossed back the covers and laid all her tools out in a neat row. She wasn’t just going to take Brian—she was going to build his
desire until he begged her to possess him.

When he joined her, he eyed her implements curiously. “What are you planning to do to me, woman?”

She drew her hand down the length of the small black dildo strapped over her pubis with a harness. “Fuck you properly.”

At her confident words, his cock stirred.


“Lie on your back in the center of the bed,” she instructed.

“Wouldn’t it be easier—”


He did as she asked. She crawled up between his bent legs and licked his balls until he was rock hard and panting with excitement. Settling a pillow under his butt to angle his hips for easier access, she then reached for the smallest butt plug, the one he was used to and she knew he liked. Still sucking on his sac, she lubricated the plug and touched it to his ass. He gasped. He wasn’t usually this tense. She lifted her head and sucked his cock into her throat, inserting the plug in the same instant. He shuddered hard, drawing ragged breaths through his teeth. She massaged the end of the plug, moving it around inside him to open him wider. He relaxed and groaned in pleasure. She popped the plug free and reached for one that was quite a bit larger and longer. She lubed his passage with two fingers and then coated the plug. There was some resistance to this one; his body wasn’t used to something so thick. She released his cock from her mouth.

“Relax, baby,” she crooned. “Relax.”

The instant he relaxed, she shoved. He whimpered.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

When his only response was a series of jerky breaths, she grew concerned. “Brian?”

“God, why does that hurt so

“That’s a little thicker than my dildo,” she told him. “Do you like it?”


“What do you want me to do to you?”

“Suck me.”

Not quite the request she was looking for, but she complied. She took his cock in her mouth again, giving extra attention to the rim by bumping her lips over it. His stomach tightened as he neared orgasm. She pulled the thick plug from ass, and he cried out in protest.

“Oh please,” he gasped.

“Please what?”

“Please put it back in.”

“What do you want me to do to you?”

He lifted his head from the pillow to look at her. His face was flushed, his eyes glassy. “Fuck me, Myrna.”

She grabbed the dildo strapped over her mound and moved up his body. She pressed the head of the small phallus against his ass, staring into his eyes as she slowly possessed him. His body broke out into a sweat as she slid deeper.

“Okay?” she asked, brushing a hand over his flushed cheek.

His breath came in hard, harsh gasps. “I can’t decide if I like it. Go a little deeper.” When she complied, his eyelids fluttered. “Oh, yes, I like it.”

She claimed him slowly at first, rocking her hips. His hard cock brushed against her belly; pre-cum dripped from the tip. With one hand clutched in the sheet beneath him, he grabbed his shaft in his other hand and stroked his length in time with her thrusts. He was definitely liking this. Far more than she’d anticipated. Maybe he’d always wanted to be taken this way—long before he’d met her.

“Who are you thinking about?” she asked as she pulled back and pushed forward again. She filled him completely, grinding her hips until he moaned. “Brian.”


“Who are you thinking about?”

“Don’t stop. I’m close.”

She could see that. She pulled back and thrust forward, taking him hard and deep and fast.

“Are you thinking about Trey while I fuck your ass?” she asked.

His eyes flipped open, and he pinned her with an incredulous stare. “Why the fuck would I
be thinking about Trey?”

She wished she’d swallowed the question instead of throwing it out there between them, especially now, when he was so vulnerable. But since she’d already introduced the subject, it was time to tell him how Trey really felt about him and to find out if deep inside himself, Brian felt any of the same emotions.

“I need to tell you something,” she said.

“Tell me what?”

She took a deep breath. “Trey—”

A loud pounding banged at the suite’s door. Brian tensed and turned his head, staring with wide eyes. “What the hell was that?”

“Shh, shh. It’s nothing. They’ll go away.”

The knocking intensified. Brian stared anxiously toward the door, as if expecting it to fly off its hinges.

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