Sintown Chronicles II: Through Bedroom Windows (13 page)

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Authors: Sr. David O. Dyer

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

BOOK: Sintown Chronicles II: Through Bedroom Windows
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“Why so glum boss man?"

“Sorry,” he replied. “I didn't realize I was wearing my feelings on my sleeve."

“Look, George. You know I have strong feelings for you. It's just that ... it's just that..."

“I know,” he said. “I'm a foolish old man—an old fool to be more accurate..."

“You're not an old fool, George. It's just that..."

“Maggie, I just go nuts when we kiss and stroke each other and then stop. It's driving me crazy."

She watched him put on his cheerful face, greet a customer and ring up the sale. “Maybe it's time for me to move out, George. I never intended to cause you a problem."

“Here comes Ellen, back from her break,” he said. “Let's go in the office."

When they were behind closed doors, he took her in his arms, gripped her buttocks and drove his tongue into her mouth. She felt her body begin to tingle, and was disappointed that his kiss did not linger.

“Maggie, I came to work this morning about quarter to five. When I stopped at the traffic light, Mrs. Frank drove by on the Old Charlotte Road on the way to her diner. The back of her old pickup contained food supplies. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just called one of our suppliers. She is so far behind on her bill that they cut off her credit and will no longer make deliveries. She has to drive to Charlotte every morning and pay cash for what she gets."

So, that's what's really bothering you this morning, she thought. “Does that surprise you? You offered to buy her out and she refused."

“I don't like it, Maggie. I feel dirty. The hardheaded old biddy won't listen to reason and we're losing money. I don't want her to suffer. That was never my intention. Maybe it's time I called the whole thing off—raise prices to a level that will give us a profit and just see what happens."

“I never thought of you as a quitter, George."

“I'm not,” he said defensively.

“You mapped out a business plan and you've been following it. You say Dot won't support two restaurants. You tried to buy her out and, when she refused, you made up your mind to drive her out of business. Now that your plan is about to succeed, you're having second thoughts."

He slumped into the desk chair. “My plan has some holes in it. I didn't think Dottie would hold out this long and I didn't realize how popular the Dollars’ recreational complex would be this summer. Right now, there's plenty of business for both of us. If I call off the price war, we could be breaking even by fall."

She sat in the side chair. “Is profit your concern or Mrs. Frank's welfare?"

“Both, Maggie.” He leaned forward and ran his fingers through his hair. “Maggie, I have never intentionally hurt anybody in my whole life. I don't like it."

“If you give in, George, she wins."

“My point is, maybe we can both win."

She stretched out her arm on the desk and he placed his hand in hers. “Do you love me, George?” she asked.

A pained expression formed on his face. “What kind of question is that?"

“An honest question—a tough question."

“Think of what all I've done for you. Doesn't that answer your question?"

“I am thinking of all you've done for me—the position, the clothes, the house, the money. That's why I'm asking the question. Are you being so good to me because you love me or is it an attempt to pay the young whore for her services?"

He drew back in his chair. “I can't believe you said that! I gave you a job and offered to let you live in my house before you decided to, uh, wash my back."

“You gave me a job as a night cook and offered to let me stay at your house until I could find a place of my own. Since I ‘washed your back’ as you put it, you've practically made me your partner, quadrupled my salary and bought me a closet full of expensive clothes. I ask you again, George Bennett. Is it because you love me or are you paying for the whore's services?"

“You know I love you, Maggie. You mean everything to me, and I remind you, we've never slept together."

“No, but we've come close and you were pissed off this morning when I refused to join you in bed."

“Maggie, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I do love you, Maggie."

She stood up and walked to the door. With her back still turned to him she said, “Then why does Dottie Franks’ distress concern you so?” She turned and faced him. “George, until I get things sorted out in my mind, continuing to work for you may not be such a good idea. I think we both slipped into something we didn't mean to happen, and now we don't know what to do about it."

“Please Maggie, don't do this."

“I have to consider my options, George, and what is best for both of us. I understand Sandy Dollar is looking for a housekeeper and babysitter. Maybe I'll give that a try."

“Maggie, I need you."

“You don't need me, George. I'm just window-dressing. I'm taking the rest of the day off. I have some serious thinking to do."

* * * *

Sitting at the end of the mahogany conference table in the tastefully appointed study at the Dollars house made Maggie uncomfortable. She wished she had not changed to jeans, sleeveless flannel shirt and baseball cap. “Folks,” she began, “I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice."

“I was shocked when you told me on the telephone that you are interested in becoming our housekeeper,” Sandra said.

“I'm curious about it too. From all I can see, the Korner Kafe and motel seems to be successful,” Tim said.

“They will be,” Maggie replied. “We're ... they're losing money at the Kafe, but George will soon raise his prices a little. George is a fine man and he gave me a super job—it's just not the job I wanted. I applied for a job as a cook, but George wanted me to be the manager. I gave it a try, but it's just not for me."

“Something like the Peter Principle,” Tim mused.

“What's the Peter Principle?"

“A fellow wrote a book in which he charged that corporations promote employees until they reach a level of incompentancy, and that's where they remain the rest of their working lives. The author contends these people, who were competent in other positions, are destroying the corporations. In your case you are saying that you are a good cook, but are out in left field as a manager."

Maggie bristled. “I would not exactly call myself incompetent. I just don't like it right now."

“Do you have any experience as a housekeeper or nanny?” Sandra asked.

“No professional training,” Maggie grinned, “but I come from a family of five boys and one girl. I practically raised my two younger brothers and did most of the housework too."

“I just don't know, Maggie,” Tim said. “Junior is extra special to us. We were hoping to find someone with experience and references."

Maggie swallowed hard. “Everybody has to start somewhere,” she said, “and I know you must be in desperate need. It's been three months since Bobby and Adele..."

“It's okay, Maggie,” Sandra said. “They were very good friends, but we can talk about it now. You were saying?"

“I was going to suggest that you give me a trial period—say a month. If I don't work out I'll go quietly."

Tim and Sandra exchanged glances while chuckling. “I just can't picture you doing housework and babysitting,” Tim said. “You look more like the outdoors type to me."

“I am, Mr. Dollar. I love working outdoors, even in the winter. The best summer I ever spent was when I was seventeen and worked with my brothers in the family lawn care business."

Sandra and Tim again exchanged glances.

“Maggie,” Sandra said. “We actually have two positions open. Adele was our housekeeper, but Bobby was our caretaker. He made minor repairs around the place, called in professionals when major work was needed and then supervised their work, kept the grass mowed and the flower gardens looking presentable, washed and waxed the cars and ran errands."

“He spent a lot of time roaming around the recreational complex too,” Tim added. “He was very good at pointing out potential trouble spots."

“As much as anything, he was a friend and companion to both Tim and me,” Sandra said. “I don't suppose you'd be interested in something like that?"

With all the earnestness that her face could reflect she replied, “I'd get down on my knees and kiss your feet ten times a day if you would give me a shot at that job. I could never be to you what Bobby was, but I can do the work."

“Sandy, I like the idea,” Tim said, his lips curling into a smile. “Bobby never offered to kiss my feet."

Sandra roared with laughter at the thought of the huge man ever acting subservient in any way. “Maggie, there's some hard manual labor involved, and Bobby used to spend time with Junior too—letting him ride on the lawnmower, taking him fishing, riding around the place on a golf cart—things like that."

“Does George know you are thinking of leaving the restaurant?” Tim asked.

“I told him this morning."

“And he's okay with it?"

“He wasn't happy about it, if that's what you mean."

“Haven't you been living with George?"

Maggie turned to Sandra and said somewhat defensively, “He let me use one of his guest rooms until I could find a place of my own. You may not be aware of it, but all the rental property in Dot is ... well ... rented."

“I do know,” Tim nodded. “Creasy Green has been on my back about it for months. However, I think we might have a ticklish situation with you quitting George but still accepting his hospitality."

“How about Carl's place?” Sandra asked.

“I don't know,” Tim replied.

“What is Carl's place?” Maggie asked.

“Carl Elliott is Bobby's brother and our contractor. Bobby left his house across the street from us to Adele, of course. In the event they both died, the will specified the house was to go to Carl. Carl has cleaned it up, repainted, and plans to rent it."

“If there's any way I can afford it, I would love to rent it. It will be convenient and I'm not concerned about someone trying to kill me."

“No,” Tim said. “I don't think there would be any danger. Whoever murdered Bobby and Adele had a personal vendetta against the two of them."

“I don't have any furniture, but maybe I could afford to buy..."

Tim held up his hand. “No need. The place is furnished. If you ladies will excuse me,” Tim said, getting to his feet, “I'll see if I can get Carl on the phone."

Sandra reached for Maggie's hand. “I think that means he just hired you,” she said. “It will be a thirty day trial, just as you suggested, and you will be practically your own boss. Tim and I will draw up a list of requirements, but neither of us has the time to stand over you and direct your activities."

“There's one little matter we haven't discussed,” Maggie said.

Sandra smiled. “You expect to be paid, don't you? I'm sure we can't offer you as much as Mr. Bennett was paying. Tim and I agreed that the salary for this position should be three thousand a month, all major holidays off, two weeks of paid vacation each year, and a health insurance package that will knock your socks off."

“That's a very generous offer. It's about the same as I was making at the restaurant."

Tim resumed his place at the table. “Maggie, would you be willing to do the yard and maintenance work at the rental property?"

“Of course."

“Then Dudette and I will pick up the rental tab as a part of your salary. Maybe that will get you a little closer to what you were making."


Sandra laughed. “He's Dude and I'm Dudette. You'll get used to it."

“Well okay, then. When do I start?"

“How much notice do you need to give George?"

“I should give him two weeks’ notice, but under the circumstances I think a clean break would be best. Let's see. This is Wednesday. I'd like to have a couple of days to move and I have previous plans for the weekend. Will Monday be all right?"

“Monday will be fine,” Tim said, standing and extending his hand. “Our key people meet every Monday at nine o'clock in this study. We'll see you then."

Maggie took his hand and realized he was terminating the interview, but she did not stand. “I will be one of your key people?"

“Bobby always attended these meeting,” Sandra explained. “Many times things came up that he could handle for us. We would like for you to attend two or three of the meetings and then we'll decide if it is necessary for you to attend them all."

“How should I dress?"

“What you are wearing today is fine,” Tim replied.

“Mr. Dollar—Mrs. Dollar—you've been most gracious with your time but there is one more thing."

“You're not going to last the thirty day trial period if you don't start calling us Tim and Sandy,” Sandra laughed. “What is it, Maggie?"

Tim sat back down and Maggie thought she heard him sigh.

“How much does the housekeeping job pay?"

“Two thousand a month with the same holiday, vacation and benefit package,” Sandra answered. “Why do you ask?"

“There's a girl on the housekeeping staff at the motel. She's making about fifteen hundred a month and really needs the extra money."

“Does she have any experience?” Tim asked.

“I don't know. I doubt that she's ever worked as a nanny."

“What's her background?” Sandra asked.

“Before she came here she worked as a waitress."

Tim cleared his throat. “Anything else?"

Maggie shook her head and grinned as she stood up. “Forget it,” she said. “I shouldn't have brought it up."

Sandra grabbed her hand. “You can be open with us, Maggie. In fact, we insist on it."

Maggie looked at the tabletop and mumbled, “She was a hooker.” She had no idea why Tim and Sandra roared with laughter.

“Tell her to come see me,” Sandra said. “I'll be glad to talk with her, but don't get her hopes up. She doesn't sound like the cultured nanny I am hoping to find."

Tim and Sandra stood on their porch and waved at the departing Blazer. She hugged him and said, “Dude, you always did prefer girls with tiny tits, thank God."

“Her's aren't tiny, Dudette. She must have them strapped down or something today. Haven't you noticed her at the Korner Kitchen?"

“No, but I'm sure you have checked her out."

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