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Authors: Desiree Holt

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Lust Undone

Desiree Holt


Book 3 in the Night Seekers


Returning to her home state of
Maine to investigate a possible Chupacabra killing, Sophia Black meets Clint
Beaudine, lean, dark and sexy. The heat between them is incendiary, the sex
erotic and the pleasure beyond her imagination. Clint fulfills all her
fantasies and teaches her ways to please him. The Maine air might be cold but
in Sophia’s motel room, it’s beyond boiling.

Clint helps her with the case,
using his knowledge of the area in which he lived. As they learn each other’s
secrets, it’s obvious to both of them they’re meant to be together. Mated. But
the Chupacabra is out in the snow, hunting human prey.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Night Seekers


ISBN 9781419934322


Night Seekers Copyright © 2011 Desiree Holt


Edited by Helen Woodall

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book publication June 2011


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
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characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Lust Undone

Desiree Holt



To my very own personal hero, who dared me to be myself. And
to Suzanne, my wonderful daughter, who gave me the idea that sparked this








Special thanks to Stephen McCausland,
Public Information Office, Maine State Police, who so very patiently answered
my many, many questions.






Author Note


Like other creatures in the
barnyard, the Chupacabra has
been variously described. Some witnesses have seen a small half-alien,
half-dinosaur tailless vampire with quills running down its back, others have
seen a panther like creature with a long snake-like tongue, still others have
seen a hopping animal that leaves a trail of sulfuric stench. Some think it may
be a type of dinosaur heretofore unknown. Some are convinced that the wounds on
animals whose deaths have been attributed to the Chupacabra indicate an alien
presence. However, they do not attribute the “mutilations” to the aliens
themselves, but to one of their pets or experiments gone awry. Such creatures
are known as Anomalous Biological Entities (ABEs) in UFO circles.

—Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Trademarks Acknowledgment


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark
owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Glock, Inc.

Google: Google Inc.

Northern Maine Regional Airport: The City of Presque Isle,

Sno-Cat: Tucker and Sons Corporation

Stetson: John B. Stetson Company

Styrofoam: Dow Chemical Company

The Maine Stein Song
: Copyright by Lincoln Colcord
and A.W. Sprague

University of Maine: University of Maine System

WAGM: City of Presque Isle, Maine

Walmart: Wal-Mart Stores Inc.




“I’d like to propose a toast.”

Craig Stafford raised his champagne flute and looked at the
people gathered around him.

“We look entirely too somber for a wedding party.”

“You’re right,” Logan Tanner, a former Montana deputy
sheriff, chimed in. “This is an important occasion and we should be celebrating

“To Chloe and Mark.” Craig smiled at the couple standing
near him. “Sunshine in darkness. May you have a long and happy life together.”

The others echoed him and then lifted their glasses to drink
to Mark Guitron and Chloe Hansen. Mark’s arm was tight around the shoulders of
his very new bride, the gesture both loving and protective.

This very specialized group of people called Night Seekers
was all standing on the patio of Desolation Ranch. Set up as their
headquarters, the ranch had been purchased by Stafford, the reclusive
billionaire who was dedicating his life to the eradication of the Chupacabra.
The devil beast.

El Chupacabra!

The name of the creature inspired a combination of rage and
frustration in every one of the eight members of the Night Seekers. Each of
them had lost at least one person close to them to the beast that killed in a
horrendous way. Victims’ throats were punctured, blood drained and internal
organs ripped from their bodies.

Twice now, in two different locations in Texas, the members
of the team had thought they’d killed the Chupacabra, only to have a report of
new killings pop up not long after that.

Each time the team was sure it had killed the murderous
creation, Stafford maneuvered to get the body whisked away to his secret lab.
There his scientists did their best to identify where this abomination had
derived from. For years, before Stafford became involved, other scientists had
operated on the theory that it was the result of two distinct species mating.
Now they were slowly coming to the realization that, while that may have been
the origin, it was much more than that. Possibly even the result of human
genetic engineering.

There was no readily identifiable DNA. And circumstance had
led them to also believe the creature was some sort of shifter, able to assume
other forms, not just human.

The legend of the Chupacabra was one that had been handed
down for decades, the stories stretching from South America to North America.
Sightings were recorded in many places and it had been written about and
speculated over extensively. Sophia Black, a former detective with the Maine
State Police, had read all about the ranchers who swore they’d killed it only
to have it turn out to be a mutated goat or coyote.

But the killing spree continued—animals and humans alike.
Was it a wild animal of some sort because of the way the bodies were mutilated,
sliced open with the entrails pulled out? Or a vampire, as some thought,
because each body had puncture wounds at the neck and was drained of blood?
Talk about your way-out-there theories. And each time someone was sure the
beast had been killed it turned out to be a false alarm, just as it had for the
Night Seekers in Maverick and Zapata Counties in Texas. Because the killings
continued and the bodies piled up.

And the legend continued to grow.

Every member of the team was frustrated by the inability to
track the beast to its actual lair. Since the Night Seekers had been formed
there had been nine more killings—three in Georgia and six in Texas. A
depressing thought for everyone. Twice now they’d thought they’d had it, only
to learn it was still loose. Or another one like it. And that was an even
scarier thought. That someone, somewhere, was breeding these creatures which
could assume different shapes at will.

If there was a bright spot in all the pain, it was the
knowledge that on the first Night Seekers mission, in Maverick County, former
FBI agent Jonah Grey had found Dakota Furcal, now Dakota Grey. An herbalist,
among the things she grew were the special herbs that six members of the group
needed to maintain their genetic balance. The six who themselves were
shapeshifters. Wolves.

The most recent mission had brought Chloe and Mark together
and she had returned to the ranch with him when he finished in Zapata County.

The event tonight should have been a joyous one. Weddings
were supposed to be a time of festivity and filled with merriment. But an
underlying sense of anguish gripped everyone and unfortunately took the edge
off the celebration. Subdued the happiness.

Mark Guitron and Chloe Hansen stood in the fading sunlight,
accepting the good wishes of their teammates.

It wasn’t difficult, however, to read the sadness in Chloe’s
eyes. Despite the best efforts of the team her friend Melinda was still
missing. Her disappearance in Zapata County in Southwest Texas on the Mexican
border had been too coincidentally close to new Chupacabra killings not to tie
them together.

While no one except Chloe wanted to say it out loud, they
all suspected that if humans were behind the latest evolution of the devil
beast they had captured Melinda for their own devious purposes. That her fate
might be worse than death.

Stafford, standing to one side of the patio, put down his
empty champagne flute. Everyone knew the story of his wife and child, killed by
the Chupacabra when they were all vacationing in Mexico. Now he dedicated his
life and his billions to wiping the beast off the face of the earth. Night
Seekers had been his idea. All the members, from various states and various law
enforcement agencies, had been specifically chosen by him.

“I hate to bring this up at a wedding party,” he began, “but
I think we need to put something on the table that everyone’s thinking and no
one wants to say.”

“I’ll say it.” Chloe removed her hand from her husband’s arm
and stepped forward. “It’s my wedding—well, Mark’s and mine—and my friend
everyone’s thinking about.” She glanced over her shoulder at Mark who smiled
and stepped up beside her. He put his arm around her and pulled her into his

“Everyone’s thinking it,” she repeated, “and so am I. It’s
obvious there are more of these creatures out there than anyone ever suspected.
So either they’re crossbreeding with other species or someone’s screwing around
with genetics. And Melinda’s been taken to wherever this hellhole is.”

“I think we’re all aware,” Craig agreed, “that we’re seeking
something far beyond what we originally thought when we started this project.
It’s not only impossible for one creature to be in so many far-flung places,
but we’ve killed two and yet the destruction still continues.”

“I can’t imagine what kind of deranged human being would
breed creatures like this.” Logan Tanner, the former Montana deputy sheriff,
had seen more of the Chupacabra death trail when Craig sent him to check out
bodies in Georgia. The horrific pictures he’d brought back were now scanned
into the main file on the computer. “And to what purpose?”

“To kill,” Craig said. “To destroy. Think of the power
someone would have if they had an army of these devil beasts.”

Jonah Grey swallowed the last of his champagne. Next to him
stood his wife Dakota. Now he linked his fingers with hers.

“Those of us who are shifters know that around the world
there are others like us who live only for power and control, and are driven by
a bloodlust. It’s obvious one of them has decided to harness that power and
enhance it.”

“Are you sure it’s a shifter?” Chloe asked.

Jonah nodded. “I’d say that odds are weighted in that
direction. A shifter who knows the power he or she controls would want to
crossbreed and enhance it. With an army of shifter killers at his or her
disposal that person could wreak havoc on society.”

“You’d be amazed at what some people will do,” Logan agreed.
“Or maybe not. In Montana we had a bunch of what you’d call mountain men. Guys
who lived at the back of beyond and thought civilization was a dirty word.
Three brothers, for example, used to kidnap people and take them up on the
mountain they owned and chase them for sport. With rifles. And kill them.”

Ric Garza, the de facto leader of Night Seekers, refilled
his champagne flute. “So it seems someone’s decided to create their own wild
animals. Shifters, maybe with human DNA if they can achieve it. And what? Turn
them loose?”

Craig shook his head. “Sell them. Look at any of your
Third-World countries with vicious dictators. Think what they could do with a
pack of these devil beasts to exert control over the people. And if they can
assume not just human form but that of domestic animals, people would never
know when there was one in their midst.”

Everyone stood quietly absorbing the enormity of that
statement. The silence was broken only when a cell phone played
The Maine
Stein Song
. Sophia Black’s phone. A former investigator with the Maine
State Police, she used the state song as her ringtone. Everyone looked at her
as she pulled it from the pocket of her slacks and pressed talk.

“This is Sophia.”

They all watched as she listened, the color slowly leeching
from her face. Her twin nephews had been killed by El Chupacabra and she was
viciously dedicated to its eradication. She’d been one of the first to be
convinced that, rather than migrating to other states from Texas and the South
American countries, there were indeed more than one of the creatures. Now, with
the increased number of killings all over the country, the entire team was

“All right. I’ll get back to you shortly.” She disconnected
the call and shoved the phone back in her pocket. She looked around at
everyone. “That was my sister Rebecca. Sorry to break up the party but there’s
been another killing. Up in the woods in northern Maine. And as before, no one
there seems to have a clue what they’re dealing with.”

“There’ll be plenty of time to celebrate when we bring this
to an end,” Mark said.

“And when we find Melinda,” Chloe added. “I’m for anything
that brings us a step closer.”

“Then let’s go into the command center,” Craig said, “and
see what we have.”

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