The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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The Falsification Of History
Our Distorted Reality


John Hamer

Copyright © John Hamer 2012


eBook Design by Rossendale Books


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


First and foremost, I would like to thank my wonderful, long-suffering wife Linda for all her unstinting support, encouragement and love and without whom I could not have completed this lengthy project.  Her down-to-earth advice and pragmatic common-sense whenever the going got tough, was the difference between my finishing this book and it remaining a mere pipe-dream.


This book is dedicated to her.


Thanks and Acknowledgements

Indeed I should like to express my gratitude to all my close family.  My sons Danny and Ryan and John and his lovely wife, Carrie (not forgetting my beautiful granddaughters, Charlie and Katy) have all been especially supportive and encouraging, despite on occasions being subjected to demands upon their patience well above and beyond the call of family duty.  And whilst my eldest son Chris and I have not enjoyed the closest of relationships down the years, he and his family are often in my thoughts, nevertheless.


I should also like to place on record, my thanks to our very good friends, John and Nicola Eastwood, who despite being subjected night after night to my inane ramblings and rants against all the injustices in the world and their causes, still somehow managed to remain on speaking-terms with me, the following day!


And also Richard Morson, my good mate, who in the early days of our joint ventures into the world of alternative history and reality, was a great ‘sounding-board’ and helped me get much of this into perspective.  In short, I believe that we ‘came of age’ in this field, together.  Thank you, Rich.


A special mention should also go to Adam Leak whose imagination and great artistic skills were responsible for the cover design of this book.  His achievement being all the more commendable due to a distinct lack of guidance, direction and input from myself!  Adam’s blog may be found at this address:


Lastly, but not least, I would like to thank those courageous, great champions of alternative history and reality, two of whom ultimately died for their beliefs.  It was they who firstly introduced me to the subject, thus changing my life and ultimately taught me all I know, through their writings, lectures and in some cases their personal conversations and communications with me.  There are too many to mention them all by name but include primarily (in no particular order)… Dr. Henry Makow, Ian R. Crane, Alan Watt, John Kaminski, David Irving, David Icke, the late William (Bill) Cooper, Jay Weidner, Jordan Maxwell, the late Phil Schneider, David Wilcock, Terry Boardman, Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Michael Newton and Chris Everard.


To you all, I am and will remain eternally grateful


The Falsification Of History

Our Distorted Reality


Thanks and Acknowledgements



PART 1 – The Prologue


Evolution – the greatest deception of our times?

The Real Origins of the Human Race

Atlantis – The Legend

The Ancient Bloodlines

Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the New World Order

The Great Library of Alexandria

False Flag Operations


PART 2 – The Dark Ages to the End of the Second Millennium

The Discovery of the American continent

Ancient British History

The ‘Legend’ of King Arthur

The Comet of 562AD

Prince Madoc’s Colonisation of America

The Knights Templar

Secret Societies


The Bilderberg Group

Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key and Phi Beta Kappa

The Round Table

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

The Trilateral Commission

Money, the Great Confidence Trick

The Descent into the Dark Abyss of Extreme Consumerism

Who really wrote the works of William Shakespeare?

The ‘Gunpowder Plot’

The English Revolution and the Execution of King Charles I

The Founding of America – ‘The New Atlantis’

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars

Unelected Presidents of the USA

Jack the Ripper, Prince Eddy, Lord Randolph Spencer-Churchill and the Queen Mother

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The Federal Reserve and the Titanic

World War I

The Prelude

The Sinking of the Lusitania

The Treaty of Versailles

The League of Nations

The Russian Revolution

The 1918 ‘Spanish Influenza’ Pandemic

German Hyperinflation 1923

The Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute

World War II

The Prelude

Who Was Adolf Hitler?

War is declared

Pearl Harbour

Dresden – An appalling War Crime

The Atomic Bomb

American Concentration Camps 1945-47

The Fate of Adolf Hitler

The murder of General George Patton

The Nuremburg Trials

The Diary of Anne Frank

Operation Paperclip

In Summary

Israel – the Land of the Rothschilds

The Cold War

The United Nations

The United States of Europe (The European Union)

The Report from Iron Mountain

The Strange Story of our Moon

The Apollo moon landings 1969-1972

Stanley Kubrick - 2001, A Space Oddity

Natural or Artificial Satellite?

The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones

The Ritual Murder of Diana, Princess of Wales


PART 3 – The World of Today – Our Distorted Reality

Useful Idiots


Bohemian Grove

USA Incorporated

The Elite-Controlled Mainstream Media

The Illusion of Democracy

9/11 – The ‘Real’ Background Story

The London Tube Bombings – 7th July 2005

The fake ‘War on Terrorism’ and the real ‘War on Islam’

HAARP - the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Weather and Geological Manipulation

2004 Asian Earthquake /Tsunami

2008 China earthquake, Sichuan Province

2010 Haiti earthquake

Hurricane Andrew 1992

Hurricane Katrina

HAARP Mind Control

Fukushima and the Japanese Tsunami 2011

Chemtrails – Our Toxic Skies

FEMA – The Federal Emergency Management Agency

The Man-made ‘Global Warming’ Hoax

The Elite controlled and run Music & Entertainment Industry

Eugenics and the Great Myth of World Overpopulation


The Student Loan Scam

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