The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (6 page)

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We are also kept in perpetual slavery by our rigged monetary system, designed to maintain us in a permanent state of debt and thus under easier control.
We are now drowning in debt on a never-before-seen scale, in the form of student loans, credit cards, store cards, personal loans, mortgages and the like and it could be convincingly argued that we are indeed now defined as individuals by our personal credit rating, all determined by our financial masters of course in the form of the banksters (banker-gangsters), which either allows or denies us the ability to live the lives we choose.
The overall control of finance unsurprisingly has also been wrested from public control into private hands (in the Western world at least) in a series of planned moves dating back to the formation of the Bank of England in 1693, under the orders of King William III of England who supplanted James II in 1688, in a plot hatched by senior Freemasons and carried out by Elite forces in both England and Holland.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790

"History records that the money-changers [bankers] have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
Former US President, James Madison

The long-term Elite-driven plan was essentially to remove from elected governments, the creation and printing of paper money, backed by equivalent amounts of gold to maintain its intrinsic value, with a ‘fiat’ currency of worthless paper, whose value is not fixed and can therefore be adjusted upwards or downwards to suit any agenda the Elite decide to impose upon us, but otherwise known as the financial ‘boom and bust cycle’.
The result of this has also been the introduction of ‘fractional reserve’ banking by which decidedly dubious tactic, banks can lend money that they do not even possess and better yet, charge interest on this non-existent money from day one.

The charging of interest on loans is otherwise known as usury and up until the Middle-Ages had long been banned by the Christian and Muslim worlds as an abomination.
The introduction of usury, the system heavily promoted by Jews was the reason for their being expelled from most Christian, European countries at many different points in history and this practice is depicted (and derided) most famously in the Shakespeare play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’ whereby the Jewish moneylender, Shylock demands his ‘pound of flesh’ for default of interest payment even after the original debt has finally been repaid.

By way of illustrating this important point, consider this; should you wish to take out a mortgage or a loan with a bank or other financial institution, once you have been vetted and approved for the loan, the bank will then simply key into your account the amount of the mortgage/loan and create the ‘money’ with several simple keystrokes, 100,000, 200,000, 500,000 or even more – it really does not matter to them as this is not actual money that they possess, it is just ‘created out of nothing’ by simple, but nevertheless utterly fraudulent book-keeping.
To make it clearer, imagine you have ‘hacked’ into your online bank and have devised a way to key in figures directly to your account.
You just sign in and then key into the relevant place £1,000,000.00 and suddenly you are an instant millionaire!

“Wealth is simply ones and zeros in the computers of the international banking system. When we borrow money to buy a house (or whatever) the bank gives us permission to pretend that they gave us money to give to the seller.
The bank in fact created the money out of nothing, altered their computer records accordingly, and printed out some hard-copy evidence to support the notion that real money is now being dealt with.”
Judith Moriarty, political researcher. 

This is exactly what they do.
This figure does not have a pile of notes or coins in a vault somewhere that is attached to it and earmarked for you, it is simply summoned into existence arbitrarily.
Not another single note or coin is printed or minted.
Not a single note or coin is shuffled from one physical place to another.
Not a single ‘paper’ transaction occurs to theoretically move that amount from one account to another in the form of ‘double-entry book-keeping’.
That sum is just an ‘imaginary’ figure which is then utterly fraudulently added to the credit side of the bank’s accounts.

You now immediately owe them that amount of money, which you must of course, pay back to them in ‘real’ money, so not only are they benefitting to the tune of whatever extortionate amounts of interest they see fit to charge, they are also gaining the actual capital amount too – and all this from nothing at all.


The real crowning glory for the banksters though, is that should you default on the payments of the loan of this ‘money’ that never existed in the first place, they will come along and in collusion with the Elite controlled, corrupt legal and court systems, perfectly ‘legally’ take away your property, which quite plainly does exist and does have an intrinsic value.
Indeed many sub-prime, less-reputable lenders, those who prey like vultures on those poor souls with less than perfect credit ratings, will do all they can to ensure that you do default, thus giving them the court-granted authority to remove your property from you.
By any standards, all of this should be regarded as gross deception and fraud.
If we, the people behaved in this way with our own finances, we would very quickly end up in jail.
Ever thought you were in the wrong business?

“I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks, will deprive the people of their property until one day their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Former US President, Thomas Jefferson.

How prophetic!
This is exactly what is happening today in America and throughout the first world.
In the USA alone, more than one million properties are being repossessed and standing empty each year – and rising.
There are at the time of writing, approximately 150,000 homeless people living on the streets of Los Angeles alone and there are tent villages continually springing-up all over the country, with whole families living under crude canvas shelters or actually in their cars, with no electricity, sanitation or cooking facilities.
And now many states are passing legislation to make it illegal to live in cars and tents in addition to making it illegal to feed and clothe homeless people.
How long will it be before the dispossessed are actually legislated out of existence altogether?
In November 2011 it was stated by reliable, alternate media sources that only 45% of Americans were actually in gainful employment and that 48% of the population are below the poverty-line.
All these facts of course are concealed from the majority by the simple expedient of not being reported in the mainstream media.

In 1913 the United States acquired its own ‘Bank of England’ type organisation with the surreptitious passing of the Federal Reserve Act through Congress in the early hours of the morning of 23rd December whilst opposition was at a minimum, most Congressmen having already left for their Christmas holiday break.
Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr., the father of the famous flier was offered a $2m dollar ‘incentive’ not to publish his book ‘Banking and Currency and the Money Trust’ which exposed the threat posed by the Federal Reserve System.
In fact, shortly before the end of his political career, Lindbergh formally moved to impeach the members of the Federal Reserve Board and offered a 15-count indictment of their conspiracy.
The motion however, was unsurprisingly buried and ‘forgotten’ by the Congressional Judiciary Committee.

As with the formation of the Bank of England, this Act in effect gave the power to create money to a group of private individual bankers outside of elected Government.
Therefore, the Federal Reserve is not ‘federal’ (ie. of the government) at all and neither does it have any reserves.
Another gross deceit.

"Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce... and when you realise that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
Former US President, James Garfield, 1881

Within weeks of making this statement, President Garfield was assassinated.

And slightly more recently...

On the 4th June 1963, Presidential Executive Order 1110 was signed by President John F. Kennedy, directing the US Treasury to issue a new US currency.
This new currency was to be backed by the precious metal silver, in effect by-passing and isolating the Federal Reserve, in control of currency issuance since 1913.
President Kennedy’s signing of Executive Order 1110 effectively returned the power to issue currency back to the US Treasury and therefore ‘the people’, thereby ending the then fifty-year monopoly of private bankers and the Federal Reserve Bank over US currency.
Five months later on 22nd November 1963, JFK was famously shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, supposedly by Lee Harvey Oswald, a known-to-be CIA agent but described as a ‘deranged lone gunman’ by the lackeys of the media, who was conveniently ‘disposed of’ himself two days later by yet another ‘deranged lone gunman’, Jack Ruby who just happened to be a CIA colleague of Oswald.
Ruby later developed a particularly fast-acting cancer whilst awaiting trial which literally killed him in days rather than months or years.
All a coincidence?
You decide, but just before you do so, consider that the new President, Lyndon B. Johnson’s first official action as President was to immediately revoke the decision to implement EO 1110, literally within hours of taking office.
The law in fact still stands on the US statute books but unsurprisingly no President since that time has chosen to use it.

In addition, when the Warren Commission was formed to whitewash, sorry ‘investigate’ Kennedy’s death, one of the Commission members was none other than John J McCloy, President of the Chase Manhattan Bank and the World Bank and member of the Federal Reserve board.
Now why would this be?
What on earth has a presidential murder investigation to do with banking?
I really do wonder.

These are but a few small examples and are representative of a tiny fraction only, of the prevailing, insidious agenda.
These and many other issues will be covered in more detail throughout this book, leading to the inescapable conclusion that they are all deeply and intrinsically connected and not as they are made to appear, merely a series of unrelated, independent anomalies.

It has become a cliché, but it is nevertheless a truism to say that ‘history is written by the victor’.
However, it is also true to say that history is written and often surreptitiously re-written by those who own the printing presses and the rights of broadcasting information, which they use as a means of control and modification of the behaviour of populations.
The significance of the fact that a mere six Elite families own and control 96% of the entire world’s media organisations should not be lost here.
All of the Western world’s media obtain their versions of the news from two major sources only – Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, both owned by the usual suspects in the form of two related Elite families.
How simple is it then to control the news and tell us only what they want us to know or believe and to mould our opinions to suit their agenda?
Trust me; it is an absolute ‘piece of cake’ so to do.

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